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Tyrone Walker vs. Cliff Young vs. Brien Cage


League Member
Jan 29, 2004
Backstage at Aggression.

Fade in on the recently victorious Tyrone Walker. Despite the win he's anything but estatic, more accurately would be apathetic looking as he quietly makes his way through the busy corridors of the arena. He passes by random staff as they scurry around getting things set for the next contest to take place after the on going commercial break ends. Finally reaching his apparent destination he opens the door and takes a step in.

Somebody - "Hey Walker hold on."

He stops in mid-step as he's interrupted by one of those same randomly faced staffers who is armed with a clipboard and a small pile of papers. This guy looks more like a kid really, has orangish red hair, freckles or maybe it's a bad case of acne and a pair of nerdy looking glasses on his face. The kid grabs one of those same slips of paper and hands it to Walker.

Staffer - "Here you go. Hey good match tonight, kid!"

Walker (eyes rolling) - "Heh, thanks... I guess."

Walker takes the sheet from the staffer and glances at it but not really taking in what it actually is. The staffer turns to leave, but is stopped by a hand slapping down on his shoulder.

Walker - "What's this?"

Staffer (looking at the paper) - "Uh... Oh, it's the lineup for Black Dawn. I'm handing these out to the guys on the undercard so... yeah."

Without much else to say on the situation the staffer takes off down the hallway. Walker stands halfway in the doorway as he watches the kid walk away for a few seconds and then down at the paper. He scans it from top to bottom as he reads off each match silently to himself while he turns and walks the rest of the way into the room. Shutting the door behind him he slowly shuffles around the room as he reads over the paper.

Noticably about this single sheet of paper is the big bold print "Empire Pro Wrestling presents..." in red at the top and an even larger text "B L A C K D A W N" just below it in black. Walker continues to scan it from the top starting with the nights main event for world title and on and on all the way down to the bottom he finds his place on the card. Opener - Walker vs Young vs Cage - Triple Threat.

Taking a seat at an empty table he sits and continues to look over the paper. As the information registers in his mind it triggers a depressed sigh. It's not that he's disappointed with how things are going, he knows how the business works and he knows the score when you're the new guy in town.


Walker gets up from his seat and steps over to where a large black duffle lays on the floor open. He crouches down and reaches in for a pair of a black cargos with white stitching which also happen to be the source of the ringing. Pulling a cell phone from one of the pockets he snaps it open and checks to see who's calling.

Walker (grumbling) - "Cindy..."

He finally answers with a hesitant cringe coming over him. It's not that he didn't like Cindy, she was much like the little kid sister he never had what with being the youngest of three boys and one girl. However being the pseudo kid sister that he never had made her the more than occasional annoyance to him and given the recent situation regarding his contractual obligations to Empire Pro he's still not close to letting her off the hook just yet.

Through the miracle of technology we listen on the following conversation.

Walker - "What?"

Cindy (already annoyed) - "Ever."

Walker - "Heh, what you need?"

Cindy - "Your match with what's his face was crap."

Walker (shrug) - "Meh, nothin' I could do about that mess. But whatever, another match, another win."


Cindy - "Yeah, well..."

Walker - "Well...?"

Cindy - "Nothing."

Even though we don't see her expression, it's obvious she'll curb the snide remarks for now.

Cindy - "Is the idiot boy bahaving?"

Walker - "AJ? Uh...does he ever..."

Walker notices something... AJ is nowhere to be found. An "Oooh Boy" look comes over him almost as if he knows that boy is up to no good.

Walker - "Ugh...where did that fool run off to now?"

= - = - = - = - =

Cut away to elsewhere in the building.

Joining the omni-moronic Action Jackson. AJ for short. AJ merryily cruises through the halls and corridors of the arena wistling a happy tune and a deviant smile on his face along with an empty beer cup in his hand. The some of the random passerbys are giving him a sideways glance of disgust at the white and red sleeved jersey style tee shirt he's wearing. Granted most of those who show disgust are usually the female staff because on the shirt in black highlight and white text it says "I Only Support Gay Marriage" and underneath that in red highlight with white text "if both chicks are hot." AJ merely shrugs it off with indifference and continues on his merry way.

AJ - "Break room... Break room... Ah Ha!"

