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Round 1: Blitz vs F.A.T.E.

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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
(The scene opens inside the locker room of the Fallen Angels Terrorize Earth or F.A.T.E as they are called throughout the MCW and UCW. The faction that consists of "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka and "Epitome of Defiance" the FTO Champion Rob Franklin. Along with them are their respective managers, Nakita's manager Delilah Demonik, and Franklin's manager Pieske.)

(Cut to: Inside of the locker room we see standing under a lone spotlight dangling over her head is Nakita Dahaka. She appears to be wrapping up her fist with white tape from her knuckles all the way just up past and slightly above her wrist. She is wearing a tight dark blood red full leather outfit equiped with matching steel toed boots. Nakita Dahaka is fair white skin with green eyes and long firey red hair that flows down freely passed the middle of her back. She is very muscular and well refined physically for a woman as her muscle tone actually ripples slightly naturally through her full red leather outfit. Nakita tops off her outfit by picking up black padded fingerless gloves and puts them on over the taped fingers snuggly.)


(Nakita snaps her fingers as her sultry and very beautiful manager, Delilah Demonik steps out from the near darkness of the room and underneath the long spotlight over their heads holding a long black leather hooded trenchcoat open. Delilah has fair white skin, blue eyes, and long black hair that flows freely passed the middle of her back. She is wearing a very revealing evening gown showing off/hugging sweetly all of her loverly curves. The sultry and seductive vixon holds the coat open as Nakita Dahaka slides her arms into the coat topping the famed wardrobe off.)

(Nakita and Delilah turn toward about face to address the camera. Delilah Demonik pulls the leather hood from the back of Nakita's trenchcoat on top hovering slightly over her face covering the top of her head as she begins to talk.)

Delilah Demonik: Once again, the MCW has crossed our path again. Could it be because of our newfound alliance with owner and founder Jalan Latham? Of course it is, and we no doubt in our minds, in the very pit of our souls that we will NOT let him down. We will be victorious and all those who cross our paths will meet their end. Let this proclaimation ring forth toward each and every participant within the MCW Invitational tag team tourament. We are F.A.T.E. Nothing can stand or dare to come against us.

(Delilah gestures to Nakita underneath the hooded leather trenchcoat before continuing on.)

Delilah: Allow me to introduce you all once again to the harbenger of fate and destruction. The Mother of Mendacity. All paths lead and end with her and if she has crossed your path just remember that there was a reason why and she will end you. She is 'The Dark Phenom' Nakita Dahaka.

Now we admit, that in the first round of this tournament we have a true test as Latham dares to test our allegiance by setting us up against the EPW's finest and strongest tag team ever. The team of Max & Jecht known as BLITZ. They are large and a two mountainous men in their own right, but if its one thing that is certain is that just like the old cliche says 'the bigger the man, the harder they will fall'. Its scary when one falls, but far more terrifying when you see done before your very eyes. It is now that I must appeal to their manager Leonard Johnson...

Leonard. Your boys' reputation does proceed them and the tales of their battles have reached our ears, but I implore you, if you have any compassion for the wellbeing of your clients then don't let them fight in this match. I say unto you walk away and forfeit this match. There will be no shame brought upon your team. If you do not we will destroy you.
This isn't Final Fantasy 10. We're not playing a friendly underwater game of Blitzball. This is real life. This is wrestling. Nakita is fate incarnate and supernatural made tangible and real. Tidus won't come and save his father's soul at the very end of the game. This is one fight that the TRUE badguy will win.

I know that you think that you might crush this mere little girl compared to your two behemoth near 7 foot combined 650 + pounds of raw aggression and intensity, but trust me that she is more than you realize. Or if you think that her partner is just a much as a pushover being nothing more than some cocky, egotistical, maniac, reveling in some dillusion of his own grandure...your wrong. He's 19 years old and more skilled than you can even comprehend. Combined, these two individuals will unite and single-handedly take this entire tournament leaving you in their wake.

So in closing, I'm sure that your going to come at us mocking and thinking that you have this match won, but you won't. You will underestimate us and as a result you will lose. We will move on. Your beaten and broken bodies will serve as a testiment to all those who will further get in our way. Prepare to meet your...

(Nakita looks up with her green eyes peircing from underneath the leather hood directly at the camera.)

Nakita Dahaka: FATE!

Delilah: So it is said...

Nakita: Let it be known...

Delilah: So it shall come to pass...

Nakita: Let it be written...

