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Handler Name: Joshua Curtis
AIM: Amisbro
Skype: Amisbro
E-Fed Experience: 17-18 years
Wrestler Name: Brad Cummings
Nick Name: The Crescent City Kid
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 210 Pounds
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
Personality: Brad is a happy go lucky type. Not the nauseating type but he’s almost always in a positive mood no matter how things are going around him. His philosophy is that he “Doesn’t worry about what he can’t control” and its served him well in his short time in the business. Living by this philosophy has earned him more friends than enemies that much is for sure.
Does this mean when its “Go Time” he doesn’t get serious? Absolutely not! When the bell goes off Brad is just as determined and as focused as the next guy but he doesn’t take himself so seriously that when he’s outside the ring he can’t have fun ya know?
Entrance Music: “Teenage Dream” by Katy Perry
Entrance Description: As the opening beat to “Teenage Dream” filters out into the arena Brad comes through the curtain and politely bows to both sides of the aisle before walking down the ramp and slapping hands with the fans all the way down and around the ring. As he completes his lap around the ring slapping hands or high fiving some of the members of the crowd he makes his way up the ring steps and scales the turnbuckles standing on the middle and top rope for support as the end of the song gets ready to play and he pumps his fist in the air with a yell out to the crowd before finally stepping on the top turnbuckle and dropping down into the ring with one more salute to the crowd before bringing his attention to the opponent for the evening
Ring Attire: Brad comes out to the ring in a black and gold jacket with a fleur-de-lis on the back of it in black and gold sequins and matching trunks and boots. On both boots the fleur-de-lis is present as well as a “B” on one boot and a “C” on the other to represent his name
1 Tilt a whirl backbreaker
3 Suicide Dive
4 Corkscrew Plancha
5 Swinging Neckbreaker
6 Front Suplex from the Apron to the floor(This basically means if he and his opponent are fighting on the apron and he wins the exchange how he gets them off)
7 Pile Driver
8 Brain Buster(Can be used as a setup to one of the finishers)
9 Cross Arm Breaker
10 Triple Gernan Suplexes
11 Sleeper Hold
12 Northen Light Suplex
13 Gut wrench powerbomb
14 Bulldog
15 Running Knee Lift
Primary: “Crescent City Crash” – Shooting Star Press
Setup Move to finisher: either a brain buster or a gutwrench powerbomb in the corner
Secondary: “Mardi Gras” – Standing Crescent Kick
Setup: The move is one that more than likely can and will catch the opponent off guard so there is no real setup for it
It is a fairly balmly night in New Orleans, Louisiana. The temperature on the 11 o’clock news read about 85-90 degrees and anyone that is still out at this hour are driving with the tops down and their radios blasting!
On this night we are going on a bit of a field trip. This one goes to an apartment complex out in the middle of the “Crescent City” near the city limit and specifically to the 3rd floor of the complex. Why you ask? To meet someone of course!
His name is Brad Cummings. He is a former student of one Chester Clarke and a former tag team champion over in Europe. The young man is seen sitting at an island in his apartment with a coke watching the news when he spies the camera and with a pleasant smile addresses the public…
Brad Cummings: Evening everyone! I honestly wasn’t expecting any visitors at this late an hour but I welcome you all just the same. I take it you are here because you heard about the fact that I’m looking to go “step out of the shadows” of Chester Clarke as it were no?
[Camera shakes up and down indicating a “yes”]
Brad Cummings: Very good! Let me just turn off the TV here and we’ll get started
[Brad grabs the remote and turns off the TV before hopping off the stool and coming around the island before continuing]
Brad Cummings: Now then were to begin…ah yes let’s talk about where I’ve been in my young career and how we got there.
You see friends…I started wrestling probably about 2-3 years ago with Chester and we were a pretty formidable team overseas. We held the tag team titles at least 1 that I can remember in the time that I was teamed with him and I learned a lot from him. The problem was that he became extremely abrasive towards the fans because my style “pleased them more” as he put while he always got the “BORING!” chants. The thing that Chester never got was my style was reflective of the city that I was born and raised in.
You see here we can be a bit….”flashy” at times especially during “Mardi Gras” and other occasions. If you don’t believe me just ask my girlfriend how she gets the beads that she gets every year. I got a wall that is dedicated to how many beads she got for us during the party.
Despite all that I just told you however in this city and state we are a hardworking, blue collar type of town with the shrimp boats and having also dealt with two big disasters like Katrina and the BP Spill. We have fought so hard to come back from both of those that everyone here will tell you that when they see me come home from the gym every day tired and sore but yet I still go out and see my friends and go with my girlfriend. THAT more than anything is what makes me want to accomplish something in the industry and all I can hope for and not demand is a shot. Believe me when I tell you I’m fully aware that nothing in this business is handed to you or SHOULD be handed to you. Either you work for it or you don’t deserve it. I hope that no matter where it comes from I earn the opportunity to show the fans that I can earn their respect wherever it is.
