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All-Purpose TEAM Bios Thread


El Gringo Loco
Feb 27, 2008
[FONT=arial,tahoma]MaX-Files [/FONT]

[FONT=arial,tahoma][FONT=arial,tahoma]Real Name | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]Max Hopper
[FONT=arial,tahoma]Hometown | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]New York, New York
[FONT=arial,tahoma]Alignment | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]Babyface
[FONT=arial,tahoma]Height | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]6'0
[FONT=arial,tahoma]Weight | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]223
[FONT=arial,tahoma]Team | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]MaX-Files and Zion
[FONT=arial,tahoma]Manager | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]Frederick the Lawn Gnome (He is an actual ceramic lawn gnome)
[FONT=arial,tahoma]Trainer | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]Pat Gordon
[FONT=arial,tahoma]Music | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]"Rosetta Stoned"
[FONT=arial,tahoma]Past Feds | [/FONT][FONT=arial,tahoma]LoC


Max Hopper made his professional wrestling debut several years ago at IWF's King of the Death Match tournament. He had an impressive showing, making it to the finals despite interference attempts by Diablo, who was also making his professional wrestling debut at the time. Hopper lost in the finals to Ashe Draven, but went on to dethrone IWF Mexican Champion Midiot, who had held the belt for a year and a half. Max had no help whatsoever in doing this; Nemesis was NOWHERE NEAR the ring. He swears it!

Several weeks later, Max lost the Mexican Champion to Dusty Thompson. Soon after that he left the IWF and spent most of his time in Mexico, since he had claimed to be an 'honorary Mexican' after he won the Mexican Championship. He had a brief stay in LoC a couple of years ago, playing a Christian babyface, but he didn't stay long due to 'creative differences.' He took more time off and resurfaced in the Global Tournament of Champions, making it to the finals, but coming up short much like in the IWF tournament in which he originally debuted. He headed back to LoC, wrestling under a mask as El Phantasmo XLVII and claiming to have been trained by the original El Phantasmo (a former Six-Man Tag Team Champion from WWWW). It was then that he became friends with Brock Metzer.

He was unmasked by Cordova and soon after found out that the new boots he had just bought were missing. His time was soon monopolized by going to strip clubs with Shawn Hart, oriental massages with Jon Katz, Jr., and his search for his beautiful new boots. This turned his friendship with Metzer sour and the two had a brutal series of matches before Metzer left LoC.

Hopper went on to eventually form the tag team Pure Style in LoC with Tyke, although the pairing have only appeared in a handful of matches together.

After a year of competing in LoC, Max Hopper found his way to nbW. Things changed for Max Hopper when he puked on Shawn Hart during a feud between the two. The only tabloid not to run it on the front page was the world's ONLY reliable newspaper... Weekly World News. So, Max picked up a copy and started to read. It was then that he knew what he had to do... so he opened the MaX-Files investigate the weird and bizarre. MaX-Files also does conspiracies, birthday parties, and bar mitzfahs.

Wrestling Style | Chain Wrestler / Entertainer

Nagging Injury's |

Weapon Of Choice |

Moves List

Finisher | CLASSIFIED!
Description | While the government will neither confirm nor deny its existance, it is rumoured that the identity of this move is kept secret for national security issues.

Grapple Moves | Glass Ceiling (double underhook sitout faceslam), Revolving Glass Ceiling (spinning version of the Glass Ceiling), hammerlock, top wrist lock, German suplex, Northern Lights suplex, body slam, powerbomb, snap suplex, armdrag, spinebuster slam, rolling reverse cradle, inside cradle

Submission Moves | full nelson, headscissors, armbar, sleeperhold, Boston crab, half crab, side headlock, front facelock, abdominal stretch

High Risk Moves | Missile dropkick, flying headscissors, tilt-a-whirl head scissors, hurricanrana, flying cross body press, high cross body, flying clothesline, Asai moonsault, standing shooting star press, shooting star press, baseball slide, plancha, suicide dive, fauxberry flop, standing moonsault, flying legdrop, slingshot legdrop, slingshot elbow drop

Brawl Moves | dropkick, basement dropkick, knife edge chops, dropkick to the knee, superkick, clothesline, legdrop, elbow drop

Hardcore Moves |

MaX always wrestles with his sunglasses on

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League Member
Mar 3, 2008
Sorry it took so long to get this up. Family issues in the way.

Real Name: Jess B

AIM: TheRage1983

Email: Jesseb83@verizon.net

Dez Carter
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6'2", 244 lbs
HOMETOWN: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
ENTRANCE MUSIC: "Twinkle, Twinkle" by L'Arc En Ciel
STYLE: Martial artist with a strong Puroresu background
FIVE FAVORITE MOVES: Palm Strike, Dragon Suplex, Inverted Cravate Crossface, Roaring Elbow, Stretch Plumb
FINISHER: Go 2 Sleep (fireman's carry into knee-to-face)

BIO: Dez grew up in a small suburb of Pittsburgh. He began studying the martial arts at age 6. He quickly excelled and became a black belt when he turned 16. Dez eventually caught a pro wrestling show on his local TV station. He decided that wrestling was exactly what he wanted to do for a living. He went to the PPW training school and there met trainer and wrestler Outlaw. The two became fast friends and Dez began to excell at his craft. After completing his training, he got an offer to go study in Japan. One of the PPW students, Kenzo Tagara, was returning home and wished for Dez to accompany him. Dez loved it in Japan and adapted well to their style. There he met Asuka Katsuragi, the daughter of the promoter he was working for, and the two became best friends. When it was time for Dez to return to the US, Asuka came with him. After a midly successful NAPW stint, including holding the Pure Honor Title, Carter walked away from the promotion due to a variety of reasons. After getting his life in order, Dez makes his return hoping to pick up where he left off and make a big splash in NAPW. With some new moves in his arsenal, including a new finisher, Carter is ready to take on the cream of the crop in NAPW.

APPEARANCE: Dez is a well-built man but not overly muscular. He has more of an athletic build to him. He has short brown hair and blue eyes. He wheres firy red wrestling trunks, with "Fighting Spirit" written in Japanese down the sides. The shirt he wears states, "Strong in spirit, strong in heart" also written in Japanese. He completes his look with a pair of black boots.

MANAGED BY: Asuka Katsuragi
APPEARANCE: Asuka is a young Japanese/ German girl. She has long reddish hair and blue-green eyes. She usually wears a simple top and jeans. She is very pretty but does not show off, unlike the majority of girls in the business today. She is very charismatic and is not afraid to defend Dez. She won't cheat but will certainly speak her mind.


Hida Yakamo

League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Hida Yakamo

aka The Asian Wonder aka The Beast From the Far East

From: Chiba, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 190 lbs

Theme Music: "God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash

Titles Held: MBE World Heavyweight Title (2), MBE North American Title (3), MBE Television Title, MBE Tag Team Titles (3), A1E Triple Star Championship

Finishers: The HIDADRIVER~! (Oh the humanity!): Running Black Tiger Bomb
Black Lotus Blossom: Combination Cobra Clutch/Cattle Mutilation
Hida No Knee: Running knee to the face to a seated opponent. Kne pad may or may not be loaded

Other Signature moves: Lotus Blossoms I-III:
I. Romero Special.
II. Romero Special + Dragon Sleeper.
III. Guillotine Choke w/ Scissors

Yakamo no Knee: Tsuruta style Jumping Knee, often followed by...
Yakamo Stomp II: Moonsault double stomp

Michinoku Driver, Twisting brainbuster, Tiger Suplex Hold, Rolling Elbow, Moonsault, Cricket bat shots.

General Style: Strikes and Submissions. High risk only if Hida loses his temper. Which, granted, is still as often as ever.

Profile: Hida is a guest lecturer at Antioch College in Pennsylvania on Existenitalism and Analytic Philosophy. He hopes to finally finish his dissertation next year. He has published two books, one on the influence of Freiderich Nietzche on Camus, and a collection of essays on the images of violence in the surrealist movement. Once upon a time, he was a pretty good wrestler.


Jan 1, 2000
The GREATNESS that is... OLVIR


Aliases: Olvir the Butt-Dominator; The Viking Pornstar; The Naughty Norseman; The Great Olvir; The Greatness That Is OLVIR~!; The Father of a Thousand Bastards; Olvir the Mighty; Olvir the Lengthy; Olvir the Endowed; Olvir the Deflowerer

Height: 6’7”
Weight: 317 lbs.
Billed From: Las Vegas, Nevada

Alignment: Uber-Face

Entrance Music: “I Am A Viking” by Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force
Entrance Description: The music hits, and the crowd POPS to their feet, cheering wildly! Olvir comes out as the lyrics hit (“I am a Viii-kiiing! In going out to wa-ar!”), with a battle-axe over his shoulder and a mead horn in the other hand. He comes to the ring roaring to the audience, getting them pumped, finishing off by climbing the apron and downing the last of his mead, spitting the last mouthful over the audience in Triple H fashion.

Gimmick: A rambunctious, super-masculine Viking with a raging libido, short temper, and a passion for all things hedonistic. On the surface, he’s a Norse berserker with dealings in the pornography industry who made an occupational switch to gladiatorial wrestling as a means of proving his physical superiority over all other men in the world. At the very core, Olvir is a throwback to the muscle-headed, untalented, no-selling, over-with-the-crowd wrestling titans of the late 80’s that included Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior. Regardless of who he is and how much he rocks the boat, the fans love him, and continually come back to see more of his antics in and out of the ring.

Appearance: Olvir towers over most people with his mammoth size, the bulk of which is solid muscle. He is noticeably Scandinavian in appearance, with blue eyes, long, shaggy blonde hair with a long, Zakk Wylde-style beard forking down from his jaw.

Ring Attire: In and out of the ring, he typically wears a He-Man get-up, consisting of a wolf-hide breechcloth, heavy leather boots, metal gauntlets, a wolf-hide shawl worn over his shoulders, and the customary horned Viking helmet (the latter two discarded when he competes). He is also known for carrying a large battle axe to the ring, or anywhere else he goes. At home in his natural environment, he can also be seen wearing an elegant purple pornstar’s robe with his name written across the back, and usually nothing underneath but a loincloth.

Wrestling Style: Olvir’s technique (or lack thereof) consist mainly of stiff power moves as would any typical muscle-bound bodybuilder-turned-wrestler likes the Hogans and Warriors of the old days. Olvir vies for heavy strikes and big slams to wear opponents down, but behaves somewhat recklessly in his approach. Keener rivals could use this against him, but usually find that the Viking’s tenacity and unpredictability is too much to handle.

Perhaps even more interesting than his offensive approach is his defensive technique. Often times, Olvir will react very little, if at all, if being on the receiving end of some moves. Many wrestling purists and critics have labeled this as blatant “no-selling”, though some would argue that the Greatness that is OLVIR simply does not sustain damage in a way equal to the typical puny man.

Olvir LOVES pumping up the crowd with his antics. He always comes to the ring guzzling down mead from a horn, and always leaves the ring by plucking an attractive female fan in the front row over the barricade and “carrying her off” to the backstage area, where she will undoubtedly come to the know the GREATNESS that is Olvir.


Standard Moveset:
-Standard Big-Man Slams and Drops (Atomic Drop, Body Slam, Skyscraper Suplex)
-Rush Moves (Running Lariat, Yakuza Kick, Stinger Splash, occasionally a Thesz Press)
-Weak Submissions (Headlock, Neck Crank, Hammerlock, Arm Wrench)
-Punches and Kicks (Always heavy and over the top)
-Power Attacks (Powerslam, Two-Handed Chokeslam, Side Sidewalk Slam, Forward Falling Slam)
-Rebound Moves (Polish Hammer, Clothesline, Big Boot to Face, Back Body Drop, Spinebuster)

Spot/Signature Moves
-The Mjolnir-blow (A basic hammerblow, with a brutish roar for added effect)
-Electric Chair Drop
-The Butt-Dominator (Full-Nelson Bomb)
-BIG Powerbomb
-One-Foot Pin
-The Infamous No-Sell of DOOOOM!!

