The best handler ever since 2012: He is a gem
Name: Colin Gear
Email Address:
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: ColinG12
Preferred Method of Handling: I'm not sure but based on my division I'm gonna say FW Promo!
Best Way to Contact you: Any really, I'm on IM a lot and check e-mail and PMs like a crazy person type. I'm a contactable type.
Name: Phil Atken
Nicknames: YOUR Entertainment Saviour
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 213lbs
Handedness: Left
Looks: His body tone is not exactly pudgy but it's not in the best of conditions either, a mild case of the beer belly y'see. He has the most STUNNINGLY CUTE blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair to go along with it.
Hailing From: New York, New York by way of a cesspit
Disposition: Heelish Heel
Gimmick: Phil Atken has always been and will always be a man of very few talents and wrestling is certainly not on that long list of talents. All his victories have been tainted in one way or another, his title wins have been beyond gimmicky including one such event where he was just handed a company's world title while in other title defenses or victories he's used every gimmick match on the book to gain victory. Cages, ladders, street fights, anything but an actual straight up technical wrestling because "that technical groaping stuff is for fagbaskets". The reason he's managed to get his way with many of his matches is his personable style, he can kiss ass to the nth degree or piss off his bosses so much they will grant him anything he wishes so he'll just bugger off. He is at the heart of it, a talker not a fighter.
Ring Attire: A black robe with shiny gold trim, it's so shiny. Depending on levels of alcohol in his system, possibly a fedora.
Theme Music: "****in' in the Bushes" - Oasis
Ring Entrance: On Phil's way to the ring he used to dedicate his time to insulting the audience and complain about how actually having to wrestle was wasting his valuable time but after a while they just didn't let him have a mic as he made his way to the ring. Now he struts forward to the ring in the most cringe inducing strut you could imagine, yet it's still better than Jeff Jarrett's. He also tends to do a couple of fake-out shots at the ring side crowd and it is believed if legal he would pee on them. Apart from that it's a simple walk to the ring, then he stomps his way up the ring-steps before pivoting himself into the ring.
Cheating in the style of an 80's Ric Flair or Edge's current championship run. Anything to "win" even if it doesn't meaning winning. So long as it's a personal victory in Phil's book he doesn't care about the true record books outcome.
Incredible Ring Awareness - Knows the rules of wrestling like the back of his hand and knows how to twist them to his advantage. Also knows he to use the ropes and ring corners to his advantage when working over his opponents legs
Persistence - A firm believer in the "if first you don't succeed" mentality which has caused him to be a constant thorn in many a promotion's side. Will keep hammering on at something backstage and during in-ring promos if he believes he is in the right, which is incredibly often. Has managed to get title shots just from constant and consistent cheap shots at a champion during his mic time even if he wasn't even close to one prior.
Strategy - Always enters a match with a gameplan for quick victory and if he manages to get the plan into action straight away he often finds himself successful otherwise...
Strategy - If the game plan fails he's generally screwed and will look for a way to run away from the ring as quickly as possible in hopes to evade a boot being lodged up his sphincter.
Lack of True In-Ring Skill - While a master of the basics, if caught up in any sort of technical wrestling affair beyond the working over on the leg, he will be incredibly incredibly screwed. He will tap out to any submission holds in seconds due to incredibly low pain tolerance.
Personality - Phil has a tendency to offend anyone he comes in contact with, which causes unfortunate side-effects such as the federation that relegated him to changing in the janitor's closet after his informed one of the follow wrestler that his face caused him to be physically ill and he hoped to god he was a masked wrestler.
General Moves:
Hanging Verticle Suplex
Mule Kick
Low Blow
Twisting Spinebuster
Up and down leg stomping
Kicking to head
That move where you put the guys leg on the rope then dump your fat ass on to it, that one
Chop block
Leg Wrench
Sleeper Hold
Leg Lock
Entertainment Salvation - Indian Deathlock
Missle Dropkick
Top Rope DDT
Set-up: Shinbuster
Finisher: Humiliation - Figure Four
Snapmare > Kick to Head
Finisher Transition:
Will generally try to take his opponent down with a chop block or some form of weapon before working over the leg. Most of his attacks building up to a finish focus on the leg type area. Will trying to jump on it after a take down, the stomp down on it, wrench it, anything along these lines. He'll then if he can pick his opponent back up to hit him with a shinbuster but will keep hold of the leg to lock in the Humiliation.
So: Take down > Stompy McCrush > Shinbuster > FINISH HIM
Here's the brief one from the app though!:
Phil is a man who has had to strive for nothing in his life. He consistently believes he's well within his rights to demand anything he wishes from a company but has enough capacity to always try and twist things his way. Sadly his attitude only gave him success for so long, operating under inept ownerships he got his way and the companies folded while Phil headed to the top - apart from that one incident where a monkey took over a company and fired him. However back in 2005 his career took a nosedive he's yet to recover from.
Divide 120 Points between:
(Hint: Numbers ending in 0 and 5 minimizes your potential attack/defense values, try 1's and 6's)
Provide a 20-set movelist as follows:
1: Armbar
2: Leg wrench
3: Sleeper
4: Leg Lock
5: Snapmare
6: Kick to head
7: DDT
8: Hanging Verticle Suplex
9: Twisting Spinebuster
10: Low Blow
11: Mule Kick
12: Chop Block
13: That move where you put the guys leg on the rope then dump your fat ass on to it, that one
14: Leg Stompings
15: Thumb to eyes
16: Top Rope DDT
17: Missle Dropkick
18: Entertainment Salvation
19: Shinbuster
20: Humiliation
Name: Colin Gear
Email Address:
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: ColinG12
Preferred Method of Handling: I'm not sure but based on my division I'm gonna say FW Promo!
