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The Impending Demise of Seymour Almasy

Seymour Almasy

New member
Oct 11, 2004
For Seymour Almasy, retirement was a blissful thing.

When you based your gimmick around RPGs, you tended to play them a lot. But being a wrestler meant RPG time got cut into by silly things like matches and working out.

NOW, Seymour could play RPGs all day long!

And so it was that, on a beach somewhere in South Asia, Seymour was laying out in the sun, playing Final Fantasy III on his DS.

Seymour Almasy: Ah, this is the life. RPGs out the yin-yang, tropical drinks whenever I want, and lots of cheap hookers willing to dress up as Final Fantasy characters.

Suddenly, though, his fun was spoiled by his cellular phone ringing. It rang with the tune of One Winged Angel, Sephiroth’s boss theme. This meant only one thing.

Seymour Almasy: MILES.

Sadly, Seymour picked up the phone, only to hear the voice of ‘Cocky’ Craig Miles in his ear.

Craig Miles’ Disembodied Voice: YOU. NFW SHOW. NOW. OR FIRE.

The phone abruptly is hung up, leaving a rather distraught looking Seymour.

Seymour Almasy: I was afraid of that. I’m weak against fire.

This, then, was how Seymour Almasy would go out. A one page RP.

Seymour would show up. He would lose to Lindsay Troy, in a spectacular fashion.

And then, he would settle his score with Craig Miles.

He had a score.

He just didn’t know what it was.

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