Delilah: In your blood...

Nakita: In another chapter according to F.A.T.E.

(The scene slowly fades out.)


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
Leonard Johnson, forty seven year old manager of Blitz, sat alone in his office, reading through some old papers from a bye-gone era, before he and his current team had gotten their big break. In fact, it was some time before, when he was first a manager back in the late nineteen seventies. It was a report from a now defunct magazine of an independent show that’d taken place in a small gym somewhere in Oregon. As he read, a flood of memories came over him – he remembered leading CLAW, the first grappler he’d ever managed, through the curtains to face another wannabe. He remembered that night, he debuted a new tag team – the Moon and Sun, a pair of large men, both over two hundred and seventy pounds, whose sheer strength could dominate any and all teams. But that wasn’t what he remembered most about Moon and Sun – what he remembered most was their habit of checking the cards before a match. His hand went instinctively to the second drawer down on the left hand side.

Opening it, he saw an old, cloth-covered deck of tarot cards. They’d given it to him in nineteen eighty seven, when they’d decided to call it a day because the money wasn’t that good in the indies. The previous year, age and war-wounds had brought down CLAW, which meant Leonard was back to square one. He’d had a lot of fun with all three men though, and that was what mattered – he could tell you stories that’d put most of today’s grapplers to shame.

Sighing, he closed the drawer again. He had meant to keep in touch, but with managing Max and Jecht, not to mention helping in MCW and doing independent events, he hadn’t as much time as he liked.

That was the price of success. He’d better ask Laura to invite them to a drink sometime though, just to keep in touch.


“Mister Johnson,” came Laura’s voice over the intercom, “you wanted me to let you know when F.A.T.E sent something in. Latham sent it special delivery, do you want to watch it now?”

He gave a brief acknowledgement. Another price of success. The need, once you reach the top, to push beyond it. With Blitz, for the first time, he had been able to reach the big-time. He didn’t have to deal with the politics of his clients being “too old” or “too weird” for mainstream TV – this was the twenty first century, and everyone under the sun seemed to be able to get on TV these days. He’d managed to get them to the World Tag Team Championships in Empire Pro Wrestling, after a stuttered start when MCW closed down for the first time. And now, he was taking them back, to the company where they got their first national TV exposure, to have them compete in something he’d help set up. TEAM may have had it’s Tournament of Champions, but it was this, MCW’s Tag Team Invitational, that was going to be the biggest prize in the wrestling world this year.

And it was just the chance Max and Jecht needed to prove how dominant they could be.

He walked through to Laura’s desk. She was wearing a smart outfit, but let her strawberry blonde hair fall over her shoulders. Her jacket was over the back of the chair, and as she heard the door open she instinctively picked up the package, offering it in one hand just as the phone rang. “Hello, Mister Johnson’s office,” she said, “how can I help you?” She looked across as he took the package, mouthing the name of some independent promoter, and drawing a question mark in the air with her left index finger. She saw by the look on his face that he really didn’t want to talk to him. “I’m sorry, I’m afraid he’s out right now, can I take a message?” Taking a piece of paper, she listens: “Uh-huh, uh-huh, sure, I’ll ask him to call you back when he gets back. Good bye.” As she sets the phone down, she looks at her right hand, then at her employer – “Silly me, I forgot to get a pen again didn’t I?” She said this with such an impish grin that he didn’t know whether to laugh or not – she was definitely a good employee, despite her young age. She definitely wasn’t like any of his previous secretaries.

“Thanks,” he said, heading back to his office. She sat down, and he passed through the door.

Later, he sat on his desk, the tape in hand, thinking. “They cannot be serious,” he said to no-one in particular. “I know this is the first round, but this is the best they could come up with in opponents? I understand Latham wants the later rounds to have the best but this is ridiculous.” He toyed with the idea of calling Laura over the intercom, but decided against it – he had better called Max and Paulo himself.

[FADE IN. Leonard Johnson is standing, flanked by Max and Jecht, in front of a Major Championship Wrestling logo]

LJ: So, we’re at the start of the biggest tournament in tag team wrestling history, and the most dominant team in recent memory is being fed two nobodies, one of whom totally ignores history by referring to a popular video game that came out after Blitz started teaming?

And here I was, having heard that she was intelligent. Yet she can’t even read.

