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WFW Merrython: Psycho vs. Dan Ryan


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(No laughter, no words, just the rhythmic tapping of fingers upon steel as Psycho sits reversed in a folding chair before a WFW banner. He stares coldly into the camera dark eyes narrowed and focused upon his own thoughts. Those fingers continue to tap for a few moments, then suddenly stop and he sits quiet. There's a few seconds of silence before he clears his throat)

Psycho: WAR...is that what you wanted? I remember the pomp and circumstance when the Inner Circle arrived.

---{{{He shakes his head}}}---

Psycho: You thought the world would be handed to you...didn't you? You thought you'd come into the WFW...Where L.O.V.E. RULED THE WORLD...and you would take over.

---{{{He shakes his head again}}}---

Psycho: Well that didn't happen did it? Instead when you went head-to-head with us...andl all you did was get it HANDED BACK TO YOU!!!!!!!! So I imagine you sat back, scratched your little heads and tried to design a new path of destruction. Maybe find it weakest link? Attack the smallest member? Was that your plan? Because if it was...it wasn't sound strategy...no, because as you'll soon find out Dan Ryan...it was your biggest mistake.

---{{{He slowly stands and kneels on the floor}}}---

Psycho: You expected the entire league to drop down to the Inner Circle...TO BOW TO YOUR GREATNESS!!! To wait and be swept underfoot by the great Dan Ryan and Maelstrom. Well Dan that didn't happen.

---{{{He stands and spits as he angrily points towards the camera}}}---

Psycho: Because the only person who drops to their knees for the Inner Circle every night is LINDSAY TROY!!!!!!!!!! NOT ME!!! NOT L.O.V.E.!!!!. Yet that's all about to change, because we have a match Dan....

---{{{He stops mid sentence and smiles before letting loose a sadistic laugh}}}---

Psycho: On second thought Dan...scratch that. We have a match...ON PAPER!!!! Because I can PROMISE you this....when that bell rings....THIS WILL BE FAR FROM A MATCH!!!!

---{{{He grabs the steel chair and holds it firmly}}}---

Psycho: AT BEST!!!!....I get DQ'd. AT BEST!!!!....I get fined. AT BEST!!!!!!!!!...I get suspended. But the one thing I promise Dan Ryan is that this will in NO WAY resemble a match

---{{{He points the familiar crooked finger at the camera while holding the chair in his other}}}---

Psycho: You want a war with L.O.V.E. then that is fine. Think you got the upper hand by taking on its weakest link...HUGE MISTAKE!!!!!!!! Why?....well its simple Dan the tip of the sword is always the sharpest part. At MERRYATHON....winning...losing....doesn't matter to me. The two of you took the North American Title from me and a payback is called for.

---{{{He stares coldly at the camera}}}---

Psycho: Dan Ryan...you call yourself the EGO BUSTER!!!! Well just remember that name goes both ways. Yet when the bell rings IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!! NO WAR...NO FUED...NOTHING!!!!!!!!! I...THE DANGERMAN....THE CRIMSON IDOL....I PSYCHO........will show you just that when I have NOTHING TO LOSE!!!!!!!!!!

---{{{He again points a crooked finger at the camera}}}---

Psycho: I'll take EVERYTHING AWAY FROM YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

---{{{He turns his back the sound of the steel dragging upon cement and his loud sadistic laugh trailing}}}---


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Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX

Dan Ryan standing ever so smugly in front of a WFW banner, sunglasses drawn and hands clasped in front.

Ryan: "You say you'll take everything away from me...."

"Take everything away from me? What pray tell are you planning on taking from me, Psycho? What is it that you think is within your power to strip from me? Pride? Arrogance? Confidence? Intellectual Superiority?"

"What then?"

"You misconstrue the circumstances my little friend. My mission is not one of weeding out the weak, but more to the point it is a mission of replacement. Who are you to assume you know the machinations of my mind or my goal much less presume to believe you are in a position to make threats?"

"Tell me who was there to stop me from stripping you of your precious North American Title. WHO? I took it at a whim, because I felt moved to do so. And Maelstrom, he of the colossal stupidity doing my every wish with the sort of lapdog loyalty best reserved for overmuscled boneheads like him was more than happy to play along. And who was there to defend you? WHO?"

"No one. Your brotherhood was less than fully brotherly that day it would seem."

