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Recent content by SFZero

  1. S

    Folie a Deux

    The following thread may contain suggestive themes and strong language. If these things offend you, please click the back button on your browser at this time.
  2. S


    Fade in. Zero: Kevin, it's obvious by your constant name-dropping that apparently you have a few issues with me. That's all well and good, but I don't have the time to waste bantering with you, because I'm too busy defending a title that means a flying f***. Complicated situation made simple...
  3. S

    A Message

    The corporate offices of Global X-Treme Wrestling were bustling; the amount of bodies moving this way and that gave the effect that the edifice itself was a living, breathing thing. Men in suits, women in chic dresses, men in sweats jogging down the halls, slick with persperation; people of all...
  4. S

    Fantasy Hockey

    Attention Hockey Fans: The Global X-Treme Hockey League is here! We are in need of teams, so go on over to Yahoo Games, and click on Fantasy hockey and sign up for the GXHL. League ID: 76628 Password: SFZero -JP.
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    Tuesdays at the Global X-Treme Wrestling offices in Los Angeles are a very hectic time. Preparations for next week's show is already beginning, and everyone is determined to top last week's event. GXW employees mill about the cluttered hallways and cubicles, a rogue's gallery of backstage...
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    The 2002 X-Tremies

    Time sure does fly when you're having fun. It's a real kicker to think that GXW will be one year old in a little over two months. That aside, it's that time of year again, folks, it's awards show time. This time, we're doing it GXW style with the X-Tremies. Listed below are the categories and...
  7. S


    [updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-01 AT 07:39 PM (EST)]The following thread contains adult language and suggestive themes. If these things offend you, please click the back button on your browser now. "It evokes such pain and significance What was once is reduced to rememberance And the...

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