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Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Handler's Name: VossMan

Character's In Ring Name: pain GRILLE

Character's Real Name: N/A

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 175 lbs

Hometown/Billed From: France

fisherman driver
double underhook headbutts
Shining Wizard
headscissors armbar
Toasted: two kicks to the chest followed by a high speed roundhouse kick to the back of the head
springboard jumping high kick
springboard roundhouse kick
bicycle kick
spinning heel kick
sole kick
Mongolian chop
machine gun knife edge chops
twisting elbow drop
double underhook suplex
kip up enzuiguri
guillotine choke
sleeper slam
side belly-to-belly suplex

Finishing Maneuver: Awful Tower - double foot stomp

Appearance/Attire: He wears a purple mask with a flaming piece of bread on the forehead. There is a piece of bread over the mouth as well which has vertical lines cut into it to breathe through. He wears purple mid-thigh tights with a piece of bread over teh groin and orange "PG" in the middle. His hands and feet are taped up. He does not wear wrestling boots. His body is scarred from many vicious hardcore battles.

Entrance: "La Marseillaise" blares loudly from the PA system as GRILLE marches out from the back waving a French flag. Rendre Singe will walk with him, scurrying to keep up. Singe will climb onto the apron and pull apart the ropes where GRILLE will hand him the flag, order him to climb the turnbuckle and hold the flag up for him to put his hand on his heart as the French anthem finishes out.

Background/Bio: pain GRILLE's wrestling career has been doomed to fail since he has a problem submitting to authority. He will say and do things he believes are right by him outside of what he believes to be in the best interest of his company. He fails to succumb to order and will often rebel against something simply for that fact he's been told not to do it. He is bitter and twisted and resents anybody who has more success than he does. He is a very skilled wrestler/striker but his attitude has been his undoing his entire career. He is also anti-American and pro-France.

Character's In Ring Name: Rendre Singe

Character's Real Name: N/A

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 150 lbs

Hometown/Billed From: France

battering ram
diving clothesline
three quarter facelock neckbreaker
tornado DDT
springboard leg drop
Monkey Grip inverted footstomp facebreaker (double wrist hold and falls onto his back)
Monkey Grip hurricanrana
diving crossbody
running crossbody
springboard corkscrew crossbody
diving moonsault
tiger feint kick
choking opponent's with his tail
Background/Bio: Rendre Singe is pain GRILLE's cousin. He never speaks but he does everything he is told to do. He is a lackey, to simply state it and GRILLE's right hand man. Despite his size, he is remarkably tough and strong. He doesn't know when to quit and will do anything to impress his cousin. His actions speak louder than his words and he will not stop at anything to carry out his cousin's demands.

Finishing Maneuver: Five Banana Splash - five star frog splash
Monkey Grip dropkick - double wrist held dropkick to the sternum

Appearance/Attire: He wears no mask however he does wear fluffy brown tights with a monkey's tail attached to them (which is rubber coated in the fluffy material). He uses this tail as a weapon. He, like his cousin, does not wear any boots to the ring.

Entrance:"La Marseillaise" blares loudly from the PA system as GRILLE marches out from the back waving a French flag. Rendre Singe will walk with him, scurrying to keep up. Singe will climb onto the apron and pull apart the ropes where GRILLE will hand him the flag, order him to climb the turnbuckle and hold the flag up for him to put his hand on his heart as the French anthem finishes out.

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