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please help guys


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Pittsburgh USA

I was lookin' through the posts what other people put up, and I was thinking maybe you guys could give ME a little help with my character John Miller. If any of you have ANY suggestions, things I need to improve on, anything, that would be awesome. I know he's pretty boring to listen to and "watch"... so please help guys.

Thanks a lot,


New nickname: John "Dave Brunk's bitch" Miller. That could help.

Seriously, start a tag team with anyone in Zach's realm of handled e-wrestlers and you guys can be the boring ass hockey twins.

>I was lookin' through the posts what other people put up,
>and I was thinking maybe you guys could give ME a little
>help with my character John Miller. If any of you have ANY
>suggestions, things I need to improve on, anything, that
>would be awesome. I know he's pretty boring to listen to
>and "watch"... so please help guys.
>Thanks a lot,




Here-here, to that. The duo of John's obsession with hockey and the tons upon tons of useless factoids Zach has compiled would make a lethal duo!!


Y'know, when I said pick a new guy and help him out...


Yeah, yeah... I know. You were kidding.

Ok, John Miller. How do we spice him up?

What do I remember from Millers tenure? Walking out on a Powers Cage match. I never quite understood the reason for that.

Actually. That pretty much sums up everything I know about John Miller. Zip. For a guy that's been in the league for a while, you haven't been doin much.

What drives John Miller? Titles? Power? Respect? Fear? Rage? I don't know the answers to any of those questions. And that's a shame. For something you've put a real effort into, you just haven't made a mark. You're not 'Over.' And that's pretty fucking weak dude.


Take whatever you're thinking right now, and write it down. Did what I say piss you off? Or did it embarrass you? Do you even give a crap what I say? Take that and use it.

Go and do a promo right now. It might be along the lines of... 'You don't know me now...'

It could be along the lines of ... 'You sons of bitches don't respect me!'

It can even be along the lines of 'I don't belong here. I can't cut it in this federation full of big bad muthas...'

But get it done. And when it's done, figure out an angle to go with it. And make that angle all about what John Miller is about.

Eric 'The Dragon' Davis = Cocky Bastard, but he can back it up.

'Career Ender' Chris Lehew = He wants to hurt you. Just to prove he can.

Kevin 'Good God' Powers = Pass the Beer. And get ready for a 6'10 hangover that you're just not ready for.

'Ego Buster' Dan Ryan = Bad, Bad, Bad Man. And a fatass. (But he's touchy about that.)

'The Patron Saint of Violence' Pat Black = Twisted, Evil, Bastard.

'The Steel City Icon' John Miller = .... ?

When we can fill in the question mark, then you're over dude. Now go do it.



Scotty sucks all the fun out of this stuff :)

John, you know what I think of you. You're a top notch role player when you make the time for it. And that's really the only key. That and coming up with an angle and direction for your characters, because once you have one your role playing can take you wherever you want to go. So let me tell you what I think's been holding you back. You've been on the verge of major major pushes several times. But something in your personal life, whether it be hockey or girls or whatever stops you midstream....you lose some matches due to inactivity and you're back to square one again. Now, no one knows more than I do about not having time. As you know, I have two kids, I work at night, my wife works during the day so I babysit when I'm not working. Basically I do ALL of my e-fedding at around 1-2am in the morning after I get home from work and that's about IT. It doesn't take long to write something up. It's all about time management. Set aside 30 minutes to write a good RP. It honestly doesn't take that long when you think about it. Unless that's just me. :)

But Scott's right also. That goes hand in hand with what I was saying. Develop who Miller is, what he wants, where he's going. And most importantly, stick with it and don't disappear for a couple months in the middle of it. That'll do it.

(sarcasm mode on) And yeah, you still suck too you little hockey midget bastard.....wait...that's Bob....


*Scowls, waving a meanacing fist up at Brunkster* Hush and go back to your breast feeding or whatever you do with your free time.

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