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[UB7] Waring vs McGraw vs Hawkeye

T. Waring

League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Nottingham, england
*The scene opens in a locker room. With days until Ultra Brawl, their is still someone doing a bit of early scouting of the arena. The locker room its self is pretty flash. There is a leather sofa in one corner and a large TV and DVD combo in the back of the room. The bars lights are dimly lit. The locker room is empty of any people however. The camera looks around the room, checking for life signs until the door swings open and in walks "The Commander" T. Waring. He walks in not looking too happy and slings himself into the chair. Waring has a gold tracksuit on, which suggests he might have been doing some fitness training. He places the EUWC European title on the table and begins to rest, muttering to himself out loud*

Waring: Dam, Mcgraw, costing me a match against that buffoon Hawkeye. You wait Garden Boy, you will get what is coming to you. You wait till we meet at Ultra Brawl... huh what?

*Waring notices the camera focusing on him. Startled by this is curses angrily but clams down and begins to speak, this time directly.*

Waring: So, It seems I have a couple of fools trying to think they are Mr. Big around here. They both think that they can take my European title. The same title I have held twice and they still think im just some rookie with a fluke win. Maybe I am a rookie. Yeah, I only been doing Pro Wrestling a year. Look where I am now. Already two title reigns. Is that a fluke? No. You see I am no fluke. I won these matches putting my body on the line. Just like at Ultra Brawl when I get in the ring with the Clown posse and have to fight a woorthless match. What did these two guys do to deserve a title shot at me. Erm....nope, cant think of anything. What they have done is make an enemy of a very powerful man. You see, I wouldnt waste my time fighting these chumps but they have attracted my attention. Backstage attacks, interfereing in my matches. Trying to take the best man out. You see, I am the man at the moment and come Ultra Brawl I will still be the man. I am letting you two have a title shot at me, so I will win the match and my already high popularity will again go up.

*Waring reaches for a book to his left. He shows the cover to the camera and it shows Chambers English Dictionary. He smiles and opens it to a page.*

Waring: You see, At Ultra Brawl me and the guys I face do battle in a TLC match with barbed wire ropes. Let me explain a TLC match to those who dont know what it is. I will use my dictionary to help me. Always nice to have a helping hand eh Hawkeye?

*Waring pauses as he flicks to the page. He puts on some glasses and reads out loud.*

Waring: Chair. Noun. Seat with a back, for one; offical position of authority; person holding this. Very interesting. You see in this case i will use my chair to beat the living $H!* out of my opponents. They will regret meeting me. The chair is like a weapon which can inflict great pain of the person at the recieving end. Be it me or them. I expect to take many chair shots but I will still walk out European champion. I have taken more then a few weak chair shots and been taken out. Chairs are nothing for me to get scared about, least if holding someone who mows lawns for a living. Anyway, whats next. Ah yes.....

Ladder. Noun. Frame of two poles conected by horizontal steps used for climbing; line of stitches that have come undone in tights or stockings. Well, thats interesting because climbing the ladder is exactly what I am gonig to do to win the match. Ladders are wonderful things. THey can be used to aid in top rope moves, used to strike people and used as a crash mat for those landing on them. They are nice things and work wonders if you know what to do with them. Just like me. I have fought many ladder matches in my career. They are some of the most exhausting matches in history. However, like the match at Sizzler I am to top physical shape. I am pumped and ready to take this match to the extreme. Ladders are the most important tools in this match. I asure you that no one will be climbing to get the gold then me. Ladders act as my companion in the match. Along with these guys....

Table. Again a noun. Piece of furnature with a flat top supported by legs. Pretty easy to get; arrangement of infomation in columns. Not sure that will help. For discussion by a meeting. Yeah ok. So basically a table is something you put stuff on. In this case it will be the bodies of the guys I face. Tables are like a ladders brother and together they make a formidable team. Tables are they to be broken and broken they will be. I might take a few rides into tables but Im used to that. All in the name of a good cause. I have been in many table matches and I have grown to take the pain. However, there will always be the sting and that is what will slow me down when I go and win. Sting or no sting, I will still win.

You see, when you add up Chairs, Ladders and Tables you get a pretty brutel match in its own. When you add in the factor of barbed wire ropes, this match goes to another level. You see, many people have been in a barber wire ropes match or been victim to a barbed wire shot. I, however am not one of them. I have never had the feeling of barbed wire in my flesh and come Sunday, I expect I will know what its like. I added them because I know Barbed wire ropes cause pain and they spill blood and that just what I want my opponents to feel. Pain. I want to see the blood pouring from there heads and onto my feet. I want them to beg for forgiveness and which they will recieve non. They got themselfs into my business, nd now im going to make them my business. Two more stepping stones crossed on the path to greatness.

