I'm really, really sorry everyone. I meant to turn these results around quickly, but just couldn't ever seem to find the opportunity to sit down and bang them out. With high school football season starting, my time was continually cut down, too, just adding to it. So, here's the deal. Semifinal results will be up in the next two days, no matter what, then we'll do the finals and a few other SuperShow matches, and I'll get them done as quickly as possible (hopefully with the finals done long-form). After that, I'll re-evaluate where I am and determine if running TEAM still fits into my schedule. I know I haven't been great at running this place since taking the reins, and I'm pissed at myself for that. That said, I owe it to the people that have worked hard during the tournament to see this thing through, so that's what I'll do. Thanks for your patience, everyone.