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What's your best work so far?

Jesse Jamester

League Member
Jan 19, 2005
The Styx of Pennsylvania
Just wondering, as it comes up a lot in my other efeds. Where have you produced your best work so far? What efed, and what piece of work (writing)? Explain what they were and where they took place.

Best roleplay?

Best storyline/angle?

Best match?

Best character?


Best Roleplay? Probably my Global Title Division roleplays when I faced Chris Storm, Apocalypse, and Patti Anderson. Not only cause I won, but because they had a lot of what I'd been thinking in my life during the time, in them. That to me was the realist roleplays I've ever written in my efedding career.

Best Storyline/Angle? Well, I had a lot of good ones in LOW. But my favorite and best as far as fun would be in GW when I faced off with Takahashi Jetsui. I was given complete creative control of his character and mine, and we ended up having one of the most sadistic and memorable matches in the history of my characters career, and quite possibly GW's.

Best Match? Uh... I'd say Tristan Belmont vs. Jesse Jamester, or Lotus vs. Jesse Jamester. Though I've had a lot in GW too that I liked. Such as Sage Sabbot vs. Jesse Jamester, and Ice vs. Jesse Jamester. All of them competitive, and kept me on the edge of my seat as far as competition was concerned. Plus brought out more of an edge in my writing, which I never thought I could do. Good times.

Best Character? Definitely Jesse Jamester bar none. Only though because I've used him for 5 or 6 years now, and thats a long time. So yeah, it's a bit of an unbias decision, but one I'll stick to.

The Butcher

League Member
Jun 29, 2005
Best roleplay? Probably one of the roleplays I produced to become no. 1 contender to the WWA title. It was a Royal Rumble style match featuring everyone in the fed (about 20-30 characters), which featured some absolutley awesome roleplayers. I was amazed to have won it, but it really opened my eyes on my own style. I don't write the longest roleplays in the world, but quality over quantity won. :cool:

Best storyline/angle? When Huffman's Huffmobile was stolen by someone (can't remember who) and he was forced to ride a pink bicycle with a basket. Had some amazing adventures, following clues to get his car back.

Best match? The WWA World Heavyweight Championship match, as Antahkarana, against Shaman. Firstly because I never thought I would become the number one contender in the first place, and because it was really, really well written. I lost the match, with Shaman attacking Antahkarana with a cattle prodder at the end :p . But Shaman is an awesome roleplayer, and as it was probably only my 5th or 6th match in the fed, I was never really expecting to win.

Best character? Never really had a certain character that I've stuck to. My favourite would have to Huffman, a superhero. I had a lot of fun with him in various feds, moulding him in an Adam West style character, i.e. excessively paranoid, camp and funny.



New member
May 4, 2005
Best roleplay? Hard to say.

Best storyline/angle? It would probably be my most recent storyline…Jack Owyns Vs Jason Kain in the nbW. The feud last almost eight month, and Its probably the only feud that I’ve ever been able to finish. Another one is back in Version two of hWo was Trev Echo Vs Jade I had a lot of fun writing in this feud.

Best match? Jason Kain Vs Frost after hWo kind of invaded nbW.

Best character? Either Jack Owyns or Frost.



New member
Sep 4, 2004
Sarnia Ontario
I honestly couldn't tell you any of this. As for my best writing, it would be the series I am writing now for my own personal website www.ravin.ca. This is a huge series for me, and is continuing to get better.

Efed wise, well, I don't remember many role-plays that were amazing.


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