Let me, briefly, go over Blitz’s history. In two thousand and three, four years after they came under my wing, MCW contacted me about adding Blitz to their roster after a hugely successful career in the independent circuit. Before that they had teamed together for a couple of years. That takes Blitz’s time together at being nine years, starting in nineteen ninety seven. Since ninety nine, they’ve gone by the name of Blitz, a slightly abbreviated German word meaning lightning, which I decided to use because of the power and speed these men have. How many athletes over three hundred pounds can do the moves these men do, after all?

Now, when did that video game come out? Sometime this century, I believe.

Are you really sure an illiterate is the best person to be representing Nakita? Have you even read the contract for this tournament?

If your assumptions are anything to go by, then I sorely doubt it.

Which is a shame, because if you had been literate, or at the very least able to go back and watch old tapes, then you’d have known that Blitz are not the stereotypical big man team. They are not Demolition, or the Legion of Doom, or the Monsta Boyz, or any other powerhouse team you care to mention. How many of them would even dare try to execute Maximum Impact? How many almost three hundred and fifty pound men would attempt an Asai moonsault?

And here, I was hoping for something of a challenge in the first round. But as is often the case in tag team wrestling these days, one member speaks, and the other doesn’t even appear on camera. There’s a lack of co-ordination, a lack of communication, and a lack of teamwork – which is what makes Blitz so dominating in the ring. They know each other. They’ve been friends and colleagues for almost ten years. They know what the other is going to do in the ring, and they know they have each others backs in the ring.

And the one thing they never do is underestimate their opponents. They go out there and destroy. If anything, they overestimate – in the same way as I overestimated Delilah’s intelligence. And the same way I overestimated Rob Franklin’s ability to speak.

But, I do want to say one thing – Delilah is right about one thing. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. But that’s only how the saying starts.

Make sure they don’t fall on you is how it ends. And when, to be as clichéd as she is, I send forth the full might of Blitzkrieg against her client and her resident mute, the only thing falling will be FATE’s chances of winning the tournament, as their bodies get tossed to the wayside. Because Blitz are the top of one mountain, going towards new heights.

And FATE just happen to be on the bridge across. Wrong place, wrong time for you, Delilah.

And, Nakita – if you ever want to talk about getting a manager with intelligence, Latham has my office’s number. I’m sure Laura can make you an appointment sometime.



League Member
May 25, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
In the history of tag team wrestling, the best teams have always been of people who at one time or another been enemies. Two people that know each other in the ring very well, well enough to fight on another, enought to beat one another. Tag team wrestling is not about individual accomplishments, or individual egos. It is about the team as a whole. What is best for the team?

These words are spoken by a deep voice during a video showing the highlights of FATE's career as a tag team in UCW. The video starts off showing the highlights of Rob and Nakita's first match against each other, a triple threat match involving them and Joseph Justice where Nakita makes the rookie Franklin tap out. The two got heated and lit up the MCW network with back and forth bickering before and after the match. This led to a surprizing proposition by Rob, asking Nakita and Delilah to join him. This puzzling development led to both teams drawing up terms and conditions that neither team could agree on, leading to one more epic encounter to settle the score at MCW's finale. After a feirce battle, Nakita got the best of the young upstart once again. It was then decided that Rob and Nakita would form a team called "FATE." Nakita tried her hand in UCW, testing the waters for FATE, while Rob trained. The two made their debut as a team at UCW's Revolution, where they drew a no-contest against The Sargent and Cameron Cruise. This led the duo to right here, right now. MCW tag team tourney. Respect. And of course, a rather large paycheck. They now face their first challenge, in facing Blitz. TRheir first chalenge will prove to be a hard fought one.

We fade in on Rob Franklin, standing in front of a FATE backdrop holding his FTO championship on his shoulder.

Rob: Well, here we are. This is it. Go time. This first round alone will test us Nakita.

Rob looks back at his home-made FATE backdrop and smiles.

Rob: You like? I took down that MCW logo, and put up a backdrop that deserves respect. MCW may be where I gained success, but to be honest, I never got quite the paycheck I deserved. I am THE most talented man in the business today, and I bring respect and RATINGS to any company I step into the ring for. As sen in that wonderful promo, I am the fastest rising wrestler in the industry. That match with Nakita and Joseph Justice? My second ever match. That MCW finale match that was the most anticipated encounter in that little crap shack's history? My third professional wresling match in my whole career. But now, I'm back in a place I thought I'd left for good. A place that is in my rear view mirror of sorts.