Best Way to Contact you: Any really, I'm on IM a lot and check e-mail and PMs like a crazy person type. I'm a contactable type.
Name: Phil Atken
Nicknames: YOUR Entertainment Saviour
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 213lbs
Handedness: Left
Looks: His body tone is not exactly pudgy but it's not in the best of conditions either, a mild case of the beer belly y'see. He has the most STUNNINGLY CUTE blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair to go along with it.
Hailing From: New York, New York by way of a cesspit
Disposition: Heelish Heel
Gimmick: Phil Atken has always been and will always be a man of very few talents and wrestling is certainly not on that long list of talents. All his victories have been tainted in one way or another, his title wins have been beyond gimmicky including one such event where he was just handed a company's world title while in other title defenses or victories he's used every gimmick match on the book to gain victory. Cages, ladders, street fights, anything but an actual straight up technical wrestling because "that technical groaping stuff is for fagbaskets". The reason he's managed to get his way with many of his matches is his personable style, he can kiss ass to the nth degree or piss off his bosses so much they will grant him anything he wishes so he'll just bugger off. He is at the heart of it, a talker not a fighter.
Ring Attire: A black robe with shiny gold trim, it's so shiny. Depending on levels of alcohol in his system, possibly a fedora.
Theme Music: "****in' in the Bushes" - Oasis
Ring Entrance: On Phil's way to the ring he used to dedicate his time to insulting the audience and complain about how actually having to wrestle was wasting his valuable time but after a while they just didn't let him have a mic as he made his way to the ring. Now he struts forward to the ring in the most cringe inducing strut you could imagine, yet it's still better than Jeff Jarrett's. He also tends to do a couple of fake-out shots at the ring side crowd and it is believed if legal he would pee on them. Apart from that it's a simple walk to the ring, then he stomps his way up the ring-steps before pivoting himself into the ring.
Cheating in the style of an 80's Ric Flair or Edge's current championship run. Anything to "win" even if it doesn't meaning winning. So long as it's a personal victory in Phil's book he doesn't care about the true record books outcome.
Incredible Ring Awareness - Knows the rules of wrestling like the back of his hand and knows how to twist them to his advantage. Also knows he to use the ropes and ring corners to his advantage when working over his opponents legs
Persistence - A firm believer in the "if first you don't succeed" mentality which has caused him to be a constant thorn in many a promotion's side. Will keep hammering on at something backstage and during in-ring promos if he believes he is in the right, which is incredibly often. Has managed to get title shots just from constant and consistent cheap shots at a champion during his mic time even if he wasn't even close to one prior.
Strategy - Always enters a match with a gameplan for quick victory and if he manages to get the plan into action straight away he often finds himself successful otherwise...
Strategy - If the game plan fails he's generally screwed and will look for a way to run away from the ring as quickly as possible in hopes to evade a boot being lodged up his sphincter.
Lack of True In-Ring Skill - While a master of the basics, if caught up in any sort of technical wrestling affair beyond the working over on the leg, he will be incredibly incredibly screwed. He will tap out to any submission holds in seconds due to incredibly low pain tolerance.
Personality - Phil has a tendency to offend anyone he comes in contact with, which causes unfortunate side-effects such as the federation that relegated him to changing in the janitor's closet after his informed one of the follow wrestler that his face caused him to be physically ill and he hoped to god he was a masked wrestler.
General Moves:
Hanging Verticle Suplex
Mule Kick
Low Blow
Twisting Spinebuster
Up and down leg stomping
Kicking to head
That move where you put the guys leg on the rope then dump your fat ass on to it, that one
Chop block
Leg Wrench
Sleeper Hold
Leg Lock
Entertainment Salvation - Indian Deathlock
Missle Dropkick
Top Rope DDT
Set-up: Shinbuster
Finisher: Humiliation - Figure Four
Snapmare > Kick to Head
Finisher Transition:
Will generally try to take his opponent down with a chop block or some form of weapon before working over the leg. Most of his attacks building up to a finish focus on the leg type area. Will trying to jump on it after a take down, the stomp down on it, wrench it, anything along these lines. He'll then if he can pick his opponent back up to hit him with a shinbuster but will keep hold of the leg to lock in the Humiliation.
So: Take down > Stompy McCrush > Shinbuster > FINISH HIM
Here's the brief one from the app though!:
Phil is a man who has had to strive for nothing in his life. He consistently believes he's well within his rights to demand anything he wishes from a company but has enough capacity to always try and twist things his way. Sadly his attitude only gave him success for so long, operating under inept ownerships he got his way and the companies folded while Phil headed to the top - apart from that one incident where a monkey took over a company and fired him. However back in 2005 his career took a nosedive he's yet to recover from.
Divide 120 Points between:
(Hint: Numbers ending in 0 and 5 minimizes your potential attack/defense values, try 1's and 6's)
Provide a 20-set movelist as follows:
1: Armbar
2: Leg wrench
3: Sleeper
4: Leg Lock
5: Snapmare
6: Kick to head
7: DDT
8: Hanging Verticle Suplex
9: Twisting Spinebuster
10: Low Blow
11: Mule Kick
12: Chop Block
13: That move where you put the guys leg on the rope then dump your fat ass on to it, that one
14: Leg Stompings
15: Thumb to eyes
16: Top Rope DDT
17: Missle Dropkick
18: Entertainment Salvation
19: Shinbuster
20: Humiliation