High-Spot Moves
-Crowd-Pumping Military Press
-Nordic Legdrop (Atomic Legdrop)
-Berzerker Splash (Warrior Splash, usually followed by a series of running clotheslines)

-The Berzerker Bomb (Pumphandle Michinoku Driver, a.k.a. the Egoist Driver)
-The Viking Clutch (Super Camel Clutch, primary submission finisher)

Unmatchable Power
The well of strength teeming within the great Viking seems to flow forever. Olvir can slam the heaviest of opponents, and a surplus in strength against smaller or weaker opponents just makes him an absolute monster in the ring.
Olvir is a Viking. And as such, his attacks are quick, unexpected, and without mercy.
Over With The Crowd
The Viking knows how to win the fans over with his antics. This often makes him a fan favorite in numerous situations. In matches against another big face, he’ll typically take half the crowd or at least his loyal following of fans.

Incredibly stupid. Olvir is only half aware of what’s going around him at all times. He is horribly stubborn and listens to no man’s logic other than his own. This usually gets the better of him as he blindly walks into troublesome situations without thinking of the repercussions.
No Wrestling Ability
Bobby Heenan would hate this guy like nothing else. Olvir doesn’t come off as a natural wrestler as much as he does a statuesque wrestling God. As such, he doesn’t have a very deep knowledge of holds and techniques, and no-sells often. This invariably limits his attack strategy, and leaves him vulnerable to more expert technical wrestlers.
Olvir has a raging libido. As such, he usually forgets matches are taking place as soon as a woman in the front row catches his eye. On some occasions, he may even carry off said woman to the backstage area, thus getting himself counted out. If the opponent has a female manager, he’s bound to be distracted, and just to please the crowd, will make an attempt to carry her off as well.

Much of the following is based on Olvir’s account, so take it with a grain of salt…

The Legend of the Great Olvir Arsvinnar, the Butt-Dominator, stretches back to a thousand years ago, to a time and place we now know as the Viking Era of Scandinavia. It was there, in that lawless and primitive age, that his legacy took roots. Olvir Arsvinnar was a much feared Viking who raped and pillaged many villages and towns across Scandinavia. He was feared for his brutality and unstoppable power, as no man could match him in combat. In this time, Olvir also “carried off” many towns’ womenfolk, though it was rumored that his love-making abilities were the greatest in all the world. Many towns were burned to the ground by his wrathful hand, and many bastards were born from his mighty loins.

In time, however, Olvir found a nemesis in an evil sorcerer that threatened to enslave all of Scandinavia with his undead legions. The Viking turned from scourge of the seas to an anti-hero and unwilling savior of the people, waging a one-man war against the Necromancer. The magician fled to the “New Land,” in the place currently known as Canada, where he lured the pursuing Olvir Arsvinnar into a crevasse and cast a spell that buried his greatness beneath tons and tons of ice and snow. There, the Viking was preserved in solid ice for an entire millennia, his slumber undisturbed…

How he was found is a mystery. Some legends say that there were two Ultimate Warriors, and the first one died by means that are still disputed to this day. Some circles say that the Ultimate Warrior, searching for his rocket fuel, trekked out across the Canadian tundra and braved the cold and fierce winds until his body could not take any more and he fell to the ground. What happened next, it is said, is that his spirit rose from his body and went into the sky. The tri-colored light was seen for many miles, and struck like lightning across the star-filled Canadian sky to the location where the great Viking was buried.

In 2002, a crew of Canadian oil diggers uncovered the remains of the Viking warlord, discovering to their amazement that he was still alive and carefully preserved in the ice. They promptly thawed him from his icy tomb, and came to meet the man that called himself Olvir the Butt-Dominator. Olvir was thus introduced to a new modern world where his kind was all but nonexistent. He soon realized that there would be NOTHING that could match his savage and cunning disposition.

Olvir came to be introduced to the pornography business by known directors who learned of the Viking and heard of the rumors of his uncanny love-making. They made him an offer to star in a series of films. Presented with an enticing offer to make love to as many women as he could through any means necessary, and get PAID for it, the noble Viking quickly accepted the deal. Thus, his career skyrocketed as the rumors turned out to be very true. Viking Porn swept the DVD market, and Olvir became world famous for his work.

But in time, the Viking grew restless. Though women threw themselves at him everywhere he went, he yearned for the thrill of sport and competition. It had been over a thousand years since he fought valiantly upon the battle field, and Olvir realized that it was his destiny to prove himself the greatest warrior in the entire world yet again. Around this time, he was contacted by the executives of Las Vegas Wrestling, who were looking for new, unheard of talent to expand their roster and deliver a unique, entertaining product. Olvir accepted this proposal, and migrated from his new home in Canada to the desert oasis of Las Vegas, a city rich in debauchery and sin. The Viking fit right in.

Olvir’s time in LVW was short-lived, but powerful. In just a few short matches, he developed a cult following, and the fans loved him for his comedic value and over-masculine behavior. He came under much scrutiny from women’s rights groups, all of which were promptly “carried off,” exposed to the GREATNESS that is Olvir, and never complained again for as long they lived. Indeed, while many would argue that Olvir Arsvinnar never put himself at the top spot of the federation, he certainly made his presence known in the wrestling world.

Around the same time that LVW closed its doors, Olvir took a lengthy vacation in Japan, where many towns were sacked, and many Japanese women were carried off. This would be the beginning of the new trend in pornography: Viking Bukkake. Amazingly enough, during his time spent in the Land of the Rising Sun, Olvir never crossed paths with the infamous Yakamo dynasty. Some say if such an encounter took place, the world would have exploded in a paradox of awesomeness.

Recently, Olvir Arsvinnar returned to the states, making a highly-anticipated return to Empire Pro Wrestling. Many are uncertain of what to expect of the Viking in a major professional wrestling federation, but one thing is for certain: Many things will be DOMINATED!


Jan 10, 2004
New York
An updated Larry Tact bio...
NAME: Larry Tact
HEIGHT: 6'6"
WEIGHT: 260 lbs.
HOMETOWN: Manhattan, New York


APPEARANCE: A clean shaven face, with golden blonde hair that extends down to his chin, olive green eyes, and an athletically muscular body build.
RING ATTIRE: Tact wears black tights with gold running down the length of the inner sides. He has black boots with gold laces, and black knee pads. He'll sometimes wear a pair of silver-rimmed, blue-lensed sunglasses; black t-shirt with "Simply Tactilizing" written in gold cursive across the chest; and a black leather coat to the ring, but removes them before the match.

BACKGROUND / HISTORY: Larry Tact has been to many promotions over the years, always bringing his outspoken opinions and sharp tongue along. He's never had a problem clashing with others, whether it be in the ring or on the stick, and carries himself with the confidence he can tangle with any contender.

After running through the indy circuit for a few years, Tact joined the IWF in his professional debut. He was arrogant, wealthy, and saw wrestling as a pursuit of his passion for the sport. He trained with several instructors and partners, intermingling his technician's mindset and skill with power wrestling, making full use of his size and strength. He prides himself on his work ethic in the ring, putting a substantial amount of time into training, preparation, and adapting. This has helped him keep up with the opposition in their own comfort zones, as well as dominate in his own.

Through his time in the pro circuit, Tact's opinion of the wrestling world solidified: anyone who participated in this industry was capable of digging to their lowest and vilest depths, for the sole purpose of making themselves feel above the rest who dove into this industry and stripped themselves of self-respect. As such, they deserved nothing from him, and shouldn't be surprised if they got a taste of their own tactics.

Tact doesn't consider himself squeaky clean, either. He understands what it takes to survive, and that you have to pursue what you want with the utmost vigilence and intensity. When he joins a promotion, it is because he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Depending on a given promotion's hierarchy, this ruthless attitude has either garnered praise or caused... complications.

Over the years, Tact has battled and ascended through ranks, one after another, competing with opponents of various backgrounds and styles, claiming multiple Championships for himself. He knows the feeling of victory and reaching goals. More importantly, he has suffered the taste of defeat and experienced loss. In having done this, Tact has the invaluable knowledge of what it takes to work back up to success and has found, at times, it can be even sweeter then. Learning from mistakes, he has put that knowledge to excellent use, molding himself into an even more seasoned in-ring competitor, more vigorous worker, and more ruthless adversary.

TITLE HISTORY: New ERA World Heavyweight Champion; RMWF World Heavyweight Champion [final Champion]; RMWF King of the Mountain; EWF World Heavyweight Champion, CWF Unified Champion, WWL Tri-American Champion, RMWF Mile High Champion(x2), IWF Unified Champion; IWF Entertainment Champion; CWWF US Tag Team Champion

ENTRANCE MUSIC: "Pieces" by Hoobastank

(The lights begin flickering WILDLY as the opening beats of "Pieces" by Hoobastank sound throughout the arena.)


(A BURST of black and gold pyro goes off as Larry Tact steps through the entrance, observing momentarily before heading down the ramp. Seeing a couple fans mouthing off along his way, he takes a moment to spit on his own hand before attempting to SLAP a couple fans across the face. Tact smirks, then proceeds to the ring steps and ascends them. He enters the ring and climbs a turnbuckle, pointing to himself and opening his arms to receive their reaction. Coming back down to the canvas, he stretches using the ropes, focused on his opponent.)

WRESTLING STYLE: Mat technician/power wrestler hybrid.

1. Leg Wheel Takedown
2. Rolling Takedown [can be modified into pinning combination]
3. Hip Throw
4. Wrap Around Throw [lands on top of opponent]
5. Leg Screw Takedown
6. Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
7. Kickswing DDT
8. Floater DDT [rolls through to end up in mounted position]
9. Over-the-shoulder Running Power Slam
10. Spinebuster
11. Running Jumping Knee Lift
12. Swinging Neckbreaker
13. Fireman's Carry into Stomach Buster
14. Piledriver
15. Snap Powerbomb
16. Abdominal Stretch into Side Slam
17. Backbreaker Submission [opponent bent over one knee]
18. Cross Armbar
19. Cross-armed Necklock
20. Front-mounted Necklock [can be scissored]
21. Kataha-jime

SETUP MANEUVER: Running knee to the ribs.

FINISHER: 1) Tactful Surrender 2) Starbreaker

FINISHER DESCRIPTION: 1) Modified Rear Necklock. One leg and one arm restrain the opponent's arms. Other arm across the throat; remaining leg used to stabilize. 2) Delayed Fisherman's Suplex into Snap Neckbreaker. Opponent's momentum takes them over into the Snap Neckbreaker when released from Fisherman's in midair.


