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Who is Cobra?


League Member
Apr 10, 2012
Who is Cobra?
A simple generic name. One that has probably been mimicked, copied, even completely ripped off many times over in this business over the last two decades. A name so common, it would be hard to remember who was who, if you even cared. Over the last fifteen plus years in this business, how could one person be so forgettable? A multi-time World Champion. A man that only got stronger and harder to beat over his career. A man that reached his pinnacle just a mere couple of years ago. And yet, who really knows who this Cobra guy is?

Much like everyone else in this business, Cobra came from a troubled past, you know the really interesting ones with death and torture and the like. And also, much like everyone else, the story is long and boring and not worth telling in detail. Not anymore at least. The point of Cobra’s youth is simple. While some may have used it as an escape or as an excuse, Cobra used it to push himself towards success and greatness.

Cobra started at a young age in this business, jumping from lodge to bingo hall to high school gym. Paying his way and barely having enough to get to the next location. For years, Cobra excelled and floundered in the small indy feds that sprung up and shut down in a matter of hours. Again, nothing but boring back-story that is neither original nor interesting. And yet it continued to push Cobra forward and onward to greatness.

The real story of Cobra begins with his last foray in the big times. The time Cobra spent in the WfWA, dominating everything that stood in his way. He quickly became king of company. The star. The face that would take the company to new heights. It was also the time that Cobra finally gave into temptation and realized that the only way to succeed in this business was to cheat, steal, and force your way to the top. He no longer cared about being the nice guy; he no longer cared about the countless kids in the crowd wearing his trademark luche mask.

He was finally in it for himself. Or so he thought. It was only when he reached for the sole absolute power, did he find him. The one and true god Jormungand.

It started with visions. It started with a purpose. And it soon became an obsession. It soon spawned the Church of the Serpent, Serpentalism, and of course his loyal followers, the Serpentalists. All in the name of Jormungand and the cryptic message that the “End was near”. Over and over, Cobra would preach about the looming Armageddon. Gibberish to most, feared only by Cobra and his followers.

With each sermon, Cobra only grew stronger, fueled by spreading the message of his god. Win after win followed and two years later, Cobra was a two-time WfWA World Champion and had brought a sense of legacy back to the company.

And then it happened. The End actually came. It wasn’t the end of the world, it wasn’t Armageddon. It was just the end of Cobra’s world. Everything came crashing down around him. Jormungand did come to life and he did lead Cobra to what was believed to be the coming of days. It just happened to be the end of Cobra. Jormungand ended up not being the god Cobra thought he was; he wasn’t even a god. He was much worse. He wasn’t even the devil himself, although some would still to this day argue that point.

Jormungand was no god, he was human, and more importantly, he was…

“The Only Star” Eric Dane.

Dane used everything Cobra had believed in, everything he had built, and used it to destroy him. Cobra’s god was nothing more than a cheap ruse, a twist to get a bigger buyrate on a pay per view. His followers soon turned on him. Cobra had wasted several years of their lives for nothing. The Church, laughable from the start was now an embarrassment. Serpentalism was just one man’s bizarre obsession that disconnected him from reality.

But that was just the start. Eric Dane then did the unthinkable. He closed the WfWA for good, and all of the legacies that were build by it were rendered meaningless, an afterthought for all except for the select few that called it home. The WfWA World Title, defunct. Cobra’s title reigns, all the blood and sweat he put into rebuilding a title so that it meant something again; gone.

Eric Dane effectively destroyed three years of Cobra’s life in one single moment.

That was the summer of 2010. Cobra has not been seen or heard of since. Cobra had disappeared, much like everything he lived had for.

Now, Cobra has apparently returned. ULTRATITLE 2012. What is in store for the man that hasn’t been seen or heard of in almost two full years? What kind of shape is he in, both mentally and physically? Why has he returned? And is the fact that Eric Dane is a participant in the ULTRATITLE tournament simply a coincidence? Or has Cobra resurfaced for revenge?


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
[Eric Dane.]

"Quick note, Cobra Commander, that World Title lineage that you're whining about was absorbed into the history of an actual relevant title, the DEFIANCE World Title. I think Heidi's still got it stuffed into the back of one of her thong drawers. I'll ask Jeff to pick it up next time he's rummaging for something to sniff, send you a picture so you have something to whack it to while I win this tournament."



League Member
Apr 12, 2008
[Jeff Andrews.]

"Revisionist history much, Failsnake? Everything you ever got in the WfWA, you owe to Eric Dane and Defiance. You started working for Eric Dane years before he dressed up in a Godzilla costume and pretended to be Jourmawhatever. And you were eagerly assisting him in the destruction of that WfWA you pine for."

"Of course, I've got a theory on what happened."

"You ran off, you douchebag faced jumpsuit wearing coward."

"You lost the WfWA world title to Ronnie Long once, and to Brad Jackson once. Brad. fucking. Jackson. And then you quit Defiance because you 'weren't fitting in'. Even though Dane made you the centerpiece of The Hydra, practically named it after you, and pushed you against Jack Amethyst."

"You can talk about the WfWA World Title and restoring legacy to it or whatever nonsense you burbled, but you were a third rate champion at best, and you ran away from Defiance and the real competition with your tail between your legs."


League Member
Apr 8, 2012
[Defiance Banner. T-shades. Zero sweat.]

"COOL" Cancer Jiles: [poop-grin]
Who is Cobra?


[He who first, always, and shall forever remain COOL, calmly stands from his wooden directors chair and exits stage left.]

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