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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Pittsburgh USA
Ok guys, I know that there's a lot of these lately, and you are all probably gettin' a little sick of hearin' it. I made sure I got Chad's permission to do this.

I think it was around 1998, but in that year Bob Barton and myself started a federation that was known as Extreme Hardcore Wrestling, or EHW. We put everything we had into making great cards, thinking up awesome stories, and just have a really great time with the whole thing. It was something that he and I both loved... well now it came to me that maybe I could make the best incarnation of EHW ever with the help of a few of you. Back then, EHW was like an underground deal. No one knew, but we were putting out great cards. We were just like ECW... it was almost scary lol. But we folded before we ever got the chance to make a name for EHW. Now that I know some of the best talent in fantasy wrestling, I figured I'd ask some of you to join me in a NEW EHW. I've already talked to some of you and I have some support, and that really means a lot to me guys. Again, this is just a suggestion everyone. I am putting this out here to see the response I get. If you would like to maybe sign up a wrestler for the fed, it is by no means binding. I just want to see if you would all be interested. If enough response is there, I will do my best to create a fed you would all enjoy. Please just reply and state whether or not you'd sign up a wrestler, and who it would be. I think that if people see the talent that's signing, they'll be more obliged to do it as well. =) Thanx guys.... hope this works!!!

John Miller
Co-Founder of the original EHW
ah well... just normal ol' John Miller lol, but it sounded important :D

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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