League Member
Feb 18, 2008
Name: ‘The Harlequin’ Harley Cain
Real Name: Harley Macfarlane
Hometown: Cameron, North Carolina
Date of Birth: 9th April 1985
Age: 22
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 195lbs

Harley Macfarlane was raised in Cameron North Carolina after his British born parents moved there for his father’s work when Harley was a toddler. A very distant, youth, Harley suffered terribly with depression for the majority of his childhood and adolescence and after several sessions with child psychologists was placed on anti-depressants for most of that time. At sixteen, Harley chose to not be on medication anymore and as a result spiralled into an uncontrollable breakdown at seventeen which saw him almost take his own life. After a year of acute psychiatric treatment, Harley was bought back to his parents and slowly rebuilt himself.
At eighteen Harley found gymnastics as a way to express him self and after a brief stint as a gymnast, made a small group of friends who encouraged him into a backyard federation to try low budget pro-wrestling. He donned the most ironic costume possible – a clown – and put on a persona for the small time crowds that they were entertaining.
Harley was discovered by the promoter of multiple times World Champion and Global Superstar M.D.K. Harley was discovered working in a backyard wrestling organisation as a clown type character who displayed awesome acrobatic ability as well as a mean streak like no other. Harley had a bag of potential in Eddie’s eyes and has decided to take him into his selective stable.
Harley is a very lonely man who is not a friendly type. Eddie has found Harley to be incredibly distant and not one to mix well with others and Eddie finds him hard work to talk to. As a result, Eddie has modified his costume to that of a cross between an expressionless mime artist and the middle Ages style Harlequins who would entertain the masses and strike fear into children. That is how his stage surname came about. After much training for a grand stage, Eddie feels that the Team Invitational Tournament has the scale big enough to test Harley and yet it’s not overly in the public eye should it all go belly up.

Discipline: High-flying technical
Ring Psychology: Harvey is fond of rapid strikes and following it up with high risk manoeuvres. He is known to suffer bouts of freezing with nerves before matches but as soon as the ring bell goes, he is fully focussed.
Appearance: With everything done in contrasts, Harley is a sea of black and white. His face is painted with one eye white and one eye black, his face is partially white and part black and he wears a pair of black tights with one leg white and one leg black. On his left upper arm he has a tattoo with the masks of comedy and tragedy and across his back he has the word ‘MISERY’ tattooed. He lower arms show clear signs of self-harm from the old scars and his hair is long, black and untamed.

Entrance Theme: No Music
Entrance Description: A swelling commotion occurs in the crowd and Harley appears from them and stumbles into the ring.

  • Comedy of Errors – Running DDT
  • Spiral of Despair – 450 Splash
Desperation Finisher - Joker Driver – Joker Driver…
General Move list:
1. Inzughiri
2. Quick Pin Attempts
3. Running Lariat
4. Stinger Splash
5. Bulldog
6. Chop block
7. Knife edge chops
8. Jawbreaker
9. Atomic Drop
10. Standing Dropkick
11. Top Rope Dropkick
12. Top Rope Leg-drop
13. Moonsault
14. Snap Suplex
15. Double stomp onto head of prone opponent

Pic Base

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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
Name: Troy Douglas

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 260 lbs

Image: Clean-cut looks, brown eyes, short dark brown hair, generally clean shaven but he will sport a five o' clock shadow at times. Outside the ring, Troy's a casual dresser, usually sporting a t-shirt and jeans, but he almost always wears or carries with him a worn-down tan leather jacket, a gift from his late father on his 18th birthday. In the ring, long black tights are customary, with "END OF" written down the right leg and "THE ROAD" written down the left in white lettering. He'll wear a generic t-shirt to the ring but usually wrestle without it.

Hails From: Greensboro, North Carolina

Entrance Music: "You Know My Name" Chris Cornell (First ten seconds plays, followed by a series of three loud cannon blasts, then the song immediately cuts to the start of the first chorus.)

Finisher 1: End of the Road (Second Rope Falling Underhook Piledriver)

Set-Up: Sitout Gourdbuster

Finisher 2: Scorpion Deathlock

Set-Up: Spinebuster

Alternate Set-Up: Lariat of DOOM

Style: Generally adaptive based on the style of his opponent due to his combination of size and athleticism, but Troy's most comfortable working an impact-based ground game also utilizing submissions.

Other Moves: Implant DDT, Fisherman's Suplex, Tiger Driver, Lariat, Dragon Sleeper, Shooting Star Press (RARE), Diving Headbutt, Cradle Piledriver, Neckbreaker Variations, Triangle Choke, Cross Armbreaker, Multiple Leg Kicks followed by an STO

Wrestles As: Face

Quotes: "I'll see you at the end of the road."

Titles Held: A1E Cyber Championship, TEAM Lethal Lottery Championship, GXW Xtreme Championship (2x), multiple others over 8 years

History: Born June 7, 1976 in Greensboro, Troy lost his mother due to complications following childbirth and was raised by his father, Jack, a history teacher and basketball coach. An excellent athlete through high school, Troy was All-State in both football and basketball, and earned a scholarship to Syracuse University, where he played four years of football and earned second-team All Big East his senior year.

A fourth round draft pick of the Philadelphia Eagles in 1998, Troy had a moderately successful rookie season before tragedy struck. During the last game of his first year, he suffered brutal knee and spinal injuries after getting caught on the infamous Vet Stadium AstroTurf. His football career was over before he could truly get it off the ground.

After kicking around the Delaware Valley for several months, rehabbing furiously even though he knew he'd never put on the helmet and pads again, Troy stumbled upon a wrestling career after a meeting with Jason Reed, a former star in America and Japan who had opened up a Philly-based training center. After months of training, Troy had finally gotten back into competitive shape and signed a short-term contract with EFW, a Philadelphia-area indy fed. He wrestled in indies across the country for two years before signing with GXW, but more injuries, this time a torn labrum in his right shoulder, prevented his career from gaining momentum.

However, he returned, until in February 2003, while touring in Scotland, he received the worst phone call of his life. His fiancee, Lauren Bennett, and his father, Jack, both staying at Troy's home in Greensboro, were shot and killed attempting to stop the home from being robbed in the middle of the night. It crushed Troy, who nearly committed suicide that night. He took time off to grieve, but returned once again, capturing the Xtreme Title for a second time before GXW closed it's doors and Troy started the next phase of his career, signing major deals with both EPW and CSWA.

He had success in both promotions, but in the summer of 2005 he seemingly walked away, never to return. Troy thought he no longer wanted to be the man that his life between the ropes turned him into. Being away so long had cost him the lives of the two people closest to him, and he wanted to return to a normal life. But, for a man like Troy Douglas, normal wasn't easy. Approaching his 30th birthday, he realized that in 6 years of wrestling, he'd never accomplished the one goal he'd set out for himself; winning a major world championship. In the year since his return to wrestling at A1E's 2006 Mercury Rising pay per view, Douglas has been on one of the biggest runs of his career, capping off his one year anniversary in A1E by capturing the Cyber Championship at Mercury Rising 2007, and, less than a week later, teaming with Dan Ryan to win the TEAM Lethal Lottery Championship.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
Name: Bryan Storms

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 230 lbs

Image: Classically good looking, short black hair, green eyes, clean shaven. In the ring, he wears long, dark blue tights with "STORMS" written down each leg in white. Outside the ring he dresses impeccably, wearing expensive long sleeve shirts, slacks, and almost always sporting his favorite pair of blue-tinted designer sunglasses.

Hometown: Orlando, FL

Entrance Music: "Hello" Oasis

Finisher 1: Red Tide Rising (Corkscrew DVD)

Set-Up: Stormchaser (Flying Discus Elbow in the corner)

Finisher 2: Icon Clutch (Hooks in a Fujiwara Armbar while using his legs to apply an inverted triangle choke)

Set-Up: Storm System (Swinging Sitout Powerbomb) OR Brink of Disaster (Sliced Bread #2)

Style: Technical/High Flying hybrid, though he's shifted away from a lot of the crazy highspot stuff in the last year and moved towards a stiffer offense with a lot of hard kicks, chops and head-dropping.

1. German Suplex
2. DDT
3. Samoan Drop
4. STF
5. Dragon Sleeper
6. Tiger Driver
7. Release Northern Lights Suplex
8. Moonsault
9. Hurricanrana
10. Shining Wizard
11. Hurricane Stretch (Cattle Mutilation)
12. Superkick
13. Springboard clothesline
14. Brainbuster
15. 450 Splash

Wrestles As: Intelligent, cocky heel

Titles Held: MCW World Championship, UCW United States Championship

History: Born to a rich Orlando-area family, Bryan grew up in a life of privilege. His father aspired for him to be an athlete from a young age, and through high school, Bryan excelled, earning all-conference honors in football, wrestling and lacrosse. However, while attending Columbia University in New York City, Bryan was truly turned on to professional wrestling after attending several events in the New York area and began training, often shirking school to do so. It was also in college when Bryan was truly introduced to cocaine, a demon that would hold over him for nearly three years. Out of college, Bryan made several independent bookings before hooking up with Matt Johansson in EPW as the tag-team Second Coming. They had limited success, and Bryan's smart, cocky persona never really got off the ground. After his backstage actions and personal habits angered EPW management, Bryan was released. He tried to catch on in other promotions, but by this point had fallen so far into addiction he was unable to keep a commitment and was left nearly unemployed. Confronted by friends, he checked himself into rehab in mid 2005. Finally getting clean, Bryan recommitted himself to wrestling and accepted a spot with the reborn MCW, where he quickly won the World Championship tournament before ownership issues led to the company's closing. Recently, he's captured the UCW United States championship from Adam Benjamin, before dropping that title to Dakota Smith.

The night he won the US title, he turned his back on the MCW invasion of UCW, attacking fellow MCW wrestlers after a six-man tag match. For his actions, MCW owner stripped Storms of his World title, which Bryan has been trying to reclaim on recent MCW shows. With news of the A1E tag tournament, Bryan placed a call to his old friend and partner Matt Johansson to get Second Coming back together for another run in unfamiliar territory.

Second Coming failed to win the tag tournament, but have remained a force in A1E, where they are currently top contenders to the tag titles. Bryan made just one major appearance as a singles wrestler in 2007, but he made a big impact, shocking the wrestling world with a semifinal run in the TEAM Tournament of Champions.

Evil James

League Member
Feb 17, 2008
San Diego, California
Updated Varga bio. :cool:


Name: James Varga
Email Address: thechamberednautilus@hotmail.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: mysticmoose07 - AIM
Preferred Method of Handling: (FW Promo, Freestyle RP, Angle/Storyline, Hybrid) FW Promo or Freestyle RP (like both equally so I may be a Hybrid :D)
Best Way to Contact you: (PM/Email/IM) PM or IM


Name: "The Violator" James Varga
Nicknames: Evil James, Loose Cannon, The Franchise, The Satan of Wrestling, Hitler, The Antichrist, The Evil Genius of Wrestling

Height: 6'1
Weight: 235 lbs.
Handedness: (Right or Left) Right
Looks: (A general idea of what the guy looks like. Hairstyles, etc.) Caucasian, blackish hair, average build, wears retro '80's 'Macho Man' style short tights with the words 'James Varga' on them instead of 'Macho Man' and the same star design, yellow kneepads, and yellow boots. Tapes his hands and wrists the same way as Macho Man did as well. Built very similar to his idol Randy Savage as well.

Hailing From: (This is where the character is introduced as being from)
Las Vegas, Nevada

Disposition: Usually sarcastic and gets
Gimmick: (If not a true "gimmick", his in the ring 'persona'.)
He is the Violator because he 'violates everyone he comes in contact with.' That is his gimmick. Violating the shows. Basically your typical uberheel who can piss everyone off just by talking on the stick for 30 seconds. Thrives on the hatred of the fans. Plays tough before the matches but acts cowardly a lot.

