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Sean Edmunds vs. Nick Kurtel


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA

((FADEIN: A GLCW banner. 'Simply Sensational' Sean Edmunds stands in front of it with his hands crossed over his chest. He doesn't look very happy.))

EDMUNDS: "Listen here. I've been watching for some time the GLCW, even before I decided to come here. And I've watched the contests that have had Nick Kurtel in them. Let me say, Nick, that you disappoint me greatly. I am not impressed with your performances here in the GLCW. Why the GLCW has decided to throw you to me is beyond my wildest imagination. Perhaps they just want to condition me into better shape before I go into the pay per view and face Jean Rabesque in an I-Quit match. But the fact of the matter is that facing someone like Nick Kurtel is not, and I repeat, NOT going to help me any. I need people who are going to challenge me somewhat, not people who are challenged themselves. I call out to the GLCW, after I hand Nick Kurtel another humiliating defeat, give me someone I can test myself against. Give me someone who will step into that ring and give me a few runs for my money. That's not a lot to ask, especially from someone who hasn't asked for anything."

((Edmunds uncrosses his arms and stands there.))

EDMUNDS: "Kurtel, even if you decide that you might put up a fight for our match, it'll be a cold day in hell, and I'm not talking about Hell, Michigan, before you could ever DREAM of pinning my shoulders to the mat or making me submit. You see, there are two types of people in the GLCW, Nick. There are those that have the talent to accel, like myself, and those who have the talent to be stepping stones, like yourself. I feel bad for you, Nick. Real bad. Perhaps one day you'll realize that you want to be more in life than just another stepping stone and you'll dedicate yourself to moving up in the world. Until then, the results of your match will end up being like they've been recently. One loss after another. And don't pretend like its anything different than what I've said Kurtel. I've seen your matches. I've seen what you have been doing. And the only thing I can see now, is my victory drink after our match. Then, and only then, will Riptide be 'SIMPLY (pauses) SENSATIONAL'."



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
No Time for Sweetness..

((FADEIN: 'Simply Sensational' Sean Edmunds is standing in his lockerroom. He is in his street clothes, some jeans and a Gap long sleeved shirt. He's walking around his lockerroom with a blank look on his face. He looks up and acknowledges the camera as he continues to walk. Finally he gets to about the centre of the room and stops. He looks up at the camera again.))

EDMUNDS: "OK, Nick. I see that you've done what I would have done had I been in your shoes. You see that there's no point in even attempting to exchange pleasantries with me. That's ok, my man, because it was evident from the start that you were in this match for only one reason. I can't say that I am exactly pleased, however, with your muteness. I wanted to be able to hear what you had to say. I wanted to see if any of those thoughts that invade the heads of other mentally crippled athletes like Jean Rabesque invaded yours. Thoughts of victory and of grandeur. But I guess that I'll be disappointed and won't get to hear what you have to say. You've decided to be smart, which is something that I didn't expect. But your lack of words will not change my perception of you, Nick. It won't change my gameplan going into this match. You will not be spared because of your apparent intelligence. In the GLCW there's no time for sweetness. There's no time for holding back. I've got you in my sights, Kurtel. Riptide is coming upon us in only a few days and when I step into that ring with you, I will not be thinking of how you realized that you had no chance in matching me move for move. I'll only be thinking of the quickest way to dispatch of you so I can continue on my way to Rabesque."

((Edmunds starts pacing again. He rubs his temples and continues to talk.))

EDMUNDS: "I've got such a headache, Nick. I've been doing too much thinking. I've sat back and waited long enough to see if you'd come on television and say something, anything, to me. I've bottled myself up inside and now I'm rearing to go. Where are you, Nick? Are you going to show up on Riptide, or are you going to leave me hanging like you're doing now? Either way, you'll still end up paying for your inaction. I suppose all I can do is wait. Wait for some signs of life to come from the Kurtel camp. And if the time comes, and you've still not degraded GLCW television with your presence, then let me tell you this: At Riptide I've got a little training to do. I'm not looking forward to getting an easy pass, Nick. I want someone I can test skills against. So if you dare step foot into that ring with me shortly, be prepared because I am expecting something from you. Hide in the shadows, Nick. Hide in the darkness and silence that seems to have consumed you. I'll still be chasing the sunlight. And I can see it in your eyes.. that look, that awe.. when you come into the presence of someone who's 'SIMPLY (pauses) SENSATIONAL'."

