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RETALIATION 5: 02.01.2010

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John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
(CUE UP: “Little Things” by Danny Elfman and Unkle)

“Have you heard the news?”


“Bad things come in twos. “


“But I never knew

'Bout the little things.”


“Every single day

Things get in my way.”


“Someone has to pay

For the little things.”


John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Retaliation 5: 02.01.2010


Pyrotronics rears up from the ramp as the camera begins its path around the Ipayone Center San Diego’s sports arena, catching the fans as they cheer loudly, its trademark hangover shot of the octagon cage that stands in the center of the arena. Camera shot changes to Troy Young and Andrew Parker both in suits and both at their desk to call the fights.

YOUNG:And we are days away from our very first pay per view, One Shot at Glory! Good evening from the Ipayone Center in San Diego, California, I am Troy Young!

PARKER: And I am Andrew Parker! You nailed everything in so early Troy I don’t know where to ecven start, as he said, days away from our first Pay Per View and tonight we host five fights and two of them are very important.

YOUNG:Absolutely right Andrew, before we even touch those two bouts lets get down to the prelim fights, Mike Konda is going to go one on one with Akeen Winters, both SWIFT: MMA new comers they will host quite the bout.

PARKER: Many of the fights leading into our co-main event as well as the main event of the evening host new comers to SWIFT. Don Gotti will step in that cage and try to make an lasting impression on ‘The Mongolian Mauler’ Ryoshi Hayatamei. That fight should be promising in every way.

YOUNG:I think tonight will really spark up as another member of the Crown Heights Assembly will go toe to toe against Heath Stone another new comer to SWIFT MMA. Now at Retaliation Four we really saw the power of The Crown Heights Assembly when Jimmy Luzzatto broke the shoulder of James Rollins in an Americana Key Lock. This week Tyrone Brand will have his chance to step in The Cage and show he is just as deadly.

YOUNG:My boy is in The Cage tonight! Jonathan Marx, currently six and zero in The Cage is going to face off with Bobby Walker here tonight! This is a true test to Marx’s ability in The Cage, because if he can enter One Shot at Glory six and zero that would be history.

PARKER: Yes, but Bobby Walker can shut him down big time tonight. But that is not the big fight tonight, the fight between Landon Price and Liu Kuan. These two are literally fighting for their chance to go one on one against Jonathan Marx at One Shot at Glory. This is the chance of a life time, the chance to fight for the SWIFT Championship!

YOUNG:The fact that both of these guys have steam rolled in SWIFT is a nothing on its own, they are practically polar opposites which makes it even more exciting. Liu Kuan has knocked out every opponent in his path so far!

PARKER: But look at the opposite, Landon Price making SWIFT MMA history at Retaliation 4 by going to a decision victory. Many will say he didn’t get the job done, but fifteen minutes of fighting the guy proved he is conditioned.

YOUNG: He did! And that is what Liu Kuan needs to worry about, is he conditioned to enter a third round? I do hope so, but Andrew, I believe that we have heard rumors of a second belt entering SWIFT: MMA?

PARKER: Ah! I think you are talking about MMA Weekly’s rumor mill about the second title add, there has been no official announcement on the matter I think we are more focused on getting a main title champ in the swing of things.

YOUNG:Now, honestly, Jonathan Marx has to be watching and waiting to see tonight’s match up between Kuan and Price, any one of these two guys could be the one he goes in The Cage with at One Shot at Glory.

PARKER: True enough Marx has to really watch them, these two guys have shown a strength in each part of MMA. Jonathan Marx a world class wrestler by far and has had the same track record as Liu Kuan never getting out of the second round.

YOUNG:If anyone is going to take Marx to the next level, I bet on Price, when he gets on top of you he just overwhelms you with his ability to hold you to the canvass, that is a skill that will frustrate Marx and cause him to make serious errors.

PARKER: I believe that entirely, but what is going to be our first match of the night may be our showcase fight tonight, these two men exchanged some pretty heavy words on Channel 238 MMA/HD TV where you can watch all your fighters promos and interviews twenty four seven!

YOUNG:Akeem Winters and Mike Konda, these two both looked promising when I saw them train and tonight we get to see them go head to head in The Cage.

PARKER: Pretty exciting to know this card will lead into our first Pay Per View!

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Retaliation 5: 02.01.2010

(CUE UP: Dope Boys - The Game as Akeem Winters walks down the ramp ready to fight, you can see it in his eye. He gets into The Cage posing a bit and warming up)

(CUE UP: “Who Let the Dogs Out" Mike Konda wears nothing but his shorts to the cage as he walks into the red corner, both men ready to do battle)

HARPER: The following fight is the first fight of the night and is scheduled for three five minute rounds. Introducing first standing in the blue corner. This man is a boxer and holds a SWIFT MMA record of no wins and no loses. He stands six feet three inches tall and weighs in at two hundred seventeen pounds. A boxer he fights out of Irvine CA. He is, AKEEM “Delirious” WINTERS!

