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Blabber, Rant and Rave


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
SW Chicago
Just wanna run your mouth and talk to other RPers OORP about storylines and angles? Complain about the WWE? Or just talk about life in general? Feel free to vent here.


From Where I Sit.......

OK, here goes.

Jon Savage was oriinally a British chap from the Cornwall section of England. He was to be managed by a crusty old kermudgeon named Willoughby.

However, Jon Mayhew (the handler of Savage) snapped and decided to make major changes to his character. The changes are based on recent personal experiences that have frankly, ticked me of.

The first was watchng the WWE Thursday edition of Smackdown on 7/19/02. It pisses me off that Vince McMahon has basically pushed Ric Flair off to the side. For those of you who don't know, Ric Flair is the BEST DAMN WRESTLER or all time. For as many years I can remember, Flair wrestled all of the greats. Night in and night out, he faced guys like Road Warrior Animal, Dusty Rhodes, Ron Garvin, Dick Murdoch, and others. He deseves to be respected for what he did in the sport over at least four decades. Instead, he gets treated like s--- in the WWE and the basic kayfabe accepts it. I don't. Who is the WWE pushing instead of veteran talent? Hulk Hogan, for example, who still knows three basic moves. The shake, the finger in the face, and the legdrop. OOOOO, I can see where the WWE would make more money from a sideshow freak than a REAL MAN'S WRESTLR.

The second fact is more personal. I used to work for a locl newspaper in the Charlotte area and was very happy writing about issues relating to business and religion. My dickhead editor waited until two weeks before my probhationary period ended to tell me my work wasn't up to "standard" and he would let me work for two more weeks, then resign. I laughed in the a--hole's face. He reminded me of the pointy-headed pricks that guys like Ric Flair used to mop the ring up with on NWA Pro Wrestling and World Wide Wrestling. He is a balding, boorish, pudgey troll who will one day get exactly what he deserves.....

Third, my character changed because I am originally from the Flint area. I spent fifteen terrorizing years growing up amongst people who were judgemental, shallow, and downright mean. And those people I considered my friends because outside of them, I had nobody except my parents. Thank god for a move to North Carolina and a chance to start fresh. If it wasn't for the move, I would have never watched NWA Wrestling week-in and week-out and even worked in the industry for a few years.

That's it. No more venting or bulls--t. Thanks for reading/listening/watching......



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
It's not that bad.

Ok, this is something that i would like to get off my chest. Why the hell is everybody complaining about the WWE? It is not that bad. If people would concentrate on the positives it would not seem that bad. So, to vent i've decided to first speak on the Raw program, the Smackdown program, and the ramifications that Vengeance has.

Raw- Ok, does anybody else laugh they're butts off as much as i do whenever Booker T and Goldust have a promo backstage. These two have chemistry that some duos wish they had. They always have a highlight of the show with they're antics and personally it reminds me of the Rock n' Sock Connection. Booker T is just naturally funny whether he's not only the 5 time WCW Champion but he's got a sword or he's Obi Book Canobi the 5 time Jedi Master.
Now that's the entertainment, let me get to the sports. They are elevating new talent which is something they should always be trying to do, for instance, RVD. He's innovative, energetic, he's over, and we haven't seen everything he's capable of. In that same respect you have Eddie Guerrero. These two had what i believed to be one of the best ladder matches ever. It was a match that went back and forth and had high points that kept it intersting. The sunset flip was an especially nice touch. People are still talking about and i can't wait for these two to go at it again. Another talent being pushed is Brock Lesnar. Ok, if i hear the phrase "too much, too soon" one more time i'm going to scream. True, he's being pushed early, but who the hell cares? Have you seen him? He's a freakin house! Also, if they ever want to turn him face he's a F-5 on Heyman short of it. In my view only two things can stop Lesnar. 1. fans lose interest. 2. his finishing move. Yes, i agree that the F-5 is impressive, but you don't have to be a Dr. Youngblood (the man who performed spinal surgery on Austin, Benoit, Rhyno, Lita, etc...) to realize that all it will take is a little slip to have his opponent land on his neck and do some damage. Already at least twice (one was this past raw) he just barely got his head out from under his opponent in time. If he can be aware of that and the fans don't lose interest he'll be fine. And although they're on separate shows, am i the only one who would pay to see Rhyno vs. Lesnar?
Next, Ric Flair. Although his presence makes an improvement on tv it makes a bigger impact off tv. Imagine being backstage as a wrestler and then your biggest star in Stone Cold Steve Austin leaves on you without telling anyone. Then, You immediately see Ric Flair strapping on his boots and putting on his robe alot more than originally planned. To pick up the slack Flair is wrestling probably double what was set for him, and he's not complaining because he knows that what he's doing is what's best for the company. Being this unselfish in times of need is what was lacking in WCW and look what happened. This can be doing nothing short of sending positive vibes throughout the locker room. The cagey veteran is leading by example which proves that he is still infact, The man. WWWWWOOOOO!!!!!
Now of course there's more but that would take a while to say seeing that i haven't gotten to smackdown yet but i'll just run off a few things.
Benoit- Yes, i know , he hasn't done much yet but he just got back. And yes Eddie's push has been haulted a little bit so he could team with him, but when Chris is back at the top and they do more singles and get into their own programs, it should make for some great matches. Benoit is one of the best and when he's ready he'll go right back up that ladder.
Bubba Ray- Ok, i like the Dudley's thing, but Bubba really found a home in the hardcore division. Once he re-enters that division he'll be a man on his own.
nWo- Michaels is back. Need i say more? Although with Nash gone and Triple H possibly joining....u know what? i'll hit on this later.

