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Special Stipulation: Spectre v Tact


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
All RP for the match between SPECTRE and LARRY TACT at BANNED in the US II should be done in this thread. Any RPs posted outside of this thread will not count.

* Larry's Choice! Tact will choose the stipulation for this match.

RP and angles are due MONDAY, April 6th at 11:59pm PST. All angles should be sent to neweraofwrestling@gmail.com ... enjoy!


Jan 10, 2004
New York


We find ourselves looking at a view outside of the New York Mets’ home ballpark, citiField. Coming out of the 7 subway train, one would see the vintage brick exterior facing them directly. Those bricks right in front of the main entrance were each laid with customized messages from season ticket holding fans and families. Surrounding the ballpark are banners of Mets legends such as Dwight ‘Doctor K’ Gooden; Gary Carter; Darryl Strawberry; and Mike Piazza. Inside the entryway, one enters the ‘Jackie Robinson Rotunda.’ a tribute to a groundbreaking player of the sport. There are quotes and symbols of his enduring legacy around this area, including Robinson’s core values of Courage, Excellence, Persistence, Justice, Teamwork, Commitment, Citizenship, Determination and Integrity etched into the foundation walls; and a quote carved into the upper ring of the rotunda: “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”

Escalators lead up from the rotunda to the hallways of the field level of seating. During Major League Baseball‘s season, we would typically find banners featuring the starting lineup for the team’s next game-- including the likes of David Wright, Travis D’Arnaud, Curtis Granderson, and Matt Harvey.

On this starry April night, however, the sights and sounds of live baseball are not yet upon us. The season is on the brink of its start, leaving the grounds crew a couple days still to put the finishing touches on the field. And while the general fan base will wait for the season to commence before coming to the ballpark, certain die-hard fans are not denied entry, if they request it…

CUTTO: A look inside the facility’s gym. There, full-length mirrors take up wall space, and a range of state-of-the-art machines, as well as rows of free weights-- complete with the ‘NY’ logo on their faces-- occupying the floor. The gym is left mostly open, without dividing walls, but any walls are painted in bright, Mets orange. Keywords are also written in oversized, bold blue lettering: Determination, Perserverance; and there are motivational quotes from philosophers, such as Aristotle.

As our view pans around, we find Larry Tact getting some work in the weight room; working different muscle groups; and finding an official Mets towel afterward to wipe his face.

CUTTO: Later on, as Tact walks out from one of the ballpark’s luxury boxes, dressed in SilverTab jeans and an orange warm-up jersey, with the team’s signature ‘Mets’ in cursive blue lettering. He holds a bottle of water in hand, and takes a seat to kick up his legs and lounge while admiring the field, spotlights shining down on the finely-trimmed outfield grass, and smoothed infield dirt.

LARRY TACT: “It seems like forever since the close of the 2014 baseball season for my Mets. The road to progress has been difficult, with some rays of hope and critical setbacks. With a new season on the horizon, though, it looks like legitimate optimism may not be out of the question. Fans of the team may find things turning up in the franchise’s life cycle.”

“With dedication, motivation, and the right management, it’s inevitable things will turn up. Veterans of the game know it well; no team with those qualities will remain stagnant and bad. However, every team must battle to reach their peak potential, given the finite spaces at the top. There are no exceptions, no free passes; everyone needs to earn their way up.”

“One of the things I pride myself on is that I stick with the team, whether they are up or down; spectacular or dreadful. Even without necessarily the best of management, I knew the team was steered in the proper direction, and good times were ahead. This year, it may come to fruition.”

He takes a drink of water from the bottle.

“And for the New ERA of Wrestling, I could draw a parallel. Having been on hiatus for so long, it’s possible fans thought we would not be able to knock off the rust and be stagnant upon our return. When I got a call from Marcus LaRoque, telling me NEW was coming back, I had some questions I needed answered. To his credit, Marcus was very upfront about the state of things, and he was adamant that we would hit the ground running. Well, as you could tell from that show, we’ve been surging ahead, and have now arrived at our next Premier event… the second-ever Banned in the US.”

“The one thing I’m disappointed about is that Fanatic could not be in attendance. Unfortunately, while NEW was on hiatus, I made sure he was booked on tours of Japan and European promotions. He still had a few dates to fulfill, and the Tact Legacy needed to make good on its commitments. I don’t want him pulling same-day intercontinental travel in order to appear, so Fanatic will not be at Banned in the US. However, he will no doubt be back soon to continue making an impact in NEW.”

He pauses, considering the sight of the field before him.

“Looking at the history being written on this field, each season, inspires me to make the Tact Legacy stronger with each performance, and each chapter. But it’s important to remember how we got to this point, especially when there’s a history driving the current chapter. Spectre awaits, and with him comes a veritable wealth of twists and turns from the past. It does make me reflect, and realize how I have come full circle, in some ways.”

“Just this time last season, prior to PrimeTime, I the shadow of Spectre appeared. Of course, at the time it wasn’t so visceral and real as it has become throughout the course of this season… but it lurked. At the time, I remember talking about how I wasn’t going to allow Ulysis to just walk in and be handed anything here. I have been the NEW Icon, and I earned that distinction by working from the ground up, and putting every effort into making New ERA of Wrestling somewhere to be recognized by others, and grown into a company that achieved notoriety and recognition for rewarding those who dedicated themselves to earning their place.”