HARPER: And his opponent standing in the red corner, this man holds a SWIFT: MMA record of no wins and no loses, he is a Kick-boxer and stands six feet three inches tall. Weighing in at two hundred and six pounds, fighting out of Cleveland, Ohio, he is! MIKE! “The Big Dog” KONDA!!!!!!!! And our referee for this contest is Robert Tilema.

PARKER: A little intensity in that stare down, Winters, Konda, our first fight tonight, and they are off.

YOUNG:You need to watch for the left hook of Winters that is his weapon, he is a beast with it. I had the chance to roll with him and he really is a power striker.

PARKER: Also watch for the massive leg kicks of Mike Konda. A lot of circling here and range jabs, most people want these fighters to just jump in and trade blows, rarely does that happen Troy.

YOUNG:Yeah, very rare because they don’t want to get knocked out in a second. But that is the MMA fighter today and they are ever improving their styles.

PARKER: Konda pushing forward already on Winters, forcing a few jabs as Winters shuffles out. There’s the leg kick from Mike Konda!

YOUNG:Right as he does it Winters goes for a takedown! That leg kick almost made Winters go to his butt!

PARKER That leg kick set up that take down for Winters, Konda against the cage, PINCH OF THE LEG AND KONDA IS TAKEN DOWN! What an amazing take down by Winters here!

YOUNG:Konda needs to be careful though, he is throwing elbows to the back of Winters’ head from bottom.

PARKER: Looks as though they are still going to roll around here, Konda with a push to the the hip of Winters, now he slips out, and they are back on their feet! Great move by Mike Konda to get Winters off of him!

YOUNG:That was slick, he just did a pop sweep and got to his feet, OH! Big Leg kcik to the mid section of Winters, he doubled over! Wow! And Konda smelling blood!!!! AND THEY ARE TRADING SHOTS!

PARKER: Konda going for a takedown now! NOW! Stuffed Konda on his back trying to get up and give the back to Winters!!!

YOUNG:Turns out into side control, good move by Mike Konda trying to get out of the back control. Winters, on top here, hooking an arm of Mike Konda.

PARKER: Winters showing a lot of key strengths so far in this match, I am surprised, oh! Short down elbows from Winters to Konda.

YOUNG:Those are nice, tight, short elbows very dangerous cause they will cut you open. OH NICE! Konda kicking up and wizzaring the arm of Winters and then just pops up! Now they are in a clinch Konda has Winters against the cage here!

PARKER: Both fighters are doing amazing for their first fight here in SWIFT: MMA, Konda with double under hooks! He is trying to trip Winters’, squeezing bear hug! AND WINTERS IS DOWN!!!

YOUNG:Now we have Winters on his back! We have gone full circle, a lot of scrambling, Winters has giving up side control!

PARKER: Big hammer fists from Konda down to Winters, Winters is struggling to get free here! And he gets back into Half guard!

YOUNG: Great moves by Winters, this a great back and forth here in round one. Winters now in open guard, and KONDA IS PERCHING UP! Downward shots to Winters!

PARKER: One minute remaining in this round! And Winters with an up-kick!!! Konda backing off a little here, Winters on his feet! And they are back to trading shots again! Now Winters clinching and we are going to see some dirty boxing as they are against the cage.

YOUNG:These two guys are just animals, they want to win and they want to win big! Konda trying to pummel in the clinch, watch winters every time Konda goes to pummel, he shoulder hits him.

PARKER: Great technique, few knees to the thigh now, another should hit to Konda. Thirty seconds left in this round. Winters in tight clinch, looking for a trip, and it’s blocked. SOLID ELBOW IN THE CLINCH FROM WINTERS!

YOUNG:Winters is a good boxer, out the clinch now an two jabs later we are back in the center, ten seconds remaining. Leg kick, and checked by Winters, staying good trade of blows here, and this round is over.
PARKER: Great round turned in by both men, and it will be a tough one to call! What do you think Troy who had the upper hand in that round?

YOUNG:Honestly, I have no clue, both guys came out strong, they both showed their efforts in The Cage, so I am not really sure, If I had to call it I would give it to Akeem Winters just for the amount of time he has been able to control Mike Konda.

PARKER: That is true, he has been able to control Mike Konda throughout round one. So, here we go, second round of a set three! Not even a touch of gloves as they start to fight, wow.

YOUNG:Well they are focused on fighting not being friends, BIG leg kick by Konda, and another kick this time high, but that is blocked by Winters!

PARKER: He is wasting no time trying to get some movement here and recover a bit from round one. Winters is keeping some good spacing and that is dangerous for Konda.

YOUNG:Both going for a punch at the same time, and another solid body kick by Konda, Winters taken some shots here.

PARKER: Both guys starting to slow down here. This speaks a bit for their conditioning, Winters with a takedown! And what will he be able to do here.