At this point, Rob's distinguished manager, Pieske walks into view. He is followed by the rest of the faction FATE. Nakita Dahaka, and her manager, Delilah.

Pieske: They're here.

Rob: Ah, yes. You see Blitz. You see Max and Jecht? I will not be fighting alone in this match. Look at us. We have sheer strength in numbers. We. Can't. Lose.

Pieske: Not with the FTO champion on our side, or the most beatiful woman in the world, Delilah.

Rob: ....Uh...or Nakita right? You know, the one that wrestles?

Pieske: I'm just stating that I think Delilah is the most beautyiful woman in the world.

Delilah makes motions as if she is going to throw up, and leaves the room.

Rob: Pieske, you really have a way with the ladies.

Pieske: What can I say? They love me.

Rob: Anyway, as I was saying, we cannot lose. I promise a win in this match. In fact, I feel confident enough to put my precious FTO title on the line.

Pieske: Huh?

Rob: Meh, I'll give the stupid rednecks a title match to watch while dipping.

Pieske: But...

Rob: I know what I'm doing Pieske. When that bell rings, and we all enter the ring, the best team in there will be FATE. That's a promise.

Pieske: ...ok...




New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN. A dark bar, with no distinguishing features to say where it is. Over in the corner, we can see Max and Jecht having a game of pool, whilst at the bar, dressed smartly as always, is their manager, Leonard Johnson. He’s talking to the owner of the establishment – and you probably guessed correctly, the owner is a wrestling fan]

Owner: Ya see, wha’ I don’ un’erstan’, is where they find some of these losers, ya know? I don’ mean your guys, gods no – I mean like tha’ idiot Rob Franklin.

LJ: Who knows. I had thought when his video came on that the mute were speaking again, but all it consisted of were incoherent sounds, inane twaddle, and mindless drivel.

Owner: Uh, yeah. I mean, where’s the guy get off sayin’ his match at the Finale was the most anticipated? I mean come on! Did he not see Benjamin an' Brown? He’s not fit ta clean Bastian Booger’s loincloth, an’ it looks like his ma’ager played the part once.

LJ: Not quite the analogy I would have used, but I get the picture.

Owner: Yeah, well, your boys’ll have noooo problems with FA’E.

LJ: Thank you.

[The owner walks out of shot, leaving Leonard alone with the camera, as the muffled sounds of a football game play out in the background]

LJ: It seems very much, Rob, that you’re even more imbecilic than Delilah. A matter of a few months going up against a team that has been together for almost ten years? A team of such immaturity going against a team with the power advantage that Blitz have? A team with such little unity that the two managers cannot agree on each other personally?

A team that has absolutely no chance of defeating Blitz in a fair match?

Let’s look at one of three of the other teams in this tournament, shall we? Starting with the team of Silver and Gold. Lindsay Troy and Doc Silver. Now, unless Lindsay’s new partner is infinitely better than Christian Sands, the same result will happen as occurred at Empire Pro Wrestling’s Russian Roulette – she’ll lose. Because it was from her and Sands that Blitz won the World Tag Team titles, sparking a title reign that toured undefeated for in easy excess of a year.

Next, the Cameron Cruise Project – the team that was last beaten in said match. A legend of the industry teaming with someone with greater intellect, power, speed, and ability than you or your partner. And they fell to the wayside.

Or how about the Highland Park Social Club? A team that needed to get Dan Ryan to book their third member and myself in the match to stand a chance of beating us. Three of the internet’s darlings of wrestling, scared to go even into a handicap match against the raw power, experience and abilities of Blitz.

My friend, the only difficulty is deciding whether or not either Max or Jecht even wants your tin pot little strap. I suppose it could be shredded down and used to help make a cast to secure your broken bones. Or maybe it’ll be worth something as scrap.

Which is more than can be said about your career, Mister Franklin.

[Max and Jecht, fresh from their pool game, come over to Leonard]

Max: Herr Johnson, die zeit?

LJ: I know, Max. Let’s get going – don’t want to keep Latham late. He might punish you by giving you two more jobbers to wrestle in the second round.

Jecht: Yeah. I do feel sorry for Franklin though.

LJ: Promising something that he can’t deliver?

Jecht: More for the fact he’s going to be in a body cast by the end of the night.

LJ: True. Let’s go. We can leave the two children to play and enjoy their fantasy a little longer.

