(Hornet is sitting in his media room at home. He's not running through tape on Plett, or even Windham. Instead, it looks like he's watching Kansas finish their huge beating on Marquette.)
You know, Mikey, I sit here thinking about our little match coming up, and I realize there are more important things in the world.
War rages in Iraq as we kick the living bejeezus out of Saddam's 'crack' troops.
Congress rages in debate over who's going to take the blame for the economy, rather than doing anything about it.
And, of course, all loyal Tar Heel fans sit on the edges of their seats, both cheering Roy Williams on and wondering who our next coach would be.
So, as you can see Plett, you're not exactly at the top of my list. See, I can forgive Roy's decision to stay at Kansas because it was something he had built, with kids who needed him, kids he had made commitments to. See, that's a little something we call loyalty.
Yeah, yeah, I know, who am I to tell you, or anyone, about loyalty. But let's be honest, I know what loyalty is. No matter how many times I've been screwed by this company, I'm still here. You can question my motives, but not my loyalty. If anything, I always pay my debts, as many how found out over the years.
And at least I've been relatively honest about those motvies. You, on the other hand, Mikey, try and blame your turn on the fans. How they weren't supportive enough, or how you didn't get the 'push' you wanted. Seems funny, considering in your days in the GXW you were considered 'that CSWA punk,' and had no problems stirring the pot.
I don't even have a problem with your 'doublecross,' Mike. At least it made for somewhat entertaining television. That's more than I can say for you and your 'GXWites' since.
You want to make a wave, Mike, then do *something*, anything. Beat me. You've got the skills, and you're younger, right? Shouldn't be a problem. Nathan Cross almost got the job done at ON TIME. Shane Southern did it back at FISH FUND for the US Title.
I guess what I'm saying is cliche, Mikey, but it pertains in this case. Just do it. You've been so busy either pandering to the fans to be their "Freak" or pandering to the GXWers, that you've forgotten how to do anything else. For once, stop running your mouth trying to be cool and get the job done.
But hey, I fully expect you to ignore my advice. After all, what do I know, right?
Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to watch Syracuse and Texas... surely this one'll be more competitive than the last.
You know, Mikey, I sit here thinking about our little match coming up, and I realize there are more important things in the world.
War rages in Iraq as we kick the living bejeezus out of Saddam's 'crack' troops.
Congress rages in debate over who's going to take the blame for the economy, rather than doing anything about it.
And, of course, all loyal Tar Heel fans sit on the edges of their seats, both cheering Roy Williams on and wondering who our next coach would be.
So, as you can see Plett, you're not exactly at the top of my list. See, I can forgive Roy's decision to stay at Kansas because it was something he had built, with kids who needed him, kids he had made commitments to. See, that's a little something we call loyalty.
Yeah, yeah, I know, who am I to tell you, or anyone, about loyalty. But let's be honest, I know what loyalty is. No matter how many times I've been screwed by this company, I'm still here. You can question my motives, but not my loyalty. If anything, I always pay my debts, as many how found out over the years.
And at least I've been relatively honest about those motvies. You, on the other hand, Mikey, try and blame your turn on the fans. How they weren't supportive enough, or how you didn't get the 'push' you wanted. Seems funny, considering in your days in the GXW you were considered 'that CSWA punk,' and had no problems stirring the pot.
I don't even have a problem with your 'doublecross,' Mike. At least it made for somewhat entertaining television. That's more than I can say for you and your 'GXWites' since.
You want to make a wave, Mike, then do *something*, anything. Beat me. You've got the skills, and you're younger, right? Shouldn't be a problem. Nathan Cross almost got the job done at ON TIME. Shane Southern did it back at FISH FUND for the US Title.
I guess what I'm saying is cliche, Mikey, but it pertains in this case. Just do it. You've been so busy either pandering to the fans to be their "Freak" or pandering to the GXWers, that you've forgotten how to do anything else. For once, stop running your mouth trying to be cool and get the job done.
But hey, I fully expect you to ignore my advice. After all, what do I know, right?
Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to watch Syracuse and Texas... surely this one'll be more competitive than the last.