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Blabber, Rant and Rave


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Why In God's Name...

1.) Christian and Chris Jericho rule. You just can't argue that. I pray for hours at night that the fans start to realize how awesome Christian is. He ain't not no sucka neither.

2.) D'Lo was tight, no idea what they are planning on doing with him now, when they are flooded with an awful lot of mid-level talent. Probably to push him a card or two, then they can use him to job other talent.

3.) Bastista is probably becoming more noticed now that he is with Flair, but, wow, they don't mesh at all. Batista's gimmick is far too much like Lesnar. Unstoppable big man, who I doubt will be pushed long enough for it to click with the fans.

4.) Michaels is not really nuts when he jumps off a semi onto heavy padding, off camera. I could do the same thing. Granted, he does have back injuries, but if does slow him down, he shouldn't be wrestling. Cruel to say, maybe, but fact.

5.) I assume Lesnar will win the Rumble, so maybe he will wrestle versus Angle, supposing they actually strap him. I don't know who else would, they couldn't possibly let Show headline Wrestlemania. Maybe, I dunno, The Rock, Hogan, or even Stone Cold. I know a rematch for The Rock would sell alot more than Big Show ever could. I know Vince wants to get back to more older style wrestling and less shock, but that doesn't mean big men = good. Big Show is not Andre, now matter how nice a suit he wears.

6.) Funaki is irritating to listen to. It would be funnier if they dubbed over him talking, like they did with Taka.

7.) Rico? Good character? What in the name of...?

8.) "Showtime" Steven James should stay away from the whole Rico gimmick. I don't understand why your opinion is the way it is, but the whole Rico area is uncharted waters for a reason.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Miami, Florida
RE: Why In God's Name...

I dunno...I always liked Rico. He's a pretty decent worker, and I also agree he just doesn't work with three minute warning. I could see him working with, say, Christian and Jericho, just because they have the same smug I-look-so-frickin'-good attitude. Anybody else notice how Y2J braided his beard like Captain Lou? I wonder if this is some form of hommage...I do like it braided better now then with the scraggly "pubes on face" look.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans"
-John Lennon


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
RE: Why In God's Name...

Although i like Rico a thought has crossed my mind, actually it's a little advice for rico.

Dear Rico,

When wrestling on a pay per view and someone misses a spot, lets say jeff hardy, you do not yell "COME ON JEFF GOD DAMN IT!!" with the camera right on you. make something up, change what you're doing, but don't do that.

I have to admit though, it was funny. And as far as his character goes i judge by the crowd and judging by that he gets major heat.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Not a Bad Idea

Right now i have to say that i am liking what i'm seeing on raw and smackdown lately. For instance i like the stable that has triple h, batista, flair, and orton. i believe that orton and batista will learn a lot from the 2 cagey verterans not to mention it gives triple h something better to do than cut a 20minute promo all by himself. i think we would be better off if flair did most of his talking just because...he's ric flair. WWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
On smackdown they got rid of the al wilson/dawn marie angle. THANK GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY!! That angle sucked big time. nuff said.

the angle in which bischoff gets 30 days is good. mostly because it's true. It's true that when bringing bischoff in the ratings were suppose to skyrocket, that didn't happen. so, they brought that on camera. now, he's not gonna get fired, it's just that what mcmahon said about raw's ratings not going up were true, it's just that it's his fault, not erics'.

Stone Cold coming back is always good, this should be interesting.

Awesome ovation of respect for Hogan, some un-hulkamaniacs may have been bored but hey, that's what the remote is for, use it.

Jeff needs to develop a character. hopefully this thing with rvd will help that.

i predict that by next wrestlemania, edge will be headlining it.

What will it take for A-Train to truly get "over". besides a miracle,

The more i think about it, the more i think matt hardy should have A-Train's spot.

The people wanted undertaker to come back as the phenom, plain and simple.

the rumble as a whole was good, however i think with the stipulation that the winner goes to wrestlemania the ending becomes too predictable....or maybe it would still be if that wasn't the stipulation.