"Your favorite son turned President fired Maelstrom and Christian Sands on the spot, but left me unscathed...."

"Why pray tell?"

"A conundrum indeed."

"And you sit there enraged upon your little steel throne ranting and raving about strategies and war. You know nothing of war."

"If I want you to bow, I'll see to it that you bow under the unceasing weight of no longer being able to use your legs. If I see fit, you'll spend the next six months drinking liquid nutrition through a crazy straw while the World's Finest medical crew sees to your every need."


"At best, I get bored with you and leave you for dead - choosing to turn my sights elsewhere as you take heed of the lovely arrangement of lights on the arena ceiling."

"At best, I spike you on your head early and send you packing before you have a chance to piss me off."

"At best, you realize early that anything I have of value you could no more take from me than you could fire off the answers to life's great mysteries."

"There are important details to be taken care of, and while you remain a detail you are not so important as you currently think. But soon enough, your place will be made clear. Your importance will be revealed."

"Let this be the first of many surprises to soon face you...."



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
My Everything

---{{{The familiar sadistic laugh returns as Psycho sits on his proclaimed throne of steel in front of a WFW banner. He sits perched upon the back his feet resting in the seat like a gargoyle. He leans slightly forward balancing his weight carefully. He strokes the chin of his mask slowly and smiles}}}---

Psycho: Ah...Dan...The mysteries of life. Why are we here? What is the purpose? What is the point? I can't proclaim to know the answers to any of them Dan...I really can't. Yet I suppose until my dying day I really won't give a damn either. I do know one thing Dan. I've got a match with you.

---{{{He pauses for a moment}}}---

Psycho: Well I've got an encounter. A match would imply a fair and meaningful contest.

---{{{He shakes his finger scolding}}}---

Psycho: That's not going to take place, when the bell rings for us. Oh...no...You see Dan...I mentioned War before and I meant it. Yet forget above LOVE or the Inner Circle Dan.

---{{{He points a crooked finger to the camera and back at himself}}}---

Psycho: This is going to be just between the two of us. And to say I'm unconventional Dan...

---{{{He smiles wide}}}---

Psycho: Well that doesn't even begin to describe me. Because you say you could have done that little attack on me at whim. Yet you didn't. You marched down with Maelstrom and Troy and took your best shot. Yet hear I sit...ready to bring the fight to you. Don't talk Dan...I know your "THE EGO BLUSTER" and in your own way you think you got the better of me. But after waiting nearly a week to hear you ramble off some poor threat...well I hope that when the bell rings you offer up more then that.

---{{{He slides forward and sits in the chair}}}---

Psycho: Because threats of bodily harm don't bother me Dan. I'm not going anyway...not out of your life...not until I'm done with. Forget above LOVE. You ask where they were. We here's a simple fact Dan...Wells, Anarky, Felix, they know I don't want or need them to handle my business. Sure backstage we watch each others back, but in that ring we are ALL very capable of taking care of ourselves.

---{{{He pauses for a moment and an idea flashes into his head}}}---

Psycho: Yet...I do have...one small...one tiny favor to ask Felix. Something I'm quite sure he'll get a very large kick out of. Although I bet you won't see the humor in it. Doesn't matter really, because I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!

---{{{He stands pulling of his "I'll eat you brains t-shirt" and stares forward angrily}}}---

Psycho: WAS THIS THE BEST YOU HAVE?????? I've got three bruised ribs, yet HERE I STAND!!!!!!!!! GO AHEAD!!!!!!!!!! GET BORED!!!!!!!!!! GET TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!! IGNORE ME!!!!!!!!! I'll be right back in your face, till all you see is the blood flowing from your head.

---{{{He points that crooked finger at the camera and then at his bruised ribs}}}---

Psycho: I take this ALOT more personally then losing that North American Title and that Dan Ryan...that is what I'll take back from you. That's my everything in this match. I'm not going to talk and threat about what I'll do in this match. I promise...guarantee that when all is over...I'll have my pound of flesh. Don't believe me? Want to laugh it off? Choose to ignore it? All the better as far as I'm concerned.

---{{{He pauses, smiles and let's loose a loud sadistic laugh}}}---

Psycho: You know it's funny you should even mentioning spiking me on my head Dan.

---{{{He reaches down and pulls an all too familiar fork from his boot}}}---

Psycho: I had the exact same thought cross my mind.