YOUNG: He is in a very awkward position here. He’s not really in any guard. Trying to get to the mount!!!


YOUNG:Blow after blow!!!! He is starting to slow the pace, now some elbows from Winters! All passing through, Konda is in HUGE trouble! KONDA HIP ESCAPE! And half guard!

PARKER: Winters just slipped back into full mount! Winters is just throwing straight shots at Konda, BIG ELBOW!!! AND KONDA’S GLOVES DROPPED MORE SHOTS!!! IT’S OVER!!!!

YOUNG:Perfectly timed, perfectly paced shot by Akeem Winters! He just won his first SWIFT: MMA fight, and he did so perfectly!

PARKER: Winters showing his skills here today. I am impressed! We send this over to Jeff Harper.

HARPER: Ladies and gentleman referee Justin Seet has called a stop to this contest at three minutes and forty six seconds of the second round, your winner, by way of knockout! AKEEM “DELIRIOUS” WINTERS!!!!!!

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Retaliation 5: 02.01.2010

YOUNG:Winters showing his true colors here tonight, a signifying win for Winters and we hope to see more of him soon!

PARKER: The kid shows a lot of skill and potential, but so do these next two fighters!

YOUNG:Don Gotti making his SWIFT: MMA Debut against the Mongolian Mauler! And these two will have one hell of a match here tonight!

(CUE UP: O Lets Do It by: Waka Flocka Flame Don Gotti comes to the cage doing a boxer shuffle and he stop and points at the crowd, then starts a Ric Flair type walk to the cage, when he get to the cage he spread both his arms out and then pounds his chest and point to the sky, when he get in the cage he runs to his comer and jumps on top of the cage and praise the crowd once more and jumps down and do a boxer bounce.)

(CUE UP: “Riot” by Three Days Grace Ryoshi marches to the ring in a black robe with red trim, designed to match his shorts, along with a slim black headband that brandishes the Mongolian flag. His training team keep to themselves and march calmly alongside the fighter. After he enters the cage he removes his robe and headband before he fights.)

HARPER: The following contest is set for three five minute rounds! Introducing first, standing in the blue corner this man is wrestler and a boxer. He holds a SWIFT MMA record of no wins with no loses. He stands six feet one inch tall and weighs in at two hundred and thirty pounds. Fighting out of Atlanta Georgia! He is DON ‘Tha Answer” GOTTI!

HARPER: And his opponent fighting out of the red corner, this man is a judo fighter and has a clean SWIFT MMA record of no wins and no loses. He stands six feet six inches tall and weighs in at two hundred and twenty seven pounds. Fighting out of Wildwood New Jersey! He is RYOSHI “The Mongolian Mauler” HAYATAMEI! Our referee in charge of this contest is Joel Morales.

PARKER: Don “Tha Answer” Gotti taking on Ryoshi “The Mongolian Mauler” Hayatamei And here we go, Don Gotti a wrestler and a well established kick boxer, he is circling, with Hayatamei a judo expert.

YOUNG:Both of these men are debuting here in SWIFT, so again we get to see some new comers to the sport, some jabs by Gotti, slipped by Hayatamei.

PARKER: I have been enjoying every time a new comer has shown up to SWIFT, they each bring a different calling to The Cage. These two both are professionals.

YOUNG:Well, oh jab connected there and a quick combo by Gotti as Hayatamei is trying to clinch. But, as I was saying a lot of these guys are coming up form smaller MMA promotions to the big league and really showcasing their stuff.

PARKER: And another jab right straight by Gotti. The jab is a great tool a lot of fighters tend to use it to gauge range and look for openings. It also helps the cards, shows your aggressive and trying to push forward.

YOUNG:I don’t think any of those jabs, punches or kicks are even phasing Hayatamei, he is trying and waiting to catch a punch or kick for a tie up.

PARKER: Not my choice of fighting style but the guy has guts to sit there and eat some blows. Gotti with a punch and Hayatamei slip sunder and nails a big right!

YOUNG:Hayatamei just looks big and built he looks like he is ready to grab Gotti at any second here, jab take down attempt by Gotti but Hayatamei stuffs it, working to his feet now, and Gotti stuck in his clinch!

PARKER: Hayatamei a judo expert trying to trip Gotti here, can’t get it knee to the gut, still has the clinch, Gotti trying to back towards the cage but Hayatamei just holding him still!

YOUNG:If Gotti can work to the cage he will be okay, other wise he may end up getting tossed. Gotti trying to pull away again, another knee delivered by Hayatamei.

PARKER< He has nowhere to go, another shot, Gotti another pull back attempt….WHOA!!!!! BIG THROW BY RYOSHI AND GOTTI LANDED HEAD FIRST!!!! WHOA!!!!

YOUNG:Joel Morales pushing Hayatamei away from Don Gotti! I have no clue what just happened!? All I know is there was a clinch and some knees then a throw!