In closing allow me to say that its been a pleasure to meet you for the first time and as we say down here…
" Laissez les bons temps rouler "
In English friends that means “Let the good times roll” and no matter what they will I promise you that
Good night
AIM: Amisbro
Skype: Amisbro
E-Fed Experience: 17-18 years
Wrestler Name: Brad Cummings
Nick Name: The Crescent City Kid
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 210 Pounds
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
Personality: Brad is a happy go lucky type. Not the nauseating type but he’s almost always in a positive mood no matter how things are going around him. His philosophy is that he “Doesn’t worry about what he can’t control” and its served him well in his short time in the business. Living by this philosophy has earned him more friends than enemies that much is for sure.
Does this mean when its “Go Time” he doesn’t get serious? Absolutely not! When the bell goes off Brad is just as determined and as focused as the next guy but he doesn’t take himself so seriously that when he’s outside the ring he can’t have fun ya know?
Entrance Music: “Teenage Dream” by Katy Perry
Entrance Description: As the opening beat to “Teenage Dream” filters out into the arena Brad comes through the curtain and politely bows to both sides of the aisle before walking down the ramp and slapping hands with the fans all the way down and around the ring. As he completes his lap around the ring slapping hands or high fiving some of the members of the crowd he makes his way up the ring steps and scales the turnbuckles standing on the middle and top rope for support as the end of the song gets ready to play and he pumps his fist in the air with a yell out to the crowd before finally stepping on the top turnbuckle and dropping down into the ring with one more salute to the crowd before bringing his attention to the opponent for the evening
Ring Attire: Brad comes out to the ring in a black and gold jacket with a fleur-de-lis on the back of it in black and gold sequins and matching trunks and boots. On both boots the fleur-de-lis is present as well as a “B” on one boot and a “C” on the other to represent his name
1 Tilt a whirl backbreaker
3 Suicide Dive
4 Corkscrew Plancha
5 Swinging Neckbreaker
6 Front Suplex from the Apron to the floor(This basically means if he and his opponent are fighting on the apron and he wins the exchange how he gets them off)
7 Pile Driver
8 Brain Buster(Can be used as a setup to one of the finishers)
9 Cross Arm Breaker
10 Triple Gernan Suplexes
11 Sleeper Hold
12 Northen Light Suplex
13 Gut wrench powerbomb
14 Bulldog
15 Running Knee Lift
Primary: “Crescent City Crash” – Shooting Star Press
Setup Move to finisher: either a brain buster or a gutwrench powerbomb in the corner
Secondary: “Mardi Gras” – Standing Crescent Kick
Setup: The move is one that more than likely can and will catch the opponent off guard so there is no real setup for it
It is a fairly balmly night in New Orleans, Louisiana. The temperature on the 11 o’clock news read about 85-90 degrees and anyone that is still out at this hour are driving with the tops down and their radios blasting!
On this night we are going on a bit of a field trip. This one goes to an apartment complex out in the middle of the “Crescent City” near the city limit and specifically to the 3rd floor of the complex. Why you ask? To meet someone of course!
His name is Brad Cummings. He is a former student of one Chester Clarke and a former tag team champion over in Europe. The young man is seen sitting at an island in his apartment with a coke watching the news when he spies the camera and with a pleasant smile addresses the public…
Brad Cummings: Evening everyone! I honestly wasn’t expecting any visitors at this late an hour but I welcome you all just the same. I take it you are here because you heard about the fact that I’m looking to go “step out of the shadows” of Chester Clarke as it were no?
[Camera shakes up and down indicating a “yes”]
Brad Cummings: Very good! Let me just turn off the TV here and we’ll get started
[Brad grabs the remote and turns off the TV before hopping off the stool and coming around the island before continuing]
Brad Cummings: Now then were to begin…ah yes let’s talk about where I’ve been in my young career and how we got there.
You see friends…I started wrestling probably about 2-3 years ago with Chester and we were a pretty formidable team overseas. We held the tag team titles at least 1 that I can remember in the time that I was teamed with him and I learned a lot from him. The problem was that he became extremely abrasive towards the fans because my style “pleased them more” as he put while he always got the “BORING!” chants. The thing that Chester never got was my style was reflective of the city that I was born and raised in.
You see here we can be a bit….”flashy” at times especially during “Mardi Gras” and other occasions. If you don’t believe me just ask my girlfriend how she gets the beads that she gets every year. I got a wall that is dedicated to how many beads she got for us during the party.
Despite all that I just told you however in this city and state we are a hardworking, blue collar type of town with the shrimp boats and having also dealt with two big disasters like Katrina and the BP Spill. We have fought so hard to come back from both of those that everyone here will tell you that when they see me come home from the gym every day tired and sore but yet I still go out and see my friends and go with my girlfriend. THAT more than anything is what makes me want to accomplish something in the industry and all I can hope for and not demand is a shot. Believe me when I tell you I’m fully aware that nothing in this business is handed to you or SHOULD be handed to you. Either you work for it or you don’t deserve it. I hope that no matter where it comes from I earn the opportunity to show the fans that I can earn their respect wherever it is.
In closing allow me to say that its been a pleasure to meet you for the first time and as we say down here…
" Laissez les bons temps rouler "
In English friends that means “Let the good times roll” and no matter what they will I promise you that
Good night
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