Mike Best
League Member
Look, we've both been here before. Let's not beat around the bush.
You want this. I can see it in your eyes. You've been teasing me all night, with your sideways glances and your in-depth Twitter romances that are oddly played out completely in the public eye.
I am a Hall of Famer. I am an eight time HOW World Champion. I have held twenty fucking singles titles in that company-- indisputably, I am the single greatest wrestler in the history of High Octane Wrestling. You know HOW, right? That company that you all fucking hate because it's been open longer than six months and isn't afraid to treat women and cripples like sub-par human beings. That company that is so far ahead of the talent curve that there is an actual exchange rate to title wins in other companies.
1 HOW World Championship = 8 UTA World Championships.
1 UTA World Championships = 8 Boardwalk World Championship
1 Boardwalk World Championship = 2,322 Forum Based World Championships
By this exchange rate, Michael Lee Best is a 148,608 time World Champion in literally any company with a fucking X in it's name, which I assume means most of you. If I won a GeoCities World Championship once an hour, on the hour, without stopping to jerk off, sleep, or eat a sandwich? It would still take me SEVENTEEN FUCKING YEARS of constant roster humiliation to win enough titles in your respective companies to equal the power and prestige of 8 fucking HOW World Championships.
I might eliminate every single one of you.
I might get so fucking bored of this unfortunately named BATTLEMANIA that I start dragging you mindless faggots back into the ring, one by one, just to throw you over the top again. I might start eliminating referees, timekeepers, and members of your immediate family. I'm going to eliminate so many motherfuckers in this match that the United Nations is going to issue sanctions and label it a fucking genocide. Your children's children will remember this as the failure that doomed your families to poverty and ridicule.
I am Michael Lee fucking Best.
Let's see what you've got.
You want this. I can see it in your eyes. You've been teasing me all night, with your sideways glances and your in-depth Twitter romances that are oddly played out completely in the public eye.
I am a Hall of Famer. I am an eight time HOW World Champion. I have held twenty fucking singles titles in that company-- indisputably, I am the single greatest wrestler in the history of High Octane Wrestling. You know HOW, right? That company that you all fucking hate because it's been open longer than six months and isn't afraid to treat women and cripples like sub-par human beings. That company that is so far ahead of the talent curve that there is an actual exchange rate to title wins in other companies.
1 HOW World Championship = 8 UTA World Championships.
1 UTA World Championships = 8 Boardwalk World Championship
1 Boardwalk World Championship = 2,322 Forum Based World Championships
By this exchange rate, Michael Lee Best is a 148,608 time World Champion in literally any company with a fucking X in it's name, which I assume means most of you. If I won a GeoCities World Championship once an hour, on the hour, without stopping to jerk off, sleep, or eat a sandwich? It would still take me SEVENTEEN FUCKING YEARS of constant roster humiliation to win enough titles in your respective companies to equal the power and prestige of 8 fucking HOW World Championships.
I might eliminate every single one of you.
I might get so fucking bored of this unfortunately named BATTLEMANIA that I start dragging you mindless faggots back into the ring, one by one, just to throw you over the top again. I might start eliminating referees, timekeepers, and members of your immediate family. I'm going to eliminate so many motherfuckers in this match that the United Nations is going to issue sanctions and label it a fucking genocide. Your children's children will remember this as the failure that doomed your families to poverty and ridicule.
I am Michael Lee fucking Best.
Let's see what you've got.