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Sheik Speak 1/06


League Member
Jan 12, 2005
Bradley, Il.
(As "Black Sabbath' by Black Sabbath Fades in The Noble Sheik's face comes into view)
Sheik:Oh I am certain you are all mystified if not a bit relieved of my absence lately....but the results speak for themseves....I show you RED....you all turn GREEN....merry chrismahanakwanzika to you... as if there were any doubts....Allah has blessed me with a partner that shares my world view....that the WFW NEEDS some cleansing....long story short....this is the first legitimate title we have ever been offered in the long and sad history of the NGEN/WFW and do you think we will let it go???
The sad part is....after Psycho and I pick through your bones....will there be any tag team left standing on their own two feet to oppose us??Set them up and we have knocked them down in any ridiculous match you throw at us.....
Don't you get it???We WANT the PSYCHOTIC matches you throw at us!....And now we WANT the only tag-teams still alive for our final drive to RULE the tag team division....and then....THE WORLD....Psycho and I want you to stop HIDING and lay down for us if you want to SURVIVE this night of horror....You Satans have not seen yet Horror as Psycho and I will unleash upon you so just run....run away....we have come to rule this day and then....after all has come to pass ....and we stand atop your bones....and the world says "remember when"....Oh we will have your answer you satans....for you cannot forstall destiny forever....and Mine and Psycho's is written in the stars....has been pre-ordained....my absence has sealed our victories....my presence now seals your grave....so let the WFW throw all it can to stop us but like a dam with a leak it won't be denied for long....we shall flood the Earth in blood to cleanse all that is wrong and restore some glory to our fight....and don't think I forgot about you in this long,cold,night....You who set it all off....The Sheik...PS...Set the up and we will knock them all down!!!


League Member
Jan 12, 2005
Bradley, Il.
(No music....no fancy cutscenes....just a hard focus on the Sheik's face....)
Sheik:Yes...yes...throw some sad face on it now you Satans....Bury your heads in shame....Hate me as long as you want to....But I keep popping up again and again....many of you owe your careers to me....without my guidance you would not exist....I have existed for all of time....and what difference would it make to taunt you incessantly with the rantings of a madman you have NO clue of....so crown me the king of all sorrows and put your little sad damned frowny face on me....You can tear Psycho and me apart in the fight of our lives for the legitimacy we have deserved all along....but we still perservere and we are NOT so paitient....YOU HATE US BECAUSE WE SPREAD THE TRUTH!!!!!....We have been brought together by Allah for the WFW Tag Team Title because it is our destiny!!! You have DENIED ME for too long and;just like me,you CREATED a Title to placate PSYCHO because you FEAR what a MOTIVATED man can do....SO HATE ME AND MY WORDS DAMN YOU...But KNOW THIS....WE CANNOT BE DENIED!!....AND when we DO stand atop your bones as TAG TEAM champs the WFW shall no longer be able to deny what is PROPERLY MINE....all to come....in good time...
(abrubtly cuts to black)

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