In an effort to make this forum more lively and give us something to do while we wait, I thought we could use some predictions/discussions. Predict as far into the tournament as you want. A new one will go up each round.
Please indicate why you picked a winner, even if it's just a random guess.
Matches at the Frank Erwin Center, Austin, Tx.
1. Dan Ryan vs. 8. Lance Spencer
Sometimes, being the only show so far helps. I'm definitely familair with the name, and I figured he couldn't be a number 1 seed without any accolades.
4. Big Wreck vs. 5. Mittens T. Cat
As much as I love MTC's name, Big Wreck's work this round was soo interesting and refreshing. I think he could be in for a very big tournament. Plus, he was the only to show thus far.
Matches at the Galen Center, Los Angeles
2. Larry Tact vs. 7. CLAW
Totally random guess, but no shows thus far.
3. Jonathan Marx vs. 6. Eric Thompson
Only cuz of the no show. wild guess otherwise
Regional Finals (US Airways Center, Phoenix, Ariz.)
I see Marx coming out of the bottom half with little effort. In the event of a double no show and no play ins available, I suggest the semis be made into one triple threat final for this regional with Dan Ryan vs Big Wreck vs Marx. In any case, I see, or rather am pulling for, Big Wreck to go with the upset here and take the West.
Matches at the Comcast Center, College Park, Md.
1. Tyler Rayne vs. 8. The Spaniard/
Tyler's computer sucks ass.
4. Duke Williams vs 5. Chris Bagwell
Finally, some handlers I am familiar with. Bagwell's stuff is good and I remember him being in the finals of RPG's first tournament. I very, very lightly glanced his work over at GCW. Duke, however, is one of those handlers I respect and follow very closely. His work is often overshadows by people feeling the need for "flowery presentation" and often overlook his social commentary and ideals, which alays border along brilliance. I think Duke's style could definitely shine in this tournament.
Matches at the Times Union Center, Albany, N.Y.
2. Cameron Cruise vs. 7. Sean Robinson
Totally random guess.
3. Doc Silver vs. 6. Christian Daniels
Excellent match up this round. Devin Shakur's stuff is pretty good this round. But everytime I read Doc's stuff, it always knocks it back down to me. It's more engaging, adn I always find myself repeating his lines a couple of times.
Regional Finals (Bell Centre, Montreal)
Doc Silver vs Duke Williams
Doc single handedly eliminates PRIME from the field
Matches at Memorial Gym, Nashvile, Tenn.
1. Nova vs. 8. No shows
Wild guesss.
4. Ace Mason vs. 5. Brock Alyas
Only because he just joined the fed I'm in.
Matches at Freedom Hall, Louisville, Ky.
2. Jared Wells vs. 7. Problem Child
Another wild guess.
3. The Phantom Republican vs. 6. Biff Busey
TPR is an excellent writer. And while it seems that BB has found success in this community, he's never been knwon to me as the kind of handler whot akes this seriously. He respects it,yes, and always plays by the right. But he is more aobut having fun and exploring new ideas, than actually trying to win this. That saidm, his style seems to have found success here. Inm any case, TPR is an excellent writer, one of the best in the field actyually. And if BB decides to go all out for the first time, it will take a substantial effort to uproot TPR.
Regional Finals (American Airlines Arena, Miami, Fla.)
Nova vs TPR
This would make for a very fun match. I am going go with the upset here and say TPR.
Matches at Assembly Hall, Bloomington, Ind.
1. Ravager vs. 8. /Cassidy McKenzie
I've heard good things about ravager. And when I found out he was going to be my opponent, I made sure to do some research on him. As far as the first round is concerned, I'm ready for him. I know my limits and what I can do. It's been a while since I did a tourney like this, so that could be my biggest X-factor. In any case, this should be a fun match. Win or lose, it will be a blast. Picking myself here because I'm going all out.
4. Impulse vs. 5. D.C. Stark
I have no clue who Impulse is, but I do know Stark's work, and it's pretty good.