“And to his credit, Ulysis has done just that. Whether I believe he was genuine with his words towards myself, specifically, wasn’t and isn’t part of the equation. It was all about going out to the ring, each and every night, and working your ass off to achieve greatness. Suicide has earned his title match, and I would say First is the one who needs to watch his ass, at this point-- and not in a Peter File kind of way. More in the, ’Oh shit, my grasp on the title’s in serious jeopardy,’ kind of way. Because Suicide will bring his all, and as resourceful as the First is, he may have met his match in the cage.”

“Of course, Suicide and Spectre have run in similar circles at times, but don’t be disillusioned. The draws of these two individuals are not as similar. Because there are fans who appreciate seeing wrestlers who desire finding challenging competition, and testing themselves against that standard, or raising it…“

“… And then there are fans of Spectre.“

He brings his legs to the ground and leans in, shaking his head.

“Some whacked out people who are fascinated by desolation and senseless brutality. I mean, these people watch the Hunger Games and rate it as soft. They think Japan‘s Battle Royale series was a little better, but didn’t really go far enough. But Spectre, they watch him and feel like someone finally gets it. King of Extreme never interested Spectre because he was beyond it. That‘s where he‘s at.”

“Which is why, in all of his attacks this season, I understood where things were headed. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to retaliate on Cyberstrike, but the fact is it was pointless escalation. It just plays to Spectre’s advantage… but he’s not dealing, is he? Because when it comes to NEW, and Banned in the US, Spectre… I’m holding the cards. And you take what you get with this match.”

“At PrimeTime, I knew Suicide, Hart, and I would create an epic classic that showed our versatility in and out of the ring. We didn’t disappoint, and Suicide managed to emerge from it with a hard-fought victory. At Banned in the US, it’s not about putting on a showcase of skills. This is an issue that has extended beyond this season, and Spectre, I’ve been reserving myself for the tactful moment. This Premier event is the time, and you are going to pay a hefty retribution for thinking you could toy with a Tact.”

“Some may think Spectre arriving in NEW was a downturn for Larry Tact; an ominous sign of bad times to come. I see it much differently. Because with NEW coming back, and looking to maximize it’s impact with this Premier event, it will serve as an appropriately grandiose stage to host the comeuppance of Spectre. And I have no intentions of disappointing-- the added stipulation, of my choosing, will make sure that what you get is exactly what you deserve. No one will be able to claim you weren’t given a chance, and no one will question the sound beating I deliver is anything short of full and complete.”

“The First wants to credit himself for granting the wishes of those who he recruited-- Cameron Cruise, Adrian Willard-- which is, itself, a bit of a stretch. I’m not sure they wished to be shields to a man who orchestrated a title heist. But maybe you can go to him, Spectre, because he may need a new recruit after losing the NEW World Heavyweight Championship. And when he asks what your wish is, you can carefully form a smile with what teeth are still hanging in your mouth… and manipulate your mangled tongue to form the sounds…”

“ ‘First, sir… I only wish to serve New ERA. Please… because Larry Tact has humbled me.’ ”

A small smirk forms across his face.

“Before we get the new season started, this cycle of Spectre scourge will come to a Tactilizing end.“

“I’ll see to that, personally.”

Last edited:


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
It All Comes Down

* Posted on behalf of Spectre

“C’mon, Larry, throw a dog a bone…”

The camera faded into a long, dark alleyway somewhere in Boston. The masked figure known to New ERA fans as Spectre loomed large in the shot as the light behind him trickled through.

“Let us have our fun at BANNED in the US.”

A slow laughter filled the silence.

“I’ve given you the reigns, Larry. I’m letting you pick your poison. As Mr. New ERA, as the face of this company for so long, I hope you come up with a good one. Because when we step into that ring in Worcester, I’m going to bottle up everything you stand for, everything New ERA has stood for, and toss it in the river.”

He clasped his hands together.

“And watch it bobble away with the current.”

“Bye, bye, birdie.”

Another slow laugh.

“You knew you couldn’t avoid me forever. I’ve been a thorn in your side ever since I graced New ERA with my presence. The slow boil. The rising temperature. You’ve finally put your toe in to test the waters… and I am there to snatch you in.”

Spectre began to walk slowly through the alleyway. His footsteps echoed off the walls.

“I’ve hand delivered the edge to you. I’m letting you decide our fate, to decide your OWN fate, Larry. Will you rise to the occasion and prove to me that you ARE New ERA? Or will you show me what I already know: that you, like New ERA, are remnants of a broken past. Held so highly in your OWN eyes. While the foundation of New ERA crumbled around you, Larry, were you so blindly looking forward to cementing the TACT LEGACY? What good is the voyage, Larry, if the vessel is going under? What good is the legacy, Larry, if no one is around to remember?”

He turned the corner. The camera chased after and bumped into his chest.

“The NEW Icon.”

He cackled.

“Such an honor, I’m sure.”

He stepped backwards and spun around. The camera followed as he reached out his arms and grazed the walls of the alleyway with his fingers.

“Which is why it will be my pleasure, Larry, to step into the ring here in New ERA… into the ring WITH Mr. New ERA himself… and tear it all down.”

He whipped around and snarled.


Spectre turned the corner once more. The camera turned after him, but its lens focused on emptiness. Just a brightly lit back alley. Nothing else.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Re: It All Comes Down

* Note: Sorry for the late post of Spectre's RP. I wasn't home last night and it was in my e-mail at 11:20pm.

Larry Tact has 24 hours to respond, 4/8 @ 5pm PST, if he so chooses.

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