Alarm- Eugene Dewey shows up and causes a ruckus in the parking lot. Throwing around DEFSEC like nobodies business. For his trouble and for not being able to keep his cool, the man earns himself the night off. One on hand this was incredibly well written and realistic, on the other hand do I want to read a DEWEY-LESS Defiance show? No… lol Good stuff here, keeps building the feud, let’s see what the Champ has to say without his opponent in the building.
The Rundown - My favorite opening to any feds show. The unique character that Angus is brings a lot to this segment. These two play off one another well, and Ive actually found myself looking forward to these rundowns whereas on most shows you only skim it. Great stuff here, keep this up. #DaSignsAreBack!
Trebol vs Levy -
Terrific match with a hilarious ending. I am hoping the finish doesn't overshadow this. Up until Hunter appears this is a very very good match! Even and paced very well. Nice luchadore vs light enough guy. Really liked how you wrote some more impactful strikes from Trebol, who you normally would not expect that from. (shotgun dropkicks were stellar) It read a little long but that's just because you used a tighter paragraph structure with more breaks. Otherwise it was fantastic. It was very fluid and read realistically. Nice spots with good transition. Hunter vs Trebol is heating up! Weed Killer was pretty clever. Great stuff Dalton, as per the usual!
Receipts - Lindsey Troy and Jane Katze are playing a bit of catchup and the heat picks up EARLY in this one. The tension is palpable and even tho I don't know the whole history you can tell it's legit. Troy and Box have been on a warpath for some time, and now that the Trio Tag Titles are getting involved we can only expect that to pick up some more. Good schtuff.
Omega vs Nick Carter
WOAH, very violent and good match. Everything the new division has talked about was in this match. It’s interesting, it's gold, it's what I like. In reality the wrestling I watch is a lot of this. reDRagon, Chris Hero, Roderick Strong, Rocky Romero, etc. and I love seeing it get made more into a E.W. thing. That said this match went a little long. I know I said the same thing about the last Carver match, but this one felt longer. I think the commentary was what probably made it feel that way. Jason's match writing is top notch and his description is sick. Loved this one. Van Carver loses to Omega and Box back to back weeks but is getting over for the dent he puts into them before they put him away. Interesting to see the ever confusing keyes helping out Carver. Best match i've ever read, 1 out of 22 stars.
Scheming - YAAAASSSSSSSS. FACEY FACE 101 RIGHT HERE: “Eric Dane’s gonna do everything he can to make my life miserable around here, but he’s not going to stop me from going out there and doing my job”. When I read that I closed the show up and put it away because we already have top notch heel and face work done, this early! WHAT!? Great segment, selling the feud and making his current one on one match mean more. Loved it.
Sam Horry vs FDJ
Nice Jack Hunter cameo in the beginning had me cracking up. Hashtag Fundamentals. <- Love it. Mushi also gets his jabs in on Horry before the match with a nice montage of comedy and seriousness. This match was a hell of a fight. Back and forth and absolutely brutal. This is the type of match I think of when I think of DEFIANCE. FDJ goes down hard. Hell of a moment for Sam Horry, knocking out a legend. Great match, Horry continues to entertain me.
COWDDT - #MicDrop. I used to do Mic Drops as a face. I miss those. Another hilarious hunter segment, his manner of speaking has gone beyond just weird now and is finally settling in the trademark territory. This is going to be the weirdest sentence I type all day…. Great character development for Jack Hunter. Love this off the wall feud.
PCP vs Barrio Boyz
Barrio Boyz coming to the ring with that facey face message. That tag line is tight tho lol don’t be a playa, STAY IN ESCUELA! Hahahahahaha the PCP have a message of their own. I LOVE THIS TAG TEAM! Not only because they sing Mikey’s praises but because they have a DISTINCT gimmick. They stand out to me, and well… they are Mikey fans! WOOOOOOO! Very fun match. The D and Elise are dirty af but you can tell they are athletic and natural heels. “This is for you Mikey!” Is great stuff. They told me the match would be dedicated but this was wonderful. A nice intro to the Barrio Boyz for me. And PCP gets a tag team win here! Can’t wait to respond to this.