((FADEOUT: As Edmunds walks out of the camera's view.))


Oh, but how SWEET it remains...

(Fade in to a lake scene. Among the beauties to behold are a quiet stream leaving echoes as it reaches the shoreline, luscious pine trees dripping sleek needles, and a number of scattered rocks and tiny boulders. As the camera pans around this calm, sunny afternoon, we see the ever-noticeable figure of Nick. He glances to the camera, then begins to speak.)

Nick: Well, well. The moment I finally get a deserving match, and my opponent deems it worthy to criticize my performance. (shakes his head) Sean, you are gravely mistaken, my friend. My entire time here in the GLCW has been one sad victory to the next...because my opponents either fail to realize my capabilities, or simply choose not to prepare for the match, at which they lose. You seem to take me for a college football team who, no matter how many games they win and by how much they win, are still described by sports channels as a withering team pitted against easy foes.

(He pauses and glances across the lake, breathing in deeply. He reaches down and picks up the smallest pebble, turning it about in his hand.)

Sean, you say I am a stepping stone. Yet I have lost only 1 match...for outside reasons. And on top of that, previously, in other feds, my record speaks for itself. I don't see why you feel the need to classify me as a stepping stone. Perhaps a stone that skips across a creek as I pass over unworthy opponents. Perhaps a stone that skips far out into a river...where it stops has yet to be determined.... but I do know that it will not stop at you, Sean. You remind me far too much of Xanatos- a bit too sure of yourself and not willing to accept my capabilities. I pity you.

(Nick looks down for a moment and begins to chuckle.)

Funny, me pitying you...and you pitying me. We'll just have a grand pity party. I'll throw down at my Kurtel camp, eh? That'll be fun. We'll dance and sing...oh, no wait, that'll be just me since i'm "challenged." So challenged that I can't see your bold-faced lies of my many humiliating defeats...yep, ALL those MANY, HUMILIATING defeats. Sean, you ask for some one you can test yourself against. Well, I may have been delayed in responding to your ever-so-important and mind-stimulating promos...but in the ring, there will be no delay. There will be no technical difficulties. It will be quite the test, and you will see it is not wise to be so sure of yourself, when you have yet to attempt to hold me those 3 counts... Interesting to think, though...you being so WISE, so SIMPLY SENSATIONAL, that if you were in my position you wouldn't speak a word to your opponent. And NOW I'm supposed to stand up and say how much I can defeat you, right? Now is where the mentally-challenged aura appears around me, right? It's sad, that if you were in my position you wouldn't do anything. Instead, you would mentally accept defeat. Somehow, this doesn't seem very sensational to me. I don't accept defeat before a match even begins. That isn't how I work. I think you've had one too many "victory" drinks after your matches...

Just keep this in mind, Sean, since you're so set on ignoring this match and focusing on Rabesque...you should focus on the moment at hand and not dismiss it so simply. For you may see the flag to capture, you may see the ending camp, but in front of you, you fail to see the boulder you call a stepping stone... You say you have a headache now.. wait until the match has begun. And we'll see who has to keep pace matching moves to moves. It may come to pass that I am that sunlight you are forever chasing....

(Nick steps off the boulder and begins walking down to the shoreline. He glances back at his previous perch and smirks. The pebble in his hand at once shoots out of it and begins its wary journey across the lake.)
Fade out


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
It REMAINS to be seen...

((FADEIN: 'Simply Sensational' is walking down a street. Its a starlit night as the camera catches the stars up above. Edmunds is walking, with a coat, hat and gloves on, quickly through the neighborhood. He stops at a corner and looks before he starts to cross the street. As he approaches the town's centre he acknowledges the camera.))