[The three men leave the establishment, as the owner returns, trying to shout across for an autograph from the two large men. Sighing, he starts mopping up some spilt beer from further down the bar]

Owner: Poor FA’E. They shoulda stuck to sumthin’ simpler – like lion taming.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
(The scene opens in front of the new FATE backdrop that Rob Franklin had just made for the new faction/tag team in sports entertainment. Franklin and his manager Pieske have already left, but low and behold, "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka and her manager Delilah Demonik walk by the backdrop. Suddenly it all sinks in as they back up and look at the backdrop admiring the nice little backdrop prepared by "The Epitome of Defiance".)

Nakita Dahaka: My my my Rob, if I must say your potential and talents know no bounds. There is nothing that you can't do. I am impressed. Delilah come take a look at what your little boytoy Rob made. Its pretty good.

Delilah Demonik: (Looking around occasionally glancing over at the backdrop but mainly looking around for something else.) Oh its great Nakita.

Nakita: What are you doing Delilah?

Delilah: Oh trying to make sure that Pieske isn't anywhere around. (She shutters at the mere mention of Pieske's name.)

Nakita: Anyway, you know what time it is. (To Cameraman) Say, was Franklin and Pieske here earlier by any chance?

"Yeah they were here, but you just missed them."

Nakita: Oh good, and what about BLITZBALL? Have you heard from them at all recently?

"Yeah they've spoken. Look on the moniter, their promos is replaying right now."

(Nakita and Delilah turn their attention over to the moniter where they watch the two latest promos from BLITZ and even Rob Franklin. Finally the promos end as Nakita shuts off the moniter and turns her attention back toward the camera while standing in front of the FATE layout.)

Nakita: Well Leonard? Why would you think that Franklin and I are devided? Just because we haven't cut a promo together? Is that it? I assure you that even if we run separate lives outside of the squared circle, once we set foot inside that ring and up against your two behemoth lard asses. It'll all come back to us. We just click that way. We're funny like that. Don't you ever think that we're gonna be two easy push overs for your amusement. We got news for you we're anything but some Bastian Booger, curtain jerkin, halfwits. We are the new face, the new team of sports entertainment. We can't lose, we won't lose. Besides, our alliance with Mr. Jalan Latham will see to it that we won't lose. We like to think of Latham as our own little insurance policy. To make sure that we do come out as the inagreual, MCW Invitational Tag Team Champions. You will be the first, but you won't be the last.

As far as thinking that we can or may not compete against all of the other more experienced tag teams in this tournament. You will be happy to know that we are approaching every team and every round with a one step at a time approach. Whoever we go up against, we will deal with each individually and equally. We will focus all of our efforts solely on winning. Yes that is the overall goal, but nonetheless it is not part of our short term goals. For you see each oponant will fall at our hands. We don't care if their big, dumb, and ugly like Max and Jecht or experienced like Lindsey Troy or Cameron Cruise. We will deal with each of them on our own time.

We are fate, we dictate the course of our destiny and in the end all will fall at our hands. Pity Franklin all you want Jecht and Max, but remember this old little proverb...pity is for the week. Because it leads to complacency and stagnation. Through pity comes mercy and through mercy comes weakness, and it is through that your pity will be your undoing. We will exploit your foolishness and make you pay for underestimating us.

In closing I end with this. There's wrestling, there's liontaming, and then there's devouring your very souls. Guess what I've chosen, and lets just say that Jecht and Max are more enough to satisfy my appitite, but never quench my thirst for more. I know what you could do me and Franklin, but also know what FATE will do to BLITZ in this tournament. Besides, we've got Jalan Latham on our side, we can't lose. We won't lose.

And on that note I say unto you...

Nakita Dahaka: FATE!

Delilah: So it is said...

Nakita: Let it be known...

Delilah: So it shall come to pass...

Nakita: Let it be written...

Delilah: In your blood...

Nakita:In another chapter according to F.A.T.E.

(The scene slowly fades.)


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN. Leonard Johnson is simply standing in front of a Major Championship Wrestling logo. Max and Jecht are nowhere to be seen, but there is no need for them to give up their precious time for this segment.]

LJ: You know, this is really getting monotonous. I had hoped that it wouldn’t be the case, but FATE – you bore me. You bore me not by virtue of being dull, but by virtue of having nothing true to say. Your stupidity, which at first was mildly quaint, is now just an enormity of tedium.