Jericho makes a better face, that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

Once given the chance, Christian will shine and become a big player among the giants.

So long Ross Report, you were the highlight of many fridays, (yes, i have no life.)

Bring back the hardcore division...why? More Tommy Dreamer is always a good thing.

People yelling at the rock for being a "sellout" is dumb and pointless. not to mention untrue.

The triple h match vs. scott steiner was a very good match, as a matter of fact i taped it. this way here when i can't sleep i just pop it in the vcr and i'm out like a light in seconds. it's better than counting sheep....man did it suck.

CAN U DIG IT......

The kurt angle and chris benoit match was simply perfection. the ovation that both those men got was well deserved for they put on a hell of a performance that night. they're the best u'll ever see.

eddie cutting off the mullet? bad move eddie.

speaking of los guerreros, what's with the face turn?

Who do u think will get stunnded 1st after austin returns.

like michaels had to do, austin has to prove that he's a different person, or at least that he won't stab them in the back again.


That's it for now, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
A Tragedy

I want to send my condolences to the family and friends of the victims of the night club "The Station." For those of you who don't know, in West Warwick, which is not far from my house, burned to the ground in 3 minutes because of sparklers used by the band "Great White." Unfortunately after all the names are released of the 96 victims who lost their lives i'll probably notice that i know some of them. This is one of the greatest tragedies to hit my state ever and i know that it'll take time for our little state to get back on it's feet...but i know it will.


Simply Tactilizing
Jan 1, 2000
Is the end near, or farther than ever?

So after how long, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have gotten engaged. Most, if not all, of you probably know this. This might make people cringe even more, knowing how politcally driven Crips is, and how much worse things could get, hard as it is to believe possible.

However, judging by the last couple weeks of Raw, and what I've seen on news sites, it appears that Cripple H is headed for a World Championship match, at WrestleMania, against Booker T. Booker pinned Triple H on Raw this past Monday, and it may very well lead to Trips wanting revenge, in the form of a match at 'Mania.

Now, my question for everyone is, what does this mean? Booker Ts been getting built up for a while now, with Goldust helping out, and in my opinion, he's the top face Raw has at the moment. When Austin comes back, he'll be number two, I think, but that's not chopped liver. So could Booker T actually go on to defeat Trips at WrestleMania XIX, and get the strap? Or is Cripple H just preparing to cut down one more threat to freeing his corrupting grip on the WWE?

I think Booker T will go over Triple H at 'Mania, because I think Vince is ready to say, "Game Over" for Crips. But perhaps it's just wishful thinking on my part? I'd be interested to hear other people's opinions on this, as WrestleMania is just about on the horizon.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
The End is....&*#$ it, i don't know.

Ok, got some thoughts that i'm gonna throw out because they're on my mind.

Goldusts' new gimmick should be interesting but may leave him nowhere to go. But, we'll wait and see.

I like the evolution angle, that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

And another story i'm sticking to is that i don't believe that Triple H plays as much political games as he's said to have played.

And another Triple H fact, you may insult him but the bottom line is that he tore his quad and finished the match, he couldn't extend his arm because of bonechips and he still has the match, and lastly his throat gets damn near crushed and he still finishes the match. Respect to the Game.

Did Hogan vs the Rock II live up to the expectations? Nope, but lets be honest, no matter what they did it wouldn't have.

To put Booker T over at Wrestlemania would make more sense but i wish they had more time to build it. It is due to lack of build that may prolong it by 2 months.

The big show looks great weight wise...bout time.

Major props to the WWE writing team for having Lesnar vs Heyman on Smackdown. It will draw ratings in my view. It's entertaining, makes sense storyline wise, and doesn't give away the main event at Wrestlemania.

Keep Flair at ringside during a Triple H match. Why? Because if the match saggs he can carry people's attention. A little interference, a little woo, and a little strut and WHAM! The people are back into it.

Now that Kurt Hennig is gone we can truly say that Heaven is now "Perfect."

I love the Rocks' new direction. And who knew he could strum the six string like that?