Apparently reaching his destination he finds a private staff break room which has a small plaque on it with block lettering "STAFF LOUNGE." Pushing open the door he walks in and scans the place from left to right. The room is what you might come to expect from such a place. There's some tables, a small refridgerator, a sink, a couple of vending machines, a microwave and other typical things. Making a bee line for the sink he turns the hot water knob and a slow drain of the life giving fluid pours from the faucet. AJ runs his hand under the water to check for the right temprature and then puts the cup under the faucet and fills the cup.

AJ (giggling mischiefly) - "Doo da doo, doo da doo."

As the water pours into the cup AJ looks to his left where the small white refridgerator rests. He blinks vacantly for a moment as something calculates in his mind. He looks down at the water as it slowly continues fill up the clear plastic cup and then back at the fridge. He turns off the water and sets the cup down on the counter before he steps over to the fridge. Opening up the fridge he leans forward so he can take a mental inventory of what's inside. The fridge is actually rather barren of anything other than condiments and other miscelaneous products. One thing however catches AJ's interest. A carton of Carnation Non-Fat Dairy Creamer.

AJ - "Hmmmmmmmm..."

Pulling himself out and away from the fridge he looks at the cup on the counter and considers....something. As the thoughts race through his mind a wicked gleam sparkles in his eyes as an equally devious smile spreads across his lips. He dumps the water from the cup and then grabs the carton of Carnation Non-Fat Dairy Creamer from the fridge. He looks at the carton with pride and other sinful intentions.

AJ (laughing) - "HAH... YES! This is going to be sooo uber-cool!"

= - = - = - = - =

Cut back to the lockerroom with Walker who is still on the phone with Cindy. Once again through the miracle of modern technology we are able to hear the on-going conversation.

Cindy - "Hey they just ran a promo on the show. You're in a..."

Walker (cutting her off) - "Yeah some staffer gave me the memo."

He looks at the paper that has remained in his hand and scoffs at it before crumpling it up in his fist and tossing it over to a small trash can about fifteen feet away.

Walker (slight smile) - "Swish!"

Cindy (confused) - "What's that?"

Walker - "Huh.. oh... nothing."

Cindy - "Ooookay. What do you know about these guys (keys being clicked) Young and Cage..."

She pauses momentarily waiting for a response before continuing.

Cindy - "Or do I need to the research for you?"

Walker (smirking) - "Isn't that your sole purpose in life?"

Cindy (annoyed) - "Uhm...no. You know Ty, I'm not your god damn slave and..."

Walker - "Whoah, whoah, hold up there kiddo. Calm down. I know the score, well, some of it anyway, maybe...a little."

Cindy (sigh) - "Fine! I don't know why I bother with you sometimes."

Walker - "Because when you get right down to it, there's just nothin' better than your's truely."

Cindy (scoff) - "Pfft, more like there's nothing more lazy and arrogant."

Walker (nod) - "Yeah that too."

= - = - = - = - =

AJ is walking down a hallway towards his next destination. The deviously happy look upon his face is even brighter and he's also equipped with that now sinister looking clear plastic beer cup filled with Carnation Non-Fat Dairy Creamer. The people he pass, some of them who have already taken notice of him before because of his tee shirt are now taking note of his rather disturbingly cheery expression plastered on his face. He ignores them as he moves along his way humming a happy tune. Reaching his destination - the MEN's ROOM - he giggles.

AJ - "Here we go."

Walking into the bathroom it's seems to be devoid of anyone elses presence. AJ goes over to one of the urinals, apparently all his laughing and excitement have nature calling. Just as he finishes up he hears the noise from the outside hall coming into the bathroom.

Somebody - "Yeah, I'll be right there. I got to drop the kids off at the pool."

AJ quickly and safely zips himself up and grabs his cup of Carnation Non-Fat Dairy Creamer and hurries over to one of the three stalls taking the one in the middle. As for the other guy, he's one of the arena security staff. He's pretty big about six foot three and pretty well built. He walks into the bathroom as the 'rush' hits him and he feels the sudden pressure coming over his lower extremities. He gets into the stall and well for matters of taste we'll cut back to AJ who is sitting quietly on the toilet in the stall he occupies.

Security Guy - "Crap!"

The guy spits out as he notices the door's lock doesn't work. Unfortunately for him though it's too late to switch stalls.

Security Guy - "Ungh...man I feel like I'm gonna give birth here!"

AJ is DYING! Not literally, but he is having a bit of difficulty containing his amusement. He calms himself and waits a moment to gain the inner-strength for what he's about to do. When AJ feels his hapless stallmate is fully committed to business at hand he.....

AJ (moaning) - "Uhhhhh...gnaaaaah..."

