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Jan 1, 1970

First things first -- expect a BRAWL 45 lineup today. We're gonna do one of those and then head into our year-end supershow of some sort.

Both won't have IN/OUT threads due to the fact that there's way too many active characters right now to guarantee the IN'S. Again, I have to re-emphasize that the NFW CHALLENGES forum is probably going to become more and more integral to getting matches booked if you're not entrenched in a storyline/feud.

HIERARCHY of how things tend to get booked without the IN/OUT:

1) STRONGLY DEVELOPED Storylines/Feuds
3) Matchwriter suggestions/preferences

NFW Challenges probably won't affect how we book BRAWL 45, but it may hold some weight on the supershow depending on the challenge...either way, as we head into 2012 it's not a bad idea to be getting in the habit of reading between the lines and understanding that if we have 25+ characters and 3-4 match-writers MAX per show... there's only so much legroom on the freight train. And the above hierarchy goes a long way in determining that.

As always -- thoughts, suggestions, feedback is welcome!

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