Now, I face two guys at Ultra Brawl. Lt. Hawkeye and T.T Mcgraw. Lets start with my buddy Mcgraw. The guy I beat at Summer Sizzler after everyone esle had been eliminated. Defeated with his own submission hold. I liked that hold. I loved the sound of you screaming to the very move you mastered. Yeah, I seen you use it, and then you lost to it. Also you lost the European title. You felt angry, depressed and ready to challenge. I know exactly how you feel. I would be the same. You want some of the champion and come Mainframe you got some. Yeah, I admit even I was a little surprised you attacked me. You looked to be noticed and you did. You got the rematch you wanted. I bet you didnt expect to be fighting in one of the sickest matches ever divised. I know you will give it your all, in fact I expect you want revenge. However, my friend, you will only fall. Your angry will lead to mistakes and then you will look up at my reaching for my prized title belt. You will feel so hurt when you lose and I will gladly give you a shot. All I can is good luck.

Then, we have my other new buddy. Lt. Hawkeye. The guy who got a fluke victory over me last week on Mainframe. Well done, you keep saying your the better guy, the guy who should be european champion. I say, yeah you should. If you can put your money where your mouth is. You see, all this crap about, I am a cheap skate, I am a fluke. Its getting pretty boring. Yeah, you got a win, but did you do it on your own? No! Can you face me one on one? No! you had to cheap shot me from behind with a golf club. Well, I say bring the golf club to the match. Then I can practise my drive on your head. You see, there is enough weapons to win a war with in this match and I hope that you find one to work. You cant get it done without them so I expect you to walk out as champion. Just one thing is in your way. That is a very angry man. He wants you more then ayone esle. He is me. I would love you to bring your actions, weapons, Rank badges and anything esle. You cant beat me in a straight one on one match. You wont get your chance to prove it at Ultra Brawl but you can still try to back up your smack. You need either illegel weapons to beat me or another guy. Just face it. You cant hack it on your own. I am just too good. I'd love to face you one on one, mano on mano. I'd love to shut you up. Come, Ultra Brawl, I will do just that. You will regret ever meeting me. You, like Mcgraw, will look up to the sky and see me grabbing the belt and you will hurt inside knowing how many peoples time you wasted talking smack to walk back to the locker room after the match with you head held low and thinking ' this guy is better then me'. Thats just what I am. The Best and come Ultra Brawl you will see the best in action and lie in amazement as I beat your a$$ up.

*With that long speech, Waring closes the book and stares into the camera holding the european title as the scene fades to black.

Larry Serson

League Member
Sep 5, 2004
Kingston, On, Canada
{*Scene opens with Hawkeye standing backstage looking at the TV screen. A knock comes to the door. He walks over, opens the door and is handed a piece of paper. He looks at the paper, looks confused then an evil smile appears on his face. He walks back over to his bag and drops the paper. *}

Hawkeye: Well … it looks as thought Mr. Pickstock has given me another shot at the European Title. This time it looks as thought he has raised the stacks a bit for me thought, not only do I have to beat one person for that title but I have to be in a triple threat match, which means I don’t have to even be involved in decision to lose, but there will be no worries in me not being in the decision because I will be the one to make the pin for the 1-2-3. I don’t care who the one is that I am pinning, it could be our champion or it could be the other person in the match, personally I don’t care, because I am sick and tired of both of them. One claims he is a changed person from the last time he wrestled and the other, well, let’s just say, he hasn’t shown or proven himself enough to be in the ring with me.

{* Hawkeye bends over and grabs a bottle of water out of his bag *}

Waring, you speak about how you have seen the light and want to prove yourself here in the EWUC as the European Champion, well that is all going to change at Ultra Brawl when I take that title you so hold so dear to your heart and I walk out as champion. What you seen on Main Frame a couple weeks back was just the beginning of your losing streak, this Sunday when I walk out as champion is the second lose to me in as many tries. You may have beaten me a couple of times in the past, but after Ultra Brawl that is going to be just what it is, the past.

{* Hawkeye takes a gulp of his water *}

Waring, you come out here and run your mouth about being the European Champion and how you won it, but what you doesn’t realize is that you have made yourself look so venerable and a marked man. You have opened yourself up and now you must pay the ultimate price for it, you where better off with just keeping that big mouth of yours shut, but I guess you can help it, since you have nothing else to speak about that is worth hearing. Wow Waring, you own a dictionary?? Now, I have seen everything, I didn’t think that you even knew what that was or what it looked like, since you can’t be the brightest bulb, since you keep wanting to get back into the ring with me. So, you also make our match at Ultra Brawl at TLC with barbwire ropes, you think that it is going to work in your favor?? Ummmm, well I guess you have to think of something to try to square the odds, since you know that you can’t be me one on one again. You have beat me, I agree, but to make this a match one of the most brutal matches for my NEW EUROPEAN TITLE, well that is fine with me. You say that I can bring my club to the ring with me and you will take practice swings on my head, well, that just excites me, I have taken a lot more then you can ever do to me. I have seen and been hit by a lot more then you will ever be able to dish out to me.