Awesome promo between the hurricane and the rock.

Austin facing the Rock should be interesting to say the least. These two can light it up, they've proven it.

Steiner wants to say that he is the greatest? Uuummm, Steiner, i just watched a match u had with triple h and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Torrie in Playboy??? Yummy.

Ok, here's how this goes. I went to sleep and the Guerreros were heels. i woke up and they were faces. Was anyone awake when this happened?

Well that's it for now, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Pain in the Neck

My God what a bad break for the WWE. It seems that every time somebody gets back from an injury another person leaves. Unfortunately they've now lost 2 big names in Kurt Angle and Edge. Now Smackdown is without their 2 guys who can carry the show, especially Angle. I know the brand extension is important but right now it's gonna hurt them. Maybe down the line it won't, but right now it is. Who's gonna carry Smackdown? My point is they need another big star to help out. I hope they both come back better than ever, especially Angle seeing that the word retirement has been thrown around concerning him. One idea i had, although it would do nothing about wrestling, Linda McMahon could come out and say that Eric Bischoff has Chief Morely, so Steph should have Chief Foley!! Yes i know, Mick is happy at home writing, i get that, but DAMN IT I CAN DREAM CAN'T I?

That's it for now, ttyl, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Good Luck

ok, apparently we have several members who need time off or are leaving all together. To u guys i say GO TO HELL OF LEAVING US! HAHAHA, JUST KIDDING.

Seriously, i hope u guys get everything straightened out and for those leaving live long and prosper.

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
What Would You Do?

ok guys, here's the scoop. for the past...what seems like forever, all i hear are complaints about the wwe. now don't take this as a rant on u guys, this is from other people i know who complain about every angle, for every wrestler.

so, in response to this i'm gonna talk about one thing, then ask a question that hopefully will get real responses.

ok, i'm gonna talk about triple h. i know everyone would love to see this guy pack his bags and go but i believe that he is the game and is that damn good. I also believe that people believe in too much info on the net. i don't think he's wheeling all that power just because he's with steph, he was making it on his own before they started dating. and other thing, people are complaining that he still has the belt. when did it become a crime to hold the belt for a while. i'll tell ya what, i'd rather have a person hold it for a while than have it switch hands every month like it was when they had the one undisputed title. and about his matches, he fights undertaker while not being able to extend his arm, rvd almost kills him by landing on his neck (by the way, he still finished the match), he fights steiner who can't wrestle...so let me ask this, HOW THE HELL IS HE SUPPOSE TO HAVE A DESCENT MATCH?! in my view he has, look at hhh vs the hurrican on raw, did triple h win? yes, but he damn sure put hurricane over. true the angle with kane blew, but y is that his fault? did he write it? i don't think so, he was told to do it, so he did it. his match with booker t as wm was a good match, i liked it, did triple h use his power so booker wouldn't win? it's speculation, no matter how u look at it, and by the way, although i wanted booker t, it's about time someone kept his title at wm. so in my view, respect to the game.

ok, here's my question. "If you were a booker in the wwe, what would u do? what angles would u run, and what characters would u create? now, if u noticed before, i said "real answers". meaning no "i'd throw triple h off a bridge" responses. lets see what wrestling intellect resides in us, and bring those ideas coming. bye:)

Showtime Steven James

Mister Dread

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Under your bed.
RE: What Would You Do?

[updated:LAST EDITED ON May-22-03 AT 00:18 AM (EST)]Hmmm ... an interesting question. Well, provided we got rid of the damn brand extension thing, here's a few things I'd do.

1.) Leave Austin in an official capacity permanantly. He's great foil for Bischoff, and vice-versa.

2.) Bring back Shane McMahon, and insert him as a serious contender for the IC title. SHane can draw, and he's really fun to watch.

