I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
NAME: Satan's Clause
HOMETOWN: Christiansburg VA
ENTRANCE MUSIC: Dweller on the Threshold by Van Morrison
FIVE SIGNATURE MOVES: Powerslam, hot shot onto turnbuckle, leaping piledriver, superplex, tilt a whirl slam
SETUP: Whip to corner, opponent facing turnbuckle
FINISHER: The Rapture (Neckbracker from the top rope)
WHO YOUR CHARACTER IS: A priest, a really liberal one who believes in equality for everyone. Seriously.
RELEVATANT TITLES WON: Never molested a child.
HOMETOWN: Christiansburg VA
ENTRANCE MUSIC: Dweller on the Threshold by Van Morrison
FIVE SIGNATURE MOVES: Powerslam, hot shot onto turnbuckle, leaping piledriver, superplex, tilt a whirl slam
SETUP: Whip to corner, opponent facing turnbuckle
FINISHER: The Rapture (Neckbracker from the top rope)
WHO YOUR CHARACTER IS: A priest, a really liberal one who believes in equality for everyone. Seriously.
RELEVATANT TITLES WON: Never molested a child.