PARKER: I need a replay of that! Judo 101 folks, Judo 101! We have replay, Troy what the heck happened?!

YOUNG:Well, Gotti goes for a pull back to het his arms out of the clinch, when he does he made a space to clear. So Hayatamei went and stepped right and used his clinch to pull Gotti over him in a full body trip and roll, Gotti had no legs and no arms to brace that fall. He practically landed head first full force on the canvass.

PARKER: Great call by Joel Morales, he could have seriously been injured if this fight would have continued. Jeff Harper with our official decision.

HARPER: Ladies and gentlemen referee Joel Morales as called a stop to this fight at one minute and twenty nine seconds of the first round, your winner by way of TKO! RYOSHI “THE MONGOLIAN MAULER” HAYATAMEI!!!!!

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Retaliation 5: 02.01.2010

PARKER: Hayatamei picking up his first SWIFT: MMA win along side of Akeem Winters tonight! Great fights so far and to think we have three more to showcase!

YOUNG:I am actually excited with what the booking here at SWIFT did for these fights, and now we even get to tell fans of the fight that will happen at One Shot at Glory, don’t we?

PARKER: Yes we do, there will be a few new debuting stars at One Shot at Glory who will be able to show their worth in The Cage. Not only that but there is rumored that another pro wrestling star is in contract negations with SWIFT MMA!

YOUNG:Wait, what?!

PARKER: Indeed! He may just be signing, it depends, I did see him talking with Colin Corvitz earlier this week and things are looking bright that we may pick up another pro wrestling legend here in SWIFT!

YOUNG:Things are really just, picking up here at SWIFT! And we have been lifted as the Premier MMA Fight League in the world right now!

PARKER: SWIFT: MMA has really stormed forward in the few months we have been up. Now we are ready for our third fight of the evening! And this one should speak volumes for SWIFT’s top training team The Crown Heights Assembly. So far only one fighter has lost an MMA bout and that decision is probably the most controversial call in SWIFT’s history.

YOUNG:People can call it how it is, but it will always be up for debate. Tonight Tyrone Brand will make his SWIFT: MMA debt against Heath Stone. Will the Crown Height Assembly rack up another victory in their name?

PARKER: I think they might, their training regiment has become more intense, they have proven that they are a major powerhouse team in SWIFT and because of that power we may see many people turning to Crown Heights for training.

( CUE UP: "Party Up" by DMX As DMX blares on the speakers, he is indeed "The Odd One," being a black man from The Bronx surrounded by his Jewish trainers. They don't approve of his musical taste, so they try their best to scream instructions through that loud rap music. Tyrone's already in the zone so he's not listening to them anyway. He enter the cage.)

(CUE UP: "Night Train" by Guns N' Roses. Heath walks out from the ramp, draped in the Michigan flag, as blue and yellow lights go over him. He hands the flag over and enters the cage as well.)

HARPER: This fight is also scheduled for three five minute rounds! Introducing first standing in the blue corner, this man has a no win no lose record and is a boxer. He stands six feet three inches tall and weighs in at two hundred and twenty pounds. Fighting out of Crown Heights, Brooklyn! HE IS! TYRONE “The Odd One” BRAND!!!!

HARPER: And his opponent standing in the red corner. He holds a record of no wins with no loses. This man is a kick-boxer and stands six feet two inches tall. Weighing two hundred and five pounds and hailing from Detroit, Michigan! HEATH “Youngblood” STONE!!!!!! And when the action starts are referee for this contest is Robert Tilema.

YOUNG:Here we go, the match has started and Heath Stone quickly takes the center of the ring without hesitation.

PARKER: But ‘The Odd One’, Tyrone Brand, isn’t intimidated at all and rushes up to meet his opponent in the center of the ring.

YOUNG:Both men exchanging a flurry of blows here!

PARKER: OH! Stone got smoked by a vicious left hook falling to the ground right after that punch!
YOUNG:Tyrone isn’t wasting any time here and immediately gets in the full guard position and begins the ground and pound!

PARKER: Damn I don’t think Heath is going to regain his composure at this rate; Tyrone is landing some huge punches right now!

YOUNG:looks like the ref might end it here… No wait! Heath ties Tyrone’s arms up, but isn’t looking very good at this point Andrew.

PARKER: No he isn’t Troy; there is a nasty gash over Heath’s right eye that is bleeding quite profusely, hindering his vision.

YOUNG:Oh but look at this, Tyrone breaks Heath’s guard and wants to stand the fight back up!

PARKER: The crowd is going wild right now Troy, they want to see Tyrone knock Heath out here tonight.

YOUNG:That’s for sure Andrew; Heath is very slow to get back up. He still appears a little shaken from that devastating ground and pound.

PARKER: Tyrone isn’t wasting any time and moves in without delay. He’s throwing a few jabs and straights at Heath, trying to work the cut a bit.

