“Today’s class is Hypocrisy 101.<o></o>
FADE IN Lance Spencer stands in front of a TEAM backdrop in East Lansing. <o></o>
“Rule Number One. Don’t use the words professional and all-business or use phrases like “hard time taking you seriously”. The closest you’ve been to primetime wrestling or a promotion that matters is watching YouTube clips of real wrestling. I did a little research, and found you wrestle in a little place called Las Vegas Wrestling? Only problem is apparently nobody knows or gives a damn about LVW. Hell, I live in Las Vegas – never heard of it. I pushed on though, which turned out to be a colossal error. Last I saw, albeit briefly, you wrestled a BOWLER.<o></o>
“Give me a break. You’re a joke.<o></o>
Lance’s expression takes a serious turn, as he flashes two fingers.<o></o>
“Rule Number Two. Watch what you say after calling wrestling’s best vanilla and bland. I’ve actually never heard anybody say they fell asleep during a promo, how innovative. Not only do you claim that, but then you proceed to recite everything I said – odd how that works. Through all your blabbering, I realized you’re mildly entertaining. Not in the Lance Spencer sense of selling out arenas across the globe, but in the midget and dancing bear kind of entertaining. Everything you say has been said before, and yet you want to call me unoriginal? I’m quite simply the best around – that alone makes me original, unique, and better than you.<o></o>
Lance adds another finger.<o></o>
“Rule Three. Try not to paint yourself as a parent figure – especially when you’ve failed epically as you did with your own child. I think if I had to be around a failure and listen to your monotone promos daily, I’d hop in a car with a stranger offering candy, too. Not to worry, somewhere – maybe with you, maybe not – your son can at least tune in and watch Lance Spencer in the spotlight. Week in and week out, I talk the talk and walk the walk – that’s worth modeling yourself after, Nat. It beats average Joes like you sitting down with your kids and explaining why daddy is a miserable failure and always will be. <o>
So save the daddy talk, Nat.<o></o>
You’re not my old man, Dakota, but I’ll stick your ass in a retirement home all the same.<o></o>
You’re going to give me a talk about the business? You don’t know anything about the business. You’ve never been the guy or even sniffed the promotion. And you’ll never attain that honor because you are what you are - a weekend warrior who thinks he’s magically going to transform from lifelong zero into talent overnight. You’ve got something to prove to yourself? You should have worried about that ten or fifteen years ago when it mattered. Now, it’s just the cold, harsh realization that you’ve amounted to nothing. Your crowning achievement in wrestling will be stepping into the ring with “The Standard” Lance Spencer, falling hilariously short of the bar, and then moping back to the indy hole you crawled out of.<o></o>
You think after squabblin’ with bowlers and other losers, like yourself, that you’re suddenly going to step into the ring with the world class athlete and be successful? <o></o>
You’ve been watching too many movies, Cinderella Man.<o></o>
Lance, hands rubbing together, chuckles.<o></o>
“I know who I’m in the ring with, Nat.<o></o>
“I know you can’t compare yourself with wrestling’s elite – you’re not even on our radar.<o></o>
“You will, however, claim to be a professional over and over and over. Newsflash. You aren’t.<o></o>
Lance tosses up a fourth finger.<o></o>
“Rule Four. Jealousy is not very befitting. I can imagine a pathetic man such as yourself would dream of being Lance Spencer. Damn good looking, a physique that indy wrestlers will never have and women have multiple orgasms over, and more wrestling ability than East Lansing can even contain. I’ve gotten anything and everything I ever wanted, and by my own hand. Not through my parents or my grandfather – you see, I come from a long and distinguished wrestling family, Nat. I respect wrestling more than you can imagine, and that’s why I’m “The Standard”. <o></o>
You think you respect wrestling? <o></o>
I refer you back to Lesson One.<o></o>
Everything you say is hypocrisy laced, overwhelming jealousy, or sheer incompetence.<o></o>
Lance begins walking away, but stops, turning back toward the camera.<o></o>
“That all flash and no thunder was pretty cute, too.<o></o>
“I’m all flash, you’re all thunder. <o></o>
“I agree, Nat.<o></o>
Lance smiles and shakes his head.<o></o>
“Thunder’s never killed anybody – can you say the same for a flash of lightning?<o></o>
Lance chuckles.<o></o>
“The harder you try, Nat, the more you look like an amateur.<o></o>
Lance walks away.<o></o>
OFF-CAMERA: “You can never be me, and you damn sure won’t ever beat me.”<o></o><o></o>