Security Guy - "...."

AJ (groaning) - "uuuHHHHHggggaaahhhh..."

Security Guy - "...."

AJ making these sounds that are either of extreme pressure on his colon or of extreme pleasure...well you know. The other guy however is completely clueless as to what is or isn't happening and just keeps quiet not wanting to potentially embarass whoever it is in the other stall. AJ however is straining to keep himself composed and not blow his cover.

AJ (more intensified) - "UUUHHH.. UUUHHH!!!"

Security Guy - "...."


AJ who has now standing rears back his arm with the cup of Carnation Non-Fat Dairy Creamer in his hand and swings it forward...


Security Guy - "....AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"

AJ is quietly cracking up as a barely audible splash is heard from inside the other stall as the other in fact just gave birth. In the other stall the Security Guy raises his feet off the floor as he has no clue what that milky white substance is splattered all over the floor and he really doesn't want to know for sure.

AJ bursts through the door of his stall on the verge of exploding into gales of laughter over the situation he kicks in the other stall door and we see the guy with his legs and his pants around the lower half of his legs. AJ poses all thug-like and with his best ghetto impression...

AJ - "You suckas got SERVED!!"

AJ bursts out laughing as he lightly chucks the cup at the guy and leaves laughing his ever loving ass off.

Security Guy (mega pissed) - "SON OF A *****!"

AJ (looking back) - "Ooooh s**t, time to bounce!"

AJ hits a switch on the wall and it kills the lights in the bathroom and he makes a break for it. Only seconds later the the Security Guy bursts out of the bathroom with his boxers up and his pants down around his ankles and to say he's pissed off would be putting it lightly.

= - = - = - = - =


Back once again to the lockerroom with Walker who is still on the phone with Cindy, but has since gotten dressed in the pair of black cargo pants and an annoyingly bright orange New York Mets Mike Piazza #31 jersey.

Of course those wonderful advances in technology are in play here.

Walker - "There's not much to say about Cliff Young or Brien Cage. One's an old timer who can't quit because he's broke oh and he's doublely dangerous because he's f**ked in the head. Sheeeeit dude could have a damn senior moment and forget he's in the ring and kill somebody, heh fun. And the others a friggin mute because he's just a bad ass muthaf**ka, damn where have I seen that before, heh heh."

Cindy - "Well, I wouldn't exactly have put it that way."

Walker - "Heh yeah well whatever. At least I've been in the ring with Young, he's got some skill left, or at least I was able to carry him to a win anyway, heh. But Brien Cage, meh, who knows, who cares. Only good thing about this trip is it's in New York."

Cindy - "Aaah."


Nearly busting through the door is a panicked AJ. Walker turns as he hears the door fly open and bang against the wall. He looks curiously at the goofy look on AJ's face as he pants heavily from running through the halls of the arena.

Walker - "Uuhhh...sup dude?"

AJ (panting) - "Gotta (huff) get going (weeze)"

Walker (to Cindy) - "Gotta go, the village idiot is back, doesn't look good."

AJ - "...someone... after me... (cough)"

Walker clicks the phone off and stuffs it into a pocket. He turns his attention to AJ with an almost knowing look that says...

Walker - "Christ... What the hell did you do now!?"

Until next time...



Cage has every right to be upset. It has nothing to do with the loss in his debut match. It's more than that. While he was gone he left control of Pure Gold into the hands of Dennis Scarborough, a seemingly responsible and capable person who would move into an assistant manger position at the club.

Scarborough made Cage change his mind. The club is not how Cage left it and he is looking for answers.

Cage: Where is Scarborough?

With a sense of urgency, Karen looks at the club's appointment book. Her ink pen glides across the page in search of the whereabouts of Scarborough.

Karen: He was supposed to be here an hour ago.

Cage: So, he hasn't called.

Karen: No, Mr. Cage.

Cage: I see.

From a distance, Cage sees one of his trainers walking down the hallway. He calls for him. Within a few seconds Makenzie is in the presence of his boss.

Makenzie: Yes sir, Mr. Cage.

Cage: I want you to be up front with me, Makenzie.

The young trainer nods his head as he expects to hear the worst.

Cage: Take a walk with me to my office. As we walk, I want you to tell me everything that has happened since I have been away.

While walking, the young fitness trainer tells him everything that he needs to know. He promised Scarborough that he should keep Cage in the dark about the events that took place while he was gone. Unknown to Scarborough Makenzie had more sense not to cross the man that writes his checks. Makenzie sang like a finalist on American Idol.