YOUNG:Heath clinches with Tyrone, tying him up once again and appears to be trying to survive the rest of the round Andrew.

PARKER: There is still about a minute and twenty two seconds left in the first round Troy, I’m not sure if he will survive. There is plenty of time for Tyrone to get the win here!

YOUNG:That’s for sure; it looks like Heath is now trying to sweep Tyrone and gain a better position for himself. I know I wouldn’t want to temp the stand up with Tyrone at this point.

PARKER: Wow, Heath was successful with his sweep attempt and is now in Tyrone’s full guard. It’s looking like he will make it to the second round after all Troy.

YOUNG:You said it Andrew, Heath isn’t getting much of any serious punches off here as Tyrone is doing a fine job defending against his opponent.

PARKER: And that’s the round, I thought for sure Tyrone had it in the bag. Oh well next round should be just as exciting!

YOUNG:Let’s hope Heath can make the proper adjustments to gain a bit of an advantage this round against Tyrone.

PARKER: Well Heath seemed to be able to get a successful takedown, maybe he will utilize the takedown more this second round.

YOUNG:We will find out right away here, the fighters are ready and the ref gets the second round underway!

PARKER: Yet again Heath rushes forward but this time he goes for the quick take down!

YOUNG:Tyrone blocks Heath’s takedown attempt and appears to have a guillotine choke locked in!

PARKER: That it is, Heath is trying with all his might to break free, but I don’t think it going to happen. Tyrone has locked his leg around Heath and drags him to the ground with him!

YOUNG:Heath isn’t tapping though; this may be lights out for ‘Youngblood’!

PARKER: The ref comes in to check on Heath, he isn’t moving… THE FIGHT IS OVER! Tyrone ‘The Odd One’ Brand has just won and made a statement with that submission!

YOUNG:The end! Andrew, not only does he have a good stand up game but his ground game is nothing to sneeze at in the least!

PARKER: Jeff Harper with the decision.

HARPER: Referee Robert Tilema has called a stop to this contest at one minute ten seconds of the second round, declaring your winner by tap out, TYRONE “The Odd One” BRAND!!!

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Retaliation 5: 02.01.2010

PARKER: None of the fighters here are to sneeze at and definitely not the ones in our co-main event of the evening! Jonathan Marx will try to keep his winning streak alive against Bobby Walker here tonight!

YOUNG:I am excited to see Marx in action again!

(CUE UP: Seek and Destroy by Metallica as Bobby Walker walks down the ramp and into the cage in the blue corner.)

(CUE UP: "The Touch" By Stan Bush as Jonathan Marx was down the ramp and into the cage into the red corner.)

HARPER: Ladies and gentleman, this is our Co-Main Event of the evening!!!! Introducing first! This man is a kick-boxer and holds a record of no wins with no loses. He stands six feet two inches tall and weighs in at two hundred and ten pounds! He fights out of Phoenix, Arizona, he is BOBBY “The Python” WALKER!!!!!
Crowd starts to cheer loudly for the next introduction

HARPER: And his opponent!!! Standing in the red corner!!! This man holds a SWIFT MMA record of five wins with no loses! He is a wrestler and stands six feet one inch tall! Weight in at two hundred and three pounds!!! HE IS!!!! “Gentlemen” JONATHAN! MARX!!!!!! And when the fight starts the referee in charge is Anthony Russell!

PARKER: Jonathan Marx versus Bobby Walker, and so it begins, Marx staying out side of the middle close to his corner, he wants to go undefeated into One Shot at Glory.

YOUNG:Well he is the original Andrew! Where are David Abbey and Edward Rain? They have left SWIFT, it was too hard for them, and Marx has stayed true and stayed focus and here he is five and zero going into his sixth fight!

PARKER: Will he keep the dream alive tonight? Will he go undefeated into One Shot at Glory and fight for the SWIFT Championship? Good leg kick by Walker, and another….AN MARX HAS A SINGLE LEG TAKE DOWN ALREADY!

YOUNG:That is what is so great about Jonathan Marx, he is fast, he know what he wants to do, he wants you to telegraph a kick or a punch so he can get his takedowns, already we see him taking this fight to the ground.

PARKER: Marx with some ground and pound in half guard, HELL HOOK!!!! HEEL HOOK!!!! Jonathan Marx is looking for a heel hook!!!

YOUNG:Never seen Marx try this, he needs to use the blade of his arm on the ankle and lock that in, he is really trying to hyper extend the ACL, Walker is fighting it though and trying to loose foot out.

PARKER: Marx, looking to end this early, we have seen him win via submission before with a rear naked choke, will he secure another win tonight because of this heel hook?!

YOUNG:No, I think he lost it, yeah he did! Great recovery though, he loses the heel hook then hip heists back into half guard again, great transitions by Jonathan Marx.

