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[SOUTH 1st] 1. Nova vs. 8. Erik Mateo

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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
Match to be held at Memorial Gym in Nashville, Tenn.

RP Deadline: Tuesday, April 28 at 11:59:59 p.m. EST


Just Like Law-Jesus
May 15, 2005
The wrong side of the bong slide.
Begin Quest for Triple Crown...now.

“Revenge is second only to REALLY good coke in its ability to stimulate feats of inhuman accomplishment.” – Ancient Chinese Proverb
(FADE IN: The camera pans up from bare feet dipping into lake water to reveal NOVA seated on the edge of a dock, clad in rolled-up jeans, hands jutted in the front pocket of a grey/orange CSWA sweatshirt. A cigarette pokes out of his overgrown beard, and white-streaked blonde hair juts unkemptly off his scalp. When he speaks, his tone is DELIBERATE.)
NOVA: “What ARE you doing here…Erik…Mateo?”
(He takes a drag of his smoke.)
NOVA: (Shaking his head) “This is unfortunate for you, sir. I don’t know who you are – my admittedly superficial research efforts yielded nothing – or what noble purpose drove you to wait by the phone with baited breath for the news that your BIG SHOT had arrived…”
(Another drag. The EAGLEstar stares off across the lake, at nothing.)
NOVA: “…but I know the story of a guy…” (Holds up a hand) “…and I’ll go ahead and tell you it’s me to avoid as much of the cliché as possible…but this guy…”
(NOVA grins, his hand clenching into a fist.)
NOVA: “…this guy was on a HOT STREAK in Oh-Seven…”
(Suddenly NOVA jabs his fist forward.)
NOVA: “…and he STUNG ‘EM!!”

(CUTTO: NOVA dropping TCHU’s head back against the turnbuckle and covering for the pin…SFX: JESS CHAPEL screaming into his headpiece “I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! NOVA HAS WON THE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS!”)
NOVA: “Wadn’t no fluke either, boy…no sir…”
(CUTTO: NOVA slamming JAMES IRISH head-first onto the mat with his BOURBON FOR BREAKFAST Death Drop! NOVA hoisting the CHAMPIONSHIP OF CHAMPIONS overhead!)
NOVA: “They couldn’t take it from him…sure did wait long enough between tries…”
NOVA: “All it took was POLITICS, and a hasty solution for a problem that DIDN’T EXIST…”
(CUTTO: NOVA blindfolded with toilet paper by ‘El Presidente’ EDDIE MAYFIELD…COJONES MERCADO winds back and DESTROYS NOVA’s head with a steel chair!)
NOVA: “…and they pulled the ol’ ‘Switch-A-Roo’ and dropped HIM on HIS head.”
(CUTTO: JESS CHAPEL, shamefaced, walking out of a hospital room with the CHAMPIONSHIP OF CHAMPIONS in his hands. Camera shot pans around the door to NOVA, bedridden and bound to a halo, extremely distraught. CUTTO: NOVA on the dock. The shot zooms in on his face, and he stares into the camera, eyes smoldering.)
NOVA: “So I ask you, ERIC. Again. WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING HERE?”
(He flicks his cigarette into the water. Then he removes a Zippo lighter from his pocket and begins flipping the lid open and shut.)
NOVA: “Because I'M here to watch this motherf*cker BURN."
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