Other club employees and club members passed the two men as they made their way to Cage's office. They stopped write at the front of the door. Cage reaches into his blazer pocket. He pulls out his checkbook and a pen.

Cage: You aren't married, are you?

Makenzie: No sir. Just a girlfriend.

Cage: Really?

Cage quickly scribbles a figure on a blank check and signs it.

Cage: Tell you what, Makenzie. Why don't you take the rest of the week off with pay.

Makenzie: Really? Are you serious?

Cage: Very. Leave a reminder on your timesheet to let Val know what's going on.

Makenzie shakes his hand. He is still overwhelmed by Cage's show of generosity.

Makenzie: Thank you sir. Thank you.

Cage: Okay, son. That's enough. Now, I want you to take this and buy something nice for your girlfriend and yourself.

He hands the check to Makenzie before he disappears into his office. Makenzie's eyes begin to water as tears of joy begin to flow down his cheek. He pulls out his cell phone and begins to call his girlfriend as he walks away from Cage's door.

He's not totally calm, but he is slightly more happier than he was when he first entered Pure Gold.

Carson: You have any Pepto-Bismol? Your show of generosity just gave me an upset stomach.

Part of the time Cage blocks out comments from Carson.

Carson: I hope you aren't getting soft on me.

Cage: No. I'm just thanking an honest person for keeping me informed of the dealings while I was gone.

Carson: Really?

Cage: Yes. In fact, as soon as Scarborough is seen on the premises he's fired.

Carson: No warning?

Cage: I don't have time to give out warnings. You only get one shot.

Carson smiles at his comments.

Carson: I true businessman indeed.

Cage takes a seat at his desk. He's not pleased with the work he sees in his inbox. Stuff that Scarborough was supposed to take care of in his absence.

Carson: So, are you ready for Black Dawn?

Cage leans back in his chair to get comfortable.

Cage: If you are referring to the Triple Threat Match I'm involved in, the answer is yes.

Carson sticks a piece of gum in his mouth and tosses the wrapping into the trashcan near Cage's desk.

Carson: You realize that this is going to be huge.

Cage: I know. Madison Square Garden. It doesn't get any bigger than that.

Cage picks up the piece of gum that Carson tossed onto his desk and follows suit with Carson.

Cage: The world will be watching.

Carson nods his head.

Carson: No room for error. You can be even more impressive this time around with a win.

Cage nods his head.

Carson: Remember everything you saw last week from Tyrone Walker's match. It might be of some use. I'll do what I can concerning Cliff Young, though I doubt it's going to be of any use to us at all.

Cage: Doesn't matter. I'm going into this match against Walker and Young and I pumped and focused.

Carson: More focused than your last match, I take it.

Cage nods his head.

Cage: Yeah.

Carson smiles.

Cage: Not only is it going to be a night that I will remember, it will also be a night that the humanites of MSG and Walker and Young will never forget. Trust me. They will be talking about this match for months. Why? Because Brien Cage is a man that makes things happen. And at Black Dawn, I'm making things happen to Cliff Young and to Tyrone Walker.

Carson looks at his watch and realizes he needs to get going.

Carson: I need to bolt out of here. I'll come back in a few hours.

Cage: In the meantime I need to break a sweat and possibly Scarborough's neck if he tries to come back after I fire him.

Carson: Cool. Talk to you a little later then.

Both men exit the office and go their separate ways.



Years ago when people found out the Cage was taking part in a big event, they called him for tickets. Even though the times have changed, the people haven't. Family members he hasn't seen since he was a child, family members he didn't know he had, friends from college, friends he didn't know he had, all of them want tickets to Black Dawn.

At times, it's more stressful handling the handful of ungrateful beggars than it is preparing for a big match.

Cage: I can't make any promises.

Cage really wants to get away and get off the phone. For the past hour his phone has been ringing off the hook. He hangs up and it rings.

Cage: Yeah, right.

While talking, he is able to make it into the kitchen and grabs himself a bottle of Sprite.

Cage: Okay. Talk to you later.

Cage hangs up and tosses the phone on the kitchen counter.

Cage: Gee wiz. I don't even know half of the people calling. This has got to stop.

The phone rings again.

Cage: BLAST!!!!!!!!!!

Cage picks it up.

Cage: Hello?

The displeasure from his face slowly disappears. He hears a voice that he hasn't heard in quite sometime.

