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Shades Of The Truth



[updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-02 AT 08:05 PM (EST)](FADE TO...... A black screen with a caption that reads…….

[blockquote] The following views expressed do not reflect or represent the views or opinions of the GLCW, FOX Sports or any of its affiliates.

The caption scrolls upward and is replaced a picture of Jake Shades as well as with another caption that rolls across from our right unitl it stops to rest beneath Shade's picture. It says simply......

[marquee direction=left behavior=slide][center][b] [font size=4]"SHADES OF THE TRUTH"[/font][/marquee]
[font size=2][marquee direction=left behavior=slide][i][font color=white].............[/font]Hosted by Jake Shades[/i][/marquee][/font][/b][/center][/marquee]

CUTTO:..... A door displaying gold plated lettering on it which says "Scott Malec, GLCW Pres." The door is pushed open and reveals the staunch, bald-headed figure of none other than the newest member of the FOX Sports Network family, JAKE SHADES!)

JAKE SHADES: (speaking angrily to the camera man) It's about time you got here, I was beginning to think I'd have to start taping my own show myself. (gives a plastic smile for the cameras and resumes speaking) Anyway, welcome everyone to my new show "Shades Of The Truth", and I Jake Shades, of course will be your host. In view of the fact that my new studio office is still being renovated, I've decided to take my show on the road and host it from the least likeliest of places……. such as Malec's own office. Before I even begin to indulge myself, I'd just like to say to Malec that you have absolutely NO STYLE whatsoever! Who the hell decorated this office? It has absolutely NO personality and more importantly..... NO BAR!! Okay, now that that's out of the way, lets get on with it.

(Jake leans back in the chair and kicks his feet up on Malec's desk just a little too hard as the chair gives way beneath him and he tumbles loudly backward out of the chair and hits the floor with a resounding thud! The audio immediately starts "bleeping" as Shades gets up and starts cursing profanities. When he finally calms down, he glares at the cameraman, gives another plastic smile, sits down carefully this time and resumes speaking)

JAKE SHADES: Recently, on the last GLCW event, we witnessed a flagrant disregard for the rules of order. What I want to know is.... are we now rewarding those who show no respect for the zebras by giving them title shots? (gives a comical, quizzical look) Malec, you stood by and did NOTHING while Maelstrom brutally and cowardly attacked your personally appointed referee for the night, Michael Manson! And if that wasn't bad enough, you reward Maelstrom by sanctioning a shot down the line against Manson! Yeah, yeah, I know you're going to say that it is only a cage match and that Manson may not even be champion by then, but lets face facts…… WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO BEAT MANSON? Poe, as talented as he is, has already tried twice and failed twice! That turncoat Golem, tried and also failed! It's only fitting that Manson had the foresight to have the Unholy Alliance there to dish out the justice that you REFUSED to Malec! Between Manson and the Unholy Alliance, I see VERY long title reigns for the current Heavyweight and Tag Team title holders!

(Jake opens a drawer from Malec's desk and peers in. He then reaches underneath the desk and places a small cooler on Malec's desk. He opens it, revealing several bottles of beer poking up through ice cubes. He pulls one out and places the edge of the bottle's neck against Malec's table edge and gives it a slap with the palm of his hand. Immediately the bottle top flies off as well as a large chunk of Malec's desk.)

JAKE SHADES: (glances at the edge of Malec's desk which now has a very noticeable chunk missing from it) Death trap chair and inferior quality desk..... nice to know your taste hasn't changed at all Malec. Anyhow, as I was saying, it's going to take a LOT more than you’re capable of to get the best of Manson Malec. As you see, he's ALWAYS one step ahead of you.... and always will be! So go on and try and set him up with that overgrown ape Maelbum! I'm not worried but more importantly, neither is Manson!

(Jake takes a long sip from his beer and slams it back down on the desk. Immediately it begins to overflow and spills all over Malec's desk.)

JAKE SHADES: How long do you actually think you can get away with persecuting and trying to hold down the REAL talent of the GLCW? Guys like Manson, The Jobber, Unholy Alliance, Masked Blazer and Sean Edmunds have already proven that you don't have the intellect to keep them down! It's only a matter of time before guys like Jon Savage and “Showtime” Steven James break out from under your tyrannous rule and get the recognition they truly deserve! Do you really think that diseases like French Fried Rabies, MaelScum and now that Pokemon reject Golem can enforce your will?

(takes another long sip from his beer)

JAKE SHADES: These are NEW times Malec! The people DEMAND the TRUTH and dammit..... I'm here to give it to them!! A few weeks ago there was mention of some past and present improprieties shall we say? If I recall correctly, the inference involved managerial "persuasion" of sorts? Now, far be it from ME to cast aspersions on YOUR character Malec..... after all that ISN'T my style..... (winks) Were it not for the fact that when those concerned wouldn’t comment or appear on my show because it wouldn't be within their best interest to do so, I WOULD NAIL YOUR ASS TO THE WALL!

(shrugs his shoulders)

JAKE SHADES: Guess you dodged the bullet eh Malec? So instead of spreading unsubstantiated rumors, which like I said, is NOT my style, I'll skirt that issue..... FOR NOW! But only because I have OTHER issues which are of more interest.

(Jake pulls out a manilla envelope and begins looking at what appear to be photos. He smiles widely and pushes the photos back into the manilla envelope and places it on top of the cooler. He then rises from the chair and walks straight toward the door. He opens it and just as he begins to go through the doorway, he turns, faces the camera and resumes speaking.....)

JAKE SHADES: Ahhhh, you know Malec, it IS true that a picture is worth a thousand words! Or curses depending on WHO views those photos. Feel free to help yourself to a beer or two BEFORE you look inside that envelope, it’ll help to lessen the shock. Oh and make sure you're sitting down as well because when you're struck with the gravity of your situation, you'll have no choice but to accept it for what it truly is, for what it always will be..... Shades Of The Truth.

(Shades smiles lecherously as he exits through Malec's door and lets it slam loudly behind him. The credits begin to role just as we FADE OUT.....)


Thanks Mike, but more importantly, Manson's #1 fan, Jake Shades thanks ye......

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