Ok on to Smackdown. First of all, on a personal note, how much do u want to bet that Scott's saying to himself "maybe this rant page wasn't such a good idea. what's this kid writing a novel?lololol. That just proves Scott that you can't tell an Italian that he can talk for as long as he wants to. hahaha.
Ok, back to Smackdown. What's not to like about this show???? The cruiserweights are picking up steam, the matches are awesome, and the star power is astonishing. You have the rookies in Maven, Orton, and Cena. By the way, does anybody else think that a combination of any of the three i just mentioned could work? Anyways, you have Jericho who i pray they turn back into a face, Edge, Angle, Triple H, the Rock, and Hulk Hogan. I know, i know, for the love of God i know. Hogan is not the best wrestler. He doesn't know a whole bunch of moves. For the love of God i know. But, as a Hulkamaniac i find the nastalga very entertaining but i'll comment as a non Hulkamaniac. Hogan has had some good one on one matches. I think he's kept up better than most people thought not to mention he did most of it with broken ribs. Now, they're teaming him with Edge which does two things. It gets Edge back into the swing of things and it hides what Hogan lacks because he's in the ring for half the time. Hogan gets to wrestle, the fans get the finger wave and the Hulking up, Edge gets back into the swing, the fans go home happy, everybody wins. Now, i'm gonna end this Smackdown rant early simply because i think it has enough good things that speak for itself. Oh yeah, one more thing. By teaming up Holly and Val they're starting to build up the tag team division once again which isn't a bad thing, it's a good thing. (yeah, i know, but i miss it ok?)

OK, really quickly i'm gonna hit on the new GM's. Bischoff was a shocker but is great on tv and yes Stephanie is a plus for Smackdown as well. Now, before i get people yelling at me for saying that let me explain. i was the first person to celebrate her leaving tv, she was annoying the hell out of me. However, on smackdown she wore descent clothing and spoke calmly for the most part. If they keep this new character going it can be nothing but good. If she stays from the annoying Stephanie McMahon Helmsley and becomes a calmer and less irritating Stephanie McMahon then it should be a lot better tv.

Now on to Vengeance. This Pay Per View has the ability to be the night that they point to that changed things for the better. With Nash gone (i told u i'd get back to this) the nWo is in a flux. Now, Triple H has to decide what he's going to do, Raw or Smackdown. I think there are a few things he could do, join Raw so he can be with the nWo or he and Michaels could rekindle the DX with X-Pac. OR, to be the a-hole that his character is he and Michaels could join back up to form nWo, DX, The Kliq, whatever and then just keep going on Raw and Smackdown and kick butt on both shows with no permission. You never know when they're going to show up or when.
Now the main event. This could be awesome. First of all let me say that the Undertaker has had a good run as champion. He's done better than anyboyd thought he could do and wrestled more than anyone thought he would, but it's over. Look at it this way, the 2 most entertaining wrestlers are the rock and kurt angle. And not either one of them will be on both shows. Does it get any better than that?