Cage: Two-Tone Tony. When did they let you out of jail?

Cage walks over to his office area. He sits the bottle on the desk and takes a seat. His computer is already on. He is about to continue where he left off with a game of Text Twist.

Cage: Really?

Cage takes a sip from his bottle.

Cage: That's right. I'm EPW now, bro.

Cage continues where he left off in the Text Twist game.

Cage: Oh, you knew. And I guess you know that I ...................

He stops in mid-sentence. Tony was able to finish his sentence for him.

Cage: That's right. A triple threat match. Cliff Young, Tyrone Walker, and myself.

Cage is finding it hard to concentrate on the game and understand how his jailbird family member knows so much as he continues listening to him.

Cage: I wouldn't say that I'm concerned for either Walker or Young. However, Tony, I would say that I am focused on my two opponents.

Time runs out for Cage. He was unable to figure the six letter word in time because his attention was on talking with Tony. He continues to listen to him.

Cage: Thanks. Carson said I debuted okay, but expects more out of me this time around.

He pauses and listens to Tony.

Cage: For the time being we both see myself eclipsing last week's loss with a win this week.

He decides to log out of yahoo games and ends up checking his e-mail instead.

Cage: I'm sure that both of them are capable of winning the match. But I won't let them. This is going to be my night to shine inside Madison Square Garden. This is going to be my moment to show the humanites who didn't see me last week what I'm all about.

He pauses and listens.

Cage: I don't see Young or Walker as a threat. However, I am not overlooking or underestimating either one.

He continues to pause and listen as he deletes spam from his inbox.

Cage: Yep. I will go on record as saying I am the better man of the three in the triple threat match.

He continues deleting spam mail out of his inbox as he listens to Tony talk.

Cage: I'm about to get out of here. Anything else you need?

He pauses and listens.

Cage: I'm going to tell you like I have told everyone else calling here. Go get your own tickets.

He hangs up the phone and tosses it onto the desk. He takes a deep breath before taking another sip from his Sprite. He then thinks on his upcoming match at Black Dawn.



League Member
Jan 29, 2004
Days later after Aggression.

Back home in the D.

It's late in the wee hours of evening.

The glow of a television set in the darkness greets us. On it's screen is vintage footage of past events long gone bye that have taken place inside hallowed ground of the 'World's Most Famous Arena' Madison Square Garden or quite simply the Garden.

The image blurs as the screen seems to pull away slightly. The sound of the television lowers giving way to a voice that fills the void left behind. It's a sort of reflective toned voice, one of admiration for the great building that is one of the prized jewels of the city that never sleeps.

"You know... In the years that I've been around I have seen a lot of great things in my life. Quite a few of these things have taken place in this modern day Coliseum we call 'The Garden."

The image on screen changes to that of a boxing match.

"In ninety-one I was just a teenager when I saw 'Sugar' Ray Leonard come out of retirement to fight Terry Norris for the WBC Super Welterweight title with my brothers Joe and Jason. 'Sugar' Ray wasn't so sweet on that night though, he lost that one by unanimous decision... Still a great fight though."

The image on screen fast forwards briefly to that of a basketball game.

"Ninety-four was a good year. Got to see the Knicks reach the NBA Finals for the only time in my life in game seven against the Pacers. Knicks lost to the Rockets in the finals, meh, probably should have been the fourth for the Bulls but whatever."

Those clips move on and a Hockey game breaks out...at least on screen.

"At least the Rangers made up for it. It was over twenty years before I was even a glint in my old man's eye when the Rangers had won a Stanley Cup. I wasn't there for that game, hockey's just not my thing, but the party in the streets that night was. Wild, crazy fun, that s**t was off the hook."

More fast forwarding... An image of the Great One in his final game.

"Years later I was back home from Florida and got to see one of the greatest players of any sport bring an end to a great career. Hockey still wasn't my thing five years later, but I respect Wayne Gretzky."

Back to Basketball...kinda.

"In ninety-nine I went to my first and last Liberty home game, some WNBA s**t, and the game was... Well, chicks just can't ball like the men and that's about all there is to it. I also happened to catch the WNBA All Star game on TV and I'll use the term 'All Star' looser than most of these butchy lesbos cootches... (ahem) And that was the last time I watched a WNBA game."

As the video image fast forwards again it stops on an image of Paul McCartney. The voice in the darkness takes on a more somber tone...