PARKER: Good defense by Bobby Walker too! Not allowing Marx to get full torque on that heel hook. And now we are in a potion where Marx is trying to pass to side control. He is working over for it, Walker blocking, and trying to control Marx from getting in an even more dominate position.

YOUNG:Marx with a side elbow, walker trying to snatch it, Marx with a hop, straight stand, HE IS IN SIDE CONTROL! Wow! Perfectly executed transition, he is really showing everyone what is about to do….

PARKER: Now Walker with a transition of his own!!! Knee block and a roll and they are back to their feet!!!! Walker showing he is aware what is going on and isn’t afraid of Marx.

YOUNG:All should fear Marx. He is deadly! They have stood back up and Marx has a clinch instantly, he is like a never stopping force!

PARKER: HIP TOSS BY MARX!!!!! This fight is back on the ground now! Walker looks like he had the wind taking out of him! As Marx regains side control!

YOUNG:Walker needs to be careful here, he is starting to turn his back to Jonathan Marx…and he has exposed his back! Walker giving Marx his back, this is dangerous because Marx is trying to grapevine his feet!

PARKER: Walker really needs to be careful here, Marx is not new to this position, and he is very dominating on the ground when in control. Around the head punches from Marx.

YOUNG:Marx is just getting better and better every time we see him in action, No Walker is trying to butt scoot out of this situation, not a smart choice! Marx is following him keeping close distance.

PARKER: If he over scoots and goes to his back he will give Marx full mount and that will be the end of him! Walker arching and Marx forcing him back over, there is no way I see Walker escaping out of this.

YOUNG:Marx is a blood hound and he smells victory right now, ANOTHER SHOT THAT ONE BUSTED WALKER’S NOSE OPEN! Marx with another shot and another!

PARKER: Walker is trying to get away, quick hip thrust, slip through, WALKER IS ON HIS FEET AND MARX IS PURSUING HIM WITH PUNCHES!

YOUNG:Walker is in deep trouble here! Marx hitting combos left and right, WALKER IS ON HIS KNEES! DESPERATION SHOT OF A TAKEDOWN…..AND HE GETS IT!!!

PARKER: NO! Marx! Marx with a switch and has side control again!!! What a quick move by Marx to prevent himself going to his back! And we are going to see a hell of a display from Jonathan Marx!

YOUNG:Bobby Walker, is not giving up quickly though, it is a hard to see him just letting Marx do this much longer. Marx with some big elbows here and Walker with that knee block again, a roll back to his feet….


YOUNG:He is better off with trying to block those and grabbing a takedown attempt then taking any more shots to the face……Marx breaking the clinch fast….BIG RIGHT HOOK BY BOBBY WALKER!!!!! HUGE!!! MARX IS ON THE GROUND!!!!!



PARKER: Great thinking by Jonathan Marx!!! He got hit bad with that hook, he almost look as though he was going to be TKO’d out by Bobby Walker, and out of nowhere he is able to get a rolling knee bar.

YOUNG:Jonathan Marx is now six and zero in SWIFT MMA, wow, he is just a monster!! I can’t believe what I just saw!

PARKER: Marx is here to stay and he is going against the winner of our main event at One Shot at Glory for the first ever title shot. That is truly and honor and you can see in Marx’s face he is thrilled.

YOUNG:Fans are on their feet here in San Diego! We are sending this to Jeff Harper for our official decision.

HARPER: Gentleman and ladies we have reached a decision here in round one at four minutes twenty two seconds of the first round! Declaring the winner, via submission by way of a rolling knee bar and going to One Shot at Glory with six wins no loses to compete for the Swift Championship belt! ‘GENTLEMEN’! JONATHAN! MARX!

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Retaliation 5: 02.01.2010

PARKER: Jonathan Marx walking away with a victory here tonight, and I bet his eyes are set to our main event of the evening, only one of these two fighters are going to advance to One Shot at Glory to face Jonathan Marx, only one!

YOUNG:Now we get to see who will take on Marx at One Shot At Glory!

PARKER: I think this fight is way too close to call!

YOUNG:I have every dollar Li Kuan is going to walk out in the first round with a counter punch instant knock out, we have seen him do it every fight, he has shattered a man’s jaw for Christ’s sake!

PARKER: Liu Kuan is defiantly a fighter that can get the job done, but can he against the new comer who made SWIFT: MMA history his first fight, I am speaking about Landon Price who is the first fighter to ever win a decision victory.

YOUNG:Landon Price has shown his worth in The Cage at Retaliation Four, Liu Kuan has shown his worth at Retaliation Three and Four, I think we are ready to start! Our Tale of the Tape! Landon Price, the Canadian is standing at six feet one inch tall and weighs in at two hundred and five pounds, his opponent, the grim reaper and most efficient striker in SWIFT: MMA Liu Kuan stands at five feet eleven inches tall the height advantage to Price, and weights two hundred and five pounds equal to Price! This fight is almost exactly even, both men are karate fighters! Price with some training in Ninpo which is a form of Ninjutsu, he has a slight advantage!

