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RLW Behind the Scenes: The House of Hill


League Member
Dec 30, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Simon Hill: Just lemme know when we're rolling.

[We see the DePaul RLW production room, a green screen in the back of the shot, three people in the front of. The shot. Seriously, it Simon, Sam and J.J. Hill doing a promo. Do you need a diagram? Sigh, fine.


It looks like that. Simon's with the black and silver pants on the right, J.J. is dressed like '80s Barry Windham on the left, Sam's the little guy dressed in camo pants in the middle.]

Barry the Intern: You're rolling.

[To amuse himself, Barry starts rolling through stock green screen background images. Due to the green in his pants, it looks like Sam Hill is only a floating torso.]

J.J. Hill: You sure we need to be like a group? We're gonna get all sorts of Wyatt Family comparisons, Simon.

Simon: That's what we have. Pretty harsh criticism, figuring you just spent the last five years as a Mark Calloway cover band.

J.J.: I resent that! I ripped off Undertaker and Steve Austin.

Simon: That a point of pride for you?

J.J.: You kidding me? I'd have thrown in eyebrows and socko if I could.

Simon: You're dating yourself.

J.J.: I dated your mom!

Simon: Ew.

J.J.: Seriously! Aunt Jane is hot.

[We briefly cut as Sam and Simon attacking J.J. When he come back into frame, Simon and Sam have swapped places, the green screen has fallen off and all three look apologetic.]

Barry the Intern: I have to pay a deposit for that at the start of semester!

Simon: Okay okay okay, let's start over.

[Cut. Green screen back on. To mess with us viewing at home, the background image is a split-second tape delay of the three Hills standing in the foreground. It's like they're running through time or something.]

Simon: When you're ready, Barry.

Barry the Intern: I'm really not supposed to be in these...


Barry the Intern: Er...

Simon: just give us the word.

Barry the Intern: We are rolling.

J.J.: That's kind of a dated expression, isn't it? I mean, digital recordings don't really "roll" do they? They kinda... I don't know, process?


Simon: Okay, let's start ov...

[Cut. Same background, now with the colours reversed. Technology marches on.]

J.J.: Who made you leader anyway?

Simon: Sort of defacto, I think, Sam's the crazy little guy, you're the big dumbass, and I am the middle guy who's neither this or that.


Simon: Look out Red Line! The Hills are a-comin' and we are gonna Walk the Line!

J.J.: Really? Walk the Line? And why the hell are you talking like West Texas Curt Hennig?

Simon: Go to hell. I don't see you making any efforts here.


Simon: See, at least Sammy's getting into the spirit here.

Barry the Intern: We're uh... still rolling.

Simon: Oh, I figured we'd fade after I said the "Walk the Line" tag.

J.J.: Hey! Who are you calling a dumbass?

[As the Hills begin scuffling again, we smashcut to the RLW logo.]
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