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South Bend Riptide 01


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
SW Chicago
(FADEIN: A slow pan of the Golden Dome, CUEUP: "Are You Ready" by AC/DC, CUTTO: Notre Dame stadium, a wintery South Bend scene, a shot of Touchdown Jesus overlooking the field, and then the famous golden helmet of the Fighting Irish, CUTTO: Inside the Joyce Center, where thousands of screaming fans can be heard, the camera pans across and such signs can be seen as "MANSON = SATAN," "GOLEM ATE MY DOG," MAELSTROM IS GOD," and "NO FALSE GIMMICKS," can be seen, CUEUP: The Notre Dame Fight Song, as King Krusher walks out on the ramp to absolutely thunderous ovation, dressed in his brother’s jacket, as always, he grabs a mic out of his pocket and speaks)

KING KRUSHER: "Man, I'll tell you something, when you can't count on the Bears anymore, you turn to NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL!! <intense pop> GLCW is extremely happy to be here in South Bend tonight, home of some of the greatest sports fans in the world! But before we begin tonight, I have an announcement to make. Last week at Chi-Town Showdown I was supposed to referee the main event between Michael Manson and Golem. Unfortunately, someone felt the need to drug me and I was unable to get there at the beginning of the match. Maelstrom was made the new referee by Scott Malec. However, I did make it down towards the end of the match and Maelstrom and I both made a three count on a Tiger Suplex attempt by Golem. Both men's shoulders were down. I gave Manson the win and Maelstrom gave Golem the win. As we were arguing, Manson came from behind and hit a dragon suplex on Golem, and since Maelstrom wouldn't count it, I did. <crowd boos> The reason I counted is I believed that the first pinfall was negated due to both men's shoulders being down, and since Maelstrom hesitated to count the pin, me being the Commissioner, I had to be fair and I made the count. It was one of the hardest things for me to do, especially since I think it was Manson who drugged me. But I had a job to do and I did it, and Scott Malec agreed with me. So in order to be fair this week, I received a request from Michael Manson to referee Maelstrom's match tonight against Chris O'Neill, since he is not wrestling on the show.. <crowd boos again> I will allow this since Maelstrom refereed Manson's match last week. <crowd boos louder> BUT, I have also decided something else. The next supercard for GLCW will be in three weeks at the Van Andle Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and it will be called Massive Assault 2002! I have decided that the main event of that show will be Michael Manson defending the Great Lakes Heavyweight Title against Maelstrom! <crowd roars> So I think both sides can be happy with my decisions tonight. Oh yeah, and Manson, you lay one finger on Maelstrom during the match, I will strip you of the belt in a heartbeat! <crowd roars> And Maelstrom, if you touch referee Manson during the match, you will not get your title shot! <crowd boos> Hey, it's only fair. All right, let's get this show started!"

(CUTTO: Tony Ross and Rick Wiseman at the GLCW announce booth)

TONY ROSS: "There you have it folks, what a shocking announcement to begin tonight’s show! King Krusher has come out here, and announced Mike Manson as the special guest referee for tonight’s match featuring Maelstrom taking on "The Lost Cause" Chris O’Neill. Plus, in just three weeks, Manson will be defending the GLCW World Heavyweight Championship, against Maelstrom!!!"

RICK WISEMAN: "And we all know how Maelstrom feels after what happened on Chi-Town Showdown. I’m sure he’s going to be in a sour mood tonight, but at least Krusher is going to give him his shot at Manson."

T.R.: "Plus, tonight, we have Brett Irvine taking on Angel Castillo, in what is Irvine’s first match since being nearly blinded by Gridlock a few weeks back."

R.W.: "Also at Showdown, we saw The Unholy Alliance, Kraven and Flatliner, win the GLCW Tag Team Championships. They’ll be in action tonight against The Movement. Also, the Jobber became the very first GLCW Television Champion, by winning that awesome gauntlet match! He’ll be in tonight’s main event against a man that is quickly becoming his arch-nemesis, Jarod Poe!"

T.R.: "We have that and much more tonight, but for now, let’s head backstage to Lady Veronica.!"

(CUTTO: Lady V standing alongside Jon Savage, who carries a generally cocky demeanor about himself as he is being interviewed)

LADY V: "Jon Savage. You received your first win over the Emerald Warrior at the last GLCW show in Gary, Indiana. You were also challenged at the last Riptide by Jasin Bondage and Entropy. Now, you're going in there to face "Showtime" Steven James. Your thoughts?"

JON SAVAGE: "Let's get the light work out of the way. Emerald Warrior is gone, finished even before he got started. That was my light workout. As far as these two knuckleheads Bondage and Entropy go, the only thing being gotten rid of in GLCW is you two freaks. Now, though, my attention focuses on "Showtime" Steven James. You think you big and bad, chico? You think Savage is going to be a walk in the park? Well, brother, that ring is the park.....and I am the MUGGER! When I get finished with you, James, you'll be......SHOW'S OVER!!!!!"

