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So if I manage to get approved for a second run around here...


League Member
May 19, 2013
I guess I should introduce myself...again. Name's Ryan. A few of you I know from back in the day, be it WWA or otherwise, even if with a different character or 6, me? I've always been partial to one character, no matter where it's been.

I have AIM, therealfnryan26 is where you'll find me there, I am in the DEF chat from time to time, just please all don't get offended if I randomly outburst at you all to stop blowing my shit up with random nonsensical bullshit, I do that from time to time it's just part of who I am.

I also have gmail, so I can do docs and stuff, take my aim name and add @gmail.com to the end of it.

I've gotta get up to speed on what's been going on and where everybody is on the ladder of things so I can figure out where to get in where I fit in. If any of you remember me from before and wanted to work with me shoot me a message and we'll see what we can do. I have a return angle booked already but after that I'm pretty much free to do whatever. If you see anything you like in my new work and wanna work with me after that, feel free to message me and we'll work something out.

Lookin forward to it all,
-Currently Unemployed Motherfucker
-Until I get approved that is.

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
Like I said in the other thread, I'm embarrassed it's taking so long to get people to jump in your app thread. As far as I'm concerned you're in.

Somehow we manage to produce these killer cards with like... the DEADEST out of character environment ever, lol.

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