3.) Another face turn for HHH. Have him stripped of his title, and have Vince or Steve or Steph or Linda or Eric or whoever's gonna be running things (hypothetically, of course, since there's still a brand extension) force him to work his way back up through the ladder if he wants a title shot again. Have him wrestle through gyus like Tajiri, Matt Hardy, Team Angle, and the like on his way to a confrontation with whoever the world champ is at the time. As far as I'm concerned, HHH's problem isn't with his ring skills or his mic work, it's with the fact that he's shoved down everyone' throat all the time.

4.) Bring back Mick Foley. Just 'cause.

5.) Give Chris Benoit a serious push. He's one of the most technically sound and thrilling wrestlers I've ever seen, and yet he's been screwed out of every major title he's wrestled for more times than I can count.

6.) Expand the cruiserweight division a little. Or, going one step further, bring in some guys from Japan. You've got some incredible talent over there, and some old North American stalwarts. Steve Williams, Mike Rotundo ... lotsa great stuff.


8.) Settle down with the wrestler vs. promoter angles. It's getting old.

9.) Establish a more open world title picture. We're all tired of seeing the same handfull of guys wrestle for the strap week after week.

10.) Evaluate the roster based on workrate and ability. Basically, get rid of Scott Steiner. That man was AMAZING back when he was a little less swollen and disgusting. He was big AND fast, and he knew his way around the ring. Lately, plagued by old injuries, he just hobbles around. Same goes for Hogan. Watching him totter over and gingerly lower his legg/ass area over someone's face to finish the match is just sad.

11.) Warring factions. How cool would it be to have a heel NwO (led by HHH or Nash) feuding with a face DX (led by Shawn Michaels)? Or perhaps a resurgence of the Four Horsemen (maybe Flair, Benoit, Chris Jericho, and Brock Lesnar) ...

Or, as an alternative ... instead of getting rid of the brand extension, open WCW back up. Let the guys who made it big there go back there. That way you can have your workers getting plenty of exposure, while keeping each fed a little less 'busy' than the WWE is right now. Splitting shows, adding titles, taking titles away ... they're killing themselves. RAW's ratings are abysmal compared to two years ago, and Smackdown! isn't doing a whole lot better. But that's just my opinion.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: What Would You Do?

The entire company and product needs a facelift, new headliners, new look, new direction,etc. Which is basically what they spent 1997-98 doing. And if you think HHH has no power backstage despite the fact that he nailing and going to marry the daughter of the owner of the company, you are a poor and naive soul.


Simply Tactilizing
Jan 1, 2000
RE: What Would You Do?

You reminded me of a post I had been writing a couple months ago. It was about changes I'd make in WWE, as your question asks, and was just about finished with it when my computer froze. I was too pissed to go write it up again, but now I think I'll try it again. I'll put down some basic things now, and perhaps add to it later...

First off, I don't think the brand extension is a horrible disaster. I partially buy into the fact that the ratings would take a hit at first, in order for the brands to develop their own appeal. However, with the unsatisfactory job WWE Creative, including Vince McMahon, are doing, I doubt many people support the brand extension anymore. I still think it could be done, though, if it's "nursed" off of life support. So, if I were to be a booker in WWE, here are a few things I would do. Keep in mind, they are in no particular order.

The Triple Cripple issue must be acknowledged.
Before the writing team can put their heads together, and start making some moves, they need to get their heads out of some @$$es. It's no secret that Triple H has power of some sort backstage. It's a fact he has attended production meetings in the past (although he stopped before winning the Undisputed Title.."coincidentally"), and is not looked upon so highly by the rest of the Raw locker room as some may think. Ever since he returned from the torn quad at Royal Rumble, he hasn't been the same wrestler. In 2000, he was "the man," and I'll tell you I thought he was the top man at the time. But I soured to this by 2001, after all the camera time and exposure he got. Much like The Rock, Triple H got overexposed. But unlike Rock, Triple H couldn't find a way to keep entertaining, because in the ring he was largely carried by his opponent. Guys like Angle, Jericho, Austin, and even Rock (i.e. - Judgment Day Iron Man Match).