Ring Attire: (What he wears to the ring.) wears retro '80's style 'Macho Man' short tights with the words 'James Varga' on them instead of 'Macho Man' and the same star design, yellow kneepads, and yellow boots. Tapes his hands and wrists the same way Macho Man did as well.
Theme Music: Halloween II movie theme
Ring Entrance: (What he DOES on his way to the ring.)
The arena lights fade to black. The entrance then fills up with smoke and flashing strobe lights appear as well. The theme from the movie Halloween II begins playing over the loud speakers and the movie intro video to that same movie begins playing as well. "The Violator" James Varga appears wearing a black T-shirt of a horror movie to a mixed reaction underneath a '80's style Macho Man robe outfit complete with big glasses and a matching headband.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FjoioWbFt6o&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FjoioWbFt6o&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Evil James walks down to the ring with a devilish grin on his face. Once he's at the ring, he climbs up on the apron and poses before climbing into the ring. He takes off his entrance attire and gets ready for a fight as his music fades out.

Tactics/Style: (Technical, High-Flyer, etc. But go into a bit of detail. If he's modelled after a certain 'type' of wrestler, please detail. EX: A mix of Shawn Michaels/TAZ/Benoit)
Varga will do anything to make himself appear weak to his opponents even though he is quite a cunning fighter and match strategist. He will feign weakness, throw matches to make his rivals think he is weak and not a threat to them, he will lie and make bogus alliances with people, lying, and often lures his opponents and allies into a false sense of security while simultaneously convincing them to turn on their allies and close friends. He makes complex webs of false alliances while only having a true alliance to a small people. He was the first on the show to intentionally lose competitions and was seen as weak by his fellow wrestlers. He also bizarrely seeks to be hated by the other wrestlers. He uses lies and deception after admitting to his fellow wrestlers that he would do so, lied about conversations and alliances and even lies about past experiences in his life. His straight talking attitude toward other wrestlers has made him a security risk as well. Regardless, James is considered one of the most devious wrestlers in history.

Strengths: (3 strength marks see him as possessing)
1. Intelligence - He's smarter than everyone thinks he is. His IQ is in the genius range and he makes a lot of intelligent decisions in the ring.
2. Selling - He's one of the best sellers in the industry and his massive fanbase of Vargaholics out there proves that. Is also an extremely good technical wrestler and actor. No theater training either.
3. Entertainment Value - You will never find a wrestler as entertaining as this guy. has excellent mic skills and has more one liners than a typical SNL or South Park episode.

Weaknessess: (See Above)
1. Emotional - Will let his emotions get to his head sometimes, leading to unwanted disqualifications in matches and him going overkill in the violence department during matches. Make it personal with him, expect a trip to the hospital.
2. Egotism - This guy is an egomaniac out of control
3. Face Value - He's cheered a lot for a heel character, which undermines his ability to get real heel heat

Other Factors of Note:
1. He has the Michael Myers ability to sneak up on people without being noticed or heard.
2. Stamina/Endurance. Has wrestled more than an hour more than eight times in his career, which can be a factor in long matches.


(Complete Moveset, transitions that mark that wrestler - IE: Bret Hart always does his 2nd rope Elbow, Russian Leg Sweep. Finishers, Signatures & Set-Up Moves. Anything else you want to share, or provide the matchwriters of NFW.)

Finisher: Macho Man Top Rope Elbow Drop
Trademark Move: Super Duper Kick (Superkick)
Special Move: Double axehandle off the top rope to standing opponent (both in and out of the ring) * does this one frequently as a tribute to his idol, Macho Man style High Jumping Knee Drop *also frequently used Macho Man tribute move

Trademark Moves:
Trademark#1 - The Varga Elbow (People's Elbow)
Trademark#2 - The Varga Flop (Flair Flop)
Trademark#3 - The Running Hug of Doom~! (Edge's Spear)
Trademark#4 - The Varga Stomp (Garvin/Orton Stomp)

1. ALL Wrestling Moves - He is the owner of one of the five copies of the EXTREMELY rare book 'The Ultimate Guide to Wrestling Moves: Every Hold in the Universe and MORE!' by acclaimed wrestler 'Gorgeous' Harry Palms. He knows every move, even the ones that have yet to be named and will use them to his advantage
2. Overselling moves - he puts over his opponents something fierce
3. Classic Heel Cheating Tactics - Begging off, eye pokes, fake rakes, etc.
4. Funny Spots - Imagine Eddie Guerrero's heel tactics x10 and you get the shenanigans that this guy comes up with for his matches
5. Rest Holds - Comes up with some of the most ingenius sequences during pointless time wasters such as headlocks
6. Bad cut jobs - Best in the biz with these
7. Fan Interaction - Likes the fans to be a part of his matches as much as his opponent(s). Loves it when fans bring weapons for him to use and likes fighting in the crowd.
8. Disguise - Often hides from opponents by raking their eyes, sneaking off, and then beating somebody up to take their clothes and disguise himself as them. Often does this to cameramen, hot dog vendors, and other assorted personnel.
9. Cowardice - Hiding and cowering in fear from his opponents is a preferred tactic of this man.
10. Joining the announce crew - He will often do this and call his own spots, mock his opponent, and degrade the television audience during his matches.

Misc. Moves he knows/Etc.:
1. ALL Suplexes
2. Figure Four Leglock
3. Dystopian Dream (Million Dollar Dream)
4. Top Rope Double Sledge Hammer (does this to opponent on the floor as well)
5. Bow and Arrow Lock
6. Brainbuster
7. Shooting Star Press
8. STF
9. Texas Cloverleaf
10. Sharpshooter (around ringpost if necessary)
11. RKO
12. Tombstone Piledriver
13. Snap Powerbomb
14. Clothesline from Wall Street (Clothesline from Hell)
15. Frog Splash
16. Running Elbow Smash
17. Clothesline using top rope
18. Running Knee to the Back
19. Unprettier
20. DAVEbomb~!


(A background concerning your character, their history, their training and their reason for being in New Frontier Wrestling.)

James grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada and has lived there all his life. He was a quiet and weird kid. He liked horror and sci-fi movies, fantasy, video games, ancient civilizations, foreign countries, world history, rock music, poetry, and politics. These are often the subject points of his amusing rantings. He joined the ranks of wrestling when he was only 19 and a half. The young kid grew way too cocky way too early, but you can't blame him. He was being promised World Championship matches every week and his ego was being fed to the point of extremes by the bookers in the fed he started out in, GHW. He won the GHW Television Championship in ONLY his third match. Pretty good for an inexperienced kid. He beat Akira Razor (finals) and Johnny Jizm (semi-finals) that night. Later, he would become only the fourth person to win the GHW Grand Slam. He won 5 out of their 6 titles when he was there and was the second fastest to do it, accomplishing this feat in only 5 months. But then he has a falling out with management and left on a self-imposed exile for 3 months before resurfacing here in the NWC's Pacific where he made a pretty amazing return to the ring for a guy who was rusty. His win-loss record wasn't the best, but he ALWAYS puts up a good fight. He honestly could care less who he's in the ring with just as long as they give him a good fight and he kicks their ass. He has had memorable feuds and matches with such talents as Saerin Aurora, Simon Donovan, Grayson Kelly, Paradox, Prime, and Mimic. Many people think he's either an idiot or a genius. But, here in recent weeks, he's become a lot darker than he was when he first arrived in the NWCP as an inexperienced rookie under his original nickname 'The Franchise' in February 2003.

After his wedding failure on national television with Paradox, James snapped and knocked her out with a steel chair before going on a rampage. Earlier in the show, however, he attacked a DWS writer, which turned the writer's on him. They then saddled him with the 'Killer Klown from Outer Space,' an escaped mental asylum patient who thinks he's actually one of the killer clowns from that campy '80's horror flick. He and James have become closer than anyone expected and this friendship has caused 'Killer Klown' mania throughout the DWS. James also won the MOST BRUTAL MATCH IN DWS HISTORY when he defeated Prime in the career altering Ultimate X match in which he proved that he wasn't just a comedic idiot anymore. He's become a big time star, even instigating a war between the DWS and SCW when his appearance on the AXIOM/SCW Across Enemy Lines 5.5 supercard damn near caused a riot. Soon after this, he was scheduled to meet Paradox in what is surely to be a revenge match on his part for what happened during their wedding ceremony. This match has been brewing ever since the ceremony and the anticipation has been building for months. He has also started what he calls the 'Twisted Flesh World Tour 2004,' which proves just how demented he really is. And James' past has come back to haunt him as well on the eve of this big attraction, with Jon Collingwood escaping from the mental institution and threatening to kill him! But, before they could finish their storyline, the DWS closed and James was left homeless.

This led to James being signed by Wisoming Wrestling, a splinter fed of the NWC. He won his first match there in a dominant fashion and formed a stable with Joshua Lee and Bon. But, after two more shows, he decided to leave Wisoming and had a very nasty public falling out with Wisoming Management. Now, he has come to the PTC in search of the fame and glory he could never find in the NWC. Sponsors a child in Africa named Ndugu who gets a free bowl of grits and collared greens every time he hits a wrestler with a steel chair. Is trying to save the children from eternal damnation by destroying professional wrestling and everyone involved in it. Is notorious for doing movie spoofs and has even been a manager, managing former NWC star and real life best friend 'Army Ranger' Jon Collingwood to two title matches and a pay-per-view appearance in the former NWC. Has a near army of outrageous sidekicks and loyal followers to do his bidding, including such characters as Jon Collingwood, The Swede, Porno Yoda, the Porno Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Robots, Danny Hernandez, Rikkelle Klein, the Killer Pirates from the Outer Caribbean, Wolf Man, Goth Girl, Old School, "Big" Dick N. Uranus, and Space Condom 2000. He is an EXTREMELY controversial, infamous, and notorious character on the wrestling circuit. He "claims" that everything is a conspiracy against him. Is probably one of the most talked about personalities to come around in a long time. But don't let that fool you. He'll tell the truth about anything and is very entertaining in his own way. From out of the ashes of the NWC and Wisoming Wrestling has risen this Phoenix, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. James will continue to rationalize his work with a facile nihilsm that whatever he's doing is meaningless anyway. He's darkly obsessive and will stop at nothing until he's at the top of the heap. Has renamed himself Deimos ('dread,' 'panic') after one of the satellites of Mars and is out to get revenge on one as of yet unnamed LOW superstar that he knew in his youth. But that gimmick fell by the wayside and he has once again resurfaced here in the UWF as 'The Franchise' James Varga, out to claim the glory that he thinks is his. One of the most respected heels in the industry, he is the 'Last Survivor of the NWC.'

Came to the UWF and won the UWF Television Championship on The Clash pay-per-view the day before his birthday. Also briefly won the UWF Jobber Championship at the Clash before being pinned by The Huckster and Big Ted's Arm. Also competed in XFnW at this time as a favor to his friend the owner. Left after 3 months due to problems with the way the booking was done. Won the federation's Hardcore Championship, Tag Team Championship, was a finalist in the #1 Contender's Tournament, and also was undefeated for a month before finally losing in a tag match he should've won. Soon thereafter, his second job was revealed in a promo for the PTC Extreme Title Division Royale. Varga moonlights as a hitman to make some cash on the side. He also is a 'Kaiju' movie monster as well, as is evident by his run ins with several Japanese movie monsters here recently.

Lost the UWF Television Championship to Luke Warren of the Legends, whom he then allied himself with the following week for Stable Wars but the relationship qucikly dissolved. Varga then began feuding with Killer Dude in a feud that quickly is heating up the UWF charts. Varga started dating Layla at this point. After losing two straight weeks to the Dude in tag matches thanks to his partners, Varga beat the Killer Dude for his UWF North American Championship at the UWF FANdamonium DOS~! pay-per-view in the Super Mario Bros. match. Varga managed the Killer Pirates of the Outer Caribbean to PTC Tag Team gold and began feuding with the AWC after he and all of his characters invaded their show.