It’s Me: Very fast paced seg that read SOOOOOOO SMOOOOOOOTH! Dan Ryan isnt about to go back to a trio tag run with people he cant get along with COUGHLINDSAYTROYCOUGH. Everyone else is in shock. Not only do they have to deal with that, but then Dan Ryan lets the BAWS (for both colins) know he’s trying to defend the title….next week. Awesome!
Griffith vs Booya
HAHAHAHAHAHA @ Angus’s pre match rant.
I’m a big fan of Team Hoss and the stuff they put out. Dusty Griffith has some backup however. He comes out with Natas, FDJ, and Same Horry in what can only be described as THE TOUGH GOOD GUIZ! Pretty stellar match here, no real complaints other than a bit long. At one point my eyes were crossed as I got a bit confused but upon rereading it, I found what I needed. I liked the interference playing a big role here, and this feud is heating up the right way. IN RING STORYTELLING! Top notch.
Defying Greatness -
I can tell this writer knows what he is doing. I can tell he has a very specific direction for these guys, and he’s looking to get involved and fit in. That said, this seg didnt feel right on the show. This seemed suited for a CD Propaganda type thing or an Uncut seg. Just felt a bit...longwinded. The writing is good, the characters are engaging, just a bit much as far as show material.
Murray vs Donovan
Very nice match here. Really feel like I have a better grasp of the WRESTLER Cayle Murray, here rather than Utah. He just feels a bit more polished. Maybe that's runoff from Andy vs Cayle writing? I don't know TBH. I just felt like Cayle was more of a “technician” in this one, where one move was constantly feeding into the next. Very good. Jake Donovan is an interesting character and still has a bit of defining to do. I enjoy the fire stuff and the emotional reaction (going for the bandaged area). As soon as Dane popped up alone, You knew Bobby was lurking somewhere. GREAT Finish for this match. Donovan gets his pin over someone “impressive” and Murray and Dane grows exponentially.
In the Air:
Holy Fuck I just marked about 6165416463773734 times. First Bobby Dean is cutting a super heel “little brother” promo on Cayle Murray. Then he accidentally books the PPV match kinda when Cayle likes what he hears, then the lights go out, and tease #2 comes! AMAZING!
Impulse vs Penn
Curtis Penn, ever the entertaining Mic handler, has something to say prematch. He is tired of being DEF’s lapdog. He’s putting Kelly Evans on notice. Cally is the most bubbly annoying little thing ever. I love it! Impulse is a face, but he kind of has a ‘chill’ feel about him. Like he could do some heelish stuff but his DEMEANOR stays face when he does it. The Faceslap for instance. Dislocating shit to get out of holds…. Gross and awesome. Nice finish here, Impulse gets a nice win in his in ring debut in DEF. Penn is a shit stirrer all match and talks mad on Impulse only to end up on the losing end. Good stuff.
Role Reversal: Wrote this, hope you enjoyed. Really feel like I'm getting the hang of this place, formatting, and doing things the right way. Hats off to Seth for helping me along thus far. Really tried to run with it this week and have Mikey bitter as all get out.
Trio Tag Turtles
This was a great match, and you knew it would be a great match. I just think the intro was too long. By the time I got to the match I felt like I was already 2 pages deep on this one. I really enjoy the way the crowd was written. The reactions, the hot tags, etc. Really made me feel like they were into it more than the other matches thus far, and really they should be. Omega shows up out of nowhere and takes Ty Walker down! HARD! Great ending, New Trio champs, but the question is… Omega and the Vikings?.... Oh no….
Victory: The Viking War cult gets their time in the spotlight following the biggest win by the team….EVA! Great way to flesh out the characters. I believe we’ve all been put on notice.
Invitation: Dan Ryan reveals his opponent for next week's title match…. IMPULSE! Loved the way he worked right around Penn and his earlier request in the show! CONTINUALITY! I thought this was INCREDIBLY long winded and needed more action to break up the speech, otherwise you knew the content would be good, entertaining, and fun (fallout 4 for life). Good way to build the feud without Dewey available.
This match was stacked. I like fast past, quick action matches and you knew just from the line up thats what this would be. Nice open to make it feel incredibly even match. Enjoyed them working inside and outside the ring, not something you expect from two faces. This match ended earlier than I expected but it worked out due to the extracurriculars which were new to me. I love being surprised! Both Mikey Unlikely and Jake Donovan come out post match and let their true feelings be known. Everyone knows you don't interrupt a celebrity! C’MON GUYS! Terrific match.