It's gotten to the point where Triple H needed Ric Flair to help draw heat for himself. If you noticed, for a time Flair wasn't allowed to say "Woo!" because it actually took heat away from Triple H. Any heat Triple H got was "go away" heat, in my opinion. He's not a top man anymore. Guys like Angle, Lesnar, Benoit, Jericho, Booker T, Rob Van Dam, and dare I say...Edge...can all wrestle circles around him. Aside from that, Triple H has beaten just about everyone on the Raw roster. And in the cases of Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho, Kane, Scott Steiner, and most recently Booker T, Triple H has buried them. Notice how Steiner, the man who was supposed to draw big money for WWE, was so quickly pushed down? And notice how he was gunning for Triple H? And notice how people were so quick to place blame on Steiner, not Triple H, for the poor feuds? Steiner draws, but Triple H doesn't. Why? Because he wants to do necrophilia angles which, by the way, he was only one of a few in favor of doing. Yet Kane quickly took the on-camera hit for that angle, since he got de-pushed to the midcard, whereas Triple H remained at the top. Notice a pattern yet?

Triple H would much rather have feuds with guys that aren't a threat to his spot.. like Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash. You know the only one who's beaten Triple H for the Raw Title so far, is HBK? And he then put over Triple H only a month afterward! What kind of business move is that? You could have given it to RVD, Jericho, or Kane at Survivor Series in the Elimination match; three guys who were more than ready to get the belt at the time, and certainly could have used it more than HBK or Triple H. It just doesn't make sense, unless it's that Triple H was protecting himself by giving the belt to his friend for a month, so he could say he dropped it at one time. Now with Nash, it's the same thing.

What I hope WWE does: Let's see if Goldberg can break through this trend, at SummerSlam, and win (CLEAN!! PLEASE!!) over Triple H.

What I would do: I don't know if Goldberg is the best choice for this, but the only other option would be Booker T, who is competing for the IC Title now, suddenly. If Goldberg gets it, I'd feud him with Jericho then, not in June like they're seemingly going to.

To be fair, there are other people who I think have too much stroke. The Undertaker, for all the time he's been around, can sometimes have a bit too much control. One instance is this clause he had in one of his contracts, where he couldn't be PINNED! What the hell kind of clause is that? And why WWE would agree to it, I don't know. His feud with Lesnar last Fall is also a good example. He didn't want Lesnar to pin him in their first match, so he got it to be changed to a draw. This would only delay Lesnar from pinning him for a month anyway, so it was a pretty dumb move by WWE, with Undertaker engineering it. However, at least Taker is helping Jones and feuding with the young blood, like Cena, and newer WWE additions like the FBI (well, Palumbo aside).

Okay, so that aside, let's get down to more positive things:

Shift talent.
Seeing as the Cliq is stuffed on Raw, and taking up the Main Event spot, I don't know that there's much that can be done for the younger guys there, IC Title or not. So what I'd do is take Booker T, RVD, and Jericho, and move them to Smackdown. Sticking them on the primarily wrestling-focused brand -- or the more wrestling-focused brand -- would allow WWE to further utilize their skills. Their charisma would only help to support why they should be Main Eventing on Smackdown, where guys like Angle (the BEST in the industry right now), Benoit, Rhyno, and Lesnar will shine with them in feuds. As for Kane? He's going to have to just rough it on Raw, because I feel he belongs there more. Also, I would want to keep him and Undertaker on separate brands. They could have an amazing feud, but I'd save it for Undertaker's last feud, which is who knows when. A big guy like Kane should be in the Main Event on either brand, though, because he isn't just some stiff. He's got what it takes to make it, all he needs is the proper angle.

Additionally, I'd have Sting come in on Raw. He knows a bunch of those guys well, and would fit right in with them. He can hang with any politics that surface, and hell, a (face) Sting and (heel) Rock feud could be better than Rock-Goldberg. Oh, and speaking of the Rock, he should forever be a heel. He's too good as a heel, and there aren't enough people who can last as a heel like he can. But no more concert b.s., cuz that only seems to hurt his heat overall.

