"Twenty Minutes."
(Fadein, Cameron Cruise in front of an Airport terminal, dressed in a white sports coat, with a matching white undershirt and slacks and dress shoes, his hair slicked back with white matching Anarchy-style shades. With his luggage sitting next to him, he taps his gold Rolex watch afew times, even bringing his watch to his ear for a second, hearing the tick-tock of time passing.)
CRUISE: That's all we got, Kevin, just TWENTY MINUTES to show the ENTIRE WORLD WATCHING, that one of us is better than the other.
Twenty minutes to pin each other as many times as possible for three seconds.
Twenty minutes to yank on a limb or a skull as many times as possible to make the other slap the mat twice.
Twenty minutes beat the EVER LIVING HELL OUT OF EACH OTHER...and the winner receives something special, something only one man can hold, and at the moment only Dan Ryan and Blaine Hollywood have no interest in.
The fact is Kevin...K-9...whatever it is you like to be called these days, there's so much that I'm capable of doing inside that ring.
I've spent time in the ring in instances where I've spent the better part of an hour BLEEDING...and still managed to escape a pin, avoid being counted out or tied up in knots, before turning things around to come out victorious.
I said before, you were CSWA's LAST Greensboro Champion, so you know what it's like to hold that title high, to walk to the ring with that belt wrapped around your waist, the blue-collar Champion of the CSWA.
But the question I have for you Kevin, is do you even know what that means??
To defend a title night in and night out, knowing that after one defense, you're gonna have to defend it again less than a week later??
I do...obviously not with the Greensboro title, but I know that feeling well, why??
Because people around this end of the business...whether they love or hate me...they KNOW me.
In the last ten to fifteen years, up until recently of course...you've had a sporadic appearance.
Whether it's in the ring or in the gym...I show up EVERY NIGHT.
Twenty minutes, Kevin, twenty minutes to either pin me, make me submit, or for ten seconds at the very least KNOCK MY ASS OUT...that's all you got.
Neither of which is a simple task, not for you, not for anyone.
That...my friend, is a REALITY CHECK that you just...won't like. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a plane to catch that's leaving....
(Cruise takes a glimpse at his watch)
Wouldn't you know it??