Well that's it, if you've read this far you have plenty of free time on your hands. lol. Thanks Scott for putting this page up, bye:)


Mister Dread

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Under your bed.
RE: It's not that bad.

Hey, guys. I've got a forum for this. Check out testicular_fortitude on Yahoogroups. I've run this list since '99, and it's a forum for discussion about the same things you're ranting about here ;)



I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
RE: It's not that bad.

Booker T & Goldust do some hilarious stuff. I definately put it on par with the Foley/Rock & Edge/Christian skits. I'm shocked Goldust hasn't gotten more over from it.

I watch the WWF developmental territory TV and if you are impressed with Lesnar, you should see what he did down in OVW. He hasn't been able to throw the suplexes that he did in OVW which was a real strong point of his. At times, when he went to suplex a guy, with the air he got on his opponent, you think think he would wind up in the fifth row. Plus, his shooting star press is the most amazing thing I've seen since Vader's moonsault.

RVD's only problem is his punches. Too much daylight. But his chops and kicks are fine, so he just give up the punches and he'd be a much better worker.

Right now, I would put Hogan ahead of Triple H & the UT as a worker because he understands how to work, play a crowd and be a face better than the other two. Triple H is the worst face I've seen in a long, long time and ever since he tore the quad, he really hasn't been the same. UT has actually had some good TV matches lately (Orton, Hardy, RVD, Angle) and has really stepped up and busted his ass. But his match against Austin was the worst big match I've seen this year, UT deserves part of the blame for that, but a lot of it is Austin being unmotivated to work. Ric Flair and the UT put on a show at Wrestlemania and he is ten years older than Austin.

More later.. need to read some RP


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Maybe it's for the better

You know right now what i have to get off my chest is what i witnessed on RAW tonight. Out came the men who were instrumental in bringing the WWF (yes i'm using the old letters, but only because that's what they were at the time) into the Attitude Era. The code bars were front and center the flashbacks were..well...flashing across the screen, yes the boys were back in town. They were mean in neon green. Triple H was in the middle of the ring and yelled out "ARE YOU READY?!?!?" The vibes of 1998 were running through everyone, Then Triple H yelled out the two words i thought were gone from tv for good, "SUCK IT!" And then, BAM!! Shawn Michaels is on his stomach from the pedigree, Triple H rips the shirt off and leaves Michaels in the ring. And for those of you keeping score at home this is the 2nd time he did that to Shawn. Can anybody who's reading this remember the first one?? Hhhhmmmm, pretty good quiz question huh? Anyway, my first reaction was anger. Actually one of my first sentences afterwards was "God for bid should they give the fans what they want." The fans wanted Hulkamania and they got it, the fans wanted DX and it was taken away from them." But after thinking about it this could quite possibly be the best thing for the WWE, maybe it's for the better.

Ok, lets face it, Triple H does not fit the DX mold anymore. Did it look odd to anyone else when Triple H was doing all that DX stuff. He's pretty much become a completely different character. He's more intense, he's more focused, he's The Game. However, like anyone else i would have enjoyed DX like antics even if it did look a little weird but then another thought hit me.

Does anyone else remember the night Attitude was born? What did Vince do? He made a speech that the old way of business was over and since then they haven't looked back. That, i believe, is what's happening now. While the ratings have been sinking people have said to bring back this person, or this faction and you know what? they have and it hasn't helped. Yes, the nWo helped ratings at one point, but how long did it take for the poison angle to go away? The nWo angle fell flat on it's face. Then they said bring back Shawn Michaels and they did to revive the nWo and you know what? It didn't help. And recently they've said bring back DX, which brings me to tonight. Yes it would have been cool to have hunter and shawn act like jackasses again but that was in the attitude era. That was WWF Attitude. This, is what I've heard referred to as a New Era. It is now the WWE New Era. And when Triple H pedigreed Michaels he didn't just pedigree Michaels, he pedigreed the past. Vince doesn't have to give a speech now for actions speak louder than words. I think the one thing we can expect to see now is for the WWE to once again not look back into the past and concentrate on the present to the future. Any previous angle will not work now, only new and fresh angles.