Some individual notes...
Triple H - I can't stand him as a face. He's heel4life as well, and not so prominent. Get the strap on someone who can keep up in the ring with younger guys, carry himself (without being accompanied) if need be, and be selfless enough to put over ANYONE..and by "put over" I mean lose to them, and sell. Not oversell, not undersell.. just sell!

Austin - Can be face or heel. I would keep him in a non-wrestling role, not just for the obvious physical ailments, but because he would be similar to Triple H in workrate. He's just over the hill, mostly due to injuries. He's still got more charisma than just about anyone, though. In fact, I'd even go as far as getting rid of Bischoff, and having Austin there as sole GM. He can have runs as a face and heel, depending on what's going on. Though I wouldn't have him heavily involved in storylines either. The wrestler vs. promoter thing is definitely getting stale, if it isn't past stale already.

Ric Flair = Not sure what to do with him. He could be valuable out of the ring, without having to get in the ring and wrestle. But perhaps once in a while, he could wrestle. Make it mean something when he does.

The Rock - when available, he's the best heel they'll probably have for a while. Use him to put over younger talent, and get some wins too against the vets. He's invaluable, because even if he jobs to younger guys, everyone knows Rock is forever solidified as a credible player in the ring. And he still has the drawing power, provided he's in the right spot.

Other ideas - Raw
A DX reformation might be good, short term, but I wouldn't do it because I think it's run its course. Same applies for the nWo. I would focus on building the IC Title up to an extremely credible position, and definitely let the up-and-comers draw confidence and character development from it. Give the IC Champ a World Title shot from time to time, on a PPV. It makes things interesting, especially if the IC Champ were to win some of the time, and become World Champion, which frees the IC belt up for another person and establishes the new World Champion as a guy who has "made it" thanks (in part) to the IC strap.

Direction for Smackdown
Smackdown should have a similar belt, even though the Cruiserweight Title is already there. I think it's less important on Smackdown, due to more developing talent being here, but is still beneficial. It gives those who are not quite ready for the WWE Title something to compete for, if they don't make the requirement for competing in the Cruiserweight division. Anyone who is in the Cruiserweight division should be able to ascend to the WWE Title circle without having to go through the other secondary title, though, because for these guys, the Cruiserweight Title would be that secondary title. So you'd have to build up both secondary titles on Smackdown, maybe even make the Cruiserweight belt a bit more on level with the WWE Title, given the fact that there are some guys who will only be in that division. Also, gotta make sure to keep the number in the Cruiserweight division stable. If one guy (i.e. - Matt Hardy) moves up to the WWE Title division, he should be replaced by someone, preferrably from Japan, or the indies. Never hurts to bring in fresh, quality talent.

I would not have given Lesnar a second title reign so soon. But since he has it, I would take the belt off of him around October, maybe stretch it to Survivor Series, since that's a major PPV. He needs more seasoning, in terms of mic work and developing his persona, before he is given the strap again. I'd put it on Angle, let him have it for a few months, then give it to Benoit after another classic feud between those two. If Lesnar dropped it to Angle at Survivor Series, this would put the start of Benoit's reign at WrestleMania. Then let him run with it, because he deserves the shot to be the top guy. He's right up there with Angle, in terms of wrestling ability, but falls short to Angle in charisma. Angle's just freakishly talented, possessing all the tools to succeed.

I'd get the Cruiserweight Title on Mysterio, once Matt Hardy has had a good length reign. September seems like a good time to switch it up. Then let Mysterio run with it.

Women's Division
I'd have Nidia moved to Raw, to get her involved in the Women's division. I'd possibly move Sable, but not immediately. I also think Stacy Kiebler should go to Smackdown, and Test along with her. He's another young guy that could benefit more from being on Smackdown, even if he isn't the most talented.

Better establish the alignments of the ladies. Who is heel and who is face? There seem to be a bunch of 'tweeners, and that doesn't work for me. I'd set it as:

Trish Stratus
Lita (when she returns)
Jackie Gayda (when she makes it)

Molly (WHY is she in OVW??)
Linda Miles (once she makes it)

Ivory and Nidia/Molly could be 'tweeners, if there were any.

