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Scott Douglas


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Handler Name: Brian Wade

Handler's e-mail address: indrecordings@gmail.com

Character's in ring name: Scott Douglas (aka "Sub Pop Scott")

Character's Real Name: Nathaniel Scott Douglas

Height: 6'1"


Hometown:Seattle, Washington

Forearm Smash
Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex
Belly to Belly Overhead Suplex
German Suplex Release
Released Northern Lights Suplex
Cobra Clutch Bulldog
Russian Leg Sweep
Drop Toe Hold
Drop Kick
Small Package
Top Rope Moonsault
Top Rope Elbow Smash
Crucifix Arm Bar
Half Crab
Clover Leaf Leglock
Baseball Slide

Finisher: The Sub Pop (Fisherman Suplex Brainbuster)

Appearance: Scott's appearance began as a reflection of his over indulgence in the 'grunge' culture which he felt he had missed the 'golden age' of just by a couple years. Yet, such a look didn't play well in TX, or his perpetual wrestling school in Mexico; were in both he dawned either brief style tights or full pant style. Upon his return to his place of birth he reverts to tattered/homemade jean shorts held aloft by a thick two holed leather belt. His boots reflect that of combat boots but clearly lean toward more of the standard wrestling variety.

Ring entrance will normally find Scott with the addition of a t-shirt dawning a revered or sometimes even critically panned band from Seattle's not so distant past. Especially focusing on the Sub Pop record label.

Scott's hair, buzzed off down in Texas by the promoter moments before his very first curtain call has grown back at this point nearly to shoulder length and is dark brown nearly black in color. His hair normally appears to be wet or at least just grease and always slightly curly. His face dawns a five o'clock shadow at all times with the addition of random beard configurations from time to time.

Scott's build is average for professional wrestling post pharmaceutical enhancement. muscular but not extremely cut and defined. Although tall and just this side of large, Scott remains agile and displays a speed that contradicts his build.

Theme Music/Entrance: "Baby Takes" by Green River

Gimmick: At the young age of eighteen, Scott left his home city of Seattle, Washington and traveled to Texas with the promise of a profitable rotation on a four promotion indy circuit in the 'great state.' After three months in the Lone Star state Scott learned quickly that in the day of conglomerate companies regional wrestling had somewhat fell into a slum; "pickings were thin" in the parlance of his new found yet ever so temporary home.

At first chance, Scott took six nights payout to procure a passport and head to 'old' Mexico ...

Two years passed and though the wrestling was better, the pay wasn't much better. Scott faced with the official stamp of 'adulthood' creeping up if not already upon him began to reevaluate his love for the profession coupled with an overwhelming spell of home sickness.

He would return home ... with the intent of taking on a straight gig and possibly putting professional wrestling behind him forever.
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Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Amended Entrance

(“Baby Takes” by Green River hits the lackluster PA system. The crowd pops to the song and gives a solid cheer for "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas as he appears in the entrance way.)

BELL: The following contest is (insert specifics.) Introducing (first/his opponent/etc) from Seattle, Washington weighing in at 226 pounds, here is "SUB POP!!!!" SCOTT!! DOUGLAS!!

(He throws both taped hands, balled into tight fists,above his head, and gets another decent pop. He pauses mid way a looks back and Courtney Allen emerges into view and draws twice the pop. She stops and stikes a pose for a moment and skips to catch up with Douglas. The two proceed to the ring together. At the apron Scott leans in and gives Courtney a kiss on the cheek and directs her to the side of the ring. He slides in the ring and immediatly ascends the turnbuckle. Douglas throws his arms in the air yet again, drawing another pop. He comes down and rest against the turnbuckle checking his taped for arms and hands.)

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