A thought has just occured to me, has anyone noticed that Shawn Michaels has helped the WWF/WWE switch to new eras almost everytime? Who was the leader of the New Generation which saw Doink the Clown? Who helped move the WWF into attitude with screwing Bret Hart and then being one half of the foul mouthed duo DX? And now, who was it that got pedigreed to move this company to the New Era in Sports Entertainment? I'll give you hint, it is the ICON, THE SHOWSTOPPA, THE MAIN EVENT, THE HEART BREAK KID SSSSHHHAAAAWWWNNN MMMIICCCHHHAAAEEELLLSSS!!!!!! Ok, Ok, yeah i know. Maybe that was a little overboard but i'll bet anything that all of you when reading that had either Shawn Michaels' voice in your head or Vince McMahon.

Also, to hit on one more good thing about this, Shawn Michaels hopefully coming back into a wrestling ring. Need i say more?

So now i wait until next monday to hear from Triple H. He'll probably say that Michaels was too threatening in his invitation to join the nWo, or that Triple H was appauled that in a second Michaels would leave him alone. Or that Triple H has now surpassed Michaels. Whatever the reason Michaels' promo to answer back to Triple H will definitely keep me watching.

One last thing, yes it was cool to see something different, but Triple H is a better heal. End of story. And, lastly, on a different note does anybody else think it's awesome to see the undertaker kick EVERYBODY'S ass? Undertaker fans, me included, am loving it. Ooohhh yeah, one more thing. On an interesting note, they turned the Undertaker heal because they turned Triple H face, it was a trade off. Pretty cool that they doing it in reverse isn't it? I don't know, just something that popped into my head.

So anyways, if you made it this far congrats, i just like getting this stuff off my chest and i love this page that allows me to do it. Have a Nice Day! (yeah, i miss that too) bye:)

Showtime Steven James


RE: Maybe it's for the better

I can remember the days when Jim Crockett was running the NWA out of Charlotte, North Carolina, and Ric Flair was wrestling every single night there was a show. The semi's were usually the Rock'n' Rolls vs. Midnights followed by a Ric Flair NWA Title match that wasn't to be believed. The one I remember the most, that had me on the edge of my seat when I was a teenager of 15, was where Flair wrestled Dick Murdoch. (The match prior to Rhodes/Bubba Rogers in the cage, circa August 1986)

The only original point I was trying to make was Flair doesn't deserve to be treated with any disrespect not for his shinanegans in the sport but for what he's done for wrestling overall. (Shinanegans like attacking Dusty Rhodes in the parkling lot of Crockett Promotion or kissing the manequin called "Precious" on the old WCW/TBS program "World Championhip Wrestling."

As far as Triple H goes, he has to be -- bar none -- the modern day Ric Flair. Paul Levesque (real name) is a consumate professional. The 2 best things he ever did was go out on his "own," away from Chyna and Steph and DX, and drop the self-proclaimed icon Yawn Michaels on his a$$. If Triple H is indeed headed to Raw, then I would definetly pay a ton of garbonzas to see H vs. Flair.....


Might As Well

I figured I might as well throw my two cents in. I agree that Flair is gettin mistreated, I mean he is a talent and can handle the mic better than most in the company. He has proved on a few occasions that he can still go, example Flair and Taker at Wrestlemania, so they really shouldn't just push him to the back.

Now, onto HHH. It's plain to see that WWE is tryin to drop any notion of the old era and push forward to make a new path. I was a small fan of DX before I wasn't like a fanatic but I thought they were funny. When I heard the Are You Ready? hit I got excited. Then to see them wlak out crotch chopping and wearing the DX colors brought back some memories. But then all the excitement was cut short thanks to the Pedigree. HHH is a more serious competitor now he doesn't fit the DX mold anymore and doesn't need anyone to watch his back. And, thank god it seems like he's a heel again, I actually thought he was pretty cool as a heel.

