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Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

(White Text, Black Screen.)

The Superbowl, the test of the strongest of the weak aging species. Wrestling's Super Bowl, fought in some backwoods town in the aging mecca of New England.

Its most important battle to be contested between a man who is more than a man, and pathetic twisted wrecks of humanity such as Luster and Hacker.

It is cruel irony that the best mankind has to defend itself against the onslaught of the new generation is so weak and feeble, but it is just their honesty.

Their greatest warriors have already fallen, and now their reserves have come up almost dry as they send the confused bitter masses into combat.

This final war should start on the fields of Megiddo, not the last hope for entertainment of the bored Catholics of that area.

This is not entertainment.

This is the end.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
New Jersey
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

Camera fades to the lockerroom of Hacker who is along with his protege Silencer. Sitting next to Silencer is Natalia whose hands are tied in front of her. Silencer is holding the rope that bounds her hands as Hacker is drying off from the shower he just took. He looks at Natalia and gives a grin at his prisoner.

Hacker- What's wrong Natalia, still thinking that Pitt is going to save you? *laughs* Face it baby, he left you again high and dry and now your mine.

Natalia- I belong to no one.

Hacker- *shakes his head* Really Natalia when are you going to get over that you are ours.

Natalia- When you actually win a match.

*Silencer backhands her across the face*

Silencer- Watch your mouth slave!

Hacker- It's ok Silencer.

*Hacker walks over and grabs the rope from Silencer and forcefully pulls Natalia up*

Hacker- You think your funny huh? Don't forget who I am Natalia and what I am capable of doing to you when the cameras are not on.

*rams her against the wall and forcefully kisses her before he punches her in the stomich causing her to fall to the ground coughing as Hacker laugh*

Hacker- Women! All you ever do is complain about ****.

Natalia- *stops coughing* If you were really a man you would let me go. You won ok, Pitt is not coming, why am I even here anymore?

Hacker- I told you, because I like toying with you. Last night was great and tonight will be better.

*Hacker pulls the rope up yanking Natalia to her feet and hands the rope to Silencer.*

Hacker- Watch her while I get dressed, I got an idea.

Scene fades out as Hacker gets changed.

Camera fades back in to Hacker's music playing as the crowd boos. He walks out along with Silencer and you see a rope. He pulls on it roughly and out comes Natalia hands tied in front of her but now she is in a dominatrix outfit. They make there way down to the ring and make Natalia open the ropes for them. The crowd boo when they see this.

Hacker- Oh shut up...your just jealous that is all that I have the goods and you are stuck with your boring housewifes and sluts. Face it people, you would dream to be me but you can't.

*crowd boos more*

Hacker- So this match...Unnamed Bastard and Luster being my opponents, I have an offer for you. In fact I have an offer for anyone that faces me in the near future. If you pin me or my protege here, then you get Natalia and you can do whatever the hell you want to do with her. Personally, she's great in bed when you can keep her quiet that is. Why am I doing this, you ask? Because I know deep down inside that there is no way any of you idiots will pin me or Silencer. It won't be done but try if you will but it won't be happen. I am in control and I actually like it. So don't get your hopes up on doing it Bastard or Luster mainly because I won't let it happen.

*Hacker drops the mic and grabs ahold of Natalia and forces his tongue down her throat before dragging her out of the ring. Silencer soon follows as the camera fades out*


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

(Black Text, White Screen)

The reasons are clear.

Humanity's damnation is evident in the previous words.

It not only lacks the strength to combat the new order, but it offers its fellows up in acts of betrayal.

Its only hope to overcome the new soldier is to unite, to present a front. Instead its overconfidence causes man to forsake another.

Death shall come quickly, these weak willed weary warriors will collapse as they struggled to resist.

While struggling to place the sword in his fellows' back.

This era is now finished.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

(White Text, Black Screen.)

Luster that is the man you call brother. That is the man who is your equal. That is the man you will be forced to join with if you wish to win the hour.

This is not a battle between three, but a massacre if that is the rule of the hour.

I would prefer it remain that way, the ease of victory brings delight into my heart.

But as it stands, my advantage is so great that I may present this information to you and not worry.

You will never unite with your fellow.

One of the qualities that makes humanity inferior is its inability to form a front. The new order is so unlike this that it would be unrecognizeable if any of those present today were to survive to see it.

