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Question about "Affiliation"


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
So there are some updates coming for FWrestling.com. Some new things and some old things made new again. You've already seen the addition of EFG reinvigorating these discussion forums, and I know there are some community members working on some great new additions, as well as their own stuff that will get linked up here.

But here's a big question -- what does it look like to "affiliate" with FWrestling? Or in more tactical terms, what does it look like to get your logo at the top of the site (and access to some other things in the new era, etc.)

In the past, if you had forums here, then that was it. That's not feasible anymore and there lots of great leagues that have their own forums for their own reasons and don't want to move them over here where their ability to customize them might be more limited than they want.

So what are the other ideas and how do you measure them? Activity? Interest? What?

Looking for your idea. That said... the new/old features will allow everyone from any league or community to participate. They'll just allow 'affiliated' leagues to have a few other options.

Thanks for your help!


Alex Smiley

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Somewhere in SoCal
I have some thoughts, but it's late and I'm exhausted so I will get back to you tomorrow lol.

Which reminds me, did you see the PM I sent the other day? Just checking because I don't always know what method people prefer for that sort of thing haha.


Mar 5, 1998
Pompano Beach, FL
I don't know. We're talking about special perks here and I think if you want your fed's logo to appear at the top of the page, and get those perks, then you need to have your forums hosted here.

LoC, jOlt, and Defiance are all here and when it comes to "people have their own forums for their own reasons" then nothing is more important than angle feds needing forums as a way to communicate our booking plans. We've come to FW.com when we could easily host our own forums and it would be more secure for us to do so anyway. But we wanted to be a part of the FW Central community of feds, so we're here. We do this knowing that mods and admins not associated with our feds can see what our future story plans are.

I think if your reasoning is that your forums are prettier then that's great but you don't get to be an affiliated fed. Enjoy your forums and we'll link to you, but you don't get to be listed on top of this page and you don't get the perks. That's reserved for the feds that are here. The other guys are choosing not to make the move, hence they are choosing their own forum set and whatever bonuses come from that.

Jorden Snow

New member
Oct 22, 2014
Robinson, Illinois
I'm of two minds on this.

First, I think it's a good idea to just link to anyone and everyone no matter where their forums are. Spreading the word of eWrestling and various EFeds, is just a good thing in my opinion. Especially at a time when everything is currently so fragmented and there doesn't seem to be a real "steady, active, home-based community."

Second though, is I agree with Dan. If you want your fed logo in the scroller at the top of the forums, you should have a forum set here on fWrestling. If you just want to be an affiliate, and maybe have your 88x31 on the new fWrestling website, then no worries, that can happen. But as far as the scroller goes, it's exclusive.

I'm really back and forth, so whatever the powers that be decide, I'm totally going to support.

Alex Smiley

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Somewhere in SoCal
Okay, now it's "tomorrow" today lol.

I'm with Jorden in that there could (maybe should?) be tiers of affiliation. You've got a solid foundation of affiliated feds here, your "FWrestling League Feds" as it were. Then you have various partners (EFG, other communities/resource sites you're affiliating with) and non-League affiliate feds (name TBD?).

As far as new features, I think the core features should continue to revolve around the needs of your League feds (hosting their forums here, for example)...

...honestly, this is less about having an idea than it is about stating my opinion on ideas already brought up. Sorry. I'm hesitant to make suggestions because knowing my luck, half or more of them will already be in the works lol


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
Yep, completely get what you're both saying. And absolutely all feds will have a chance to participate and post links to their leagues, news, etc.

The challenge is in those 'highlighted' leagues. It takes some work to manage, which will increase slightly with the new site. I'm pulled between not wanting an established league like NBW to have to move their forums (which they're not interested in doing) if they don't want to, but still allowing them to show they're connected and involved in the community. Plus, of course, highlighting long-standing feds who put out great stuff!

Oh and just to clarify Dan's point -- only admins can see into all forums. Supermods can see into most, but in many cases I've specialized the permissions to just include the league user group and admins.

Of course, when Dan and Pete start messing with permissions, they make forums completely invisible to almost everyone!


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
Thanks Alex. Looking forward to your thoughts.

I did indeed see your PM. Have been wrapped up with site/forum work when I get a free minute, so might be a bit before I can talk to you about OOC affiliation. Thanks!

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