The main event was a really good match. I like seein guys who deserve to headline get the chance and Eddie Guerrero stepped up and performed a awesome match. His counter for the Rock Bottom was a nice move. Eddie deserves a push. I'm not sure how the Lesnar v/s Rock match will go at Summerslam. I mean Rock is a great in ring talent and so is Lesnar. But it just doesn't seem like Lesnar has had enough time, personally I would rather see Edge, Jericho, or RVD against The Rock. Lesnar needs a couple good IC title runs and a little more time, but hey, I like him. He's a horse, and he is awesome in the ring, but can he sell a main event at a major PPV.

The rest of the show wasn't much the Booker T and Benoit match was good but it seemed like the fans were sittin on there hands for it, I personally thought it was a good match. The ladder match could have been better, you have the two craziest high flyers in your company and you put em in a ladder match, they should have went all out, but they didn't. And when is Jeff Hardy gonna win a ladder match, it's supposed to be his specialty but the guy can't win one.

And last, Bischoff. I love the guy. I loved the WCW when he ran it now he's back on tv. It's great, RAW remined me more of Nitro, which is a good thing. Vince couldn't have picked a better GM for RAW, maybe he could have for Smackdown. But I won't get into that right now. Bischoff can really make a show better, as was shown by last nights RAW, it was head and shoulders above any RAW of the last little while.

Thanks for the chance to vent.

Pat Gordon

RE: From Where I Sit.......

Do you mean Flint, Michigan?


RE: From Where I Sit.......

Actually, Davison, Michigan, which is pretty much Flint.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Time to start rebuilding

Ok, got something else to rant about so here i go.

I miss the tag division. I've always been a fan of tag team wrestling and i miss it. Right now there's Billy and Chuck, D-Von and Batista, Val and Holly, and the anti-Americans....that's it? THAT is the WWE tag team division? And then of course you have Hogan who will tag with someone now and then. However, being someone to look at the positives sees that the WWE knows this and is trying to get more tags in the mix. Also, question has just popped in my head. The two men who jumped D-Lo and Stasiak are called the Island Boys or something and they appeared on Raw. Now, call me crazy but the belts are on Smackdown. So why would a tag team join Raw where there's no belts to be won? Anyways, i have thought of some tag combinations that could possibly work.

Rikishi and Mark Henry- Name one person who wouldn't run for the hills when seeing these two come down to the ring. Plus the thought of Henry dancing is just too funny.

Orton and Cena- Both are young, quick, but still green. A run as a tag team for experience wouldn't hurt.
(note: you could put Maven in for one of them if you wanted to)

APA- If you're not gonna give these guys descent pushes you might as well put them back together. True, Bradshaw in the hardcore champion but going to Smackdown to team back up with Farooq may be the best thing. Not to mention can you imagine how hot the crowd would get in an APA vs. Anti-Americans match? The place would go BANANA!! (if you read Foley is Good then you should get that banana joke)

Well that's it for now as it pertains to tag teams. Without a roster in front of me I'm having trouble thinking of other ones. But these three would be a pretty good start. Now onto something else that's been bugging me...

Chris Jericho is the first undisputed champion, he's one of the best workers, and gives it his all when in the ring...so why can't they let him get a victory on a pay per view? Poor guy, at one point he was the champ and now he's losing to John Cena. Right now the only thing that can save Chris Jericho is to get a bad injury, come back in 9 months, and then get the title back a month later...oh wait, that's been done. lol. Bottom line, he deserves better. Therefore, the first thing they should do is turn him face. He's a better face in my opinion. His face mic stills rank up there with the Rock in my opinion. Also, it seems to me that when he's a face and is able to insult heels he's able to use a lot more creativity. And if he were face when he was the champ it would have been a much easier pill to swallow. Turn him face and go from there.

Rey Mysterio is freakin nuts! Nuff' said. (just had to throw that in)

WEll that's it for this rant, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Time to start rebuilding

Rey Jr. is going to find himself beaten to a bloody pulp the next time he finds himself south of the border. They do NOT look kindly on remasking.