"(sigh)...And I was there for the Concert for New York after nine eleven. I was in Atlanta when the attacks went down, but I rushed back home to be with my people and to volunteer in the clean up..."

Another sigh, this more of relief.

"...the concert was a moment... I can't really put how great it was into words that would do it justice."

The screen goes still with the image of Paul McCartney with a clenched fist raised high in the air.

The darkness surrounding the glow of the television vanishes into the shadows as light fills the room.

Shifting over to the left reveals our narrator in a basement. Tyrone Walker sits upon a stool next to the same television. Behind him is a large back drop that is tacked up on the wall with an equally large black banner presenting Empire Pro's first grand spectacle.


Walker with remote in hand stares at the image of McCartney for a moment that lingers. Pointing the remote he shuts off the television and turns his focus on us.

Walker - "What does any of this have to do with anything?"

"It occurred to me that I've been all over the world. I've been up to the very top of the mountain and yeah, I've stumbled all the way down to bottom. Hell, I've done that a couple of times at least. I've battled and beat the best just about anywhere I've been. And I've fallen from grace more than anyone else having found myself crashed and burned to the bottom with a hard, resounding thud."

"But the thing is... Sure I've been all over the place, done a whole bunch of cool s**t, won big matches, titles, you name it. But I've never been to Madison Square Garden. This is the place where legends have been made, broken and resurrected. And it's been the stage where legends have done battle against each other. Things of greatness have happened in the Garden and I've been there to see some of them. But I've never been there on the biggest, grandest stage of them as Tyrone Walker..the athlete."

"Which brings me to Black Dawn and Brien Cage and Cliff Young. Now I'm gonna be straight with y'all about this triple threat that I'm stuck in. Truthfully, it's beneath me fellas really it is. But hold up for a minute guys, I'm not gonna keep on *****in' about the contract that s**t's over and done with and I'll accept it. Just like I accept that I'm stuck on the undercard with you."

"I'm not gonna sit here and say either of y'all are beneath me. Because to be straight wit'cha Cage, Young, I don't need to tell you anything. I'm not gonna rattle off all my accomplishments, just like I'd hope either of you wouldn't. Because that s**t's in the past and I don't need to brag about the s**t I've done to make myself bigger than I am."

"But hey I will do one thing. And that's do what I've always done...succeed against the odds placed in front of me. And like I said guys, I don't need to brag about myself or tell you that you're beneath me. Because to be straight with ya I'll have a much more entertaining time doin' that at Black Dawn."

"In closing Brien, Cliff... I'm goin' into this like it's the main event of the evening and I'm seein' myself being the one with everything stacked against me. It gives me a rush, it drives me to be better than every last one that has come before me and anyone that will ever come after me. I might see this match right now as nothin' but a joke. But you know what? That'll all change come fight night and when it's over it'll be what everything else in my career has been..."

"Another match, another win."



Harlem Nocturne was one of her favorite songs. She enjoyed listening to it when Mike Hammer aired years ago; a favorite show of hers. She enjoyed listening to the different renditions of the song. One rendition she fell in love with was that of her husband Brien Cage. It was late that night when she heard a muted trombone on the other side of her door. It had awakened her, but for some reason she was not upset. She opened the door to see her then boyfriend playing the song on his silver valve trombone with a cup mute. She loved the gesture. She loved the man who made the gesture of playing one of her favorite songs. It was romantic.

That was then.

In a deep sleep, Lisa doesn’t notice her husband is not in bed with her. Her deep sleep prevents her from hearing him in the other room with his other love; his valve trombone.

Trying to sound like the late JJ Johnson with a touch of Jeff Bradshaw, Cage plays his trombone with a fury like never before. It’s not his best and he knows it. Yet, he doesn’t care. Stopping for a moment, he gets up and walks out onto the back patio. The moon is full. The night is cold.

Cage: So much has happened at Madison Square Garden. So much rich history is held within the confines of the arena known around the world.

Cage removes the brass mouthpiece from the horn. The cold weather makes the mouthpiece cold and uncomfortable. He places that one in his left pocket and pulls out a plastic black mouthpiece from his right pocket and puts it in.

Cage: The Knicks, Islanders, Rangers, and the Liberty all play there. Many great concerts have also taken place at the arena. Hmph. And who could forget that that was the beginning of Wrestlemania.

Cage continues pressing the valves of the trombone as he holds it in his hand. The wind which was once blowing slowly begins to pick up. The temperature continues to fall.

