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The Masked Blazer vs. "The Future" Brett Irvine



The Future of the Future......

<A massive individual is seen sitting on a throne looking into a blazing fireplace. Above the fireplace is a huge mirror where you can see the Masked Blazer reading a large book. He looks up into the mirror, closes his book and begins to speak.>

Blazer: Looks like I have a match coming up with "the Future" Brett Irvine. Why is it that I am not thrilled with this matchup? Why is it that the stiffs in the front office continue to deprive me of top notch competition? The only reason I can gather is that they are scared that the Blazer is too violent, too far out there, and too uncontrollable to be in the ring with the top tier athletes. I know I'm not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but I would think that my actions in the ring would get me the title shots and the main event matches. But alas, I am stuck in the mid-card matches beating the tar out of people who will never achieve the level of greatness that I have in my career.

Irvine, you seem to be a smart enough man to know when you are overmatched.....so I will not be surprised or disappointed when you decide to just forfeit this match to me. However if you so decide that you want a piece of the most dangerous man in wrestling today I will make it worth your while. If you manage to defeat me in any way shape or form I will pay you 10,000 dollars of my own money in cash. I wouldn't get to excited, and I wouldn't be renting a brinks truck just yet.....because you never know how I'm going to react to seeing you across the ring from me. Chances are I am gonna tear you apart and leave you in the middle of the ring so badly beaten that your own family won't be able to identify you.

<Blazer stands up and walks over to his ever present chessboard and places a finger on his ivory white bishop and slides it across the board gently.....>

Blazer: "Future" you are in for a rude awakening when you step into the ring with a "LEGEND". You haven't gotten what it takes to outsmart me, outwrestle me, or outfight me. When you get into the ring with the Blazer only one thing will happen.....the lights will go down, the wind will pick up and the storm will rip right through you unsuspecting soul. The DEMON STORM destroys all and you will be no different, keep that in mind when you finally collapse in the center of the ring.....

<fade to black.>

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