Jericho has been horribly misused, especially when he is a heel in the WWF. He'll never get the sort of TV time he got in 98, so all you'll end up seeing is the return of Stephanie McMahon (w/ her errand boy WWF World Champion Chris Jericho)

Brock Lesnar is your #1 contender for the World title, yet he gets no reaction from the crowd. Brock Lesnar is feuding with the Rock, the WWF's most popular wrestler. Brock Lesnar still gets no reaction from the crowd. This is the problem with the WWF right here. The mistaken belief that they can always tell the fans what they want to see. The WWF has always said that they give the fans what they want to see, and thats an absolute crock. They have always just pushed people to the moon and waited for the fans to get into them (or against them). When it fails, you get something like this. Does anyone remember a situation just like this? Where the WWF tried to create a monster out of thin air and had it blow up in their face? Oh yeah... I remember that Mabel guy.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Miami, Florida
RE: Time to start rebuilding

I have to definitely agree here. The WWE seems to not really base their pushes on talent or workrate but just on...Well frankly I have no idea. The Rock is decent, Triple H can make some watcheable matches, but the Undertaker stopped being good when he formed the ministry. But they seem to be doing some things I think are good, that is pushing some good workers like John Cena and Shannon More. I myself want to see more of Shannon More and the Hurricane, as they seem to be a quite interesting team. And the focus on the cruiserweight division on Smackdown is great, especially with Rey Jr. Now that he's back with the mask, perhaps HE'd make a good team with the hurricane. Just my thought. Both are great and need a push. Hurricane's reign as CW champion was quite too short in my opinion. I'd put him up with Rey and Muta as one of the better, if not best, cruiserweights. Billy Kidmanis good too, but it just irks me when his legs slip off the opponents head when he does a frankensteiner. That's enough from me for now.
"Life is what happens when you're making other plans"
-John Lennon


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Time to start rebuilding

LOL...Muta...a cruiserweight.

If you want the greatest cruiserweight, try Liger. Muta's alot larger than people think. Try the rough equivalent of Too Cold Scorpio. And a tag team of Shane Helms and Shannon Moore? I think that is a great idea, suprised no one has thought of THAT ONE before(there is an obvious joke, try to figure it out). And the WWE looks to be pushing comical over wrestling or bad-assness. Goldust gets a push, their is a Harvard snob, The Big Show still exists...it's all laughably gimmicky. Say goodbye, 2003. Say hello to 1993. And I don't think Mabel is the WWF's biggest monster flop. Taker Faker? Ludvig Borga? They create alot of their heels the same way...make them unstoppable until they get to one big match and then conveniently forget they exist. Next Big Thing? Meet the Next Next Big Thing.


RE: Time to start rebuilding

From what I understand, Greensboro was "live" on the 29th, meaning the crowd was really into the action. Thats good to see, because Smackdown should be a real treat this week since it's from Charlotte.

I once did a radio appearance at a WWF/E event where the station had me dress up in a pair of shorts, an "X Babe" tee, tennis shoes, a blonde wig, and shades. My character was "Wicked Lester," and I made an (unanswered) challenge to Stone Cold. Stone Cold who?

Anywho, the WWE product is improving...vastly. It's a joy to watch wrestling again.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Who Done It?

Ok, after seeing RAW i have to speak on what has now occured.

Question: What is it with Shawn Michaels and going through a car window? However this time we don't know who did it. Obviously there are 3 choices.
#1. The anti Americans. They never showed what that last big thing was that they were planning. This could easily be it. However, the thing that they were planning could have been Jericho.
#2. The Big Show. He wanted revenge on Michaels for not caring about his match (like he's the only one?) and he was in the background when Michaels said where he would be. Not to mention i believe i saw The Big Show in the background among the wrestlers around Michaels just standing there with that towel around his neck. It could easily be him.
#3. Triple H himself. Does anybody remember when something like this happened before? Who orchestrated the hit and run attack on Austin? It was the game and guess what? You never saw it coming. Also, who helped put The Showstoppa through the 1st car window? It was the cerebral assassin. He could have easily done it again.

Well that's it for now, but i'll be back later to get some more stuff off my chest. bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Who Done It?

The Michaels thing is FAR too predictable. The person who did it is the person who had a good reason to put Shawn through a glass window. Revenge. The answer is...


Marty Jannetty.


RE: Who Done It?

What? (Imitating New Yorker) "Get Outta ere....."

What reason does Janetty have in doing ANYTHING in the WWE. I mean, Michaels (love Yawn or hate him), carried the Midnight Rockers in the AWA. Jannetty? That's like saying Mae Young won the WWE Women's Championship. Utterly impossible.

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