“So describe to me the feeling. Why do you do what you do?”
Christian Daniels giant frame is sprawled over a leather couch, legs crossed on the arm rest and hands behind his head in a relaxed pose. Cold eyes stare up at the white tiled ceiling and ponder the question asked.
Christian Daniels: The rush is just unlike anything else you can experience in life, y'know? To see your power displayed in such a way that it sucks the life from another human bein' is just...euphoric. When ya get in the heat of the moment, wrap yer arm around a guy's neck, strangle 'em and just feel the life fadin' away. They struggle, can't get out. Yer too strong. Breath shortens. Face turns all kinds of colors before they go out. Amazin' experience. Put yer fists into a guy's head until bruisin' gets so bad he can't see, can't hear, can't smell, blood comin out all the orifices...I'm tellin' ya, an adrenaline high like nothin' else.
Gentle writing on a notepad fills the background. A man is stationed in his leather chair directly behind Christian, one leg bent over the other knee rocking back and forth.
“I see. How often do you feel this urge to kill?”
Christian Daniels: Anytime someone crosses me or my family. I mean it ain't like I'm goin' out on a rampage for no reason. I 'ont care what anybody says Doc, ya gotta protect yourself and the family first and foremost. When ya live the lifestyle I do, lot of things happen, lot of people want yer head on a pike so they can have braggin' rights. Gotta survive. Gotta put food on the table to feed the family when yer the patriarch. I been down with puttin' em out since 91 and I ain't lookin' back now.
“Do you feel the people you kill deserve comeuppance or are you being aggressive?”
Christian Daniels: I ain't a stupid man, Doc. My decisions'r planned out. Never rush into anything blind because that's'ta way you gonna get caught and put six feet down yerself. All my targets ask for their punishment and I only put down the innocent when they get in my way.
“When was the last time you killed?”
Christian Daniels: Couple weeks ago, matter of fact.
“Describe to me what happened.”
Christian Daniels: Bastard kept hangin' around where he ain't wanted, followin' me around, tryin' to get cute on my wife a few times. I hurt the punk, Doc. Rolled up on him in his house and tortured him beyond recognition. I showed him what real pain was. Had me some balin' wire, wrapped his legs and arms so tight looked like the prick was'na reverse fetal position. To humiliate him more, threw this mop bucket over his head I found in the kitchen. Yanked some more balin' wire from his ankles, up the back, between the arms, and beneath the lip of the bucket, wrappin' it round his neck. He practically killed himself when he couldn't take the pain anymore. Blood spilled all over the floor...Ahh, wonderful site.
“Mr. Daniels, I'm afraid we have a problem.”
Christian Daniels: Yeah, I know, I'ma despicable human bein' and outta be condemned to hell right?
“Actually...That's not the issue.”
Christian Daniels: Then what is, Doc?
“You are a copycat. A poser.”
Christian Daniels: How you figure that?
“Because you just described the first killing in Michael Connelly's A Darkness More than Night.”
A shock wave of disbelief hits Christian's face, so much that he turns back and looks at the doctor.
Christian Daniels: Did I?
“Yes, in fact you were memorizing the portion in my room before we set up this elaborate scheme to deceive Doc Silver into believing you were at a therapy session.”
The lights in the room come up and the therapist in question is none other than Christian's brother, Devin Shakur. Christian can't contain his laughter, looking over at the television camera mounted atop the DVD player and giving a sardonic wave.
Christian Daniels: So I did...So I did.
Devin Shakur: Although, knowing Doc Silver and his crack team of researchers, cops are going to show up at the building and arrest you for the crime. YOU GOIN' TO PRISON MOTHERF*CKER!
Christian Daniels: Someone better make an addendum to my PRIME biography and throw this in the pile of rumors.
Devin Shakur: Wouldn't surprise me.
Christian Daniels: Get outta here, I got this.
Shakur stands up from his chair and walks out of the room, leaving Daniels to sit up in his normal position, feet dangling from the glass table and grinning sadistically into the camera.
Christian Daniels: Alright, I'll admit, that was probably pretty lame but ya can't blame me for havin' fun with this whole prospect of bein' a murderer. You're so consumed by it Doc, can't help yourself but call me out and try'ta make me look like a detriment to society. I got the look. I got the talk. Very easy to judge me just 'cause of that.
Arrogantly smacking his gum, Christian slouches a little more and gets comfortable with the camera.
