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Thoughts on UCW Revoultion?


League Member
Aug 7, 2006
Was wondering what everyone thought of the Revolution show? Concerns? Thoughts?

Match of the Night?

Segment of the Night?

Angle of the Night?

Impending/forshadowing future Feuds of the Night?

Shocking Moment of the Night?

Face of the Night?

Heel of the Night?

Overall Thoughts


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
I'll start this badboy out:

Match of the Night?

I think that I gotta give it to the main event. Dakota Smith verses Sargeant sent the fans home happy.

Honorable mention: The opening match to get the show started between Adam Benjamin verses Chris McMillian. Great way to start the show out I think.

Segment of the Night?

Adam Benjamin and Mr Incredible is really shaping up into what should be a great feud.

Honorable mention: BGB and Ken Cloverleaf has me very intrigued. I can't wait to see what transpires from this and into this week. I think that this has the potential to make Bruce out to be more than a "joke" character and jobber. I think that this will make him really be taken seriously.

Angle of the Night?

A very interesting turn of events that have shaped up in the UCW/MCW feud. I really dig it.

Impending/forshadowing future Feuds of the Night?

There are a lot of good ones ranging from Benjamin/Incredible, to Cloverleaf/BGB, to the UCW/MCW. This is going to be a lot of fun to watch and even play out in the coming weeks.

Shocking Moment of the Night?

The beating that Estaban took but how it went into perfectly the match set up for next week between BGB and Dan Ryan and furthing the feud between Bruce and Cloverleaf.

But I think that Cloverleaf should take note and remember the words of Eddie Griffith (from Dysfunksional Family)

"Any man that can take a D*** up the ass is not to be F***ed with."

He might wanna remember that for future reference.;) :p :D

Face of the Night?

I am just picking someone random because this could of went to anybody that was on the card.

I think that I wanna give this one to Bryan Storms man because he did come off like a face, and it'll be interesting to see how and what he does to bounce back in the war with the MCW/UCW feud.

Heel of the Night?

Ken Cloverleaf I think should get this one.

Overall Thoughts

This was a fresh card that really springboarded some new and fresh feuds for everybody and I think all should have a lot of fun taking part in.

I especially was impressed with how you all wrote Nakita Dahaka into the UCW/MCW feud as I was playing Kayfabe and trying to make it "NOT EASY" for her to be in this feud making it look like she was doing things "for herself" But after reading the card and seeing what unfolded I got a lot of ideas that helped bring her into the feud more. I really like what you guys did there.

As for the lateness of the card. I have said it once time and time again. I'd rather the card be late and well done rather than on time and sloppy. This was a good beginning for everybody, and be props go out to each and everyone of the match writers. Keep up the awesome work.

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