Matches at Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio
2. Rocko Daymon vs. 7. Mikey Massacre
This was toally a random guess.
3. Shawn Hart vs. 6. Horace Tully
Horace Tully is probably the best writer in this field, by far. His writing is topnotch and I would put him as one of the favorites. However, there are two things to consider here. One, how he adapts to the community style of roleplaying here. Two, how seriously he takes this. I haven't seen him online much, and I tyhink he only has one post in these forums since march. My heart says Horace Tully, but my gut says shawn Hart, who is no slouch in his own right. If both bring their A-games, should be match of the round, and tully would take it. But if not...
Regional Finals (Savvis Center, St. Louis, Mo.)
Cassidy McKenzie vs Shawn Hart
I just noticed that if I am going to win this, I am going to have to do some really spectaculatr work and upset a lot of good people. Ravager, then DC Stark, then Shawn Hart? Man, that';s a gauntlet from hell. I probably won't get past Ravager in the first round, but for the sake of these predictions, i'm picking myself to win the region lol. Probably because no one else will either haha.
TEAM SuperShows XI and XII (Dallas Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, Texas)
Midwest Champion vs. South Champion
Cassidy McKenzie vs TPR
This could very well be the round 'I lose. In all honesty, I don't think I'l get this far, but these are my predictions, dammit! If it comes to this, i'll have some motivation. I said TPR is a damn good writer. i know this from first hand experience. He eliminated me from PTC's GTT6. I owe him one.
East Champion vs. West Champion
Doc Silver vs Big Wreck
This will be a very fun match. Doc's in your face, engaging style vs BW's refreshing stories and "wtfwasthat" stuf. I like both their works this round. however, while BW's makes me smile, Doc's leaves me speechless.
Cassidy McKenzie vs Doc Silver
Well I think I am done predicting myself to win haha. If it happens, it would be a very big deal to me. But I think Doc has the talent, goods, and no how to win this tournament, regardless of how the rest of the field turns up.
TEAM Invitational Tournament 2009 Predicted Winner:
Doc Silver
Please indicate why you picked a winner, even if it's just a random guess.
Matches at the Frank Erwin Center, Austin, Tx.
1. Dan Ryan vs. 8. Lance Spencer
Sometimes, being the only show so far helps. I'm definitely familair with the name, and I figured he couldn't be a number 1 seed without any accolades.
4. Big Wreck vs. 5. Mittens T. Cat
As much as I love MTC's name, Big Wreck's work this round was soo interesting and refreshing. I think he could be in for a very big tournament. Plus, he was the only to show thus far.
Matches at the Galen Center, Los Angeles
2. Larry Tact vs. 7. CLAW
Totally random guess, but no shows thus far.
3. Jonathan Marx vs. 6. Eric Thompson
Only cuz of the no show. wild guess otherwise
Regional Finals (US Airways Center, Phoenix, Ariz.)
I see Marx coming out of the bottom half with little effort. In the event of a double no show and no play ins available, I suggest the semis be made into one triple threat final for this regional with Dan Ryan vs Big Wreck vs Marx. In any case, I see, or rather am pulling for, Big Wreck to go with the upset here and take the West.
Matches at the Comcast Center, College Park, Md.
1. Tyler Rayne vs. 8. The Spaniard/
Tyler's computer sucks ass.
4. Duke Williams vs 5. Chris Bagwell
Finally, some handlers I am familiar with. Bagwell's stuff is good and I remember him being in the finals of RPG's first tournament. I very, very lightly glanced his work over at GCW. Duke, however, is one of those handlers I respect and follow very closely. His work is often overshadows by people feeling the need for "flowery presentation" and often overlook his social commentary and ideals, which alays border along brilliance. I think Duke's style could definitely shine in this tournament.
Matches at the Times Union Center, Albany, N.Y.
2. Cameron Cruise vs. 7. Sean Robinson
Totally random guess.