Breaking down the division this way, I would have Ivory hold the belt, as she draws well and has the charisma and in-ring skills. When Lita returns, Jazz should win the belt off of Ivory. Jazz would go on to good success, lasting a few months, until Lita was re-established as a strong competitor. Then have Lita win the Women's Title off of Jazz. It doesn't need to be rushed; just build both of them up separately, and then have them build each other up more.

That's how I see things for now. I'd also cut down on the workdays, because the intensity of the schedule can play a part in the number of injuries. Also, there should be better build up to the match. Less matches involving the wrestlers who are directly feuding (i.e. - tag matches), as that should be saved for the PPV more often. Additionally, let's see less Clotheslines and Irish Whips, and more holds and actual wrestling! It works just fine in Japan, and it's actually more inventive and can lead to a better story to be told in the ring. Bigger payoff, in my opinion, and a better way to produce bigger ratings.

By the way, if anyone would want to try "running" a real-life promotion, you should check out the EWR simulator. It's a pretty good sim, and they have a good deal of talent in it, also; independents and WWE. It's late and I'm too lazy to go find the direct like, so just go to google and type in "EW Revenge," and the link should come up. I know, I'm a lazy bastard..but I did take the time to write this up! :p


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
RE: What Would You Do?

i just want to thank everybody for replying to my question. all ideas were really good and interesting. at a later date i'll put some of my ideas down (and trust me, i know i'm not the end all and be all of angles so i'm sorry if i come off that way). however, i've got 2 questions for anyone who wants to answer.

#1. should they bring back any other titles, i.e. hardcore or european?

#2. should they allow ALL champions to wrestle on both shows? i know there's 2 world titles, but i'm talking about the ic title and cruiserweight if anything. that could open up some more feuds. what do u think?

In my opinion they should bring back the hardcore title. i think they should have a tournament, this will give former ecw wrestlers something to do as well as give hardcore fans what they want, and at the end of the tournament they should have foley and funk present the title to the winner, this way here it gives it prestige again, and if ANYBODY mentions using the 24/7 rule, i'll beat them with a crowbar.

that's it for now, thanks for replying, bye:)


Simply Tactilizing
Jan 1, 2000
RE: What Would You Do?

Well, aside from bringing in a title for the Smackdown brand guys, who aren't in the Cruiserweight division, to wrestle for, if they aren't at the WWE Title level, I don't think there should be any other belts brought in.

Yeah, the Hardcore Title is cool, but there are two reasons why I wouldn't bring it back:

1) Despite some ECW wrestlers being in WWE, there aren't enough of them that a belt (and a whole division) should be brought back just for them. They should either adjust, like RVD and Rhyno have, or head over to NWA-TNA or XPW.

2) I know they have worked their @$$es off to make it to WWE (i.e. - Tommy Dreamer), but WWE isn't going to look at that as grounds for giving them a decent spot on the card. They don't make exceptions for the ECW guys, and so I don't think they'll bring the Hardcore Title back.

I'm even suspect to my own suggestion of having three singles belts on Smackdown, simply because three titles could overcrowd the show. There's only so much time, and having three belts is difficult to manage on a show with the roster size of Smackdown. Remember what Foley said back at the end of the invasion, about how there are so many belts that if you don't have one then you should be ashamed. So I don't want to have that situation all over again. Two singles belts per show may be enough.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA

i have some thoughts going through my head so i'm gonna put them down.

Bring back Foley, the man is more entertaining than most and has more desire than anybody no matter what he does.

Isn't it nice of Hogan to let Mr. America use his old theme music?

Hurry back Angle...PLEASE!

I hope Angle wins the belt and if his back is ok put him against Benoit...in an IRON MAN MATCH.

They should have kept Test a good guy, i'm sick of this angle. Can't anyone keep a female manager? And i know test wasn't getting standing ovations, but people haven't forgotten him trying to burn our flag, if they would have had him apologize or make it up somehow he would have gotten over as a face.

