Fade in....
A long olympic style sparkling swimming pool. Sitting atop the lifeguard tower in full gear...shorts, tank top, neon colored reflective paint under each eye and a visor on his head.....is Jeffrey Roberts. A whistle is nearby, just in case. A megaphone rests over a protruding part of the tower, just in case. A life preserver is over the tower.......
Just in case.
There's no one in the pool......
Suddenly, Roberts blows the whistle hard one time and stands to the ready, pulling the preserver from its perch and tossing it into the water. It's a perfect throw, landing over the top of a floating object in the deep end. We're meant to understand that in a small sense, this object is General Mayhem's promotional work for this week. In a much larger sense, we are to understand that it is in fact his entire career and for those introspective types looking for even deeper meaning....it is society's sanity as a whole.
Roberts swims to the object, pulls it across his back and swims to safety...flinging it onto the pool deck and leaping to it's side, preparing for mouth to mouth. Roberts thinks this over however... and instead kicks it back into the water, where it immediately sinks.
Roberts goes over to the vending machine.....and buys a Pepsi - then remembers the camera....and the expectation for actual monologue.
Roberts: "How can Jeff Roberts' behavior be explained, you ask. Ah, if that isn't the eternal question for you then I don't know what is. How to explain the unexplainable? 'Crazy'...that's the technical term I believe, not so much ADD. ADD would be a lot easier to control. Pop a pill and it's all over. All better. Fifty million of America's finest future leaders can't be wrong."
"You make a valid point. You're no pixelated part of a video game. More than likely, the two dimensional image on that screen holds much more depth than you've ever shown. I wonder which button combination causes the hero to commit suicide? I wonder if I could figure out? I wonder if I'll try to find out during our match?"
"Also, while I do enjoy a good steak dinner....or...a frozen one....from time to time, I don't see how it could affect me during the match proper. I'm also pretty sure I didn't eat it 'hours' before the match, considering I ate it yesterday....and here I am today, and the match hasn't happened yet. There might even be the small chance that I've eaten SINCE then."
"Any respect for you would be immaterial as well. The concept of respect is a foreign one to me as I'm sure is evident by now. I'd just as soon shake your hand as cut it off...and whether or not my multitasking meets with your definition of respect is quite a good way down my list of priorities at the moment."
"Now - I'm not planning on saving you from this sinking ship that you've placed yourself on by being....oh, how to say it?.....boring, stupid, a caricature? It's multiple choice, so any would do. I understand those who persistently choose 'C' do the best.....but I do plan on wiping the mat with you....with your face.....wiping your blood off the mat.....with your face."
"Maybe next time....don't jump right into the deep end, General. And just so you've got it all cleared up? I've never been dismissed.....but you're about to be discharged...very....very....VERY....dishonorably....."
Fade out....