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Warriors 5 Review


Aug 19, 2006
That's Jason Rau!

Thoughts: Jason Rau comes out and talks about how this is now his era. For someone on a losing streak, he's boasting a bit of confidence. Everyone has their breaking point and this segment shows that Rau had finally hit his. Chavez seems to be the measuring stick for his revenge and his persona development. Rau wanted to be taken more seriously, but pulled out a boomerang. I get the whole aussie thing, but the stereotypical weapon kind of took away from the point of the segment of him being taken as a serious threat. I will have to see more of it before I can pass a final judgment, though. Hopefully this segment is the turning point for Rau. We'll see. Good opening.


Sweet Sweet Marketing

Thoughts: This was one hell of an entertaining segment. I like all the messed up merch to try and promote them... there's only one question I have to ask that could have made this segment amazing... JON KATZ JR.. WHY DON'T YOU DANCE NO MORE!? Love this segment!


Forced Respect

Thoughts: Don't know if this should have been labeled a segment. This was just a lead in to the match announced on I39, but it served its purpose.


Opening Match
Underground Rules
Bane Loneheart vs Demon of Dublin

Thoughts: When the child yelled out stop, all I could think of was the interaction with some kid and Batista. Kid - "I HATE YOU BATISTA"... Batista - "I HATE YOU TOO" I know it was a serious moment, but WWE ruined that for me. Also, after taking repeated blows to the head, I don't know if I would have had Bane kick out after a one count. I know he's tough, but I think a quick two would have sufficed.. especially when Bane got a two with just a body splash. Just a nitpick, but otherwise, great back and forth match and you could feel the animosity of the two through the writing. Good job!


Second Chances

Thoughts: Wrote it, no comment


Grand Plans

Thoughts: Hmm.. looks like Damien Lee has some business with the jOlt Champion and the Contenders and then he stated he will let the grapplers pretty much handle their own business. Seems like foreshadowing for Lee to be leaving the spotlight for a bit. This could get interesting if Rune Winters is just going to WHOCK around the backstage area and El Kabong the **** out of people with Lee gone to keep order.


Match 2
Adam Lazarus vs Jason Rau

Thoughts: Nice start with Rau pulling away from the handshake.. classic heel chicanery and was always a fan of that.. especially the way Ric Flair did it. This was kind of an awkward match and not in the writing sense as I thought the match was pretty okay. Here's a guy, in Laz, that just came off of suspension, who could use a win to possibly get the momentum going back in his favor as coming off a suspension should be a big deal for a fan favorite... but on the other hand we have Jason Rau who needed the win here because of the character development. Rau was the obvious choice to go over.. just wished it was at the expense of another character since I think Laz would have benefitted from at least 1 win to hype his coming off of suspension. That's my only gripe. Otherwise, the match was a basic back and forth and nice to fill out the mid-card.


Reno the Relentless

Thoughts: At first I thought that said eron and I almost **** myself. After that what was left was an intense segment with Reno Davis that set up the hype for his match with Nashvillian (I don't have to say The either, dammit!). This got me hyped to see this match!


Epic Battle

Thoughts: This was another lead-in segment, but the difference between this one and the one with Bane was that this one continued to build the new direction of the Greg Vincent character and I like this. A more serious Vincent who recognizes who we was in the past, but he hasn't given it all up. Still smoking, still drinking, but doing it with ****ing style! This is turning out to be a great character! Keeping the swagger from his over the top gimmick and mixing it with a don't **** with me serious gimmick. It's a perfect mesh for him!


Match 3
Underground Rules
Greg Scott Vincent vs Rune Winters

Thoughts: If memory serves me, this is Winters' first match since the one with Derecho. Neat! As for the match.. this was another weird match and again, not writing-wise. I'm not sure I would have had Vincent take the loss here, especially via knockout. Vincent is trying to establish himself here by entering the Underground and while this was Rune's first match back since losing to Derecho, he was due for a win, but I still think Rune could have taken the loss here and survived from it. After all, he'll be WHOCKing people with shovels backstage and that's primarily his main purpose. I would have had Vincent still take the beating and then pull out the upset win here. This would have shown the world that he wanted to make good on his promise of starting fresh in the Underground. Not a one-sided victory, but it would signify beginnings. Rune would have still looked good and the loss wouldn't have hurt him. Just my take on it.


Absolutely Nothing

Thoughts: “The... manliest men to have ever manned and best things to have ever happened to Aria Murphy's va... Okay, I'm NOT reading this. Come on, you guys... they're the Heirs of Wrestling... ugh...”

Line of the night so far!!

I can't say anything bad about this segment. Main event hype from the most entertaining trio in jOlt right now. Another segment that continues to make me a huge fan of the Heirs.


Match 4
Relentless Championship
[The] Nashvillian [c] vs Reno Davis

Thoughts: DAMN! Nice match! Nash's lackeys did what they could to try and seal the victory, but Davis overcame and we have a NEW Relentless Champion! Title switch on Free TV!? Damn straight! I enjoyed this match and so far the best on the card!


From One Original to Another

Thoughts: Great segment between Reno Davis and Chris Titan. I liked the way that Davis pointed out the winning streaks of the originals or lack thereof in this case. After their spat a while back, a match between these two is inevitable and I, personally, can't wait to see it.


jOlt Tag Team Championships
Heirs of Wrestling [c] vs Sylo / Ray Chavez

Thoughts: DAMN! Another great match and WOW... Just a week after SVJ came in and handed Derecho the victory he came in and gave the Heirs a pin over The Superbeast! Sylo maybe losing his matches lately, but you know it's all because of the new #1 Contender. This is going to come to a boiling point very soon as Sylo won't take that sitting down. Meanwhile, The tag titles main evented a show... the tag titles were retained.. and the Heirs get a MAJOR rub here! I think this is a nice transitional point because now we have Sylo, SVJ, Derecho, Chavez, and the Heirs capable of main eventing any card out there with Reno Davis making his way right on the heels of these guys. It's nice to see characters growing. Great wrestling feds are all about choice and people are really stepping it up this arc to give the readers that.


Overall thoughts: This was one of the best editions of Warriors to date. The segments were great and we had some great matches on the card to compliment them. The storylines didn't really progress on this show all that much.. but what was important was that the CHARACTERS progressed. I got that vibe from this show that we had more character development than storyline progression and that's a good thing!

Overall Grade: A-

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