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[SUPERIORITY] Lt. Hawkeye vs Tyrone Walker

Larry Serson

League Member
Sep 5, 2004
Kingston, On, Canada
{* Scene opens up with a dark arena, we hear a voice coming out of the darkness *}

Well well ... here I am !!! I have come here to get prepard for my match against Tyrone Walker here at Superiority, finally making me an official roster member of the EUWC. All of a sudden a light begins to see glimmer, as the outline of a man standing in the back. Yes, it is me ... Hawkeye ... Yes I am here!!!

{* Hawkeye pauses *}

It is nothing out of the norm though I see, I am the only one around standing alone in the empty dark arena with nothing but alot of time on my hands. Not that I really mind all that much, since after all ... I am used to being alone, since the Army has turned its back on me too. Now I finally get the chance to make it here in the big leagues, beginning my journey with a man named Tyrone Walker.

Tyrone Walker ... the same man that is in the tag division with a man by the name of Stephan Greer, which they call themselves Team Danger, well I partly agree with the part where they are considered a team, they work VERY well together, however, the word Dangerous doesn't come to mind when I see them in the ring together ... it is more like PU$$YNESS. I mean damn, I have been watching all the matches that have been happening lately with them involved ... yes I said them ... which are suppost to be one on one matches and the other interferes causing the other one to win, now I ask the question ... is that DANGEROUS???

Tyrone, in my eyes, it looks as though you might and yes once again I said MIGHT be able to have a half decent match on your own without Greer, but for some reason you always seem to come up short, needing that extra little bit of help to get over that hump. Now come Superiority ... there will be no need to send out Greer for the help, the match just won't last long enough for anyone to help you. You see, not only am I a man of my word, but lets just let you in on a secret, I am well adversed in many different way of killing or seriously injurying a man, do you think that you could handle that without trying to hard to combat me in a defensive style?? I don't think that you can, you will always have that in the back of your mind.

See come this Sunday, Tyrone it is a whole new game field for both you and I, since this is the first time we have met in the ring before, however I have 2 advantages on you and you will discover what exactly I mean by them when I am finished with you and declared the winner. After I hit you with The Landing and you are laying in the ring wondering what exactly just hit you ... all you have to remember is one word ... HAWKEYE.

{* Hawkeye then turns and shuts off the light *}

{* Camera fades to darkness *}

Larry Serson

League Member
Sep 5, 2004
Kingston, On, Canada
{* Scene opens with flashes of lightning, then it progress into flashes of a guy standing with his back to us screaming and pointing into the desert, the flashes then turn into a man sitting in a chair, his back to us wear shiny silver handcuffs on his arms. We then hear a big crack of thunder, the camera pans out to see Hawkeye sitting in his lazyboy staring at the television. We can see him push a button on the remote, camera pans out to see rewind appear on the TV, he replays the samething over again. He then turns towrds the camera *}

As you can see there Tyrone, I do have footage of exactly what happened and why I am here in the EUWC. Yes, that was me standing out in the desert yelling at the BA$TARDS, but what you don't see of to the left of me is the reason I am yelling out at them. Have you ever seen your bestfriend laying in front of you in a thousand different pieces, not know what goes where??? I don't think you have, because I don't think you could handle seeing that, because like me, it was one of the hardest things for myself to see. Does that make me weak?? Maybe so, but what would you do if you seen and lost your good friend Greer in one second, would that make you weak??? Honestly ... don't answer those questions, because I really don't care what you think of me or my opionions, you seem to think that I can handle being in a MAN'S ARMY, you should be the one to speak about that, your A$S probably wouldn't ever be accepted into such a great environment. Hell, the girl guides, yes I said girl guides, wouldn't except your lazy A$S.

{* Hawkeye pauses, takes a sip of his drink *}

I think that the only reason that the EUWC signed you to a contract is because they needed someone they could use as a jobber, because after all, it looks as thought Greer is the better one of both of yas. He is the real star of Team Danger, he is the one that is main eventing the show and well ... you, are just going to be jobbing against me. Yes, I did say JOBBING because in my mind, it is already predetermined that you are going to lose against me and I am going to advance in the ranks alot better and faster then you could ever imagine of doing. The reason you are going to lose is quite simple actually, you don't know what to expect and you and I both know that you can handle a man like me, simply because am going to prove to you by tearing you into pieces that not only that I deserve to be in the MAN's ARMY but I deserve to be in this match more then you, I am going to show you what it is like to be a bloody mess, just like my good friend did.

{* Hawkeye pauses, taking another sip of his drink *}

Tyrone, the theme song for Superiority is call "The Hand That Feed" by Nine Inch Nails, well, after Superiority, I don't think that we will have to worry about you have that hand that you use to feed yourself, because quite simply, IT JUST WON'T BE THERE. If you decide to make it to the ring for our match, who knows what is going to happen, all I know is that from your previous comments, I am going to kick your a$s from one side of the Wachovia Center to the other, not only will you see what I am capable of but so will Philly. Philly is best known for its "BROTHERLY LOVE", however when it is all said and done, you're going to wish you were the Liberty Bell because, after Sunday, it's only going to have one crack in its head.

Scene ends with Hawkeye pushing the rewind button once again as he turns away from the camera *}

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