---{{{He waves the fork towards the camera}}}---

Psycho: Yet Dan when you speak of the mysteries of life. I do have an answer and one question. See I don't care why Felix didn't fire. Because if he did...this little encounter between us would never happen and this match will derail any plans you might have. Yet the fact remains

---{{{He grips the weapon firmly and stands coldly at the camera}}}---

Psycho: We don't like each other, we don't respect each other and we don't care about the others well-being. So my question for you Dan is rather simple.

---{{{He laughs and grins slightly}}}---

Psycho: Which one of us is willing to push the limits further? After all Dan...You had your chance...

---{{{He rubs his bruised ribs and smiles as he winces in pain}}}---

Psycho: NOW IT'S MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX

We see DAN RYAN sitting confidently behind a large oak desk piled high with some paperwork to one side - and a cup of coffee to the other.

The big man from Texas rubs his chin thoughtfully - and today's promo is brought to you by the letter Y.

Ryan: "I'm not sure I get it, Psycho...."

"Or should that be....."

(Ryan yells at the top of his lungs through tunneled hands)


(Ryan retreats to a normal posture and voice level)

"Don't try getting after me for gimmick infringement there buddy, cuz I have it on good authority that you did not invent yelling like a loon at a camera."

"But I digress..."

"I don't get it. I don't get why Harold Fiano would waste five seconds of his day bothering with a tool like you. Felix I could forgive due to his lack of experience. It's not like he gives a damn about developing talent or surrounding himself with help anyhow."

"I guess it really just comes down to needing a goon to fill a spot. A warm body willing to throw on a mask and play retard for six months until the real crew sweeps in and sweeps him out to obscurity where he belongs."

"Cuz believe me, Sike....obscure is what you are, though original definitely is not."

"Is the fork really necessary? I mean, honestly."

"I did that schtick back in like 1999, dude. I dug a fork into a guy's face just because I thought it would be fun and it wasn't the first time it'd been done when I did it either. But at least I had the credibility of that company's World Title to make it interesting. The downside of that situation was that after digging around in the guy's head for five minutes it really didn't make me feel any better. It's not gonna solve your problems either, my friend."

"You see, a fork or a good chair....nay, not even something more creative like C-4 or a samurai sword can change some simple truths."

"For starters, have you looked at yourself in the mirror?"

"You're like six-foot-nothing....two hundred nothing pounds....a high flyer, I mean come on let's get real...."

(matter-of-factly as if stating a sad fact) "...I'm gonna swat you like a fly if you come diving at me and we both know it."

"You don't wanna talk about the deeper meaning behind things because either you're not capable of conceiving of a greater purpose than dragging chairs around and waving silverware at people or you know the truth and have simply resigned yourself to the inevitable."

"I could handle that part. What you can't seem to handle is how I feel about you and this match. I'm not laughing it off, buddy. I'm not really laughing at all. I feel more of a sense of pity than anything because not only am I supremely confident in my ability to make you look like a ten year old schoolgirl in the ring, I'm saddened in knowing that most of your reply is likely to be about how you don't care."


"...and all that...."

"It's not war...I'll say again. In fact, I didn't ask for this match. I don't need this match, and I don't really give a damn if this match, encounter, soiree or campout - whatever you wanna label it - ever happens at all."

"I know that it's a tremendous blow to your ego to think that Maelstrom, Lindsay and I were backstage playing poker, saw your match going and thought it might be fun to slap you around. And I know it's hard to remember how easy it was to sling you around like a soggy rag doll, but look man....there are plenty more fish in the sea. There's more to life than the North American title and there's a much more promising future in store for you if drop this war nonsense, take your lumps and move along like the good little girl scout that I know it's within you to be."

"Have you ever seen Pulp Fiction?"

"That pride **** whispering in your ear is gonna get you in trouble. Let it go."

"Don't make me do to you what you can only threaten to do to me...."



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Dawn of War


---{{{Backstage in his dressing room, Psycho stands before the full length mirror staring himself down. He ducks his head front and back on mock startlement as he laughs in some twisted self amusement. This carries on for a few moments before he shrugs his shoulders and looks over his shoulder at the camera. The camera swings around to see his masked expression looking backing at himself}}}---

Psycho: I must admit Dan Ryan. I now see why maybe Felix kept you around. Christian Sands...quite a schemer. Maelstrom,a warrior and a true physical force in the ring. You...you Dan Ryan...I'm not sure what you are, but master of the obvious almost describes you.

