I don't understand what you are trying to achieve, however here's some stuff that needs changing...
Open the index.html file in a text editor (notepad, for eg)
There's a <Title> tag. In the file it will read <Title>Page Title</Title> - I'd change that to something like "The Game" perhaps?
The broken image down the right is because the image URL is down as "http://game.fwrestling.com/index_files/image298.jpg" but that file is not there. You need to create an index_files directory and in that directory you need to put the image "image298.jpg" in there for it to display.
Did you code this website in Word by the way? There's an AWFUL lot of HTML in the source code for a website so minimalist.
I'm happy to do this small job for you, if you like? Just PM me with everything you want on the page (content, images, etc) or you can just give me a description of the images you want creating.
If you have images to send, email me instead.