Cage: Now, MSG is preparing itself for the dawning of blackness. Black Dawn, if you want to be more politically correct. And at Black Dawn I find myself in the middle of a Triple Threat Match. It's not for a title. It's not for any contendership. It's for respect. I'm cool with that.

Cage places the horn to his lips only to blow warm air into it, not making any sounds. Even with the cup mute in the bell of the horn he can hear the wind pass through. He stops.

Cage: In one corner "Youngblood" Cliff Young will be standing. In another corner Tyrone Walker will be standing. Both men will come into this match looking for a win. A win that won't be found by either of them.

Cage begins fingering the notes to Harlem Nocturne without actually playing the song.

Cage: Young will no doubt put up a good fight. Starting off strong, only to fade without warning.

The first few notes of Harlem Nocturne escape the muted horn as Cage seemingly plays upwards towards the moon. The vibrato makes the sound full and robust. He stops.

Cage: Yes. I can see Tyrone Walker pacing himself. He's not going to take the fight to anyone. He's going to let the fight come to him. Smart on his part. However, in the end, he will find out that playing the waiting game isn't the best strategy when the first pinfall wins the match. And I will be the one who scores that pinfall.

An owl is heard hooting in a nearby tree. Cage thinks to himself that it’s kind of cold for birds to be around here. They generally fly south for the winter. It flies away.

Cage: No one can deny either one of your abilities, nor can you deny mine. However, the stage is bigger. The lights are brighter. The anticipation is greater. The question that is to be posed to the both of you isn't whether you will win or lose. Rather, it's who will be the one pinned by Brien Cage.

Cage plays a B flat on his horn and notices it’s sharp. He pulls out the tuning slide at the end of his horn a little and plays it again. The sound is much better.

Cage: Walker and Young, don't come expecting the unexpected. Just come to Black Dawn expecting to lose, plain and simple.

He returns back inside the house and makes his way towards the bedroom. Lisa is still asleep. He walks over, leans over and kisses her on the cheek.

Cage: Sweet dreams, my queen. You need to prepare to watch your king outperform the competion at Black Dawn.



League Member
Jan 29, 2004
Just a short time until Black Dawn.

In the city that never sleeps.



Walker and AJ that is in the cold winter night air out on the streets of downtown New York City. Both are dressed reasonably prepared for the temperatures in jackets and jeans. The duo walk at a light cruising pace as they pass by their fellow pedestrians.

AJ - "Man I'm telling you Reggie's got the right idea about dudes today. They got to be gassin' up."

Ty - "Right, right. But, and realize that I'm feelin' what Reggie's sayin' about all this. But man how do you know Mr. October isn't just pissed that he never had the juice back in his day?"

AJ (nod) - "Yeh, well you never know right?"

Ty - "Exactly."

AJ - "Just like you never know, you could fall flat on your face at Black Dawn, heh heh."

Ty (scoff) - "Pssh! Right, right. That was a pretty bad segway dude."

AJ - "Whatever. Oh, dude did you see Cage's promo?"

Ty - "Nah, I got better s**t to do than that mess."

AJ - "Heh, right. Dude basically ripped your Garden promo."

Ty (shrug) - "Meh, what can you do right? I talk, then he talks..."

AJ - "Then Young doesn't talk."

Ty - "Yeah right on. But whatever you know, it's how it works out. One guy says a bunch of stuff, then the other guy comes out and rips on the other guy. It's a vicious, unending circle."

AJ - "Yeah but dude I mean he like ripped your s**t off. Talking about MSG and all the great stuff that's happened there and then went on about the usual I'm going to win because blah blah blah."

Ty - "So? Free country dude, maybe he's got some fond memories of The Garden. And the rest of it, what can you do right? Hell didn't I basically say all that too? I even worked the catch phrase, which'll probably make that Dean whatever his name guy happy."

AJ - "That catch phrase is boss dude."

Ty (slight grin) - "Yeah well I guess it was about time I adopted one aye?"

AJ - "Right, right. Hey who is that Dean uh...what is his name anyway?"

Ty (shrug) - "Beats me. Matthews or something like that."

AJ - "You got heat with the guy or what."

Ty - "Don't think so, I just knocked his ass out because it seemed like a good idea at the time."

AJ - "Works for me."

Ty - "Right... I gotta tell ya AJ, this three way may be horses**t but I got to be honest about it. Going to the Garden for the first time is damn cool though. It's enough that I don't even care that much about it being a curtain jerker match. Still too bad I have a couple of a deadweights to lug around for ten, fifteen minutes."