---{{{His crooked smile fades and with explosive anger he smashes the mirror. Fragments of glass scatter the floor and in the remnants that remain his smile returns. He turns and faces the camera}}}---

Psycho: You right Dan...I am little over six feet tall. I'm little over two-hundred pounds. I am high-flyer. Yet you hold this against me while asking me to stop the one advantage that puts me over the edge.

---{{{He scratches his forehead}}}---

Psycho: I know your not too quick, so I'll explain it out for you. It's that word that you say doesn't describe our little match-up. That ugly brutal word...WAR!

---{{{He points his crooked finger at the camera}}}---

Psycho: See Dan this battle between us has to be a war, because it's the only way I can win. It's the only I'm ever able to win. It's WAR Dan...WAR...it's a win AT ALL COSTS SITUATION!!!!!!!!! It's do whatever it takes to win. a true him or me proposal. You chose this WAR Dan...tonight I show you how truly wrong you were One that your fooling yourself if you can look at that camera and seriously say you didn’t want.

---{{{He shrugs his shoulders}}}---

Psycho: Do I believe you guys were sitting backstage playing poker and thought let's go get Psycho. No I don't Dan. Poker is a game of thought, calculation and the ability to read your opponent. That's something you showed very little knowledge of when you came to get a piece of me. You had to have known I’d come after you. Even the great "EGO BLUSTER" himself isn't smug enough to be that stupid. This was a match you should have known was coming. Even if you didn't want it Dan a confrontation between us was going to happen and now....in just a few hours it will.

---{{{He reaches down and pulls the before seen fork from his boot}}}---

Psycho: Yet I'll humor you Dan. You ask me if this is REALLY necessary. If this or any other weapon is required. Truth be told it is not. Look Dan...I know you bigger, I know you’re stronger, but as I'm sure every women you've been with has told you more then once Dan...SIZE DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unlike you I've made a career here in the WFW taking whatever shortcuts I needed to in order to compete with big fools such as yourself. i sacrred Richard Gideon for life, I turned Doc Silver into a gameshow host, I showed EVERYONE the ancient Golem as just that ancient and tonight I can add you too my list. They all thought the way you did...they all had the same expression...thet don't anymore

---{{{He twists his hand and points that crooked finger at the camera}}}---

Psycho: Yet despite all those reasons this isn't about pride for me. It's pure and simple revenge. It might make you look down on me even more, but I'm an eye for an eye kinda guy. If you could wipe that self-satisfied grin off your face and take a good look a reality you'd know that.

---{{{He pulls of his t-shirt and shows the tape around his bruised ribs}}}---

Psycho: As you pointed it was quite easy for the THREE of you to do this to me. Hell I even imagine you quite enjoyed it. Yet like you say, I'll take my lumps, but you were quite foolish if you think I'm not going to try to settle the score

---{{{He takes a few steps forward and stares coldly into the camera}}}---

Psycho: That's why this is WAR. Tonight maybe even before that bell rings I'm going to show you Dan and anybody else just why I'm called Psycho. Because despite all the things you think should be holding me back it hasn't stopped me from being North American Champion and the WFW Heavyweight Champion. Both a hell of alot more success then you or any of the Inner Circle had so far in your time here

---{{{He pauses and chuckles to himself}}}---

Psycho: And that Dan Ryan is a bigger reason why we are here tonight then anything else.. No you weren’t playing poker backstage, but the three if you WERE licking your wounds. There you were backstage again have your ass handed to you by LOVE. Your big pompous invasion of a few months ago turned into nothing more then a fart in the wind of wrestling history when there I was alone out there.

---{{{He smiles}}}---

Psycho: Face it Dan...It’s the only success in the ring you've had against us. Well tonight I'm going to TAKE that brief moment of sunshine an turn it into a RAIN of pain and suffering

---{{{He sits on his throne of steel and holds the fork in his hand as he stares into the camera}}}---

Psycho: TONIGHT!!!!!!!! You face "THE DANGERMAN"........Tonight you face "THE CRIMSON IDOL"........Tonight you face me...Psycho and Dan Ryan the next time you step before a camera you won't have a smug look upon your face. It's going to be too swollen to do so and Dan as I said before...that's not a threat

---{{{He leans forward and whispers}}}---

Psycho: That's a promise...


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