All Heeled Out and Nowhere to Go
(FADEIN: To 'Hot Property' EDDIE MAYFIELD, same gear as before, except for a new shirt - Black, with 6 blue stars on it - the highest 'Wanted' level from GRAND THEFT AUTO. MAYFIELD shakes his head as he stands in front of a wall with peeling paint on it)
MAYFIELD: "Shane, man, how many times do we have to go down this road? I, either by myself or with the blessings of a group of people make fun of you, make you lose a belt, dignity or something else, just plain make you eat your words, and you come back out here and default back to the 'Eddies a Clown' rap. (Makes 'jerk-off' motion with his closed fist) Get over yourself, Shane. (snorts). You may have gotten me mixed up with some other group of doods who need a battalion of doods to come in and help them get ahead. If you WEREN'T paying attention, you saw EDDIE MAYFIELD, ALWAYS at the head of the class, the top of the line, the King of the Hill, and I ALWAYS handled my own business. You think I'm not bright enough to have you figured out? My man, if YOU'RE gonna call somebody stupid, then jesus, I'M REALLY IN TROUBLE.
You see, As long as we've been in CSWA, I haven't seen Shane Southern do much more than whine about his smile, and win a few, then job a few. Hell, we've both beaten and been beaten by each other, but I'm sure your big-assed head that's filled with Louisiana Bayous Best swampwater must forget that. I'm not taken seriously? (Looks around) I don't see anyone else standing here about to cave your head in to take the World Title, Shane. Taken Seriously? I'm not the one wrestling Shamon on the bottom of a card like OTHER cats around here - I'm the one RIGHT AT THE TOP - AS USUAL, Stirring the MOTHERF[BLEEEEEEEP!] DRINK AROUND HERE. Shane, you can come out here and make a case all you want to try and knock me down a peg, but you know as well as I do that I'm the ONLY ONE HERE who's got your number, and it keeps you up at night that I won't roll over and go away.
"When EYE formed the Intruders, the hottest faction in wrestling for the THIRD time, here in CSWA, all of those asshole partners of mine couldn't wait to ask you to come on ride the train - choo choo ride it - they couldn't WAIT for you to rock the I hat, they wanted Shane to get in on the best thing since tiVo and XBOX Live - the Intruders, and from day one I said [BLEEEP!] Shane Southern - he's a primmadonna who's not worth the paper he's printed on. And When they all figured out I was right, you were getting your ass handed to you by Tom Adler, jobbing belts, and making porn tapes or whatever you were into... and Eddie Mayfield was THREE BELTS DEEP in CSWA. The person 'no one takes seriously', the clown, had his f[BLEEEEP!] name hanging from the rafters on PRIME TIME, and you were in the back, waiting for the countdown from the tech guy wearing MY T-SHIRT, telling you you were on in T-minus 5, 4... on iTV. (Shakes head) I guess you're right again, Shane. I'm a joke... a failure... I wasted my life playing videogames, and smoking too much and being a clown, while in one breath you tell me I'm not worth your respect, and in the next wonder why you've never been able to mystify the minds of the youth and target demographics like me, Eddie Mayfield.
"See, man, It all comes down to a few certainties in a few days time. One, you're gonna realize that all along, that you AIN'T THE BEST IN THE WORLD, Shane. If you thought it took the best wrestling ability, then wrestling would be stuck back in wristlocks and bearhugs, and some beer-bellied short necked guy would be world champ, but no. It takes MORE than that. And that feeling you have in the pit of your gut - the one that tells you that the CSWA gold doesn't 'feel' right is just because of those things - that YOU know you don't deserve that belt. Yeah, you punched ol' ass Melton in the chin with some knucks, but you know that you ain't laying me out with that sh[BLEEEP!], and that as much sh[BLEEEEEEP!] that you talk about me, you know that everytime you step in the ring against me, you're not sure you're gonna win the next one. YOU JUST CAN'T BE SURE, CAN YOU. Well chalk our World Title match up to one of those times, Shane.
I've NEVER needed anyone else to get me ahead other than myself. Craig Miles and GUNS served a purpose, and they played their roles. Even YOU, my friend, serve a purpose. You'll find out what yours is in a few nights time when I fulfill my destiny and beat your ass in the middle of that ring for that CSWA championship.
"A little fun trivia fact for you, Shane - I've NEVER been beaten for any championship I've won. YOU can't say the same. And when this little joke comes and slaps the redman chaw out of your stupid face, and you realize that your 'attitude' ain't gonna be enough to get past me, you'll see that the jokes been on you all along, Shane, becuase the only fool here is the one you see in your mirror every morning.
"WAIT - OH, OH WAIT, I FEEL A JOKE COMING ON! (Shivers) ... Oh, forget it - it was just gas."