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Reward challenge

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
For reward, the two tribes will have to have 5 players do a belly crawl and then climb a cargo net, then cross a balance beam. Once you do all that get a flag which counts as a point. First team to 10 points wins.

2 players from each team will stand on opposite sides of the other team's balance beam with medicine balls hanging from ropes that they can throw at the people crossing the balance beam to knock them off, anyone knocked off has to go back to the start.

Reward is fishing gear, swim fins, face mask, fishing spear (Hawaiian Sling).

WALLEN must let me know who's sitting out this challenge, remember you can't sit out the same person twice in a row, so whoever sits out here can not sit out the following immunity challenge.

Both tribes must tell me the order of their runners, and who'll be their defenders (The folks throwing medicine balls at people.)

Get me this info in a few days and results will be posted shortly after.

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