[FADE IN to The Wolves of the Sea standing in front of an Empire Pro Wrestling UNLEASHED backdrop]
JM: Ye thought ye’d seen the last o’ us when we was thrown from heights unfathomable down tae the depths by the Dragons, but here we be! People of the Empire, we be here, we be hungry, and we be ready tae fight!
SM: Lest ye hae fergotten who we be, he’s Jameson, I’m Syd, an’ we’re on a quest from our Cap’n tae claim the treasure of the Empire! The gold tha’s the most pure in all of Christendom! The World Tag Team championships of Empire Pro Wrestling!
JM: Aye! But tae claim the treasure we’ve got a long way tae traverse through some uncharted waters, maybe troubled waters with strong currents tryin’ tae knock us off course.
SM: But not yet! Not yet, laddie.
JM: Aye, matey. Fer first tae try and knock us of course
SM: Unsuccessfully!
JM: Is Team Vee Aye Ay Gee Arrgh Ay, whatever that means.
SM: With sails as limp and beaten as theirs they didnae stand a chance!
JM: Fer one thing, they ain’t as good lookin’ as us.
SM: Fer a second thing, they ain’t as quick as us.
JM: Fer three things, they ain’t as tough as us.
SM: An’ fer five things they ain’t as hungry and talent as us.
JM: We’ve sailed many, many a sea, fought many a mighty beast, an’ Team Vee Aye Ay Gee Arrgh Ay think they can drift intae our mighty vessel on their driftwood raft an’ sink us? Nae!
SM: Yea, the Dragons threw us down, down intae the depths. The landings were tough. Hard. But we’re tougher. We didnae sit around licking our wounds, we went back aboard ship and plotted a new course, like any great pirate should.
JM: And that course goes straight through Unleashed and on tae the land o’ the Dragons again.
SM: Team Vee Aye Ay Gee Arrgh Ay, yer sailing intae waters ye haven’t the skill tae navigate. Ye’ll be keelhauled, set adrift, an’ caught in the wake of a vessel much mightier than yer own. I’ve no doubt ye’ll survive – there be plenty o’ islands ye can wash ashore at when yer shipwrecked. But ye cannae succeed when yer facin’ men more used tae fighting. Men younger. Men hungrier, quicker, tougher, toughened by a life at sea an’ men with a quest… a quest fer treasure beyond imagining!
JM: Unleashed sees the Wolves of the Sea Unleashed!
SM: And the Empire better be ready tae be boarded, looted, an’ set adrift.