Lost in the Stable Wars VII finale when he was pinned by Mike Montgomery for the final elimination of the evening after his own partner Clyde turned on him. Varga then got his revenge the next week when he defeated Clyde at Sunday Afternoon Supremacy to win the UWF Insert-Name-Here Championship in the opening contest. Later in that evening, he saved arch-nemesis Killer Dude from Clyde and found out he was facing Killer Dude at the Regal Rumble. The very next week he and Dude won the UWF Tag Team Titles afetr he demolished the champions and their challengers with his Super Mario Bros. Hammer. Sam Gordon then made Dude his partner and then they defeated the Bob World Order to remain champions only to lose to the Hollywood Bombshells after the very next match due to interference from the Player's Club. Varga and Dude then formed an alliance. Varga and Dude then met at the Regal Rumble but screwed the fans out of the match via a double countout. Varga then lasted over 2 hours in the Regal Rumble before Clyde threw a fireball at him and he was eliminated. Varga then grabbed Clyde's ankle and Dude big booted him over the top rope. Dude won the Rumble and they celebrated. The very next week, Clyde threw a fireball at Varga and the new World Champion Misfit pinned Varga. The very next week, Varga's torment continued when he lost his Insert-Name-Here Championship to Clyde in humiliating fashion and then found out he was facing Axel Action at LAL 5 to boot.

Defeated Axel Action at LAL 5 in one of the greatest matches of his career. His best friend Killer Dude won the UWF World Championship on the same show and they celebrated the next SAS. To boot, Dude and Varga were on opposite teams in a tag team match on the same show with Varga teaming with Clyde and Dude teaming with Axel Action! Varga's team won due to Dude turning on his partner. Varga then went on to lose in GTT5's Round 1 to Jorge Samuelsson in a very closely contested match. After this, Varga lost the UWF North American Championship in a match that ended up being very controversial afterwards and left the UWF to pursue his movie career.

He reappeared at the UWF FANDAMONIUM DOS~! Show, the UWF's last show ever and damn near started a riot. He then appeared on GLOBAL's Fusion on 04/20/07 and got into a verbal confrontation with Darth Varga after claiming he was here to "save the PTC from itself" and challenged Darth Varga to a Loser Leaves Town Match at WrestleCade 2007 because Darth Varga has been making a mockery of the Varga name since he left in late 2005. Darth Varga accepted only to be humiliated by him after this and he refers to Darth as "Jason," which has further heated the feud between the two. The following week, James cut off Darth's hand with a lightsaber in order to save Kirsten Dunst. He then repeatededly mocked Darth throughout the night, each time barely escaping the giant monster with a cheap shot. James left the building with the ominous warning of 'the war is coming.' At WrestleCade, he was proved to be right. After defeating Darth Varga in a Loser Leaves Town Street Fight in probably one of the best matches of his career thanks to an elaborate set-up by himself and Axel Action, James, Axel, Mike Storm, Joaquin Pierre, and Patti Anderson formed WAR.

WAR's beginning was completely chaotic. First, James gets into it with Kaden Calix and then Christian Darke accepts his challenge for a match. The very next week, James and the rest of WAR put the dead body of the Great Khali in front of the Nevermore's locker room door so they can attack Durian David Orthane, which in turn made DDO lose the Platinum Championship via forfeit. James also had run ins with DUI and Kaden Calix. He also lost to Christian Darke in a memorable Last Man Standing match that saw James come out in a attack dog trainer outfit and surrender with a white flag before the match. The very next week was great for James. He won the Platinum Championship from Shane Wethers. Plus he created more chaos than the law allows on Fusion, getting into it with such people as DUI, Kaden Calix, Digital Mortality, and he was elected WAR chieftain by his teammates much to his dismay. In another bit of good news, James survived the first round of the CWMC tournament by defeating Ca$h. The very next week on Fusion was a nightmare. First, he loses his Platinum Championship to Kaden Calix. Then he and WAR lose to the Nevermore in a team Tables Match. But he did make an impact by setting up Kaos so Kaos' former partner Adam Stryker would reveal himself as the new WAR team member. He also tried to bribe Kaden Calix and it didnt work and DUI didn't even want to talk to him. At the Whiplash pay-per-view, Varga lost twice. Once in a tag match with Adam Stryker in a losing effort to DUI and in a Battle Royal to get a bye into the First Round of the Master of the Mat tournament. James' Varga View segment also debuted and he verbally sparred with former ally Joaquin Pierre before atatcking Pierre's injured knee.

On the following Fusion, James got into verbal jabs with Kaden Calix and then later with Joshua Kosidlo on the Varga View. Then, on the new Underground show, he proclaimed himself 'King of the Underground,' mocked and attacked The Daryll on the Varga View, and defeated Sean Molson to advance to the first round of the Master of the Mat tournament. James then continued his reign of terror the following week by cuasing chaos on three different Varga Views with guests Adam Stryker, Darth Varga and Cave Hulk, and Psycho Bunny and the Hamster of PAIN~! All three episodes ended in chaos and he also got into two fights with Kaden Calix this week as well. This week he also told everyone in GLOBAL that he hated all of them equally and then started going out of his way to make fake deals and bogus alliances with a lot of people backstage before going back to his locker room to laugh about it. On Underground, he lost to Lantlas in a close contest. Between weeks, he was deemed a security risk by GLOBAL management because of his straight talking attitude towards other wrestlers and security is now beefed up during his appearances on the show due to 'safety concerns.'

Since then, James has been on a tear. He's been creating compelete chaos on GLOBAL. He finally met Calix in a match and it turned into chaos when WAR attacked Calix and then the Circus of DOOM~! attacked James. The following week James got into more Circus related chaos and his best friend was hospitalized. But lucky for James, he advanced in the MOTM tournament by defeating WAR stablemate Mike Storm and regained the Platinum Championship from Christian Darke. He then lost the championship to Joaquin Pierre two weeks later and lost to Delylah in the MOTM tournament. After this, he was in the International Championship match at the MOTM PPV where he tried to get himself fired on purpose. Instead he lost a Loser Leaves Town Match to Kaden Calix as he wrestled as Zombie Varga and then went to Japan.

In Japan, James Varga became VARGA and this changed his career. He became a star again. At first he wrestled as the mysterious Nimbus, a masked wrestler who hailed from the Oort Cloud. Upon unmasking, VARGA went undefeated. Came back to America three months later and wrestled as Deimos briefly, beating Khaos and winning the LOW Realm Championship on LOW One for the Road PPV. After losing in the Infinite Gauntlet again, he abandoned the Deimos gimmick permanently to wrestle as VARGA. He damn near started a riot at GLOBAL's Dark Rituals PPV where he and other Varga related wrestlers fought fans in the crowd. On Underground in early December he showed up and openly mocked everyone and made an open challenge to all PTC people who "kick ass" to fight him while officially calling himself James VARGA for the first time outside of Japan. At the following Fusion, he confronted Jack Morgan backstage before brutally assaulting him three times during the gory Elimination Chamber match on the show. Only time will tell what VARGA will do next.

What VARGA did was leave FUSE after two matches and dissappear only to reappear as Evil James Varga in the mysterious Church of the Unholy organization. They were in the COP federation before they left after one match. Soon after they joined GCW and started raising havoc backstage and everywhere else over a period of a month. They defeated the Cowboys from Hell in their debut match. Evil James lost twice in the first round of the TEAM Invitational Tournament. At the Rampage pay-per-view, they got into a brutal brawl with the Rebel Express, Logan Creed, and fans at ringside. They also revealed that they were aligned with the hated Chris Bagwell during this pay-per-view as well.

After the pay-per-view, they continued their feud with both the Cowboys from Hell and the Rebel Express as well as losing to Samson and Delylah in a match that AXEL walked out on James only to come back too late and they lost. James came out later and said that it was a "complete conspiracy" and said there was no tension within the team. It was later revealed that the FBI was looking into the Church's actions as of late and that James forgot his pills that he got from the Church. This will explain his "strange" behavior.

James then decided to strike out on his own away from the Church for a bit to compete in the NFW Television Title Royale and loved it. The heat he got from the crowd was so tremendous, it pulled him in. He wanted to stay in NFW just to piss these people off all the time. He felt alive again. The fans hated him so much, he loved it. Now he is in NFW for the long haul to create chaos and destroy all their heroes in the ring.

Career Overall Record:

Singles: 70-53-3
Tag Team: 20-12-0
PPV: 18-14-1
Main Event: 14-10-0
Cluster: 9-16
Total: 99-81-3

Career Championship History:
GLOBAL Platinum Championship x3 (2 as James Varga and 1 as Darth Varga), LOW Realm Championship (as Deimos), UWF Insert-Name-Here Championship, UWF North American Championship, UWF Television Championship, UWF Tag Team Championship (with Killer Dude), UWF Jobber Champion, GHW Undisputed Championship, GHW Television Championship, GHW Hardcore Championship, GHW International Championship, GHW World Tag Team Championship (with Jon Collingwood), FEW World Championship x2, FEW Tag Team Championship x2 (with Misty Mountains and Fast Eddie), FEW North American Championship, IWA World Championship, WAPW Global Championship, WAPW Weapons Championship, XFnW Hardcore Championship x2, XFnW World Tag Team Championship (with Jon Collingwood), USWF2k4 World Championship, USWF 2k4 Crossova Championship, USWF2k4 Patriotic Championship, USWF 2k4 International Champion, KEF Intercontinental Championship, XFW World Championship, XFW Suicide Championship, WWE Intercontinental Championship, HWA Cruiserweight Championship, and CCW Prime Time Championship - Total: 35
Last edited:


League Member
May 12, 2008
The Basics:
Wrestling Name: Jackson
Real Name: Bradley Thomas Jackson
Nickname(s): The Mechanical Animal
Gender: Male
DOB: 4/13/1971
Age: 37
Birthplace: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Current Residence: Chicago, IL

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 277 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eye Color: Deep Blue
Blood Type: O Negative
Past Injuries: knee surgery, concussion, gunshot (chest)

Physical: Jackson is a man of steel, rock hard, with a personality to match. With his strange blue eyes that flash with fierce intelligence, balanced on a jawline as sharp as razorblades, he looks like your stereotypical tough guy. Permanent five o'clock shadow peppers his cheeks and chin while his arms, chest and back are covered in a myriad of tattoos.

Ring Attire: No flash, no nonsense. Jackson usually dresses in a pair of black leather pants (or black/gray camouflage) and his usual black wrestling boots. On occasion, a black leather duster is worn open over his bare, powerful chest. He also wears a St. Jude's medallion, which he always removes prior to getting in the ring.

Out of Ring Attire: Jackson doesn't really care about his appearance, despite portraying a vain, egocentric asshole on camera. He wears what he wants, and unlike some others in the industry, doesn't feel the need to flash or flaunt his money. He earned it the hard way, and never forgets where he came from. Normally found in a worn out black tee and faded jeans and never without his jackboots.

Gimmick and Wrestling Stats:
Current Alignment: Super Heel (Jax’s law)
Entrance Music: "Lies" by Evanescence (Jax Remix) (click here to download the entrance video)
Primary Style: Powerhouse/Technical
Secondary Style: Submission
Taunts: Raises a hand and slowly points thumb down prior to executing finisher. Laughs at weak offense in opponents.

Strengths: methodical, dedicated, obsessive (OCD), charismatic
Weaknesses: moody, sociopathic, egocentric, unstable
Strategy: Jackson is a wily veteran, one of the most ruthless and cunning in the business. He has broken more bones, and ended more careers on a whim than he cares to count. Cerebral, able to think on his feet under even the most grueling pressure, Jackson is one of the best innovators in the business. A win is a win, and if it's dirty… even better.