The highlight reel is awesome and the fact that the rock will be on makes it even better. It's becoming like confidential but in character...if that makes sense.

Christian's new look is cool, it's about time he got a push

Due to the brand extention we're robbed of Edge vs. Christian for the ic title. Damn!

Keep the freakin mic out of Goldberg's hands. There's a reason they never let him talk in wcw.

Nash is not getting the pops i thought he would, i wonder why.

Flair turned on Michaels on Raw??? WOW, LIKE I DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING A MILE AWAY!

By the way, i've heard good news. Apparently Cowboy Bob Orton's rehab for his shoulder is progressing nicely. Doctors say that after almost 20 years of rehab it's finally starting to come around.

Congrats to piper for dropping weight every week it seems, at his age it's not easy.

I still think JR and King can get it done every monday, that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

Get well Freddy Blassie, you're in my prayers.

To boost Sunday Night Heat they should have bigger stars wrestle or have heat become a hardcore kind of show. Why not? No one's watching it anyway.

While keeping the mic away from Goldberg, keep it from Lesnar as well.

I attended last months pay per view and i can say that Rico is one of the nicest guys i've ever met. Matt Hardy was cool too.

i FINALLY got around to seeing the Scorpion King and i don't think that the rocks a bad actor, he was surprisingly good.

if any women are reading this, answer me a question, when you're upset WHY DON'T YOU SAY WHAT IT IS THAT'S MAKING U MAD?! that has nothing to do with wrestling but i still want to know.

well that's it for now, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
I'm a lazy bastard

I'd reply to this on the new "Blabber, Rant and Rave" topic, but I'm too lazy to switch between the two. Don't live by my example.

"Real American" makes Hulk Hogan infinitely better, undoubtably. Nothing against Jimi Hendrix, but "Voodoo Chile" just isn't heroic enough.

I forgot about Test trying to burn the flag. He could just say his long hair made him do evil things. But I think the reason people don't like Test as a face is because his style of aggressive wrestling and mic spots lend themselves better to a heel character.

Christian's new look makes him infinitely cooler. Too bad he's going to be dropping the belt to Booker T at Bad Blood...not that I have anything against Booker T, but I would've liked to see Christian keep the belt a little longer. But while we're on the topic, screw Edge vs. Christian - this new angle has finally given Christian a chance to step out of Edge's shadow, and I always liked Christian better anyway so we don't need Edge getting involving and mucking things up.

Why did the WWE even think they could bring back Kevin Nash as a credible main eventer? I mean, they have the guy coming out to make a save practically every other week, and it is damned hard to make a save when "lumber" is your top speed. Oh wait, I know why they needed to use Nash as a main eventer - because Triple-H has forced everyone else in the entire company to job to him cleanly. I'm sorry, but if he gets to nail Stephanie McMahon, he should be SACRIFICING something for it. The only benefit you should get from banging Stephanie is that you get to bang Stephanie.

The JR-King combo is getting a little stale...I'm not as sick of it as a lot of people are, but that's probably because I consistently miss SmackDown and have no other wrestling shows in my area, so I have no basis for comparison.

Turning Heat into an ECW-style hardcore show won't convince me to watch it. They could turn it into hardcore porn and I still won't watch it - Sunday night is not prime wrasslin'-watchin' time so why should they waste their star power on it?

I don't think the Rock's a bad actor, I just think "The Scorpion King" is a bad movie and the Rock just happens to be a part of it. Of course I haven't SEEN "The Scorpion King," but if we follow the universal rule that the sequel is never as good as the original (except where the Terminator series is concerned), and if the Scorpion King is technically the third movie in the "The Mummy" sequence, and the FIRST "The Mummy" sucked balls, logic suggests that "The Scorpion King" must suck three times as many balls.

And if you're looking for advice on women, I cannot imagine there being a worse forum for that than a fantasy wrestling Web site.

Today's question: How long until Randy Orton reinjures himself? I'd say no less than three weeks and no more than six.

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