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PRIME Opens It's Doors for the Dual Halo


Jan 24, 2007
It's that time of the year again, when PRIME gets crazy-go-nuts and throws as many people as possible inside of two giant cages, letting them fight it out for the prize of...well, whatever their little hearts' desire.

Culture Shock is the first PPV on the PRIME calendar, and is always a two-night affair with a full line-up of heartstopping matches on Night One and the behemoth Dual Halo match on Night Two. Make sure you pack your winter coat, because this year Culture Shock will be held on March 13th and 14th from the Olympic Stadium in Moscow, Russia.

Unlike last year, when the Dual Halo Invitational had a hard-cap of 15 non-PRIMEates, the Booking Committee will be doing things a bit differently. The first 10 Outsiders to post their bios on our forums will automatically get a bid, but anyone who posts after is subject to BC discretion (IE: we may still accept your app and let you participate, but depending on how our numbers turn out there's a chance we may not.) So get your app in early so you won't be left out!

Go to the PRIME forums to find out more and to register an account to sign up. If you're able to read this post, you're eligible to apply for the match.

There are two steps in order to sign up. First, post a bio in "The Outsiders Lounge", a sub-board of the Dual Halo 2009 forum. Please create a new thread with your character's name as the subject. Second, you'll be asked to submit a strat sometime before the Dual Halo RP deadline is up. The Dual Halo is the only match which requires a strat to be submitted, because of how large and involved the writing process is. The strat form is not posted yet, but will by the time sign-ups close.

The pertinent deadlines are as follows:

Dual Halo Sign-Ups Close: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd @ 8:00PM EST.
Dual Halo RPs and Strats Due: FRIDAY, MARCH 6TH @ 11:59PM EST. This will be a HARD DEADLINE and NO EXTENSIONS will be granted.

The best outside applicant(s) (as determined by a vote of the active PRIME roster) will be offered a chance to stay in PRIME after the Dual Halo match. Like last year, we will be having "bounties" that will be determined by RP. More information on these will be forthcoming. Any outsider who wins one of the bounties or wins the Dual Halo match outright will be automatically given a spot on the active PRIME roster.


Jan 1, 2000
Almost all of the Guaranteed Ten Slots have been filled. If you definitely want to be a part of the madness, don't procrastinate any longer! ;)

As a reminder, we may still accept applications after the first ten, but is that a chance you're really willing to take?


Jan 1, 2000
The deadline for sign-ups has passed. We had twelve outsiders sign up to participate, and I'm pleased to say that all twelve will be in the Halo this year.

Make sure you check in on the PRIME forums for more Halo information. Strat info and Bounty info will be released soon.

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