I don’t even need to begin with your use of the singular to define the plural. Nor should I have to point out that which I have already said – that Blitz have been using the name from the German word for Lightning, for longer than that video game has been out; although, the amount you enjoy referencing it, I wonder if you actually ever train for wrestling, or just sit at home in your mothers basement with your limited vocabularies trying to figure out puzzles that any two year old with a half-decent upbringing could figure out.

Nor should I have to point out that you’re not the only one who has an alliance with Jay Latham. But alas, you once again have forgotten to do your homework. Who was the man he called to act as commissioner of Major Championship Wrestling? Who was it that he came to with the idea for this tournament? Not to give away trade secrets, but Major Championship Wrestling is his money, and our ideas.

That’s right, Delilah. Jay Latham and Leonard Johnson do actually work together. Who was it who managed to get through the red tape to have Karl “The Dragon” Brown square off against “Yours Truly” Adam Benjamin at the Finale show?


Who was it who Latham asked if the tag team tournament would be successful?


And who is it is helping fund these MCW events?

Major Championship Wrestling’s commissioner. Leonard Johnson.

Now, tell me again why you think that Jay is going to be your little insurance policy. One thing he knows very well is what would be good for business. And him stabbing me in the back would be as bad for business as me doing the same for him. In the business world, there’s not a lot either of us are going to do to the detriment of the brand.

Of course, if you had some experience of this industry, you would have already known that, and I wouldn’t have had to spell it out. But that’s what you get for sticking two rookies who think they know something, together.

Yes, because for all the chances you’ve had, with your TNA contract, and the numerous assertions of greatness you make, you, Nakita, and your partner are still rookies. How do I know that you two aren’t the co-ordinated unit you make claim?

Because I’ve made it my job to be able to tell those kinds of things. It’s something you learn when you’re approaching thirty years in the business. You two do have some potential, but seriously – are you two the gelled unit that Max and Jecht are? No. Are you two as strong as they are? No. Do you two, individually, have the experience that either of them, individually, does? No. Do you have managers with the experience I do?


But, lest I forget – you’re planning to devour souls. How quaint. I haven’t heard someone speak about that since I managed a tag team in the mid to late eighties. They were masters of the finer arts of magick - and their deck was never wrong. In fact, let’s see what it has to say about your chances in this match, shall we?

[He reaches inside his breast pocket, and removes a cloth wrapped deck of tarot cards. Uncovering the cards, he takes them in one hand, replacing the cloth, and idly shuffles them as he talks]

LJ: To go back quickly to experience – if there’s one thing that this industry has taught me, it’s not to make assertions you can’t keep. Don’t make a promise that you can’t maintain. Those that say there is no chance of them losing, actually have the greatest chance of losing, because they refuse to see anything wrong with themselves and refuse to change. Max and Jecht have lost, and will probably lose again. You may even be able, through gaining an unfair advantage, be able to topple them from the bridge across to the next peak – but in a fair match? The safe money is on my team. [He cuts the cards into three piles, replacing them in a different order] Especially since Jay will be playing no part in this contest, unless he wants to face a very hefty lawsuit from his business partner.

But enough about that – let’s see what three cards hold your fate.

[He draws each card, one at a time, holding it up for the camera, before kneeling down to place it on the ground. Once he’s done, the camera pans down, to show the three cards in a row – we notice that one of the cards is upside down, in the reversed position]


LJ: My oh my oh my. It seems you don’t really have much chance after all in your immediate future, do you? A challenge to the way you think is coming, as shown by the Hanged Man. And having Ace of Wands in reversal? No new beginnings it appears.

[He points to the central card]

LJ: And an unexpected misfortune is going to befall you.

It seems that the Fates have abandoned FATE. No matter though, in another year or two you might pose a challenge to more than just the question of how stupid can two people be.

[The camera pans back up, as Leonard stands again]

LJ: You may think you can do unparalleled harm to Max and Jecht, but believe me, they’ve faced people who would break your neck like a twig, Nakita. One of those men would then have his way, quite easily, with your manager – when last I heard he was being charged for attempting the same thing on a member of Empire Pro’s dancing squad. Any punishment you think you can give out is as nothing as to what you will experience. As I have already said, there is a reason Blitz are called that – Lightning. The combination of power and speed the two men possess, the destructive force that can hit you at any time – the way they can crush an opposing team in record time. At the end of this match, a fair and just contest between two teams, there won’t be any question of FATE.

The question will be if you can even survive the Blitzkrieg.


OoC: I know this one won't be counted as both teams have already RPd twice, but I wanted to put it up anyways :)
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