(CUE UP: "Fire It Up" - Black Label Society, as Landon Price starts to make his way down the ramp the fans on their feet as he enters The Cage and stands in the blue corner warming up)

(CUE UP: For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica. Liu comes out wearing a black hooded robe made of silk, he has the hood up and carries a Sycthe in his right hand. His overall mood is usually focused on the match, underneath the robe he wears a pair of black trunks with the word Grim Reaper written in white on the back. He takes off his attire and enter The Cage warming up in the red corner.)

PARKER: The intensity in these two fighters’ eyes is overwhelming, they want this chance and now they have the opportunity to fight for it! Jeff Harper with our official introduction.

HARPER: AND THIS IS THE MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING!!!!!! Only one of these fighters will advance for a chance to compete at One Shot at Glory for the SWIFT Championship! This fight is scheduled for three five minute rounds.
The fans go ballistic.

HARPER: Introducing first standing in the blue corner!!!! This man is a Karate and Ninpo fighter and holds a SWIFT: MMA record of one win with no loses. Standing six feet one inch tall and weighing in at two hundred and five pounds! Fighting out of Montreal, Quebec, Canada! HE IS!!!!! LANDON “The Prairie Samurai” PRICE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Large pop as the fans rear up on their feet.

HARPER: And his opponent, standing in the red corner! He is a karate fighter! And holds a SWIFT: MMA record of two wins with no loses and two knockouts, he stands five feet one in tall! Fighting out of Beijing, China! HE IS!!!!!!! LIU “The Grim Reaper” KUAN!!!!!!!!!!!! And our referee for this contest is Justin Seet!

PARKER: This is it! Our main event of the evening and only one of these two competitors will be going to One Shot at Glory to compete for the SWIFT Championship! Kuan! Price! The Main event! HERE WE GO!!!!!

YOUNG:Both men just racing tot eh center of The Cage, look at this Kuan looking for a shot early and Price already thinking takedown! He is working hard for that take down, Kuan backing to the cage.

PARKER: I mean these two guys looked like if we out down a mat backstage when we arrived they would have gone at it right there, they want this chance to fight for the belt.

YOUNG:OH! Jumping knee by Kuan as he is being pushed against the cage. Both Kuan and Price great fighters, Kuan a world class striker and Price showed us at Retaliation Four he is ready to make SWIFT history.

PARKER: You can see that these two guys are set, every time Price punches Kuan in the side in this position Kuan answers with a shot of his own. Kuan pushing off the fence trying to get out of this clinch.

YOUNG:Slowly this is going to tire Kuan out, more time he is against that cage the more energy he is wasting. Kuan now looking for a trip!! And Price bakes away, we are back in the center of The Cage.

PARKER: Spinning kick by Kuan and misses, and we are seeing a different Liu Kuan here tonight, usually he is very lay back and wait. Tonight, Kuan is actually pressing the attack a little not the elusive style we have seen.

YOUNG:Maybe this is his game plan, he is luring Price in for those epic counter attacks. Both men undefeated though. One, two combo by Price and another take down attempt and Kuan goes to defend back footing to the cage wall again.

PARKER: He is great at stuffing these takedowns. Kuan is very strong for giving up about two inches in this fight, Kuan is right down to road to getting a title shot, and so I Price. This is their chance. Clinch to the cage.

YOUNG:We are going to see a lot of this, both these guys are karate fighters, I will be surprised if this fight goes to the ground, Price shoulder bump, and Kuan gets arm control, and he clears from the clinch.


YOUNG:These two, any chance for a counter and opening to hit, they are going to do it, not questions asked they want to fight, the want to bang. Kuan with a leg kick, Price trying for a right counter and it misses.

PARKER: Now Price with a leg kick and Kuan’s left hook counter misses! This is going to be the ultimate back and forth battle! I think both of them are dangerous in the right scenario and this is the perfect one.

YOUNG:All it takes is one mistake and it can be all over for one of these guys. There is a lot of circling, Kuan, knocked out his last two opponents, an incredible fighter, holds the fastest knock out in SWIFT history.

PARKER: Good punch by Price, Kuan slips! Lands in guard, UP KICK! Trying to keep a bit of distance and a down punch to Kuan from Price! Kuan back on his feet as Price is setting up again for another flurry it seems.

YOUNG:Price has lethal hands, if they fly they will knock you out cold. Good moves on the ground by Kuan though, ten seconds in this round remaining, a bit of action, a lot of circling trying to find their spots.

PARKER: We are going into round two! Great round for both fighters. Round one completed and we are on a good pace.

YOUNG:That round easily taken by Kuan, the take down defense is really working, really showing his skills. So that round was defiantly Kuan’s and I know that Price’s corner is telling him that he needs to do something different for round two.