3. Doc Silver vs. 6. Christian Daniels
Excellent match up this round. Devin Shakur's stuff is pretty good this round. But everytime I read Doc's stuff, it always knocks it back down to me. It's more engaging, adn I always find myself repeating his lines a couple of times.
Regional Finals (Bell Centre, Montreal)
Doc Silver vs Duke Williams
Doc single handedly eliminates PRIME from the field
Matches at Memorial Gym, Nashvile, Tenn.
1. Nova vs. 8. No shows
Wild guesss.
4. Ace Mason vs. 5. Brock Alyas
Only because he just joined the fed I'm in.
Matches at Freedom Hall, Louisville, Ky.
2. Jared Wells vs. 7. Problem Child
Another wild guess.
3. The Phantom Republican vs. 6. Biff Busey
TPR is an excellent writer. And while it seems that BB has found success in this community, he's never been knwon to me as the kind of handler whot akes this seriously. He respects it,yes, and always plays by the right. But he is more aobut having fun and exploring new ideas, than actually trying to win this. That saidm, his style seems to have found success here. Inm any case, TPR is an excellent writer, one of the best in the field actyually. And if BB decides to go all out for the first time, it will take a substantial effort to uproot TPR.
Regional Finals (American Airlines Arena, Miami, Fla.)
Nova vs TPR
This would make for a very fun match. I am going go with the upset here and say TPR.
Matches at Assembly Hall, Bloomington, Ind.
1. Ravager vs. 8. /Cassidy McKenzie
I've heard good things about ravager. And when I found out he was going to be my opponent, I made sure to do some research on him. As far as the first round is concerned, I'm ready for him. I know my limits and what I can do. It's been a while since I did a tourney like this, so that could be my biggest X-factor. In any case, this should be a fun match. Win or lose, it will be a blast. Picking myself here because I'm going all out.
4. Impulse vs. 5. D.C. Stark
I have no clue who Impulse is, but I do know Stark's work, and it's pretty good.
Matches at Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio
2. Rocko Daymon vs. 7. Mikey Massacre
This was toally a random guess.
3. Shawn Hart vs. 6. Horace Tully
Horace Tully is probably the best writer in this field, by far. His writing is topnotch and I would put him as one of the favorites. However, there are two things to consider here. One, how he adapts to the community style of roleplaying here. Two, how seriously he takes this. I haven't seen him online much, and I tyhink he only has one post in these forums since march. My heart says Horace Tully, but my gut says shawn Hart, who is no slouch in his own right. If both bring their A-games, should be match of the round, and tully would take it. But if not...
Regional Finals (Savvis Center, St. Louis, Mo.)
Cassidy McKenzie vs Shawn Hart
I just noticed that if I am going to win this, I am going to have to do some really spectaculatr work and upset a lot of good people. Ravager, then DC Stark, then Shawn Hart? Man, that';s a gauntlet from hell. I probably won't get past Ravager in the first round, but for the sake of these predictions, i'm picking myself to win the region lol. Probably because no one else will either haha.
TEAM SuperShows XI and XII (Dallas Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, Texas)
Midwest Champion vs. South Champion
Cassidy McKenzie vs TPR
This could very well be the round 'I lose. In all honesty, I don't think I'l get this far, but these are my predictions, dammit! If it comes to this, i'll have some motivation. I said TPR is a damn good writer. i know this from first hand experience. He eliminated me from PTC's GTT6. I owe him one.
East Champion vs. West Champion
Doc Silver vs Big Wreck
This will be a very fun match. Doc's in your face, engaging style vs BW's refreshing stories and "wtfwasthat" stuf. I like both their works this round. however, while BW's makes me smile, Doc's leaves me speechless.
Cassidy McKenzie vs Doc Silver
Well I think I am done predicting myself to win haha. If it happens, it would be a very big deal to me. But I think Doc has the talent, goods, and no how to win this tournament, regardless of how the rest of the field turns up.
TEAM Invitational Tournament 2009 Predicted Winner:
Doc Silver