AJ - "Yeah, but you got this one locked down tight. Has Young even been bothered to say anything."

Ty - "Not that I know of unless he's using ESP or something. Oh well, it's nothin' to get upset over and it's just one less a**hole problem to deal with."

AJ - "Yeah and Cage has been yapping about how great he is which is kind of stupid you know? Dude's the 'Silent Assassin' shouldn't he be, like y'know, quiet?"

Ty (double take) - "..."

AJ - "What?"

Ty - "AJ you calling anyone stupid is the pot calling the kettle black."

AJ - "Yeah well..."



As our friends were walking AJ wasn't paying attention and walked right into a little old lady sending her crashing to the pavement.

AJ - "Hey stupid..."

AJ not realizing right away what happened, has the old woman's purse in his hand which must ended up in his grip as she was falling.

AJ - "Oh damn, sorry lady I..."


Before AJ can do anything in the way of helping the woman she pulls a wistle and blows into it as hard as her elderly lungs can and the sound screams out into the night.

Ty - "Aww f**k dude!"

AJ - "But I didn't..."

Ty (looking away) - "Damnit, here comes a cop. Dude just keep cool."

AJ - "Pfft I'm always cool..."

The cop, Officer Stevens, who is a rather large man who even dwarfs Walker in size walks up. He first notices the old woman.

Cop - "What is going on here? Mam are you okay?"

Old Lady - "No! This brute was going to mug me! See he has my purse and I think he was trying to grab me too I think he was going to rape me!"

Ty (cringing) - "Oh damn that is just not a mental image I want or need."

The cop looks suspiciously AJ when the old woman casts a very judgemental and guilt pointing finger at him. AJ's eyes bug out as starts to panic when he realizes he has the old ladies purse clutched in his fist.

AJ - "Wait I wasn't..."

Cop - "Sir..."

AJ - "No I... I just slammed into her by accident. I didn't even see her."

Cop - "And you couldn't see this defenseless old woman in front of you."

AJ - "Hey, Andy, that's what I said!"

Cop - "Excuse me...?"

Ty (sigh) - "Damnit."

AJ - "Oh sorry, you're Barney Fife right?"

Cop - "Sir that is quite enough..."

AJ - "Hey that's funny actully. 'Cause that's just what your wife said last night after I got done treating her like the filthy pig that she is."

Walker's mouth falls open in shock as he smacks his forehead. AJ however continues to pile on by gyrating and thrusting his hips as he pretends to slap the cop's wife's ass.

AJ (smirking) - "Oooh yeah. Doin' it like a porno star!"

Cop - "Okay mister that's enough of these outbursts."

AJ - "Oh yeah? Didn't I see you get your ass kicked on "COPS" last week on TV? Probably why the little misses was out looking for a real man."

Miraculously the police officer hasn't yet just went off and whooped AJ with his nightstick. While this exchange has been going on though Walker has helped the old woman up and given her her purse back and apologized for everything. She accepted and went on her way.

Cop (loudly) - "SIR!"

This time actually startled AJ momentarily, but only momentarily.

Cop (addressing Ty) - "Have you two been drinking?"

Ty - "Uuuuh..."

AJ (cutting him off) - "What do you mean, "Have I been drinking?" You're the trained specialist."

Ty (pissed) - "Damnit AJ!"

Cop (grumble) - "Alright, sir you're coming with me."

AJ - "Well I don't about with you, but your wife....."

Before AJ can continue that comment Officer Stevens doesn't grab and escort AJ, he YANKS and DRAGS AJ over to his squad car. Walker shaking his head as he slowly follows behind.

Ty (to himself) - "Stupid f**ker! I just hope he doesn't pull anything like this at Black Dawn."

Over at the squad car the cop has pulled out a breathalyzer. AJ looks at it and by now you'd think it would have dawned on him to shut the hell up...

Cop - "Okay now..."

AJ - "Hey how about we do this differently for a change. You put this (grabbing his crotch) in your mouth and blow?"

Cop - "....."

That vein buldging out in the forehead of Officer Stevens is NOT a good thing. He grabs on to AJ, turns him around and slams him over the trunk of the car where he proceeds to put the cuffs on him. Walker who was still shuffling over towards them see's this. His head droops for a moment before he runs over there.

Ty - "Damn you AJ!!"

AJ (as he's being put into the car) - "DAAMN THE MAN!! SAVE THE EMPIRE!!"

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