{* Hawkeye turns and picks up the paper *}

As for the other man in the match, TT McGraw … well what can I say about him, he has done nothing since arriving here in the EUWC. Only once have I seen him do anything even worth menacing, he got into the ring and knocked the dumb bastard Waring out, but he also mad a mistake at the same time, he interfered in my match, a big NO NO and now come Ultra Brawl he must get into the ring with me and take his punishment. Does anyone really even know what TT stands for?? I have one opinion … toilet training

{* Hawkeye smirks and chucks *}

You see, your just a kid that needs to learn that you can’t be getting into the ring with me and think your going to win, because then you will just whine and piss diaper after I leave you laying in the middle of the ring in your own blood. The ring is no place for a kid to be, you can get seriously urt and come Ultra Brawl I am going to be ready to take you down yet another notch.

{* Hawkeye takes a another gulp of his water *}

This is not just another match for me, it is my chance to prove to everyone in the EUWC that I am not just another person who talks the talk but can’t walk the walk, I am going to be prepared for this match come Ultra Brawl and my opponents better be as well, because if not, they are going to find out just what it feels like to be on the losing end of the spectrum. I have been there and it is not fun, you have to work your way back to the top and here is my chance to finally make it there.

Waring, this Sunday, you have just made the stakes more interesting and come hell or high water, I am going to make sure that I walk out as the European Champion, you making this matches just made things easier for me. You have no idea what is going to happen to you know, because I am going to make you bleed, I am going to make McGraw bleed, I know I am going to bleed, but the only difference is that I am going to be walking out and you 2 will be laying in the middle of the ring in a pool of your blood.

{* Hawkeye turns from the camera and heads out the door *}

T. Waring

League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Nottingham, england
*The scene opens in the same locker room that we saw last night. Everything is the same, TV/DVD combo in one corner and the sofa proped up against the wall. The lights are fully on this time and as the camera moves in we see a man playing a video game on the xbox. He doesnt notice anyone and keeps ignoring. This is, until Staci Seymour walks in, uninvited of course and taps the man on the shoulder. The man reacts very angrily, pushing her away with some force. The man is known as "The commander" T. Waring. Waring has a silver pair of jogging bottoms and a red Tampa Bay Buccaners top on. He stands up and helps Staci to her feet as the interview is about to start.*

Waring: Sorry about that, I thought it was my agent. So what brings you here?

Staci: Well, you've been in EUWC for a while now and have never had an interview, so I figured i would come and interview you as you seem to be doing nothing.

Waring: But, I was doing something. My copy of the new Madden game just came and I was enjoying it. So what would you like to know?

Staci: Well, firstly whats it like being in EUWC, you feel at home now?

Waring: Well, yeah, Ive watched EUWC since its first show in 1996. Its been a goal to wrestle here and finally I have and got something to show for it.

Staci: Well, it seems you have been noticed around here as well. Your in favour with the EUWC management. You have the newest title to the EUWC. Your also doing well.

Waring: Yeah

Staci: So what I would like to know is what are your plans in the future?

Waring: Well, I had some but with this draft lottery, it seems they will need to be put on hold a while. I dont know where ill end up and frankly I dont care. I am the best here, bar none. any show which has me should be considered lucky.

Staci: We all know you face Hawkeye and Mcgraw at Ultra Brawl. Are you nervous?

Waring: If I as nervous, I wouldnt be be champion. I set the stips up on the match and looking at my mates betting shop im favourite to take the title back home to Florida.

Look at the guy, Hawkeye. He claims I am scared of him. I fear him in a one on one match. The last time we fought a one on one match. I won. I dont need to prove myself to you again. You are the biggest sack of cr*p i know. He does bring up a point. Its all in the past. Still means that in the future Hawkeye will serve as the popcorn seller on row Z. This guy like I have said can talk all the smack he wants but deep down this guy knows I am just too good for him. He doesnt even know the rules in a TLC match. There are no pinfalls fool, so who will you be pinning? The winner is the guy who grabs the title from the ladder. He calls me dumb. Just look at him. He wouldnt know a dictionary if it hit him in the face. Im surprised he can read. You say that my little stips but the odds as even. They are in your favour. You brag that you can use a weapon or two. I beg you to use it on me. Or are you trying to bore everyone even more?

Toliet Training Mcgraw. I like it. Moving on, you have said little during this past week. Im surprised. I was expecting you to come boring us with Gardening shows. Please, why is this guy even in the match. Did he win some training show? Win a lottery? Who cares. This guy has no ring ability, no knowledge of the enviroment and basically he is a wasted mass. I have to use up my Hawkeye beating time to tame this innocent dog. I suggest you just take up some other sport. Who knows what one. Oh yeah i got a phone call eariler saying that your village has lost its idiot. You see, you dont know what you are going to get yourself into. I suggest you just leave before I have my way with you. You wont like it. You will be swimming in a pool of yours and Hawkeyes blood.

Staci: Well, that was nice. Thanks fot the time Waring.

Waring: No problemo.

*With that, Waring goes back to playing Madden and Staci leaves as the screen turns to black.*

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