EDMUNDS: "It's a cold night in the town here tonight. And just as I was about to leave this place to go back to my hotel to retire for the night I was told that my opponent, long quiet, had finally spoken up. It seems that he finally found the voice he was looking for. I'm surprised, Nick. I didn't think you would have the balls to actually step forward and challenge my words. But now that I'm over the shock stage, I move into the acceptence stage. I have to accept the fact that you won't just stand back and let me move on my way. Instead I have to push you over in order to get where I want to go. Sure, Nick, you might give me a hell of a time in the process.. but really now, this is 'Simply Sensational' you are talking about. The man who knocked Jean Rabesque out of his MIND and onto the mat for much longer than 10 seconds. And while its true that my fists were taped, so were his. And while my fists will be untaped during our match, the downside for you is, that yours will be too. I don't fail to prepare for matches, Nick. I do not fail at recognizing the abilities that people possess. I've been in the business far too long to do something stupid like that. You're not looking at a spring chicken, here, Kurtel. I've been wrestling since I was a pup.. and ten years later, I stand here just starting to hit the prime of my career. (smiles) C'mon, Nick.. who really follows college football? There are far too many teams with the talent pool so thinly spread. It's like watching the WNBA. Subpar players trying to play a upper calibur sport. It's ridiculous."

((Edmunds walks by a few stores now, their lights turned off. He walks closer to the town square, which has a huge Christmas tree lit up.))

EDMUNDS: "I remind you of Xanatos? That's funny. I do not negate your abilities.. I have taken into careful consideration what you are able to do.. do not try to compare me mentally in your head to someone whose almost as big a disappointment to this promotion as Jean Rabesque is. A skipping stone, Nick, while a very good try fails miserably at your ascension in the GLCW. A skipping stone must successfully skip three times. You've not yet reached your third turn yet, Nick, and I do not plan to allow you to use me so you can achieve this mildly childish recognition. Skipping stones eventually come to a stop, Nick, and then they sink to the very bottom depths of the lake they're placed on. And once they fall, they never (stresses) *EVER* resurface. They remain complacent until eventually they disintegrate. So, Nick, if you wish to be a skipping stone, I'll gladly stop you mid-hop and start your downward spiral to the bottom. But once you get there, as you know so much about skipping stones, you will never come back. So while you continue to compare yourself to something that, while its moving, is a great spectacle to be seen, eventually fails, I will continue climbing the steps until I have reached my goal. That goal is Jean Rabesque, Nick."

((Edmunds gets to the tree. The white lights place a sort of haze around Edmunds. He stares at the tree.))

EDMUNDS: "All I want for Christmas is redemption. All I want for Christmas is revenge. And I will get it come Massive Assault. But until then I'm going to have to be content with you. You've opened your mouth and thus have condemned yourself to failure. You've already started it, Nick. Why stop? I never would have opened my mouth in your situation because I would have known that I was much outmatched. I would have taken my faux victories over nothing competitors and I would have taken this loss like a man. Unfortunately for you, you've decided to make this worse for the both of us. For you because after Riptide not only will you have been stopped in your place, but you will be known as someone who cannot live up to their word. I ALWAYS back up what I say one way or another, Nick. You can (smirks) pity me all you want. While I'm moving up in the GLCW, moving towards Jean Rabesque and after I finally gain my much awaited revenge on him, moving towards even higher accolades, you will be flailing, helplessly, in the dark, with no where to hit but the floor. I hope you enjoy the cellar of the GLCW, Nick. I hope you take all your college football magazines and all your BCS Bowl tapes as well, because that's all you'll have after this match. You won't have a victory, you won't have skipped over another (mockingly) "unworthy opponent".. instead you'll have your college football, and your solitude. The bottom is a hard place to be, Nick. But enjoy it, because you're the stone thats stopped its forward motion, and has begun its depression ... and soon, Nick.. soon you'll fail to even materialize at GLCW events .. because you'll have turned to nothing ... and nothing, Nick, comes from nothing."

((FADEOUT: As Edmunds turns and walks hurriedly away from the Christmas tree.))

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