(Savage then proceeds to push past Lady V, CUTTO: Rick and Tony back at the announce booth)

R.W.: "Strong words from Jon Savage, as he prepares to take on "Showtime" Steven James tonight, let’s head down to ringside for the introductions.

(CUTTO: Matt Faley standing in the ring)

MATT FALEY: "This match is scheduled for one fall...(CUEUP: Baba O’Reilly by "The Who") Being accompanied to the ring by Johnny Wildside, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 275 lbs., here is JON SAVAAAAGE!!"

(the crowd gives Savage some major heat, and even more heat to Wildside, as both play the crowd with their cocky, snootish behavior.. CUEUP: "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen)

MATT FALEY: "And his opponent, from Warwick, Rhode Island, weighing in at 240 lbs. he is "SHOWTIME" STEVEN JAMES!!"

(James jogs to the ring, and raises a fist to the fans as he gets a nice pop from the crowd, he wears his yellow tights with the teeth marks in them, he dives into the ring, and ascends to the second rope, and receives a nice cheer)

T.R.: "It seems as though Savage has himself a new manager, and Johnny Wildside doesn’t appear to be a man of the highest moral character. In fact, he looks like a bit of a weasel to me."

R.W.: "It will be interesting to see what kind of role, if any, he has in this match tonight." The two start with a collar and elbow tie-up, and Savage shoves James done, and does a bit of posing, James right back up, and lays some rights to the face of Savage. A whip into the turnbuckle, and a huge clothesline! And now a dropkick, and Savage rolls to the outside!"

T.R.: "Savage was cocky early and James took the advantage, now Wildside is counseling Savage, as James walks to the ropes, and Savage grabs his legs and pulls him to the outside. Savage now pounds on James, as the referee forces him to get back in the ring. Now, Wildside continues the assault on James on the outside of the ring, as the referee had his back turned! And now he throws Steven James back into the ring."

R.W.: " It appears as though Wildside and Savage have their strategy worked out here tonight. Savage now continues the assault dropping a knee into Steven James’ back."

T.R.: "James doesn’t appear ready to quit, though, as he continues to fight back. He now lands a kick to the stomach, bounces off the rope and hits a nice clothesline. Savage back up, and a nice snap suplex by James."

R.W.: "Jon Savage now seems to be in a bit of trouble. Now Johnny Wildside is up on the ring apron, he is being admonished by the referee, but James grabs and throws him into the ring, much to the delight of the fans here in South Bend!"

T.R.: "But that gave Savage enough time to turn around hit a nice dropkick on James, and Steven James is out! Here’s the cover, 1-2-and James just kicks out!!"

R.W.: "I think Savage thought he had the win, he is now arguing with the official, and James rolls him up, 1-2-and Savage just got up himself."

T.R.: "Now James again has the advantage. he picks up Savage, Belly to belly suplex! Excellently done, and now James shows the skills that made him such as amateur wrestling star."

R.W.: "James succeeded in everything back in Rhode Island, and he’s showing it here. He now executes a nice piledriver! And now a Reverse Suplex!! Savage is staggering!! I think James might be setting him up for the "Light’s Out!" He has Savage up, and Wildside just grabbed James’ leg. James went down, and Savage landed on top of him!"

T.R.: "Now Savage has James, JUMPING PILEDRIVE! How did the referee not see Wildside’s interference! James is out! Here’s the cover, 1-2-3!!!!! And Wildside wins this one for Savage!!!!"

MATT FALEY: "Here is your winner, JON SAVAGE!!" (CUEUP: Baba O’Reilly by "The Who")

(Crowd pops as James comes to his feet, and sends Savage to the outside, and grabs a hold of Wildside’s hair)

T.R.: "It looks like Steven James is going to get some revenge! He has Wildside up LIGHT’S OUT!!! (CUEUP: "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen) And even though, Steven James might have lost the match, it seems as though he might have gotten the final say in the match tonight."

(CUTTO: Two men appear on the ramp, staring down Savage as he reaches the top of the ramp, Savage nervously walks by them and through the curtain)

R.W.: "That’s Entropy and Jasin Bondage! They have made an appearance here at Riptide they stared down Savage, but then just let him past! What are the motives behind this?"

T.R.: "I don’t know Rick, but it seems as though there’s a bit of tension between these parties, and it should be interesting to see it played out in the future."

(CUTTO: Back in the backstage area, Brett Irvine is seen putting own his protective facemask)

R.W.: "And there’s Brett Irvine and his new protective gear! He’s preparing for his first match since that injury, tonight against Angel Castillo, and that’s coming up next!!!!"

(Fade to commercial)

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