Ego Trip - legsweep faceslam
Memory Lapse- Suplex, Belly to Back Half Nelson and Chicken Wing
Choke on This (mandible claw chokeslam)


SOMETHING WICKED - Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster (Unprettier).
WELCOME TO THE MACHINE - Suplex, Chickenwing and Facelock (Machine Suplex) Description : The attacker is face to face with the victim. The attacker bends the victim down and hammerlocks one of the victim's arm. With the other arm, the attacker applies a front face lock. From here, the attacker lifts the victim up and over, dropping the victim on their back. This is often bridged into a pin.

Most Used Moves:
gorilla press slam, DDT, swinging DDT, low blows, foot stomp, sucker punch, swinging neckbreaker, back drop driver, haymaker punch, scorpion death drop, missile drop kick, double axe handle smash, elbow smash clothesline, Russian leg sweep, stomach breaker, powerbomb, jawbreaker, piledriver, rope rake, football tackle, gorilla press slam, springboard DDT, brainbuster, European uppercut, Thesz press, Beel throw


Northern lights suplex, Fisherman Suplex, Vertical Suplex, Release German, T-Bone, belly to back,
millennium suplex


STF, iron cross, Mexican surfboard, crossface, kneelock submission, full nelson, sleeper, Indian deathlock, triangle choke, scorpion deathlock, camel clutch, figure four, Texas cloverleaf, sharpshooter

double axehandle smash, senton off top rope, top rope leg drop, flying fistdrop, top rope suicide DDT (to the outside)

Titles and Accolades:
Past Title History: SAWF Hall of Famer, WCWF Grandslam Title Holder and Hall of Famer, NLCW Hardcore Champion (2x), Freedom Independent Champion, ESW World Heavyweight Champion (283 days), PWX World Heavyweight Champion
PCW/NWC History: PURE Championship, Tag Championship (w/ Demon Ted Soul), World Heavyweight Championship, NWC Interfederation Championship, HIWF World Heavyweight Champion.

Other Achievements: X-Net Tournament of Champions 2006 WINNER, GTTOC finalist (w/ Caleb Andrews), King of Ultraviolence Tournament WINNER, WWCXII finalist

Entrance: The lights dim, heavy mist filling the ramp as strobe lights begin to pulse slowly. A steady bass throb begins, growing in volume, sounding much like a heartbeat. A single gunshot shatters the silence, followed by mocking laughter and Jackson's voice hurling insults before the music skips, and then the sounds of 'Lies' by Evanescence filters through the speakers. Dark red strobes pulsate on the entranceway, and a dark figure moves among them, stepping forward as indigo fountains of pyrotechnic spark either side of him. He strides forwards, ignoring the crowd reaction. He circles the ring once, his eyes steady, a look of angry concentration on his face, before ascending the ring steps and climbing between the ropes. Jackson stands in the middle of the ring, his head thrown back in a triumphant roar as the music comes to a grinding halt, cut off with a squeal of feedback.


League Member
May 23, 2008
Zachariah Taylor

For a quick jump off: http://gcwonline.net/bio.php?username=doctaz
Real Name:Zacharia Taylor
Nicknames:The Saint
Birthdate:July 21, 1984
Hometown:Clifton, New Jersey

Zachariah Taylor at PTCPedia

Wrestling Style:unorthodox brawler, mat technician
Finisher:The Almighty Cross
Finisher Description:Lifts opponant off the ground after the Punishment. Puts him in a Crucifix Powerbomb and slams opponant into the mat. Once he hits he crosses his hands and blesses the opponant. (If doesn't knock out opp then he pins)
Setup:The Punishment- The signature finisher very similar to the face-down RKO by Randy Orton.
Entrance Music:Lord Give Me a Sign-DMX

Ring Entrance
The light drop down to very dim lighting.

"In the name of Jesus..."

The entranceway becomes illuminated by red lights. Zacharia Taylor steps out into the light with his hood up, looking down into the ring.

"No weapon formed against me shall prosper"

Taylor very slowly heads down towards the ring with his head bowed down in prayer.

[Preach it]

"And every tongue that rises against me in judgment thou shall condemn"

[Preach it]

"Lord give me a Sign"

Taylor reaches the ring and climbs in. He turns towards the turnbuckle and kneels down. Placing his cross around the turnbuckle, he bows his head in prayer once again. Blessing himself, he rises and takes off his hood and throws it out of the ring. Taylor take the cross from the turnbuckle and replaces it around his neck.

He stands silently playing out the match in his mind, determined.

Move Set
Most moves will be standard strikes, mostly an unorthodox brawler mixed in with:
-Full Nelson Suplex (with the pinning option)
-Dragon Sleeper Hold
-Hip Toss
-Variety of Suplexes
-Gorilla Press Slam

Championships / Awards
GCW Television Champion

Short Bio
Zacharia is very new to the Wrestling federation, joining in January of '08. He has only turned to wrestling recently as a way of controlling his anger. He is super religious and strives for sanctity in his Lord’s eyes. He brought his religion into this federation, seeing many "evil" people around the ring. His motive was to cleans the world of the evil designated by his priest, Father Emanuel, but he is slowly starting to fight for himself.

He shows to be a good hearted guy, but is still considered a heel? He gets a thrill out of seeing blood and enjoys inflicting pain on those he deems evil. He is a forever ally of his mentor Chris Bagwell and tends to do his bidding, but there is something more at work. He has defied Bagwell's Movement and broke away to be in his own spotlight.



...and hath thy Almighty strike with the flesh and bone of thy fist...

He who haveth power, stayeth in power

A storm shall arrive, over earth and through sky, as the angels from heaven begin to cry.

in the name of Jesus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgment thou shall condemn. Lord give me a sign! For this is the herritage of the servants of the Lord and that righteousness is of me, said the Lord. Amen

Recent Promos
Pain is the Discourse of Man
Sanctity of the Almighty
Confessions of the Modern Testament
The Kingdom of Heaven has a Soothing Touch
A Blistering Mind In Need Of Guidance

Main Rival
Clyde Fox
Ever since Zacharia's first match and loss to Clyde Fox, he has been holding a grudge. This really escalated after Zacharia beat Clyde in the Rampage Tournament, but was denied the belt for the TV championship because it was not a title match. At Rampage 2008, Clyde lost his title to Zacharia Taylor

Main Ally
Chris Bagwell
Some might say that Bagwell is all that he has left. Some would say a mentor, or trainer, others might say a father figure. What it comes down to is that Chris Bagwell taught him everything that shows up in the ring.


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
Otaku *update*

Name: Otaku

Alignment: Face

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 235lbs

Hometown: Neo Tokyo Tower

Physical Description: Blond hair, cut short (back and sides), slightly spiky on top. He has blue eyes, which somehow manage to change colour – blue is their neutral colour, but they can change to a wide variety of colours, including, when incredibly peeved, jet black. Clothing wise, outside the ring he tends to go casual, jeans and a variety of anime T-shirts. For ring attire, on a normal TV show or house show, he’ll dress in cosplay from whatever show he’s been watching recently (leading to some interesting cross-dressing on occasion), but on PPV, he dresses in a home-made, accurate (except the colour) replica of Jushin “Thunder” Liger’s costume (in green and gold). Complete with black wig.

Entrance music: The opening theme to the show “Jushin Liger”

Entrance Description: As the opening drone builds, the lights are cut. As the first bars play, various scenes from anime shows flash up on the big screen, until the lyrics kick in, when Otaku himself steps through the curtains, smoke rising around him. He poses for the fans, before walking to the ring, playing up to the fans as any face would. He climbs the ring steps, vaulting over the ropes, and, if his costume includes a cape, he poses, before swirling the cape off in one fluid movement, dropping it down to the ring attendant.

Wrestling style: He’s a mix of a flyer and a technical wrestler – the closest two I can think of are Owen Hart, and (modern) Jushin “Thunder” Liger – able to pull off the big high-flying moves, but preferring a slightly more grounded attack.

1) Liger Sword – Stalling Brainbuster
2) Liger Slash – Discus clothesline
3) Angel Wings – not to be confused with Christopher Daniel’s “Angel Wings”, this is instead a double chickenwing on a grounded opponent. Better known as Cattle Mutilation.

Other Moves:
Suplexes (various)
Ligerbomb (sitout powerbomb)
Shooting Star Press
Russian Leg Sweep
Texas Cloverleaf
Japanese arm-drag
Yakuza Kick
Flying headbutt
Fire (rarely used, it’s a reverse somersault from the top rope straight into a DDT – the opponent is getting up off the canvas, back to Otaku on the top rope)

Major strength: He’s a very well versed mat wrestler who adopts a Japanese style, so his major strength is probably his mat work. Other than that, his ever-increasing knowledge of anime.

Major weakness: He’s not all that strong or quick, so he makes mistakes and can be caught off guard. He’s a bit of a poser when in costume too.

History: A sportsman at school, he was on the wrestling and athletics teams (specialising in triple jump). He had a very normal childhood, nothing spectacular happened. His parents didn’t die horribly or anything like that. When he was 15 though, he began down a treacherous path – the path of the anime watcher! Since then, he’s been fascinated by it, watching a volume of a series a night. He’s also been long fascinated by Japanese wrestling, so, given his sporting background, he thought he’d give it a try. He's spent most of his time working independent events, as well as TEAM, and had a coffee in Empire Pro Wrestling.

Title history: TEAM Lethal Lottery Tag Team Champ w/Varga - June 2008 to present

Evil James

League Member
Feb 17, 2008
San Diego, California


Name: James Varga
Email Address: thechamberednautilus@hotmail.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: mysticmoose07 - AIM
Preferred Method of Handling: (FW Promo, Freestyle RP, Angle/Storyline, Hybrid) E. All of the above. No preference.
Best Way to Contact you: (PM/Email/IM) PM or IM


Name: "The Violator" James Varga
Nicknames: The Violator, Evil James, Loose Cannon, The Franchise, The Satan of Wrestling, Hitler, Darth Varga, Dark Helmet, Skeletor, The Antichrist, The Evil Genius of Wrestling, Hero With No Fear

Height: 6'1
Weight: 235 lbs.
Handedness: (Right or Left) Right
Alignment: Tweener
Looks: (A general idea of what the guy looks like. Hairstyles, etc.) Caucasian, blackish hair, average build, somewhat messy hair on occasion, no tattoos or piercings, blue eyes.

Hailing From: (This is where the character is introduced as being from)
Las Vegas, Nevada

Disposition: Usually sarcastic and gets upset when he gets outmaneuvered in a match, will do anything to get crowd heat in a match

Gimmick: (If not a true "gimmick", his in the ring 'persona'.)
He is the Violator because he 'violates everyone he comes in contact with.' That is his gimmick. Violating the shows. Basically your typical uberheel who can piss everyone off just by talking on the stick for 30 seconds. Thrives on the hatred of the fans. Plays tough before the matches but acts cowardly a lot.

Ring Attire: (What he wears to the ring.)
Theme Music: Be Quiet and Drive (So Far Away) by Deftones
Ring Entrance: (What he DOES on his way to the ring.)

The arena lights fade to black. The entrance then fills up with smoke and flashing strobe
lights appear as well. The song "Be Quiet and Drive (So Far Away)" by Deftones starts playing over the loudspeakers as the crowd starts giving a mixed reaction.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/kBW-zYuGi34&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/kBW-zYuGi34&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

"The Violator" James Varga appears in the entrance right after the first verse is sung and does a crucifix pose in the entrance to a loud mixed ovation. He’s wearing a black sweat jacket with the Deftones skull and roses "Minerva" CD logo on the back of it and the hood up with a black "Stephen King's The Mist" horror movie poster T-shirt underneath it, and his usual Tool "10,000 Days" cover design black long tights. He also has his face painted with glow in the dark blue colors that look similar to the design of Quan Chi’s face from the Mortal Kombat game.