Christian Daniels: But Doc like most of what'cha been sayin', you done got me all wrong. I ain't upset that you were yelling, moreso I find it amusin'. Lemme ask ya, if your boy didn't stumble upon that page 'bout me, how would you have acted in promos towards me? Continued to make fun of me for a biker, talk some more cute s*it about how I ain't got a chance to beat ya? Yer paid to scream and yell, yeah I understand that, but you sure as hell weren't doin' that to start. Yer now fixed upon makin' me a subordinate. It ain't a token response that yer flustered, it's the truth. Compare and contrast the first two times you appeared on camera.
Daniels reaches over to the same stand and takes a big swig of his water.
Christian Daniels: But let's get down to bidness, Doc. You seem to still be stuck in the possibility of whether or not I'm a heartless monster. Ya seem fit to continue speculatin. What point are you tryin' to prove, Doc? Really, how are you helpin' yer cause by goin' down this road? You tryin' to petition TEAM to call off our match or somethin', because the match is gonna happen. When we step in that ring boy...
Christian stands up and slowly walks over to the camera, hoisting it off the DVD player and putting it inches from his face.
Christian Daniels: I'm gonna kill ya...Or am I? You figure it out. You are damn good at being a detective.
Christian walks back over to the couch and plops down, taking another swig of water.
Christian Daniels: Ya say that I tell the world I'ma killer and stay a step ahead of the pigs...When I ever said that? Stop putting f*cking words in my mouth. You find an instance of admission on my part about that which I actually said, not some bulls*it Internet report. However, yer right about one thing though, callin' me an abomination and hurtful to the wrestlin' business, regardless of whether I'ma poser'r not. That's exactly what I am to the world. Cancerous. I oughta die. Be hung in the middle of the street while stoned by a bunch of angry motherf*ckers who I've wronged...
Christian Daniels: ...Because I'm really the first one in wrestlin' history to fall into the category. You wouldn't be this vigilante if I wasn't facin' ya. You ain't gonna be rantin' and ravin' about any of this if I'm not stuck against you in the first round. Say I'm stuck in the North bracket and ya happen to stumble upon the same Internet biography, gonna care then? You gonna take to the airwaves and run this little debate? Really doubt it.
Christian Daniels: 'Sides, I can name at least one other person in our bracket you could run into that falls into my same demographic...Hi, Rayne. Miss me, b*tch?
Christian throws up the one finger salute to the camera and number one seed of the East.
Christian Daniels: Go head and protest against him bein' a top seed in the tournament when he's just like me. Why ain't you runnin' background checks on his a*s? It's all bout you, Doc, always has been, otherwise you wouldn't be spewin' this bulls*it. S'fine, I can respect it, but ya ain't got no more legs to stand on when callin' me a f*cking joke or fraud. It ain't 'bout TEAM acceptin' fans money from f*ckers like me, all 'bout keepin yer head attached to yer neck.
Another swig of water, and Christian raises a pointer finger to the camera.
Christian Daniels: Although, say I fall into Option 2...I'm a poser, joke, gimmick went out in the 80s and I'ma habitual liar...The f*ck you worryin' bout then? You oughta be able to destroy someone like that in five minutes flat with yer superior wrestlin' abilities, right? I mean ya done said I ain't got a chance in hell to beat ya, right? Stop tryin' so hard Doc, ya might just kill yourself.
One final swig of water.
Christian Daniels: So lemme bottom line this since the next three minutes was you blabberin' about the same s*it.
Christian rolls his eyes.
Christian Daniels: Ya hate me because I'm everything that's wrong with the bidness and the blemish on society itself...Get in f*cking line, I been hearin' this s*it for years and ya ain't tellin' me anything I ain't already heard. No amount of talkin' gonna change whatever ya think I am. Get focused Doc, stop bein' attracted by the pretty glamor of my appearance and Internet reports...Get in yer wrestlin' mindset and prepare. Try to grasp the real situation that faces ya. Option A) Yer facin' a stone cold killer who'll go to the ends of the Earth to accomplish his goals and the W, in which case since you ain't a killer...You be f*cked. Option B) You are facing a habitual liar, livin' in a fantasy world for eighteen years, a man who has gone to great measures to keep his lie believable. One who has planned extensively just'ta keep up appearances. How far ya think that guy is gonna go to pummel you into the canvas for a three count and send an emphatic message?
Christian smirks widely to the camera.
Christian Daniels: I'm one of those Doc. I'd suggest if you want to have a shot, stop worryin' and start thinkin'.
Fade Out