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The Mark 'VS' SEEDING :: FW Region :: Group A

Vote for your favourite of FW's Group A

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Whats Your Alias

League Member
Aug 30, 2004
Superstars have been nominated, and the number one seed for the FW Region has been decided. Due to receiving the most points in the nomination process (and the most points of any seed, might I add), recieving a bye directly into the tournament...

"The Queen of the Ring" Lindsay Troy

Congrats! But what about the other 25-odd nominations that where recieved, you may ask? Welcome to the SEEDING round of the Mark's 'VS' Tournament, where now that the community has chosen it's favorites, you will vote from those who are everyones favorites. The nominations have been randomly split into three different groups, this is the thread for GROUP A, look for the threads for GROUP B and GROUP C which should also be on board.

You will vote for TWO (and only two, I will not count votes after the first two votes) superstars on this list, and on the two other lists as well. On April 3rd, 2006, the top 15 vote getters overall in the three Groups will then be seeded 2-16 in the FW Region of the 'VS' tournament. You can vote for yourself if you reeeeally want to. All others who recieved votes will get a second chance to be in the tournament, through the Wildcard Region (or the George Mason bracket ). But more about the Wildcard's after SEEDING is finished.

Vote. Discuss GROUP A. Enjoy.


New member
Jan 3, 2004
New York
Jonathan Marx and Copycat

They are two of my favorite wrestlers in FW Central that are in this group.

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