He raises up his hands to give the Dio rock on sign before heading over and climbing down the stairs. He then climbs the barricade and walks through the crowd to the ring. The crowd is loving this part.

Varga walks through the crowd, getting yanked and pulled from the crazed fans. Varga makes his way to ringside and then climbs up on the railing to do another Crucifix pose. The crowd is actually cheering this. Varga climbs over the railing into the ringside area.
Once he's at the ring, he climbs up on the apron before climbing up to the top turnbuckle and does another Crucifix pose before climbing into the ring. He takes off his entrance attire and gets ready for a fight as the music fades out.


(Complete Moveset, transitions that mark that wrestler - IE: Bret Hart always does his 2nd rope Elbow, Russian Leg Sweep. Finishers, Signatures & Set-Up Moves. Anything else you want to share, or provide the matchwriters of NFW.)

Finisher: Macho Man Top Rope Elbow Drop
Trademark Move: Super Duper Kick (Superkick)
Special Move: Double axehandle off the top rope to standing opponent (both in and out of the ring) * does this one frequently as a tribute to his idol, Macho Man style High Jumping Knee Drop *also frequently used Macho Man tribute move

Trademark Moves:
Trademark#1 - The Varga Elbow (People's Elbow)
Trademark#2 - The Varga Flop (Flair Flop)
Trademark#3 - The Running Hug of Doom~! (Edge's Spear)
Trademark#4 - The Varga Stomp (Garvin/Orton Stomp)

1. ALL Wrestling Moves - He is the owner of one of the five copies of the EXTREMELY rare book 'The Ultimate Guide to Wrestling Moves: Every Hold in the Universe and MORE!' by acclaimed wrestler 'Gorgeous' Harry Palms. He knows every move, even the ones that have yet to be named and will use them to his advantage
2. Overselling moves - he puts over his opponents something fierce
3. Classic Heel Cheating Tactics - Begging off, eye pokes, fake rakes, etc.
4. Funny Spots - Imagine Eddie Guerrero's heel tactics x10 and you get the shenanigans that this guy comes up with for his matches
5. Rest Holds - Comes up with some of the most ingenius sequences during pointless time wasters such as headlocks
6. Bad cut jobs - Best in the biz with these
7. Fan Interaction - Likes the fans to be a part of his matches as much as his opponent(s). Loves it when fans bring weapons for him to use and likes fighting in the crowd.
8. Disguise - Often hides from opponents by raking their eyes, sneaking off, and then beating somebody up to take their clothes and disguise himself as them. Often does this to cameramen, hot dog vendors, and other assorted personnel.
9. Cowardice - Hiding and cowering in fear from his opponents is a preferred tactic of this man.
10. Joining the announce crew - He will often do this and call his own spots, mock his opponent, and degrade the television audience during his matches.

Misc. Moves he knows/Etc.:
1. Various elbow strikes
2. Kick to the midsection
3. Striking jabs to the head
4. Side headlock
5. Headlock takedown
6. Elbow strike to the throat
7. Running clothesline using top rope
8. Running elbow to the head
9. Gutwrench suplex into pin
10. Roll up pin using the tights
11. Eye rake
12. Throwing opponent over the top rope and out to the floor
13. Double leg underhook pin
14. Top rope clothesline
15. Running knee to the back
16. Figure Four Leglock
17. Crucifix pin
18. Clothesline takedown
19. Clothesline using the top rope
20. Repeatedly stomping on opponent

Tactics/Style: (Technical, High-Flyer, etc. But go into a bit of detail. If he's modelled after a certain 'type' of wrestler, please detail. EX: A mix of Shawn Michaels/TAZ/Benoit)
Varga will do anything to make himself appear weak to his opponents even though he is quite a cunning fighter and match strategist. He will feign weakness, throw matches to make his rivals think he is weak and not a threat to them, he will lie and make bogus alliances with people, lying, and often lures his opponents and allies into a false sense of security while simultaneously convincing them to turn on their allies and close friends. He makes complex webs of false alliances while only having a true alliance to a small people. He was the first on the show to intentionally lose competitions and was seen as weak by his fellow wrestlers. He also bizarrely seeks to be hated by the other wrestlers. He uses lies and deception after admitting to his fellow wrestlers that he would do so, lied about conversations and alliances and even lies about past experiences in his life. His straight talking attitude toward other wrestlers has made him a security risk as well. Regardless, James is considered one of the most devious wrestlers in history.

Strengths: (3 strength marks see him as possessing)
1. Intelligence - He's smarter than everyone thinks he is. His IQ is in the genius range and he makes a lot of intelligent decisions in the ring.
2. Selling - He's one of the best sellers in the industry and his massive fanbase of Vargaholics out there proves that. Is also an extremely good technical wrestler and actor. No theater training either.
3. Entertainment Value - You will never find a wrestler as entertaining as this guy. has excellent mic skills and has more one liners than a typical SNL or South Park episode.

Weaknessess: (See Above)
1. Emotional - Will let his emotions get to his head sometimes, leading to unwanted disqualifications in matches and him going overkill in the violence department during matches. Make it personal with him, expect a trip to the hospital.
2. Over thinking - Tends to over think in the ring which can lead to some problems.
3. Face Value - He's cheered a lot for a heel character, which undermines his ability to get real heel heat

Other Factors of Note:
1. He has the Michael Myers ability to sneak up on people without being noticed or heard.
2. Stamina/Endurance. Has wrestled more than an hour more than eight times in his career, which can be a factor in long matches.

James grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada and has lived there all his life. He was a quiet and weird kid. He liked horror and sci-fi movies, fantasy, video games, ancient civilizations, foreign countries, world history, rock music, poetry, and politics. These are often the subject points of his amusing rantings. He joined the ranks of wrestling when he was only 19 and a half. The young kid grew way too cocky way too early, but you can't blame him. He was being promised World Championship matches every week and his ego was being fed to the point of extremes by the bookers in the fed he started out in, GHW. He won the GHW Television Championship in only his third match. Pretty good for an inexperienced kid. He beat Akira Razor (finals) and Johnny Jizm (semi-finals) that night. Later, he would become only the fourth person to win the GHW Grand Slam. He won 5 out of their 6 titles when he was there and was the second fastest to do it, accomplishing this feat in only 5 months. But then he has a falling out with management and left on a self-imposed exile for 3 months before resurfacing in the NWC's Pacific where he made a pretty amazing return to the ring for a guy who was rusty. His win-loss record wasn't the best, but he always put up a good fight. He honestly could care less who he's in the ring with just as long as they give him a good fight and he kicks their ass. He had memorable feuds and matches with such talents as Saerin Aurora, Simon Donovan, Grayson Kelly, Paradox, Prime, and Mimic. Many people think he's either an idiot or a genius. But, here in recent weeks, he's become a lot darker than he was when he first arrived in the NWCP as an inexperienced rookie under his original nickname 'The Franchise' in February 2003.

After his wedding failure on national television with Paradox, James snapped and knocked her out with a steel chair before going on a rampage. Earlier in the show, however, he attacked a DWS writer, which turned the writer's on him. They then saddled him with the 'Killer Klown from Outer Space,' an escaped mental asylum patient who thinks he's actually one of the killer clowns from that campy '80's horror flick. He and James have become closer than anyone expected and this friendship has caused 'Killer Klown' mania throughout the DWS. James also won the MOST BRUTAL MATCH IN DWS HISTORY when he defeated Prime in the career altering Ultimate X match in which he proved that he wasn't just a comedic idiot anymore. He's become a big time star, even instigating a war between the DWS and SCW when his appearance on the AXIOM/SCW Across Enemy Lines 5.5 supercard damn near caused a riot. Soon after this, he was scheduled to meet Paradox in what is surely to be a revenge match on his part for what happened during their wedding ceremony. This match has been brewing ever since the ceremony and the anticipation has been building for months. He has also started what he calls the 'Twisted Flesh World Tour 2004,' which proves just how demented he really is. And James' past has come back to haunt him as well on the eve of this big attraction, with Jon Collingwood escaping from the mental institution and threatening to kill him! But, before they could finish their storyline, the DWS closed and James was left homeless.

This led to James being signed by Wisoming Wrestling, a splinter fed of the NWC. He won his first match there in a dominant fashion and formed a stable with Joshua Lee and Bon. But, after two more shows, he decided to leave Wisoming and had a very nasty public falling out with Wisoming Management. Now, he has come to the PTC in search of the fame and glory he could never find in the NWC. Sponsors a child in Africa named Ndugu who gets a free bowl of grits and collared greens every time he hits a wrestler with a steel chair. Is trying to save the children from eternal damnation by destroying professional wrestling and everyone involved in it. Is notorious for doing movie spoofs and has even been a manager, managing former NWC star and real life best friend 'Army Ranger' Jon Collingwood to two title matches and a pay-per-view appearance in the former NWC. Has a near army of outrageous sidekicks and loyal followers to do his bidding, including such characters as Jon Collingwood, The Swede, Porno Yoda, the Porno Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Robots, Danny Hernandez, Rikkelle Klein, the Killer Pirates from the Outer Caribbean, Wolf Man, Goth Girl, Old School, "Big" Dick N. Uranus, and Space Condom 2000. He is an EXTREMELY controversial, infamous, and notorious character on the wrestling circuit. He "claims" that everything is a conspiracy against him.

Is probably one of the most talked about personalities to come around in a long time. But don't let that fool you. He'll tell the truth about anything and is very entertaining in his own way. From out of the ashes of the NWC and Wisoming Wrestling has risen this Phoenix, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. James will continue to rationalize his work with a facile nihilsm that whatever he's doing is meaningless anyway. He's darkly obsessive and will stop at nothing until he's at the top of the heap. Has renamed himself Deimos ('dread,' 'panic') after one of the satellites of Mars and is out to get revenge on one as of yet unnamed LOW superstar that he knew in his youth. But that gimmick fell by the wayside and he has once again resurfaced here in the UWF as 'The Franchise' James Varga, out to claim the glory that he thinks is his. One of the most respected heels in the industry, he is the 'Last Survivor of the NWC.'

Came to the UWF and won the UWF Television Championship on The Clash pay-per-view the day before his birthday. Also briefly won the UWF Jobber Championship at the Clash before being pinned by The Huckster and Big Ted's Arm. Also competed in XFnW at this time as a favor to his friend the owner. Left after 3 months due to problems with the way the booking was done. Won the federation's Hardcore Championship, Tag Team Championship, was a finalist in the #1 Contender's Tournament, and also was undefeated for a month before finally losing in a tag match he should've won in his opinion. Soon thereafter, his second job was revealed in a promo for the PTC Extreme Title Division Royale. Varga moonlights as a hitman to make some cash on the side. He also is a 'Kaiju' movie monster as well, as is evident by his run ins with several Japanese movie monsters here recently.

Lost the UWF Television Championship to Luke Warren of the Legends, whom he then allied himself with the following week for Stable Wars but the relationship qucikly dissolved. Varga then began feuding with Killer Dude in a feud that quickly is heating up the UWF charts. Varga started dating Layla at this point. After losing two straight weeks to the Dude in tag matches thanks to his partners, Varga beat the Killer Dude for his UWF North American Championship at the UWF FANdamonium DOS~! pay-per-view in the Super Mario Bros. match. Varga managed the Killer Pirates of the Outer Caribbean to PTC Tag Team gold and began feuding with the AWC after he and all of his characters invaded their show.

