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Trail of shattered dreams

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-02 AT 01:02 PM (EDT)](CUTTO:.....an interruption of a GLCW scheduled program as the man known simply as Maelstrom makes an impromptu appearance.....)

MAELSTROM: Seems no matter where I go, and for that matter, even where I DON'T go.... MY name keeps popping up. Disparaging remarks..... remarks held in high esteem..... (sighs and gives a faint smile) All trivial ramblings to me. Ya claim someone needs to save the GLCW from MY repetivity? Well, if ya think YER the man to stop my cycle of "REPETITIVELY KICKING ASS WHERE EVER I GO" then yer more than welcome to try.....



(grins mischievously)

MAELSTROM: Ya see "MR. INVISIBLE" if ya want a piece of me.......



(smile widens)

MAELSTROM: .... then all ya gotta do is say so! That's right, yer pretense is wasted on me. I KNOW WHO YA ARE, and I see yer still holdin' a grudge cuz I wandered into YOUR backyard..... the federation ya chose to call home..... and thoroughly whipped yer ass. We're on neutral ground now, so it'll be LESS embarrasin' for ya this time 'round I suppose. I'm not hard to find, that is if ya REALLY want to endure yet another unforgiving experience..... just follow the trail of shattered dreams....., ya know, the SAME one ya treaded before..... the one that leads to MY brand of reality......

(a faint smile appears as we cut back to our regularly scheduled GLCW programming..... FADE OUT.....)


[updated:LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-02 AT 07:43 AM (EDT)] ((FADEIN: The UIC Pavillion in Chicago, Illinois is standing in the distance. It's early morning in Chicago and the light casts a bare sight on everything, almost making everything devoid of bright and deep color. Walking past the camera is a man in a dark overcoat. His bleached blond hair catches our attention as it looks almost white in the light. He stops, and slowly turns around. Due to the apparent chill in the air, he is wearing a ski mask which helps to keep his face nice and warm. You can see, however his blue eyes which draw attention from the mask.))

MAN: "I'm almost there. I can see the Pavillion in the distance. I can just feel the GLCW on my skin. After watching for days leading up to now, I can safely say that Great Lakes Championship Wrestling needs me. It needs someone to save this promotion from the mediocrity of Jean Rabesque. It needs someone to save this promotion from the repetivity of Maelstrom. It needs someone to save its very heart and soul."

((FADEOUT: As the man turns and walks briskly away. He tosses a scarf around his neck, which starts to blow in the wind that picked up slightly.))


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river

(FADEIN: A quick shot of Jean Rabesque, who turns to the camera and speaks, with a smile on his face)

Rabesque: Damn, I haven't even wrestled a match here. NOT ONE DAMN MATCH, and I'm already famous.

(he laughs)

I sure as hell must be doing something right.

(laughs again, FADEOUT)


im gonna destroy my ego ...

((FADEIN: A flyer for GLCW Chi-Town Showdown. The camera is focused on the section of the flyer that has "also appearing; MAELSTROM" amongst other nameless talents. The camera fades back and the rest of the setting is shown. Sitting with his face almost fully covered, with only one eye visible really over his shoulder, the blonde headed man crumbles up the flyer and tosses it into the barrel.))

MAN: "Maelstrom don't flatter yourself. While you might consider this entrance an attempt to compensate for my prior shortcomings you are sorely mistaken. The past is gone and you know this. I'm coming to the GLCW to save it from people like you. To save them from the people who try to rule a promotion by their mere presence. I'm coming to the GLCW to save it from people like Jean Rabesque. To save them from the people who with their very existance cause fans to run screaming from boredom out of the arenas. "

((The man turns his head fully away from the camera and puts it down.))

MAN: "I didn't follow you here on a crusade. I didn't follow you here for revenge. (sighs) I came to the GLCW for my own personal reasons. And while you might believe there's some second meaning, Maelstrom, the truth is I'm slowly learning how to control my ego .. and soon, i'm going to destroy this ego .. because once i remove this cloud from my eyes, once i see more clearly ... your reign of dominance shall end."

((The man gets up, his arms hang at his side. He clenches his hands into fists.))

MAN: "You're too big an acquisition right now, Maelstrom. But don't worry, Maelstrom. I'll catch you hook, line and sinker one of these days. And once you realized you've been had, it will already have been too late."

((FADEOUT: as the man walks away, slamming the door behind him.))



((FADEIN: a tape recorder is left playing in front of Jean Rabesque's lockerroom at hte UIC Pavillion in Chicago, Illinois. The message only repeats itself over and over again.))

VOICE: "Fame is often followed by misfortune. Which is also followed by decline, rockbottom and eventually, you will become just a faded memory, a mere trivia question.. but never (pauses) will you be one of the greats. For this I promise to you."



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
A reply

(FADEIN: Rabesque walks into his locker room, and hears the message playing, he smiles as the message begins once again, with his face changing slightly at the end of the message)

VOICE: but never (pauses) will you be one of the greats.

(Rabesque just smiles as he hits the stop button)

RABESQUE: Too late.


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