So I may laugh as you two struggle to fight each other only to be clubbed down by a hand so impressive, its brilliance will blind your worthless eyes as your brain attempts to comprehend the power that has struck you.

And you will fall, one next to the other.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

(Black Text White Screen)

The time ticks by, ticks of silence.

The silence of fear.

The silence of impending death.

The silence of extermination.

Hacker's foolish pride has been exposed through his words.

Luster's remains to be seen.

This is for the best, his words betray weaknesses that are not needed to defeat such a man.

Perhaps he sees himself as the last of the famous international playboys.

Or he might be dissapointed with how his life has turned out.

That rage in him that he was spawned a monster. Or in the very least one of a dying breed.

The lifelong drag comes to an end.

Give in, it will make all the difference.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

(Black Text White Screen)

Judgement approaches.

The souls of the weak will not be enough to counteract the force of the mighty.

The scale will tip, casting the old generation into the bottomless pit of fire.

The hero of the day will cast aside the weak of old, who claimed they too could be a hero.

Their frailty betrays them.

Once punch and they fall to the ground.

One shot and they are out.

One kick and their brittle bones break.

No burial for these dead.

No flames flickering for in memorium.

Just left to lay on the field of battle.


A new era begins, built after they have been swept away.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
New Jersey
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

The camera fades to what looks to be a dark room. A light comes in the middle of the room to see Natalia arms tied to the chair arms, her legs are tied to the front of the chair. All she is wearing is a skimpy leather bra and underware. Over her mouth is duck tape and over hear eyes is a blindfold as Hacker comes up from behind her and slowly kisses her neck which makes her jump slightly.

Hacker- Do you boys like what you see? Just imagine, she can be yours. You can do anything to her.

*pulls Natalia hair back as she screams but it is muffled under the tape*

Hacker- She talks to much and complains but other that that she is a nice piece of property. That is if you are lucky enough to pin me for her. Like I said, it won't happen mainly because I won't allow it. Whoever wins will win under my terms. Unnamed Bastard could pin Luster and win the match but not her. Life sucks doesn't it. Remember gentlemen I hold the cards here. I know how to handle myself and I know how to handle her and I won't give that control up.

*rips off the duct tape and sticks his tongue down her throat as he begins to run his hand down her legs as the camera fades out*


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

(Fade in as "Quite Frankly" returns from commercial. Its studio audience cheers as Stephen A. Smith prepares for audience questions.)

Stephen A. Smith: Now, it is time to hear from you, so that your answers may be revealed.

Audience Member: Stephen A, as the Superbowl of Wrestling approaches, the sports world is focused on one match, and that is the Unnamed Bastard in his match against two other guys. What do you think of this match up?

Stephen A. Smith: Well, it is just like you said, this is a match that pits the Unnamed Bastard, the superior physical specimen up against two people that the general public doesn't really care about. They can't match his conditioning, his intelligence, his power, or his in ring prowess. Quite frankly, it is insulting to think that this match will be anything but a slaughter.

Audience Member: And what do you think of that one guys thing with that woman he hangs around with? Isn't that a little weird or whatever.

Stephen A. Smith: It is RE-DICK-U-LUSS to think that this is even on television. There is nothing Finest about this display from that guy. Quite frankly, that's NOT what you need to be doin. This guy shouldn't be spouting such idiotic NONSENSE, and quite frankly, I don't think he even thinks he has a shot at beating the Unnamed Bastard if this is what he's talkin' bout. In...

(And we fade out.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

(Black Text, White Screen)

Silence still from one.

Worse from the other.

What is spoken has less meaning than the fear conveyed through silence.

One can see the terror hidden between each word.

It betrays their weaker nature.

It flees from them, just as they wish to flee from their superiors.

Just as they try to maim their inferiors.

Inferiors, a rare breed for men so weak.

One must now await to see man betray himself once again.

Perhaps this pathetic sample will learn his failings and quiet himself, inviting his destruction.

But most likely he will continue his path, stubbornly ignoring destiny.

Making that destiny much more dangerous to his frail frame.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: Superbowl of Wrestling: Unnamed Bastard vs. Hacker vs. Luster

(Black Screen White Text)

The time is now.

2012 has arrived.

Enlightenment, destruction, rebirth.

Who are the weak to doubt their destiny? To draw their hand back from fate?

Lock up, fall down.

Step back and crumple.

Step forward and be slain.


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