Lost in the Stable Wars VII finale when he was pinned by Mike Montgomery for the final elimination of the evening after his own partner Clyde turned on him. Varga then got his revenge the next week when he defeated Clyde at Sunday Afternoon Supremacy to win the UWF Insert-Name-Here Championship in the opening contest. Later in that evening, he saved arch-nemesis Killer Dude from Clyde and found out he was facing Killer Dude at the Regal Rumble. The very next week he and Dude won the UWF Tag Team Titles after he demolished the champions and their challengers with his Super Mario Bros. Hammer. Sam Gordon then made Dude his partner and then they defeated the Bob World Order to remain champions only to lose to the Hollywood Bombshells after the very next match due to interference from the Player's Club. Varga and Dude then formed an alliance. Varga and Dude then met at the Regal Rumble but screwed the fans out of the match via a double countout. Varga then lasted over 2 hours in the Regal Rumble before Clyde threw a fireball at him and he was eliminated. Varga then grabbed Clyde's ankle and Dude big booted him over the top rope. Dude won the Rumble and they celebrated. The very next week, Clyde threw a fireball at Varga and the new World Champion Misfit pinned Varga. The very next week, Varga's torment continued when he lost his Insert-Name-Here Championship to Clyde in humiliating fashion and then found out he was facing Axel Action at LAL 5 to boot.

Defeated Axel Action at LAL 5 in one of the greatest matches of his career. His best friend Killer Dude won the UWF World Championship on the same show and they celebrated the next SAS. To boot, Dude and Varga were on opposite teams in a tag team match on the same show with Varga teaming with Clyde and Dude teaming with Axel Action! Varga's team won due to Dude turning on his partner. Varga then went on to lose in GTT5's Round 1 to Jorge Samuelsson in a very closely contested match. After this, Varga lost the UWF North American Championship in a match that ended up being very controversial afterwards and left the UWF to pursue his movie career.

He reappeared at the UWF FANDAMONIUM DOS~! Show, the UWF's last show ever and damn near started a riot. He then appeared on GLOBAL's Fusion on 04/20/07 and got into a verbal confrontation with Darth Varga after claiming he was here to "save the PTC from itself" and challenged Darth Varga to a Loser Leaves Town Match at WrestleCade 2007 because Darth Varga has been making a mockery of the Varga name since he left in late 2005. Darth Varga accepted only to be humiliated by him after this and he refers to Darth as "Jason," which has further heated the feud between the two. The following week, James cut off Darth's hand with a lightsaber in order to save Kirsten Dunst. He then repeatededly mocked Darth throughout the night, each time barely escaping the giant monster with a cheap shot. James left the building with the ominous warning of 'the war is coming.' At WrestleCade, he was proved to be right. After defeating Darth Varga in a Loser Leaves Town Street Fight in probably one of the best matches of his career thanks to an elaborate set-up by himself and Axel Action, James, Axel, Mike Storm, Joaquin
Pierre, and Patti Anderson formed WAR.

WAR's beginning was completely chaotic. First, James gets into it with Kaden Calix and then Christian Darke accepts his challenge for a match. The very next week, James and the rest of WAR put the dead body of the Great Khali in front of the Nevermore's locker room door so they can attack Durian David Orthane, which in turn made DDO lose the Platinum Championship via forfeit. James also had run ins with DUI and Kaden Calix. He also lost to Christian Darke in a memorable Last Man Standing match that saw James come out in a attack dog trainer outfit and surrender with a white flag before the match.

The very next week was great for James. He won the Platinum Championship from Shane Wethers. Plus he created more chaos than the law allows on Fusion, getting into it with such people as DUI, Kaden Calix, Digital Mortality, and he was elected WAR chieftain by his teammates much to his dismay. In another bit of good news, James survived the first round of the CWMC tournament by defeating Ca$h. The very next week on Fusion was a nightmare. First, he loses his Platinum Championship to Kaden Calix. Then he and WAR lose to the Nevermore in a team Tables Match. But he did make an impact by setting up Kaos so Kaos' former partner Adam Stryker would reveal himself as the new WAR team member. He also tried to bribe Kaden Calix and it didnt work and DUI didn't even want to talk to him. At the Whiplash pay-per-view, Varga lost twice. Once in a tag match with Adam Stryker in a losing effort to DUI and in a Battle Royal to get a bye into the First Round of the Master of the Mat tournament. James' Varga View segment also debuted and he verbally sparred with former ally Joaquin Pierre before atatcking Pierre's injured knee.

On the following Fusion, James got into verbal jabs with Kaden Calix and then later with Joshua Kosidlo on the Varga View. Then, on the new Underground show, he proclaimed himself 'King of the Underground,' mocked and attacked The Daryll on the Varga View, and defeated Sean Molson to advance to the first round of the Master of the Mat tournament. James then continued his reign of terror the following week by cuasing chaos on three different Varga Views with guests Adam Stryker, Darth Varga and Cave Hulk, and Psycho Bunny and the Hamster of PAIN~! All three episodes ended in chaos and he also got into two fights with Kaden Calix this week as well. This week he also told everyone in GLOBAL that he hated all of them equally and then started going out of his way to make fake deals and bogus alliances with a lot of people backstage before going back to his locker room to laugh about it. On Underground, he lost to Lantlas in a close contest. Between weeks, he was deemed a security risk by GLOBAL management because of his straight talking attitude towards other wrestlers and security is now beefed up during his appearances on the show due to 'safety concerns.'

Since then, James has been on a tear. He's been creating compelete chaos on GLOBAL. He finally met Calix in a match and it turned into chaos when WAR attacked Calix and then the Circus of DOOM~! attacked James. The following week James got into more Circus related chaos and his best friend was hospitalized. But lucky for James, he advanced in the MOTM tournament by defeating WAR stablemate Mike Storm and regained the Platinum Championship from Christian Darke. He then lost the championship to Joaquin Pierre two weeks later and lost to Delylah in the MOTM tournament. After this, he was in the International Championship match at the MOTM PPV where he tried to get himself fired on purpose. Instead he lost a Loser Leaves Town Match to Kaden Calix as he wrestled as Zombie Varga and then went to Japan.

In Japan, James Varga became VARGA and this changed his career. He became a star again. At first he wrestled as the mysterious Nimbus, a masked wrestler who hailed from the Oort Cloud. Upon unmasking, VARGA went undefeated. Came back to America three months later and wrestled as Deimos briefly, beating Khaos and winning the LOW Realm Championship on LOW One for the Road PPV. After losing in the Infinite Gauntlet again, he abandoned the Deimos gimmick permanently to wrestle as VARGA. He damn near started a riot at GLOBAL's Dark Rituals PPV where he and other Varga related wrestlers fought fans in the crowd. On Underground in early December he showed up and openly mocked everyone and made an open challenge to all PTC people who "kick ass" to fight him while officially calling himself James VARGA for the first time outside of Japan. At the following Fusion, he confronted Jack Morgan backstage before brutally assaulting him three times during the gory Elimination Chamber match on the show. Only time will tell what VARGA will do next.

What VARGA did was leave FUSE after two matches and dissappear only to reappear as Evil James Varga in the mysterious Church of the Unholy organization. They were in the COP federation before they left after one match. Soon after they joined GCW and started raising havoc backstage and everywhere else over a period of a month. They defeated the Cowboys from Hell in their debut match. Evil James lost twice in the first round of the TEAM Invitational Tournament. At the Rampage pay-per-view, they got into a brutal brawl with the Rebel Express, Logan Creed, and fans at ringside. They also revealed that they were aligned with the hated Chris Bagwell during this pay-per-view as well.

After the pay-per-view, they continued their feud with both the Cowboys from Hell and the Rebel Express as well as losing to Samson and Delylah in a match that AXEL walked out on James only to come back too late and they lost. James came out later and said that it was a "complete conspiracy" and said there was no tension within the team. It was later revealed that the FBI was looking into the Church's actions as of late and that James forgot his pills that he got from the Church.

James then decided to strike out on his own away from the Church for a bit to compete in the NFW Television Title Royale and loved it. The heat he got from the crowd was so tremendous, it pulled him in. He wanted to stay in NFW just to piss these people off all the time. He felt alive again. The fans hated him so much, he loved it. Now he is in NFW for the long haul to create chaos and destroy all their heroes in the ring. He began feuding with Legion, Impulse, Cameron Cruise, Felix Red, and Brock Alyas around this time as well. Changed his stage name to "The Violator" James Varga. Competed in the PTC Chris Storm Trash Talk competition as well. He began seeing his girlfriend Amber and a rift was caused between him and AXEL at this time due to a prank that AXEL pulled on him making him think he was fired.

The Church won a Triple Threat Weapons Tag Team match over Samson and Delylah and the Cowboys from Hell. The Church's rift continued to grow after the match as they had a locker room argument. He also had a confrontation backstage with Brad Jackson on this show as well over something that happened in GLOBAL wrestling. Finished high enough in the PTC Infinite Gauntlet Chris Storm trash talk round to be invited back for the IG47 round. Somehow in the chaos of the post-Storm Gauntlet bash fest ended up in a inter-promotional tag team match teaming with Jesse Jamester against Andy Murray and Ian Nackedy as well as the team of Chris Bagwell and Jay Terror. At the TEAM Super Show VIII he teamed with Otaku to win the TEAM Lethal Lottery Tag Team Championships and then went on to win a six man elimination rumble to win the TEAM Free For All Championship, thus becoming a TEAM double champion.

Then came the now infamous Varga Fight Night on World Wide 91. First he split from AXEL and the Church of the Unholy only to have a fight with his former partner. Then he got into a confrontation backstage with Shaman before having a match which him that ended up in a draw and had more fighting than wrestling in it. After this he got into a fight with Brad Jackson that ended up in the concession stands before being broken up by security. Then he attacked AXEL during an interview by flying over a table and attacking him. Security broke it up and Varga then had a confrontation with a backstage official before being escorted out of the building.

After surviving his journey with the Ka-Tet to the Dark Stratosphere Tower, he and Amber went and stayed at his second home in West Yellowstone, Montana. The police made him a suspect in a series of murders that occurred in the town but he was soon taken off the suspects like. It was revealed that Amber was cheating on him back in Vegas and he broke up with her.

Career Overall Record:
Singles: 70-53-4
Tag Team: 22-12-0
PPV: 21-14-1
Main Event: 14-10-0
Cluster: 10-17
Total: 102-82-5

Career Championship History:
TEAM Free For All Championship, TEAM Lethal Lottery Tag Team Championship (w/ Otaku), GLOBAL Platinum Championship x3 (2 as James Varga and 1 as Darth Varga), LOW Realm Championship (as Deimos), UWF Insert-Name-Here Championship, UWF North American Championship, UWF Television Championship, UWF Tag Team Championship (with Killer Dude), UWF Jobber Champion, GHW Undisputed Championship, GHW Television Championship, GHW Hardcore Championship, GHW International Championship, GHW World Tag Team Championship (with Jon Collingwood), FEW World Championship x2, FEW Tag Team Championship x2 (with Misty Mountains and Fast Eddie), FEW North American Championship, IWA World Championship, WAPW Global Championship, WAPW Weapons Championship, XFnW Hardcore Championship x2, XFnW World Tag Team Championship (with Jon Collingwood), USWF2k4 World Championship, USWF 2k4 Crossova Championship, USWF2k4 Patriotic Championship, USWF 2k4 International Champion, KEF Intercontinental Championship, XFW World Championship, XFW Suicide Championship, WWE Intercontinental Championship, HWA Cruiserweight Championship, and CCW Prime Time Championship - Total: 37

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