PARKER: And we are set for round two of a scheduled three here. It seems like they are going to go right back at it, straight to the center, and no touch of gloves, they are focused on a title shot. Both men in the center. Kuan on the outside of The Cage.

YOUNG:he is looking for an opening here, low ducking hook, counter by a missed head kick from Price! And KUAN GOES FOR A TAKEDOWN! PRICE SPRAWLS! And KUAN PICKS UP AND SLAMS HIM!!! PRICE POPS TO HIS KNEES! AND TO HIS FEET!!!

PARKER: Kuan has a guillotine locked in!! And a knee to the face from Kuan!! OH! And price Works the arms through!!! He is free! Clinched against the cage! Kuan hooking under the knees, great take down! We are back on the ground, Liu Kuan in Prices closed guard now.

YOUNG:Now we are a new situation, the first time Kuan has been to the second round and the first time he has been to the ground in a fight! He is trying to stack Price, Price getting his feet on the cage. OH! Quick pop up sweep by Price and we are back to our feet now Price has a clinch on Kuan against The Cage.

PARKER: Big elbow by Price to Kuan, Kuan breaks free, snap jab to Price! Price stepping forward, push kick misses as Kuan steps away. Circling and I wonder what these two are thinking about when they are going to fight Marx.

YOUNG:Marx is going to be challenging, the man is a magnificent fighter, we have seen him improve drastically, and we are also seeing both these two improve also. Either one of them deserves a shot at Jonathan Marx and the title.

PARKER: A minute thirty left in this round. Kid shot kick by Kuan and that flash kick, MISSES! Takedown by Price! They are on the ground! Price transitioned to half guard! This is where Price is deadly! Price with a hammer fest, connects Kuan looks a bit hurt, Kuan limp legged out, switch to butterfly, ten seconds left.

YOUNG:Nope, this fight is going to the third round baby!!!! Kuan stuck in butterfly guard, and this round is over!!!

PARKER: Round two is in the books! And this fight is actually going into the third and final round, that last round, I can’t even call it! It is just, an amazing fight between these two.

YOUNG:I agree these guys are just going at it, I never thought there would be so many attempts at takedowns, Kuan really trying to win this fight and so Is Price, that round I am leaning Price a little that last minute of ground and pound plus control may add some points.

PARKER: We will see, third and final round! We think both have won a round, they are back to circling, exchanging of jabs again. I think Price got the better of it, and a kick by Price, and Kuan answers with a left cross.

YOUNG:Kuan circling again, Price pressing in little by little, double jab clear by Kuan to get back center. Both men close to victory, three and a half minutes on the clock.

PARKER: This fight Is jab by Price, shooting in! He has a leg! Kuan not going down, right hand by Price with a leg still in his possession to Kuan, Kuan with an upper cut and clears out from the take down attempt.

YOUNG:Good movement by both men, good attempts, great defense. Not many said they could see Price going this far against Kuan, but here we are round three and we are still exchanging blows in The Cage.

PARKER: This is where things get interesting, this is where the fights take place and there is no other feeling like it! You can feel the intensity for a win. Oh, change of shots here! Right hand by Price may have caught Kuan in the eye!

YOUNG:Kuan missing with a kick, these fighters both know that their chance for a title shot is in this next minute and thirty seconds, there is no escape, so we will see who really wants to capitalize on a win here tonight!

PARKER: Price hits Kuan with a jab, leg kick by Price, one minute left in this round! And this is it, the final sixty seconds, this is where we will see each fighter, Kuan with a high hick, connects mid section, Price returns it.

YOUNG:Both men tired, looking for a chance to strike, ten seconds left int eh round, and we are going to go to the judges’ score cards I think! Yes we are!

PARKER: Fans are on their feet here in San Diegp!! I have no clue who could have won that bout, that was an amazing display of mixed martial arts by both men!

YOUNG: I agree I think this fight is going to Kuan, he has held his own in that fight, showed true display of power and this fight may swing in his favor.

PARKER I disagree with you a little, Price may have taken this card but we will see right now as we send this to Jeff Harper for the official decision!

HARPER: After three rounds of fighting we have come to the judges score card for a decision! Judge John Farnsworth scores this bout twenty nine / twenty eight. Judge Brandon Johnson scores this bouts twenty nine / twenty eight, and Judge Thomas Gope scores this bout twenty nine / twenty eight.

HARPER: And your winner, advancing to One Shot at Glory for a chance to compete for the SWIFT Championship is! LANDON “The Prairie Samurai” PRICE!!!!!!

PARKER: What a great win for Landon Price! His second time going into a three round fight and he will advance to One Shot at Glory!

YOUNG:Landon Price versus Jonathan Marx for the SWIFT Championship! What a fight that will be!

PARKER: And it is going to be live from San Jose California!!!

YOUNG:From everyone here at SWIFT we thank you for tuning in and we will see you at One Shot at Glory, goodnight!
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